I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 380 Final Pre-War Mobilization

Chapter 380 Final Pre-War Mobilization
In this way, Liu Ju and the generals on this trip reached a temporary consensus.

Zhao Po Nu still didn't realize that he was being sidelined.

On the one hand, it was because Liu Ju, a full-level human, exuded extraordinary personal charm in his every move, which made people unconsciously more inclined to believe him.

On the other hand, it was because of Liu Ju's status as a prince. If others were to give orders to him as the commander-in-chief, he would naturally have many thoughts in his mind and would never let it go.

But Prince Liu Ju was a true member of the royal family. At least before the emperor appointed a new crown prince, he was still the eldest prince, second only to the emperor himself. Even if he was only a guard, his status was naturally higher than that of the minister Zhao Po Nu, so naturally the feeling of being sidelined and having his power seized would not be very strong.

And the most important thing is.

Liu Ju's "circle and kick" strategy was in the interests of him and all the generals present.

Who in the world doesn’t want to be granted a title of nobility or become a general?
Especially for him who had made meritorious contributions after being convicted of a crime, regaining the title of nobility was his ultimate goal in this battle. Otherwise, after leading his troops to the Xiong River a few days ago and returning empty-handed, he would not be able to accomplish merits worthy of being granted a nobility title this time. The emperor would probably be disappointed in him. Would he give him a third chance?

Now Liu Ju has clarified Your Majesty's strategic goals, and this "circle and kick" strategy was proposed by Liu Ju. If any problems really arise, Liu Ju will be the first to take responsibility. There is no reason to hesitate. Wouldn't that be unfair to yourself?
That's what he thought.

Naturally, other generals had similar thoughts.

It is of strategic significance to conquer Loulan first, and making the surrounding countries along the way surrender first is a step-by-step approach. In any case, it is safer than crossing three countries and the uninhabited Gobi Desert to forcibly attack Gushi.

Otherwise, if the attack on Gushi fails, Loulan’s achievements will be wiped out.

Then why not follow Liu Ju's "circle and kick" strategy and advance step by step? In this way, even if the plan to attack Gushi was delayed, it would not be considered a fault if there was no success. Instead, there would be more credit for making other small countries surrender, which would be a good thing in any case.

But how could they know?

Liu Ju's move was exactly to imitate the military genius Han Xin - to win people over with strategy.

When Han Xin was first appointed general, almost no one believed him, so the first strategy he used was to "repair the plank road openly and march through Chencang in secret."

At that time, Hanzhong was still a cold and bitter place. When Liu Bang withdrew to Hanzhong, many soldiers were unwilling to follow him. During that period, many people betrayed and fled. However, Han Xin's plan led the Han army soldiers out of the cold and bitter place and back to the rich area of ​​​​Three Qin. This was in the interests of almost everyone. From then on, the three armies were united and could be used as one.

Liu Ju proposed the "circle kick" strategy at this time, which was based on the same principle.

However, there is another necessary condition to truly convince the public.

That is, Han Xin finally led the Han army out of Hanzhong, and Liu Ju also had to make his "circle and kick" strategy work, so that Zhao Po Nu and other generals could really get a piece of the pie that had been drawn up, even if it was only a small piece.

So, this was Loulan’s first battle.

This is not only a battle for the Han Dynasty to establish its prestige, but also a battle for Liu Ju to establish his prestige. He must fully demonstrate his abundant martial virtues!

The next day, it was dinner time again.

Liu Ju did not show up at the Jianzhang camp on time today to have dinner with the eight hundred Jianzhang cavalry.

After several months of traveling, the Jianzhang cavalry had become accustomed to his friendly and casual personality. Just when they were wondering why Liu Ju did not come today, Liu Ju arrived late with Guo Zhen and more than a dozen personal soldiers.

"Stand up."

Facing the gazes of the Jianzhang cavalry, he said to Guo Zhen.

It was only then that the Jianzhang cavalry discovered that one of Liu Ju's personal soldiers behind him was carrying a different flag.

The so-called ya flag is also called the general's flag. During the war, the flag bearer must always be with the general.

This flag represents the soul and spirit of the entire army. As long as the Ya flag does not fall, the well-trained army will not disperse... and among the three major merits of being the first to climb the mountain, beheading the general, and capturing the flag, the flag is captured.


Guo Zhen responded and ordered his personal soldiers to erect the flag in the Jianzhang cavalry camp.

A breeze blew by, and the flag fluttered in the wind. The Jianzhang cavalry then discovered that there was an image of a strange beast on the flag, whose identity was unknown.

"Your Highness, what kind of beast is this?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

"Good question!"

Liu Ju was just waiting for someone to ask, so he smiled and said,
"This beast is called Bai Lin. Do you know anything about Bai Lin?"

"Please give us your instructions, Your Highness." Everyone looked curious.

"A few years ago, someone discovered the white unicorn and presented it to my father. My father regarded it as a good omen and the next year ordered Marquis Jing Huan (Huo Qubing) to attack Hexi, which is where we are now."

Liu Ju said seriously,

"From then on, the Xiongnu only sang a sad song: "Without Mount Qilian, my livestock have ceased to thrive; without Mount Yanzhi, my married women have lost face."

"Then I would like to ask you all...where did Marquis Jing Huan join the army?"


The Jianzhang cavalry were startled by Liu Ju's sudden turn. It took them a long time to react before someone loudly answered Liu Ju's question.
"It's our Jianzhang Camp, right?"


Liu Ju said again,

"Then let me ask you again, where did General Wei come from to join the army?"

"It's Jianzhang Camp!"

The Jianzhang cavalry answered again.

At this point, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

No one had ever mentioned this matter before, but now that Liu Ju brought it up, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing were not only the two pillars of the Han Dynasty and the pride of the Han Dynasty, but also the shining pearls that came out of the Jianzhang Camp.

As soldiers of the Jianzhang Camp, how could these Jianzhang cavalry not feel proud of this?

Liu Ju said:

"Not bad!"

"When General Wei first arrived at the Jianzhang Camp, he was just a riding slave in the Princess's mansion."

"When Marquis Jing Huan first arrived at Jianzhang Camp, he was just a young boy."

"Both the great Han dynasty's two greatest beauties came from Jianzhang Camp. What does this mean?"

"This shows that Jianzhang Camp is a holy land where talented generals emerge in large numbers and the cradle of famous generals of the Han Dynasty. You have received the same training and education as General Wei and Marquis Jing Huan. What General Wei and Marquis Jing Huan can do, I believe some of you can also do."

"Maintain troops for a thousand days and deploy them for a day."

"Now my father is not picky about talents. He ordered you to come for this battle in the hope of selecting useful talents from among you."

"Whether you return home with honor and glory, or live a life of mediocrity, is entirely up to you."

"Today I am presenting you with this Bailin flag that belongs exclusively to Jianzhang Camp. I hope you will live up to the name of Jianzhang Camp, this Bailin flag, my father's expectations, and even more so, yourselves."

"I am waiting to submit a petition to ask for merit for you!"

They were already approaching Yumen Pass. This was Liu Ju's final pre-war mobilization, intended to inspire their desire to make achievements and their sense of collective honor, which was also the main source of morale for an army.

"Anyone who openly offends a strong man will be killed no matter how far away!"

Someone suddenly shouted something, and for a moment the entire military camp was filled with excitement and the shouts shook the sky.

at this time.


A messenger of Zhao Po Nu ran into the camp in a hurry. He was frightened by the thunderous morale and paused for a moment. He even took a step back subconsciously.

After figuring out what was going on, he sighed inwardly:
"As expected of the most elite Jianzhang Cavalry, their morale is as high as if they had taken epimedium..."

Then he quickly came behind Liu Ju and reported to Liu Ju through Guo Zhen and his personal soldiers:

"Your Highness, General Zhao has sent me here to report that a young woman who claims to be Han Ling, the daughter of Andaohou Mansion, has come to the camp and wants to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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