I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 40 Do you want to be the crown prince?

Chapter 40 Do you want to be the crown prince?

"That being said... I'm afraid this is the only way to deal with this matter."

Liu Zhao held Wei Zifu's hand and patted her twice to comfort her.

The Han Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety.

Even though he knew that the historian's move was an attempt to shirk responsibility, he still turned down the prince's marriage.

But the historians used the word "filial piety" to justify the reason, so that even if Wei Zifu was very angry, she could not lose her temper over this matter...

Unless Liu Che was willing to make decisions for Liu Ju and find other excuses to attack Prince Lu or the historians.

"What the elder sister said is true. It is the younger sister who is too concerned and confused."

Wei Zifu also realized that she had lost her composure and adjusted her expression.

Liu Zhao pondered for a moment, then said helplessly:
"Sister, there are some things that I cannot say, but you should know even if I don't tell you."

"Now this marriage is not a big deal. If the world does not have his daughter, won't others marry and have children?"

"So... the most important thing now is Juer."

"I won't hide it from you. Because of what happened to me, your brother, who is now a general, has not eaten or slept for several nights. He has been sitting in his study all day, sighing and groaning. He has become very thin."

"If this continues, it won't work."

Wei Zifu naturally knew what Liu Zhao was talking about better than anyone else, but she could only say with a sad face:

"My sister is no exception, but now it has come to this... The incident of destroying the dike and flooding the fields should have been a thing of the past, but Your Majesty suddenly did this again. My sister doesn't even know what went wrong, and she doesn't even know how to remedy it."

"Why don't we ask Huo Guang?"

Liu Zhao suddenly thought of something and said, "Huo Guang is also half-nephew of you and Wei Qing, and is also a close minister to your Majesty. Perhaps he knows something?"

Upon hearing this, Wei Zifu's heart instantly became alert, her eyes moved slightly, and she said calmly:

"Sister, you don't know that after Qubing passed away, without this connection, Huo Guang no longer recognized Wei Qing and me. He never came to visit us, and he never even called us aunt and uncle."

"Huo Guang is so heartless?"

Liu Zhao was a little surprised.

"Even His Majesty knows this, but it is understandable. Huo Guang and Qubing are half-brothers, and Huo Zhongru did not marry my second sister, so he has no blood relationship or affection with us."

Wei Zifu looked helpless, shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Liu Zhao frowned and said, "Then there is no other way. Or you can send someone to ask Juer. I'm afraid he is the only one who can explain the matter clearly."

"If Juer knew, we wouldn't have come to this point."

Wei Zifu still smiled bitterly.

Having said this, Liu Zhao finally fell silent.

After that, he comforted Wei Zifu for a while before saying goodbye and leaving the Pepper Room.

It was only then that Wei Zifu raised her head and looked towards the direction of Bowang Garden, slightly releasing the worry and confusion in her heart:

"Juer, Juer."

"Huo Guang sent a secret letter saying that your father was furious at Bowang Garden that day and threatened to depose you."

"What outrageous words did you say to cause such a disaster? You are trying to kill your mother and your uncle, my ancestors..."


A few days later, Zhu Muyuan.

He also came with a grand fanfare in a chariot with six golden roots, just like when he went to Liu Ju's Bowang Garden a few days ago.

Liu Che got off the car at the door as usual and walked into the gate surrounded by a group of eunuchs, close ministers and warriors.

But it's different from last time.

After Liu Che met Liu Hong this time, what was presented to everyone was no longer the forced conversation and hard communication that was so embarrassing that one could dig out a Jianzhang Palace with one's toes.

It is the true sense of a loving father and a filial son, a friendly father and a respectful son.

Of course, the Jianzhang Palace had not yet been built at that time, so Liu Che still had to work harder.

Liu Che did not ask Liu Hong to take him to visit the living quarters, but went straight into the living room.

But this time it was still a private chat between father and son only.

"Hong'er, tell me honestly, did you really create this Tianlu Box?"

The words of a loving father and a filial son had already been said outside. Liu Che looked at his second son who was only twelve years old and chose to release his aura and get straight to the point.

He felt that this matter was doubtful...

Liu Hong immediately felt the pressure, his face turned slightly pale, but he lowered his head and insisted:
"To answer Father's question, yes."

"It doesn't matter if it's not yours. If I say it's yours, then it's yours. But if you lie to me, then you're deceiving the emperor."

Liu Che exerted further pressure.

"In reply to your Majesty, the Tianlu Box was indeed my invention!"

Liu Hong was a little timid, but he remembered Liu Ju's instructions. He immediately raised his head and gritted his teeth. His tone became more certain, but because of nervousness, his phoenix eyes turned slightly red.
"Although I was sent to Qi when I was young, I have always wanted to share my father's worries. I will be satisfied just to get a word of praise from him, even if it's just a smile from him."

"I never thought that now that I have finally done something, I would be so doubted by you, father. Does your father look down on me so much?"

These words were naturally taught by Liu Ju.

However, I only taught the first half of the sentence in order to recall the fatherly love that might still exist.

As for the second half of the question, it was Liu Hong's free expression. He was nervous and his courage was inspired by his brotherly friendship with Liu Ju.

Or it can be said to be a guilty bluff.

If Liu Ju were here, he would probably give a thumbs up after hearing these words.

This is definitely an exceptional performance, my little brother!


After hearing this, especially seeing Liu Hong's slightly red eyes, Liu Che fell into silence and self-blame.

What kind of father am I?
When this son was still young, he was sent thousands of miles away and he had not seen him for many years.

But this son always remembers me and is eager to help me share my worries and solve my problems.

How can I feel at ease with such sincere filial piety?
I am still...

Alas - I also have feelings, how could I doubt Hong'er who has made great contributions?

Liu Ju and I have become alienated from each other and he has often spoken rudely to me. Am I going to become alienated from the well-behaved and sensible Hong'er as well?
Thinking of this, Liu Che suddenly grasped Liu Hong's shoulders and embraced him lovingly: "Hong'er, I believe in you. You are my favorite son. How could I not believe in you?"

"Thank you, Father. I was wronged just now and was a little reckless..."

"No need to say more. Why do you and I need to say this?"

Seeing Liu Hong’s statement, Liu Che felt even warmer and more relieved.

He couldn't help but think of Liu Ju again.

Liu Ju would not say these heartwarming words, especially recently, every word he said was diametrically opposed to him, even hurtful!

Now that I think about it...

Not only recently, even in the past, Liu Ju might have been secretly disobeying him, otherwise how could he have recruited those treacherous ministers and rebels?

But recently, he decided not to pretend anymore!

That's it!
That must be it!

This traitor!

Liu Che's chest rose and fell uncontrollably, and his arms around Liu Hong tightened. He asked impulsively:

"Hong'er, if I teach you to be the crown prince, would you be willing?"

(End of this chapter)

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