I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 400: Insidious! Watertight and insidious!

Chapter 400: Insidious! Watertight and insidious!


Seeing that Wang Hui agreed readily and Su Wu remained silent, which was tantamount to tacitly agreeing to Liu Ju's decision, Dongfang Yu, the only one left, felt that his situation became even more difficult.

After all, no matter what, Wang Hui was the General of the Central Army.

Although Su Wu was mainly responsible for the marriage alliance on this trip, he also held the military rank of General of the Central Army and, like him, held the emperor's scepter.

Both of them obeyed Liu Ju's orders.

He was just an usher holding the emperor's scepter... Compared with these two men, his official position was slightly inferior. The only thing he could rely on was that he was someone close to the emperor.

However, if the memorial that Liu Ju just mentioned were submitted, it would be unknown whether he could continue to stay by the emperor's side, and he might even be held accountable for it.

After all, due to the inconvenience of communication, it was common for Han generals and envoys to make adjustments based on actual conditions. It was not completely impossible to temporarily use him as the emperor's envoy.

Otherwise, if everything had to wait for Emperor Wu's imperial edict, many things would have been wasted, especially in the face of the ever-changing military situation.

Even if it was a correction, as long as it did not threaten the imperial power and achieved good results, the emperor would only give a charge of "correction without harm" and would not care about it afterward after just a few words of reprimand.

Therefore, Liu Ju's threat was not without reason. As soon as he submitted this memorial, he forcibly linked Dongfang Yu with the success or failure of the war.

If he doesn't participate.

If you succeed, you will certainly gain no credit, and you may even be considered a coward by the emperor.

And if he failed, he might also incur the emperor's wrath.

Until then.

Liu Ju and others were still in the Western Regions, beyond the reach of the emperor.

As a messenger returning to Chang'an to report, he had to bear the brunt of the attack.

This is a lose-lose situation for him. He is the only one who has lost twice in a row. Who can he turn to for justice?

Damn it, why didn’t I see earlier that Liu Ju was such a bastard? He’s like a dog-skin plaster, once it sticks to you, you can’t tear it off, otherwise you will lose a layer of skin.

The most important thing is that he dared to say it in public. Was he afraid that these generals didn't know how shameless he was?

Look how scared Wang Hui was. He agreed so quickly. He must have been afraid that Liu Ju would use the same conspiracy against him, so he decisively drank the toast.

good good!
Deposed Crown Prince, this is how you play, right? You’ve been cruel this time!
We'll just have to wait and see. When this matter is over and I return to the capital, don't blame me for finding an opportunity to speak ill of you in front of the emperor. Our country will remain unchanged forever!

Cursing in his heart, Dongfang Yu hesitated for only two seconds before changing his face and bowing to Liu Ju:
"Since this matter concerns military and national affairs, I have no choice but to sacrifice my life to accompany you. I am willing to follow your instructions."

"That's great. Master Dongfang is very wise. Please accept my greeting."

Liu Ju welcomed him with open arms and didn't care what Dongfang Yu had in mind.

Anyway, he will definitely let Dongfang Yu return with a great achievement in the end, and then this guy will only be grateful to himself for giving him such an opportunity.

The local specialties of the Western Regions are achievements!
The most important thing is that Loulan was just a trial. Now that he has the full support of Liu Che, he can let go and do a big job.

When it comes to accomplishing big things, manpower is naturally the top priority.

He still lacks the manpower under his command. Zhao Po Nu needs to control the real arrow military exercises, Sima Qian needs to assist as the military supervisor, and Han Zeng is responsible for the current military farming and garrisoning in Loulan. Even Guo Zhenhe's personal soldiers have other arrangements.

Under such circumstances, there was not enough manpower to gather three capable envoys, so Dongfang Yu had to be captured as a soldier.

In the past two days, Liu Ju has even ordered people to go to Yumen Pass to pick up Han Ling.

Although he did not intend to send Han Ling as an envoy, this girl was smart, and it would be a good idea for her to cooperate with Han Zeng in implementing the garrison in Loulan. She would definitely be able to stabilize this important fulcrum for leveraging the entire Western Region. …

Day three.

Wang Hui, Su Wu and Dongfang Yu each led a delegation and set off.

Because Su Wu had no experience in diplomatic missions, he was sent by Liu Ju to the weakest Shan State.

Wang Hui went to the Yuli State, which was stronger than the Shan State.

Dongfang Yu was entrusted with an important task by Liu Ju and was sent to Yanqi, the most powerful of the Three Kingdoms, where the Huns had stationed a servant commander.

After learning of this decision, Dongfang Yu really couldn't help himself this time and went straight to Liu Ju and started cursing.

He really had reason to suspect that Liu Ju was imitating Tian Ji's horse racing, that kind of misaligned game of inferior horses against superior horses, and superior horses against inferior horses... and he was the inferior horse against the superior horse. He was abandoned by Liu Ju when he set out, and he didn't even think of letting him come back alive, so as not to give him the opportunity to say bad things to Liu Che after returning to Beijing.


So insidious and watertight!
"How can the Eastern Herald judge a gentleman's heart with the meanness of a villain's belly?"

Liu Ju just wiped the spit from his face and said with a smile,

"Wang Hui and Sun Wu are on a diplomatic mission to Yuli and Shan, and they are responsible for all matters. You are entrusted with an important mission this time, and I have made arrangements in advance to send my Xianma and personal soldiers to escort you all the way. How can you say that I am deliberately harming you? Can I harm Xianma and personal soldiers who have followed me for many years?"

So even though Dongfang Yu had many dissatisfactions and resentments in his heart.

He was still "escorted" by Guo Zhen and dozens of his personal soldiers on the road, with no room for resistance. He felt as if he had been kidnapped...

He could say responsibly that Liu Ju was definitely a more difficult person in the world than his father Dongfang Shuo, who would die in a woman's belly sooner or later.

Although Dongfang Shuo was eloquent and had a lot of fallacies, he often used filial piety to force him to submit.

But Liu Ju was the real monster who chewed bones and was bloodthirsty... Perhaps the emperor abolished his position as crown prince and threw him into this desolate place to open up wasteland because he couldn't stand this monster?

Fortunately, the mission of this mission was not complicated.

Liu Ju only asked him to try to persuade the King of Yanqi to submit to the Han Dynasty. If that failed, he would also invite the King of Yanqi to watch the live arrow military exercise scheduled to be held at the common border of the three countries in 20 days.

According to Liu Ju, this task was not difficult at all and there was no risk to life at all.

Because ten years ago, when Huo Qubing crossed the Yanqi Mountain within the Yanqi Kingdom and took away the golden man for offering sacrifices to the sky from the Xiongnu King Xutu during the Battle of Hexi, the Yanqi King had already surrendered to the Han Dynasty and became a vassal. It's just that the Han Dynasty did not interfere in the Western Regions in recent years, and the power of the Xiongnu Right Wise King infiltrated in again... At least now, the Yanqi King is still afraid of the Han Dynasty.

So ten days later, Dongfang Yu led his troops to Yuanqu City, the capital of the Yanqi Kingdom.

As expected, Dongfang Yu was personally received by the King of Yanqi. Although he did not immediately decide to surrender to the Han Dynasty, he agreed to send an envoy to watch the real arrow military exercise on time.

Everything seemed to be going very smoothly, and Dongfang Yu felt that he could almost go back and report.

However that night.

In a corner outside Yuanqu City, flames rose into the sky and screams were heard.

"Guo Zhen! Guo Zhen! Where are all the people?"

Dongfang Yu, who was sleeping in his clothes, soon noticed the unusual movements in the city. He quickly picked up the weapon beside his pillow and went to the courtyard to inquire about the situation.

However, outside the door there were only a few of his own soldiers who had come with him to convey the imperial edict. There was no sign of Guo Zhen and the dozens of the princes' personal soldiers who were sent by Liu Ju to protect him.

Several guards were also somewhat uneasy and answered carefully:
"Master, Guo Xianma said that the King of Yanqi entertained you today, so there shouldn't be any more trouble. So he led his soldiers to drink and play..."

(End of this chapter)

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