I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 430: Master's shocking victory!

Chapter 430: Master's shocking victory!

"This, this, this..."

After hearing Zhao Qian's announcement, Dongfang Yu stood there in a daze. His lower lip kept trembling and he could only utter a word that had no practical meaning.

In this edict, Emperor Liu Che had not explicitly conferred him a title of nobility, but directly conferred him the title of "Xiu Yi Zhi Zhi".

Then he was ordered to stay by Liu Ju's side and act on behalf of the emperor. His most important task was to ensure Liu Ju's safety, and to bring Liu Ju back safely from Gushi Kingdom at all costs, all the way back to Yumen Pass, and return to Beijing with Liu Ju to report.

As for the war in Gushi State, Liu Che stated in the edict that he did not need to worry about it.

Regardless of victory or defeat, regardless of losses, regardless of opportunities or consequences, all he had to do was bring Liu Ju back safely. The rest had nothing to do with him.

In addition, Liu Che also mentioned a situation in the edict.

If Liu Ju was in a disadvantageous position in the battle of Gushi and could not return smoothly... The statement here is rather implicit. In fact, the general meaning is that if Liu Ju was besieged by the Xiongnu army or even captured by the Xiongnu... he would be authorized to immediately organize an envoy as an "Xiuyi Zhizhi" to go to the Xiongnu to negotiate with the Xiongnu Chanyu. As long as Liu Ju could be rescued, any conditions would be agreed to, including the Han Dynasty re-establishing peace with the Xiongnu.


Dongfang Yu felt that his brain was no longer working at this moment.

What exactly is going on?

He was clearly just an imperial messenger at first, but when he arrived in the Western Regions, he became an envoy to the Kingdom of Yanqi, then to Qiuci, and now he has directly become the Xiongnu? !

Others are racking their brains to find a shortcut to promotion.

Why did he take a shortcut to his own death? He only went on three missions, but the difficulty increased exponentially each time, and the responsibilities he shouldered became heavier each time...

Besides, would ordinary people go to the Huns?
Dongfang Yu served Emperor Wu of Han in the palace for so many years, and the relationship between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu had never been good. Even though there had been no major war for nearly ten years since the Battle of Mobei, envoys from both sides had actually been in contact all the time.

Among the envoys who came and went, Liu Che, as the victorious party, had a tough attitude, while the Xiongnu Chanyu was unable to get over his past strength and was unwilling to compromise.

Therefore, there are countless examples of both sides detaining and beheading envoys, and more than half of the envoys never return...

the most important is.

Dongfang Yu still didn't understand the meaning of Liu Che's edict to him. When he left Loulan overnight, wasn't Liu Ju leading his troops to attack Gushi? How did he get involved with the Huns again?

So it went on like this for a long time.

Dongfang Yu finally regained some consciousness, and asked in confusion:
"Brother Zhao, I am very confused by your Majesty's edict. Why did your Majesty decide that your Majesty's teacher was not doing well in the war, and why did he bring up the Xiongnu?"

"Brother Dongfang has just returned from the Western Regions and doesn't know what happened yet?"

Zhao Qian looked at Dongfang Yu with some confusion, and then he understood what was going on. He then put down his staff, put his arm around Dongfang Yu's shoulders and asked him to sit down beside him, and said in a low voice,
"It seems that Brother Dongfang has missed an important event. His Majesty's other edict is about this matter."

"What happened?"

Dongfang Yu was even more confused.

"Brother Dongfang is not an outsider. Now that you are directly pointed out by Xiu Yi, I will not hide it from you."

Zhao Qian said solemnly,

"Recently, Your Majesty suddenly received an urgent report from Jiuquan County, saying that the Xiongnu Right Riju King learned that the Han army had sent troops to attack Gushi, and suddenly gathered 20,000 cavalry to rush to the rescue. When the Jiuquan County governor sent this urgent report, the Xiongnu may have already sent troops, and when this urgent report reached Chang'an, the Xiongnu army may have already reached Gushi. Now..." "Now no one knows how the battle in Gushi is going, but after receiving the urgent report, Your Majesty immediately summoned the ministers of the inner court. Only a few hours later, most of Chang'an was mobilized. It seems that they plan to send General Wei to lead the troops to rescue. However, due to the suddenness of the matter, they still need to urgently mobilize troops and allocate food and military supplies, so they cannot set out immediately."

"From this, it can be seen that His Majesty is not optimistic about this battle at all and is worried about the safety of the eldest prince..."

"Is there such a thing?"

Hearing this, Dongfang Yu's face turned pale and his brows knitted into knots.

"Your Majesty will naturally not be optimistic about this battle. I knew in Loulan that although Your Highness has more than 30,000 troops going west through Yumen Pass, there are only a few thousand cavalrymen at your disposal, perhaps only 3,000 or 4,000. The rest are mostly infantrymen, and they are mainly soldiers from counties and states. How can they compete with 20,000 Xiongnu cavalrymen?"

"This time I finally understand the meaning of His Majesty's edict. His Majesty is worried that the eldest prince has been defeated or even captured. He ordered me to find a way to rescue the eldest prince, even at the cost of compromising with the Xiongnu, who have been strong all their lives, and marrying him!"

Zhao Qian nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, yes, that's what I guess."

"In that case, how can I delay any longer? Brother Zhao, I won't say any more to you. I'll leave first!"

Dongfang Yu hadn't even sat down for a while when he stood up and walked out quickly.

"Where are you going, Brother Dongfang?"

Zhao Qian asked.

"Turn back, go through Yumen Pass, go to Loulan Gu Shi, and bring the eldest prince back at all costs!"

Dongfang Yu didn't even look back, and walked out with the determination of a hero who would never return.

Liu Ju was indeed not a good person. He had cheated Dongfang Yu in the Western Regions more than once. Even though Liu Ju did help him achieve a great achievement in the end, Dongfang Yu still had some resentment towards Liu Ju in his heart.

But this did not hinder Dongfang Yu's determination to bring Liu Ju back safely, even at the cost of his own treasure.

The courage, determination, vision and wisdom Liu Ju displayed in the Western Regions were admirable. Dongfang Yu not only felt inferior to him, but also admired him from the bottom of his heart.

It is a blessing for the Han Dynasty to have such a prince.

Dongfang Yu privately thought that if there was anyone in the current dynasty who could conquer the Western Regions, it would probably be only Liu Ju!
"Brother Dongfang, why are you so anxious? What is going to happen must have happened by now. Whether it is us or General Wei, even if we fly over, it will probably be a case of closing the fold after the sheep have been bolted."

Zhao Qian couldn't help but give him some advice. It was already late in the day and Dongfang Yu hadn't even eaten a bite of food since he entered the government inn. Even if he was in a hurry, he shouldn't be in such a hurry.

Dongfang Yu, however, asked the official at the post station to change his horse while shaking his head and saying:
"Brother Zhao, you don't know the ability of the eldest prince. The Xiongnu may not be able to do anything to him now. If I go one day earlier, perhaps I can prevent the situation from getting worse one day earlier..."

But he only said half of the words.

"Master, you have won a great victory! Master, you have won a great victory!"

Several fast riders rushed into the official post with loud and passionate shouts, urging them to hurry up.

"Where is the postmaster? Change the horses! Change the horses for us quickly! This amazing victory is enough to teach us to run for ten days without sleep, and we don't feel tired at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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