I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 436 What is a beacon of civilization?

Chapter 436 What is a beacon of civilization?
Wei Qing knew the news of Gu Shi's stunning victory earlier than Liu Che.

After all, the messenger cavalry shouted all the way back to Chang'an from Gushi. Although it was impossible to pass the message to everyone, every official post along the way must have been the first to receive the news.

Wherever Wei Qing arrived, he would naturally send people to the official post station to inquire whether there was any news sent back from the front line.

Therefore, when he just arrived in Zhangye, he had already confirmed that Liu Ju was not only safe and sound, but had also achieved an unimaginable victory.

However, Wei Qing did not immediately lead his troops back to the capital to report. He just stopped the forced march day and night and continued to march normally towards Yumen Pass while waiting for Liu Che's edict.

If Liu Che sent people to chase him back, he would turn back.

If Liu Che did not send anyone, it probably meant that he wanted him to go to Yumen Pass to confirm the situation and return to the court with Liu Ju.

In this way we arrived at Yumen Pass.

Wei Qing also did not meet Liu Ju, who was supposed to return to the capital.

When the commander of Yumen Pass was summoned for questioning, it was learned that, apart from Han Zeng, who was stationed in Loulan State and sent people back to transport supplies, no troops had returned to the pass recently, and there was no news of any imminent return.

Wei Qing was puzzled, so he continued to lead his troops out of the pass and headed straight for the Kingdom of Loulan.

When they got there, they discovered that Liu Ju had actually ordered people to open up a simple road in the desert and Gobi between Yumen Pass and Loulan Kingdom.

This road is naturally very different from the highways within the Han territory.

However, there were signposts along the way, even in the pile of white dragons where even birds couldn't survive, there were signposts indicating the direction and the nearest oasis, and even the precautions to take during the journey were written on the signposts.

But there is nothing wrong with this.

After all, the Han army is the largest group traveling between Yumen Pass and Loulan Kingdom. Whether it is for transporting food and supplies or for sending messages, such a road is needed to prevent people from going astray.

As a result, Wei Qing's troops arrived in Loulan very smoothly, and what they saw was a scene that was more prosperous than they had imagined.

As a minister of the inner court, and the highest-ranking minister at that, he naturally had plenty of opportunities to meet the Han envoys on their mission to the Western Regions with Liu Che.

In the mouths of these Han envoys.

Although there are many small countries in the Western Regions, many of them are just barbarian tribes that rely on water sources and oases to survive, and some even still eat raw meat and drink blood. Not to mention compared with Chang'an, they are far behind even many small counties outside the Han Dynasty.

Among these small countries, Loulan should be considered relatively good, but even so, it is still far behind.

In addition, the city had just been breached by the Han cavalry and the king had been beheaded by Liu Ju. I think people must be in panic and everything will be affected, so the situation will naturally not be very good.

But that is not the case.

Perhaps it was because after Liu Ju repaired the road from Yumen Pass to Loulan Kingdom, more Han merchants began to travel back and forth.

Nowadays, there are many Han people coming and going in the Guanshi market outside the royal city. There are tea stalls, water shops, horse markets, camel markets, wine shops, etc. Although it is not crowded, it is still bustling and lively.

Even when he led the Han army into the city, the foreigners in Guanshi were not panicked when they saw him. Some even came up to solicit business, as if they were very familiar with the Han army.

After ordering someone to inform them, he soon met the siblings Han Zeng and Han Ling.

The result was found out only after asking.

After the Battle of Gushi, although Liu Ju temporarily returned to Loulan, he seemed to have no intention of returning to the capital. Instead, he sent more people as envoys to the west to promote his so-called "Western Alliance" to jointly fight against the threat of the Huns.

After Liu Ju stayed in Loulan for a few days, he led Guo Zhen and some of his personal soldiers to Qiuci...

"General, don't worry. According to His Highness, Kucha has now formed a strategic alliance with the Han Dynasty. There is no risk in this trip. He is only going to invite Kucha to become one of the first members of 'Western Alliance'."

Seeing Wei Qing's reaction, Han Zeng hurriedly stepped aside to comfort him.

After all, the person standing in front of him was the great general Sima.

Although they had lived in Chang'an together before, and Han Zeng's father, Han Shuo, was Wei Qing's old general, it was extremely difficult to see him on a daily basis due to his status as a general.

"NATO! What exactly is NATO?" Wei Qing was also helpless. After all, no one was here, and he couldn't take out his anger on Han Zeng and Han Ling.

One of these two people is now his nephew's wife, and the other is his nephew's uncle. In a sense, they are family members and the younger generation in the family.

"The general will understand after reading this manifesto."

Han Ling took out a scroll from the bookshelf nearby and placed it in front of Wei Qing with both hands.

This is none other than the manifesto written by Sima Qian according to Liu Ju's instructions and fully exerting his artistic talents.

In this manifesto, the author first denounced the Huns for their cruelty and cruelty in the Western Regions for more than a hundred years.

He also blamed the Xiongnu for Zhao Po Nu's massacre of the Gushi royal family and noble ministers, using it as an example to highlight the Xiongnu's cruelty and barbarity. He also spoke up for the countries in the Western Regions and called on them to unite to fight against the Xiongnu's hegemony.

The Battle of Gushi was then described as a just war in which the Han army and the people of Gushi united to resist invasion.

They even picked a man named Weizhi from the people of Gushi and described him as a typical example of a man whose parents, wife and children were all killed by the Huns, but who eventually rose up to resist the Huns' hegemony, avenged his relatives, made military achievements, and leaped from a slave to a general of Gushi.

In the Battle of Gushi, the Han army was not only invincible in killing the Huns, but also very caring for small animals.

Even in the midst of chaos, the Han army soldiers did not forget to save a litter of cats that had just given birth. They were full of awe for life and were truly the most adorable people.

In the end, of course, the benevolent are invincible, and the pure love warriors win.

The stunning record of the battle was enough to demonstrate the strength of the Han army. However, the cruel Huns were not invincible. As long as the countries in the Western Regions united, they were nothing but a group of chickens and dogs.

Therefore, the Han Dynasty called on the countries in the Western Regions to establish the "Western Region Treaty Organization" under the leadership of the Han Dynasty to fight against the Huns and jointly safeguard the interests of the Western Regions.

At the same time, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were proposed to resolve disputes within the peaceful framework of the "Western Region Treaty Organization" to ensure that both large and small countries have the right to survive and develop and become rich together...

"What a mess this is. Why is there a wild cat?"

From this manifesto, Wei Qing probably saw Liu Ju's intention. He planned to use the prestige and deterrence of the great victory at Gushi to eliminate the influence of the Xiongnu in the Western Regions in one fell swoop, and then have the Han Dynasty re-establish rules for the countries in the Western Regions.

This move is very clever and the intention is very sinister.

After all, aren’t the rule makers also the rulers?
At that time, within the framework of the "Western Region Treaty Organization", the Han Dynasty only needs to raise its arms and call, and may not even need to send troops to eliminate "unruly people or countries".

It's just that this statement is more high-sounding...

But can Liu Ju’s idea be realized?
What he could see, the Western Regions might not be unable to see...

Wei Qing could only say that before the great victory at Gushi, this goal would absolutely be impossible to achieve.

After the great victory of the Gushi Army, there were indeed some opportunities.

After all, rules have always been made by the strong. The Han Dynasty's great victory over the Huns has proved its strength in front of the countries in the Western Regions. Such a fact that is so close at hand has a far greater deterrent effect on the countries in the Western Regions than the Battle of Mobei that year.

What Liu Ju is planning is even bigger than your majesty's, and I'm afraid even your majesty has never thought of it...

With these in mind.

Combined with what Liu Ju did after arriving in the Western Regions, it seemed that every step was related. Wei Qing couldn't help but wonder if Liu Ju had a plan in advance?
This plan might have been formulated when he asked Emperor Liu Che for the title of King of Dunhuang. After he arrived in the Western Regions, he implemented it step by step. Each step was carried out in an orderly and intensive manner.

He not only wants to be the King of Dunhuang, but also intends to be the King of the Western Regions? !
So after the great victory of the Gu army, he did not return to the capital, but remained in the Western Regions?

Just as I was thinking about it.

Han Ling took over the conversation and said with a pleasing look:

"Your Highness deliberately added the wild cat incident into the manifesto. We were all a little confused, but Your Highness said that we were too honest and didn't understand what hypocrisy packaging meant and what a beacon of civilization meant."

(End of this chapter)

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