Chapter 454: One Thousand and One Nights


Wei Lu thought he had heard it wrong, and his heart was instantly in a mess.

What exactly is this situation?
After they had gone to the court of King Youxian to persuade him to surrender, Liu Ju and Wei Qing simultaneously sent troops to launch a surprise attack on the court of King Youxian. How could this be so confusing?

Didn’t Liu Ju know that doing this would put himself in danger?

Or was this Liu Ju's idea, to persuade Xianbi to surrender while sending troops to put pressure on him, forcing Xianbi to be unable to bear the pressure and eventually surrender to the Han Dynasty?

But isn't this harming yourself?

It would be fine if Xianbi was a soft-tempered person, and perhaps this matter would be accomplished. However, based on the current situation, Xianbi is obviously not such a person. He still looks like he is determined to fight the big man to the end, and he still looks like he is going to behead himself to teach the big man a lesson.

and many more!

The more Wei Lu thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Didn't Liu Ju previously tell him that Xian Bi had secretly contacted him and was ready to surrender to the Han Dynasty?
But looking at Xianbi now, does he have any intention of surrendering or compromising?
So is it true or false that Xianbi sent a secret envoy to contact Liu Ju?
While his mind was racing, several Hun warriors had already forcibly grabbed Wei Lu and dragged him out of the tent.

If they hadn't wanted his blood to pollute the Right Wise King's tent, they would have chopped off Wei Lu's head when Xian Bi gave the order.

However, Xianbi no longer had the time to pay attention to Wei Lu, and immediately said to the others beside him in a hurried tone:
"Generals, time is running out. Please pass the order immediately and notify all tribes to abandon their camps and evacuate. Take your valuable supplies and move north. If you encounter the Han army, flee in all directions and reunite at the Shanyu tribe's Zhaoxin City!"

When the outpost discovered the traces of the Han army, they were less than a hundred miles away from here. Now the outpost has sent back the news that the Han army is also on the march, and they are probably only a few dozen miles away from the royal court.

For the cavalry, it would be optimistic to say that they could complete the journey of dozens of miles in a few hours.

"My king, why don't you mobilize the troops and fight the Han army to the death? If we are defeated, we can escape at any time. If we flee without fighting, our already low morale will be even worse. If the Han army sets up an ambush on our retreat route, it will be even more difficult to deal with!"

A Hun general couldn't help but give advice.

Another Hun who was not wearing armor also advised:
"Moreover, the Han army is too close to us. If we flee in a hurry now, we can't take the large flocks of sheep with us, otherwise we will be caught up by the Han cavalry soon... The loss will be too great. I'm afraid that not only will some tribes who are reluctant to leave their sheep become disloyal, but when we reach the Chanyu's tribe, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain to him."

This person was none other than Yenisei, the King of Youguli of the Xiongnu.

In the entire right wing, Yenisei's status was second only to the Right Wise King, and the two were not in a subordinate relationship of superiors and subordinates. The two divided and ruled part of the areas and tribes of the right wing of the Xiongnu.

And what he said is indeed a big problem.

The Xiongnu were different from the Han people. They were composed of small tribes that were conquered one by one. Among them, the Shanyu tribe was the largest and most militarily powerful tribe of the Xiongnu, occupying the most fertile grassland area in the central part of the Xiongnu, followed by the left tribe, and then the right tribe.

The right area has less water and more mountains, as well as more desert areas, so the environment is not that good.

Therefore, in addition to daily grazing, they have always relied on sucking blood from the Western Regions to subsidize tax revenues.

It can be said that when the Right Wise King fled back to the Chanyu tribe in a hurry this time, what he lost was not just the right tribe. He also lost the fat piece of meat of the Western Region after the great victory in Gushi.

And this crime will definitely be added together and settled in the future...

"So according to you, what should we do now?" Xianbi said somewhat disappointedly. He knew that these two people wanted him to order a battle.

But the question is, can they, in such a hasty battle, resist the Han army of several thousand people who wiped out the 20,000 reinforcements of the right wing in Gushi and even captured Tiefu, the King of Yourizhu, alive?

Xianbi felt very insecure.

There has been no battle with the Han army for more than ten years. Now the tactics and combat effectiveness of the Han army seem to have improved a lot, and it even feels like they have been reborn, which makes him dare not underestimate them at all.

He ordered all tribes to abandon their camps and retreat in a hurry in order to preserve the strength of the right wing. This way, after the Han army left, the right wing of the Xiongnu would have a chance to make a comeback, and he would also be able to keep his position as the Right Wise King.

But now it seems that whether he withdraws or fights, it will be very disadvantageous for him, which is really a dilemma.

at this time.

Wei Lu, who had been escorted to the door by the Xiongnu warriors, struggled hard driven by the desire to survive, and quickly interrupted the others and shouted at the top of his lungs:
"Right Wise King, spare my life, I have a way to help you!"

"Since the prince of the Han Dynasty has put me in an unjust position, don't blame me for betraying the Han Dynasty. I will tell you everything I know... There is one thing that may allow the Right Wise King to make a contribution to offset the guilt of losing troops and territory, whether he retreats or flees in defeat!"

"Right Wise King, I can really help you, otherwise you might be finished!"

"Give me a chance, and give yourself a chance, this is a win-win situation, Right Wise King, spare my life!"

Hear these words.

Xianbi, who was in a dilemma, was finally moved. He stopped a few warriors who were escorting Wei Lu and waved his hand, saying:
"Let him go first and let him come over!"

"If you have anything to say, please speak quickly. I will only give you three breaths. If you deliberately delay or keep saying useless things, I will kill you in the tent without the need for warriors to do anything!"

While speaking, Xianbi had already drawn his sword as a threat.

Time was running out, and he only planned to give Wei Lu a few breaths to see if Wei Lu could seize this opportunity.

"Thank you, King Youxian!"

Wei Lu quickly broke free from the Xiongnu warriors and ran back. He simply knelt down in front of Xianbi with a plop, panting and saying,
"As I said before, the Han Dynasty has already formulated a strategy to destroy the Xiongnu nation and exterminate them. Now, we are attacking the Right Wise King through the Western Regions to implement this strategy. The Right Wise King has also seen the fierceness of the Han army, so there is no need for me to elaborate."

"Although I don't know the specific strategy, I accidentally heard the prince of the Han Dynasty blurt out a huge flaw in this strategy. I was about to report this flaw to the Right Wise King to show my determination and sincerity to surrender to the Xiongnu."

"If the Right Wise King can present this huge defect to the Chanyu, he will save the Xiongnu from danger. Such a merit will naturally offset the sin of losing troops and territory!"

Hearing this, Xianbi was dissatisfied with Wei Lu's nonsense, but he couldn't help but ask curiously:
"What flaw?"

"It's a long story. You Xian Wang, you should first decide whether to retreat or fight. We can discuss it privately after the battle. Anyway, I have fallen into the hands of You Xian Wang and cannot escape. The most important thing is what's happening right now."

Wei Lu glanced at the King of Youguli and the Xiongnu general standing beside him, and played One Thousand and One Nights meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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