I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 64 I am simply a genius

Chapter 64 I am simply a genius

Realizing this and having a request to the delegation, Qin naturally took Liu Ju seriously and did not dare to hide anything.

After listening to her narration, Liu Ju already had a concrete understanding in his mind.

The current situation of the Nanyue Kingdom is not much different from what is recorded in history books.

However, the Qin family and King Zhao Xing of Nanyue were not puppets, and their power was not completely hollowed out. At least Wang Ling still played a significant role in the Nanyue Kingdom, otherwise it would be impossible for him to send a letter to the Han Dynasty just to declare his allegiance.

However, as one of the three kings, Lu Jia naturally has a very high reputation and status in the country.

At least compared to the foreign queen mother, Qin, and the second son born to the foreign queen mother, Zhao Xing, "family members" like Lu Jia and the Lu family are definitely more popular in Nanyue.

In addition, over the years, the descendants of the Lu family have occupied many important positions in the court.

To the extent that the Lu family had a considerable say in many state affairs, Qin and Zhao Xing sometimes had to take the Lu family's ideas into consideration, or at least not do whatever they wanted.

At present, the contradictions between the two sides are on the surface.

Naturally, it was about submitting to the Han Dynasty and becoming a vassal state.

The existence of Lu Jia made the Qin clan, who were already helpless in the Nanyue Kingdom, feel very insecure.

Therefore, they wrote a letter to express that the Nanyue Kingdom was willing to become a vassal state of the Han Dynasty, and even wanted to take the opportunity of paying homage to Chang'an to return to the life of the Han Dynasty.

However, Lü Jia and the Lü family insisted on preventing this from happening, citing the national motto left by Zhao Tuo, the founder of the Nanyue Kingdom: "The King of Nanyue shall not come to the court to pay homage to the Emperor of Han."

This move is probably also for the benefit of the Lu family itself.

After all, once the Kingdom of Nanyue became a vassal state of the Han Dynasty, the King of Yue and the Queen Mother would remain the King and Queen Mother of Yue, but domestic officials would have to accept appointments from the Han court, and the status of the Lu family would naturally be lost.

"Among the officials who came to greet us today, which one is Lu Jia?"

After a brief pause, Liu Ju asked.

As one of the three kings' elders, Lü Jia must be quite old, and as prime minister he should also stand by the side of Qin Shi and Zhao Xing.

But today Liu Ju did not see an official old enough around Qin Shi and Zhao Xing.

"Lü Jia pretended to be ill today and did not come to greet Your Highness and the Han envoy."

Qin gritted her teeth and said indignantly, "Your Highness, I dare to assert that he is pretending to be sick. This is not taking Your Highness and the Han envoy seriously, and it is disrespectful to the Han people and Your Highness. Please make a wise judgment!"

Add fuel to the fire?

Liu Ju glanced at Qin.

It is not difficult to see that this Qin family is actually not a good person.

Just now, when she was describing the situation in the Kingdom of Nanyue, there were signs that she was exaggerating.

It is not necessarily true that he was loyal to the Han Dynasty, but it was true that he wanted to use the power of the Han Dynasty and the Han envoys to get rid of Lu Jia and the Lu family, and he was extremely eager to do so. To put it bluntly, it was more for his own interests.

However, Liu Ju still followed her wishes, smiled and said:
"It doesn't matter. He will come to see me soon."

"What are you going to do, Your Highness?"

Qin asked hurriedly.

"You and the King of Nanyue should issue a royal decree first, and issue it according to this."

Liu Ju took out a scroll of bamboo slips that had been written in advance from his sleeve and motioned to the prince's assistant Guo Zhen to take it and hand it to Qin Shi and Zhao Xing.

After Qin took the bamboo slip with both hands and unfolded it, her expression suddenly changed, and her eyes were full of confusion:
"One country, two policies? Martial arts title? Atonement order?"


The officials in the delegation had never seen the contents of the bamboo slips, and they all looked suspicious when they heard it.

Liu Ju smiled slightly and explained to everyone:

"The so-called one country, two policies means that although Nanyue has since become a vassal state of the Han Dynasty, in order to commend Nanyue for its loyalty in voluntarily submitting, the Han Dynasty has granted Nanyue the right to govern itself and appoint and dismiss domestic officials on the premise of abiding by Han laws, and the Han Dynasty will not interfere."

"But since we are a country, some policies still need to follow the rules of my father."

"For example, Wugong Jue..."

"It's nothing more than the system that my father had previously promulgated to allow the people to buy titles."

"There are eleven levels of martial arts nobility, and each level costs 170,000 coins."

"If you buy the fifth-level official title, you are eligible for an official position. Once the Nanyue royal court is short of officials, you must give priority to selecting from them." "If you buy the seventh-level thousand-man title, you can be exempted from corvée for life and be directly appointed as an official without selection. If you commit a crime, your crime can be reduced by two levels."

"In short, each level has different benefits. The higher you buy, the more benefits you will get."

"There is also a penance order, which, as the name suggests, means that if someone commits a crime, they can use money to atone for it."

"Speaking of which, Queen Mother Qin and the King of Nanyue didn't know about this system, but you should be very clear about it, right?"

While speaking, Liu Ju glanced sideways at the group of diplomatic officials sitting on the north side.


Everyone fell silent after hearing this.

What is the prince doing?!

Why did you bring your Majesty's system of military merit and pardon to the Kingdom of Nanyue?
Is this really a good thing?
Everyone present was not a fool. Everyone knew the disadvantages of these systems. Even Liu Che himself was very clear about it.

As the saying goes, once the sale of titles is opened, those who seek personal gain will be able to infiltrate the country, which is tantamount to opening the box of plague that leads to disorderly government and corrupt laws.

To put it bluntly.

In other words, Liu Che was not an ordinary person and was able to firmly control the situation. If it were someone else, he would have been very close to becoming a king who lost his country.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid..."

A moment later, a group of scholars and Confucian scholars led by Liang Cheng were ready to take action.

"Shut up, don't forget who risked his life to save you!"

Liu Ju glared and stopped them coldly, then looked sideways at Zhong Jun. Now was the time for him to show his talents.

"Zhongjun, please explain to me the benefits of my father's policies."

When saying the three words "my father", Liu Ju deliberately emphasized the tone.

This is the first step of his plan!
Don’t Qin and Lu Jia have their own interests?

Implementing "one country, two policies" is equivalent to letting both sides make concessions and responding to their respective interests. In this way, the contradiction between the two sides will not be as sharp as in history, and will not eventually lead to Lu Jia's rebellion.

In this way, the Kingdom of Nanyue would become a vassal state of the Han Dynasty in a peaceful manner.

The Han Dynasty no longer had to dispatch a large army to conquer the country, which resulted in countless casualties. It could only allow the Qiang people and the Xiongnu to take the opportunity to do whatever they wanted in the north.

As for the title of military merit and the order of pardon.

Anyone with insight can see that these two policies are foolish moves, which will inevitably lead to political chaos and lawlessness in the South Vietnam over time.

The Confucian scholars of the Han Dynasty had already been cursing, but under the high pressure of Emperor Wu of Han, they did not dare to do so publicly.

But now Liu Ju's proposal of "one country, two policies" was equivalent to a concession on behalf of the Han Dynasty. He promised that after Nanyue became a vassal state of the Han Dynasty, he would not interfere in the appointment and dismissal of the Prime Minister Lu's family.

This is equivalent to ensuring the interests of the Lu family, so they should naturally show their sincerity, right?
Liu Ju knew what was going on.

As long as Lu Jia was not a loyal and righteous man who was willing to sacrifice his life for the country, he would definitely choose to trust the wisdom of future generations and compromise on these two policies.

So is Lu Jia a loyal and righteous man?

Absolutely not.

Not only does history books clearly record that his rebellion was motivated by his own safety and family interests.

Moreover, it is almost impossible for such a loyal and righteous person to become a veteran of the Three Kings, not to mention that the deceased Nanyue Ming King Zhao Yingqi was a bloodthirsty person.

This way.

The Lu Jia Rebellion will never happen again.

While the Han Dynasty successfully made Nanyue a vassal state, it also boiled it in warm water. Once it was cooked, it would be easy to truly unify the country.

Liu Ju also successfully spread Liu Che's "good reputation" abroad, which is full of irony.

Liu Che was a man who cared a lot about his reputation. If he knew that he would lose face abroad, it would be hard for him not to be furious.

This achieves three goals at one stroke and is as stable as a rock!

Oh yeah, I'm a genius!
(End of this chapter)

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