I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 70: The Great Sword of Han

Chapter 70: The Great Sword of Han
Hear those last words.

Everyone showed extremely complicated expressions and looked at Liu Ju.

Except for a few young people who lack political wisdom, those who are qualified to attend this state banquet all have relatively keen political sense.

Just by hearing this one sentence, they began to look at Liu Ju with new eyes again.

Is this prince really just rebellious and arrogant?
Absolutely not!

Such lunatics are usually simple-minded and it is difficult for them to have such foresight:

First, he used the power of the Han army to intimidate the situation, and then sent out the seal of the prime minister in the name of the Qin family.

While easing the tense atmosphere, he also subtly won over Lu Jia.

Then he immediately used Lü Jia's status and position in Nanyue to let him continue to implement the "paying grain to fill official posts" policy...

This is a chain of tricks!

It can be said that each step is closely linked to the next, and finally the goal of driving the tiger to devour the wolf is achieved!
Everyone can easily imagine that under the "notarization" of the Han Dynasty delegation, Lu Jia, who had just become the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, would have to perform well.

In the Kingdom of Nanyue, only Lu Jia was responsible for this matter.

Whether the officials are pretending to oppose or sincerely, they can only stop.

At this point, the matter is 99% accomplished!
"It's hard to believe that this prince is only sixteen or seventeen years old..."

At this moment, Lu Jia couldn't help but feel a little scared, and there was a hint of awe in his old eyes as he looked at Liu Ju.
"The young are truly formidable. This boy will inherit the throne in the future. His prestige and wisdom may even surpass that of the current Han emperor. The lives of the small barbarian countries will only become more precarious."

"It may be the wisest choice for Nanyue to submit to the mainland now."

"And now, as long as I can accomplish this, I can be regarded as one step ahead of him. In the future, under his rule, the Lu family may really have a chance to gain a foothold in the Han Dynasty."

"This is an opportunity for the Lu family, and it may last for a hundred years!"

Think about this.

Lü Jia finally stopped hesitating and immediately came to Liu Ju, bowed deeply, raised his hands respectfully and presented the silver tortoise-shaped seal of the Prime Minister:
"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace. I, this old minister, will live up to my mission."


When the officials of Nanyue saw this scene, they were somewhat confused.

Lu Jia is now over 70 years old. According to the etiquette of the Han Dynasty, he no longer needs to perform formalities even when meeting the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

On weekdays, when meeting the Qin family and the King of Nanyue, he would just bow his head slightly, which was considered giving them enough face.

Even now he has decided to accept the Han Dynasty's offer.

It seems unnecessary to show such great courtesy to this prince who looks only sixteen or seventeen years old. Isn't such a gesture too humble?
Facing Lu Jia's surrender.

Liu Ju was also very happy. He could feel that he was gradually adapting to the official environment of this world, and his political wisdom was also evolving imperceptibly.

If it were in the past, an ordinary young man like him would never have thought of using those means to achieve his goals.

What is this, borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha, what is this, driving tigers to devour wolves, what is this, buying people's hearts...

These methods were too far away for him before.

If he had known these things earlier, wouldn't all those classmates and colleagues he had worked with be easily controlled by him?

It seems that this person's potential needs to be pushed in order to be brought into play.

However, the officials of Nanyue and the Han Dynasty's envoys misjudged him. He went to such great lengths to do all this just to embarrass Emperor Liu Che abroad, and then be deposed by him...

With the opportunity to reach the maximum level instantly, who would choose to start from scratch?
While feeling pleased with himself, Liu Ju suddenly thought of something and continued:
"By the way, Prime Minister Lu, there is one more thing."

"Your Highness, please give your instructions."

Lu Jia still bowed and asked.

"Your Nanyue country still uses the Qin-era half-liang currency, right?"

Liu Ju pondered and said, "I don't want your half-liang coins, I only want five-zhu coins. If you really don't have any, you can melt the half-liang coins into gold and pay it to get the job."

Gold these days is copper.

Gold is the real precious metal, but now gold has not been circulated as mainstream currency. Its main use is to cast ceremonial vessels or for collection by royal families and princes.

Therefore, the saying "one gold is worth ten thousand coins" actually refers to the weight of copper. If there is no fraud in the process of coin casting, ten thousand coins melted into a lump will be almost the weight of one gold.

Upon hearing this.

The Han envoys were all trembling in their hearts and were shocked once again.


It’s really high!
The prince's plan is truly beyond the reach of mediocre people like us to guess. It is simply astonishing!
On the surface, it seems that the prince came to the Kingdom of Nanyue to promote the foolish acts of rewarding military honors, atonement orders, and paying grain to get promoted to official positions. This gives people the illusion that he is confused and does not distinguish between the primary and the secondary.

But after this move, this request is suddenly made again.

A large number of half-liang coins must have been melted in the Nanyue Kingdom, and the Han Dynasty's five-zhu coins naturally had the opportunity to replace them.

In this way, the monetary system of Nanyue will gradually be replaced by the Han Dynasty.

Now the right to mint Wuzhu coins is firmly in the hands of the emperor.

Whether the Nanyue Kingdom would be granted the exclusive right to mint coins in the future, or would only be able to transport copper to Shanglin Garden in Chang'an in exchange for corresponding copper coins for use, all depended on the emperor's will.

Could this be the prince's real hidden trick? !

My God, who on earth is this prince? How could he be so cunning and scheming at such a young age...

Completely understand!

Everyone thought that the emperor sent the crown prince to pacify the Kingdom of Nanyue with the intention of deposing and enthroning the crown prince.

They are so stupid, so ignorant and so self-righteous!
How could the emperor bear to depose such a prince?

He sent Liu Ju to the Kingdom of Nanyue to do great things in order to truly and thoroughly realize the national policy of "respecting the king and expelling the barbarians".

Although the prince is alone, he is more powerful than a hundred thousand cavalrymen!
The twin pillars of the empire, the heroes of Wei and Huo.

Although the Huns could be driven to the northern desert, it was difficult to eliminate the hidden danger posed by the Huns.

This time, the prince will completely annex South Vietnam without spending a single soldier, leaving this place free from future troubles.

The two heroes Wei and Huo are a pair of swords that are invincible in the hands of the Han people.

Your Highness, the big man has a magic sword in his hand that can kill people without bloodshed!
It is a divine sword that the emperor stabbed towards Lingnan!!!
Just as everyone in the delegation was thinking this in their hearts, they couldn't help but start to get excited.

Liu Ju then smiled and said to Lü Jia: "Just melt it into a gold lump. Although the gold lump is heavy, it does not take up much space and is more convenient to transport."

"Old minister, take your orders."

In his heart, Lu Jia had already decided to join Liu Ju.

Therefore, even if he had some thoughts in his mind, or even vaguely sensed the big man's "sinister intentions", he would not have any objections at this moment.

So the auction was finalized.

What followed was the garbage time at the state banquet where many officials were toasting and drinking.

Liu Ju has achieved his goal tonight.

So he toasted only with Qin Shi, the King of Nanyue and Lu Jia, and then toasted all the officials present at the table, and then prepared to leave on some pretext.

But before leaving.

He waved and called An Guo Shao Ji to his side.

"Your Highness..."

Ever since Liu Ju warned him to "keep the bird under control" last time, An Guo Shao Ji has been afraid of this unruly prince.

I just witnessed with my own eyes how truly "terrible" Liu Ju is.

Now that he was summoned alone, he felt awe and even more nervous, so much so that his voice trembled slightly when he leaned over to speak.

"Why are you hiding so far away? Come closer."

Liu Ju glanced at him, and when he came close enough, he blinked and whispered in his ear,
"From tonight on, the bird ban is no longer valid."

"You and the Qiu family haven't seen each other for many years. It's time to reminisce about the past and show off our country's prestige. Don't let others look down on us Han men... But it's better to go through the back door and don't be too blatant."

(End of this chapter)

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