I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 91 Can I Still Trust You?

Chapter 91 Can I Still Trust You?
Jiaofang Hall.

Upon learning the news that Emperor Liu Che had issued a general amnesty, Wei Zifu vividly acted out what it meant to sit up in shock from her dying illness.

"Oh God, you finally heard my prayers!"

"Bring the porridge, I want to eat!"

"I have been bedridden for many days, and all the concubines in the harem know it, but no one has come to visit and ask how I am. Is it because I am too kind to them and treat them too well, so that they have lost their respect for me?"

"Call the eunuchs and all the concubines here. It's time for me to teach them the ways of the harem!"

"I heard that Princess Pingyang recommended a girl named Li to Your Majesty a few days ago. Now she has been favored by Your Majesty and lives in Yongxiang. Summon her as well!"

"I was too merciful before. From today on, the harem should have its own rules and hierarchy!"


Golden Horse Gate.


Huo Guang's expression was as calm as ever, except for a slight tremor in his hand.

The dominoes that had just been half-placed on the table in front of him fell down one by one, making a continuous "da da da da" sound.

Of course, there was no such thing as "dominoes" at that time.

However, this did not affect Huo Guang's way of passing the boring time. He liked this way of playing very much. The things were arranged neatly one by one, and they remained neatly arranged when they were tilted, which made people happy both physically and mentally.

But this time, he hasn't finished yet...

This made his brows furrow slightly:
"There are always some people in this world who seem to be blessed by God..."

"Brother, don't you agree?"


Tingwei, imperial prison.

"I knew it would be like this!"

Zhao Yu took the amnesty list that had just been delivered and breathed a sigh of relief. He immediately went to the imperial prison and came to the cell where Liang Cheng and others were held.

Then, he changed his usual serious demeanor and ordered people to release these people while laughing and joking:

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm just following orders, please don't take it too seriously."

"You guys should be able to see it, right?"

"This time, Mr. Zhao really showed mercy. You have been in the Imperial Prison for such a long time, but not many of you have been able to walk out of it in one piece. Don't you agree?"


Zhumu Garden.

"It has taken so long. Father is really patient."

Liu Hong was one of the first people to know that Emperor Wu of Han would eventually grant amnesty to the entire country. Therefore, he was not worried about Liu Ju's situation at all and was only concerned about the length of his detention.

But this incident gave Bu Shi a great shock.

He found that he was increasingly unable to understand the King of Qi, whom he had assisted for many years.

He is obviously still so young, but he sees things more clearly than I do. Especially in the past few months since he returned to Beijing, it's as if he has grown up overnight.

at the same time.

Bu Shi finally understood the meaning of Liu Hong's words "Don't be ungrateful."

Liu Hong is saving him!
If he continues to contact those who give gifts, rumors will definitely spread among the people.

Whether this matter spreads to the palace or to the Prince's Mansion, it will inevitably have some impact on him and Liu Hong.

As for whether it is a positive or negative impact... at least now the prince has been pardoned and his position as prince is not in doubt, so the impact must be negative.

Liu Hong is the King of Qi and is now favored by Your Majesty, so there shouldn't be any problems.

But he is different...

After all, he is just a prime minister now. No matter whether it is the emperor or the crown prince, if they are dissatisfied with him, it is very likely that it will not only be a matter of losing their official position, which is already the lightest punishment.

"Your Highness, I was confused before..."

Thinking of this, Bu Shi was already in a cold sweat, and took the initiative to come to Liu Hong and bowed to apologize.

"I have the honor to serve Your Highness. It is the blessing of my life. Please accept my greetings."


Bowang Garden.

Soon after the decree of amnesty was announced, a group of people came to the door.

These people were all servants who had voluntarily resigned before.

Some of them had not left far after resigning, and some were people who originally lived in Chang'an. Now that they heard that Liu Ju had been pardoned and his position as crown prince was safe, they hurried back and asked to continue helping in the crown prince's mansion.

After all, the salary offered by the Prince's Mansion was high, and the Prince was not a pretentious person, so he was generous in giving rewards.

It's especially impressive to talk about it with others when you walk outside.

For ordinary people, such a job is definitely a blessing that can only be obtained through the virtue accumulated by their ancestors for several generations.

"Master Ji, please consider that I have worked in the Prince's Mansion for many years and have always been diligent and hardworking. Even if I have no merits, I have worked hard. Can you give me another chance?"

"Yes, I have old parents and young children to take care of. I am the only one who supports the whole family. Can you have pity on me and make some concessions?"

"Secretary Ji, you see I am also an old servant of the Prince's Mansion. You still remember that when you came I was already working in the mansion. Now I am already this old and suddenly I have nowhere to go. What should I do in the future? Secretary Ji, can you give me a place to live in my old age?"

"Mr. Ji..."

"Ji Zhanshi..." These servants included both men and women, young and old, and some were relatives. There were hundreds of them.

At this moment, they all gathered in front of Ji Ping, the Prince's Secretary who came out to handle the matter, and begged him earnestly. Some of them even shed a few tears when they were moved to win Ji Ping's sympathy.

Out of consideration for their friendship, Ji Ping talked to them for a long time and persuaded them to leave.

Not only did these people refuse to leave, some even started crying and wailing like mourners, showing an attitude that they would not give up until they achieved their goal.

Faced with this situation, Ji Ping's expression gradually turned cold.


He suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself on the face a few times, gritting his teeth and cursing angrily,

"People need to have dignity, and trees need to have bark!"

"When the prince was in trouble a few days ago, you insisted on leaving. Not only did the prince not reprimand you, he also gave each of you a generous sum of money for your journey. Why didn't you help him out for a few more days because he treated you well?"

"Now that the prince is fine, how on earth did you have the nerve to come back again... Your Highness?"

While talking.

Ji Ping suddenly saw a carriage escorted by dozens of guards coming behind the crowd.

The curtain of the carriage had been lifted, and Liu Ju got out of the carriage with the help of Su Wen.

"Your Highness!"

Ji Ping's eyes turned red with excitement. How could he dare to be negligent? He quickly walked through the crowd and went to meet him.

Seeing this, the group of servants turned around, and then knelt down in front of Liu Ju crying and begging him to give them another chance.

Some people felt relieved when they saw Liu Ju.

This time it's settled, I'll definitely be able to come back.

They thought they knew Liu Ju's personality, and now that everyone was kneeling and crying, and playing the emotional card, this matter would be a sure win!
This can be seen from the fact that when they resigned, Liu Ju not only did not blame them, but also gave them money for their travels...

"How is this going?"

Faced with such a situation, Liu Ju was a little puzzled.

"Your Highness, this is what happened..."

Ji Ping had no choice but to describe the current situation to Liu Ju in detail with some worry.

He knew more and more what kind of person this prince was. Even though his behavior had changed drastically in the past few days, he was still as tolerant as ever towards the servants in the mansion.

Now that he is back, and these people are making a fuss and crying, won't he just let them stay again out of pity?
But how can we just let this matter go like this?

If they had cared about the prince before, why would they resign at that time? How could they have done such a conscienceless thing?

Even if this cannot be called adding insult to injury, it is tantamount to rubbing salt into the prince's wounds. The prince is kind-hearted, does he deserve to be used and bullied by these people?

But after listening to it, Liu Ju didn't even look at the group of people, but just frowned and looked at Ji Ping:

"Mr. Ji, when they resigned, they received travel expenses, right?"

"I have received it. Not one cent less, not one cent less."

Ji Ping didn't know why Liu Ju asked this question, so he bowed and answered quickly.

"Then I have done my best for them."

Liu Ju smiled and asked,
"Mr. Ji, you are too easy to talk to. Can I still trust you in the future?"

"You haven't forgotten that my Bowang Garden is the prince's residence, an important royal place, right? Isn't this the place where these unruly people can gather and cause trouble?"

After saying this.

Liu Ju simply ignored the group of servants and walked towards the gate.

Su Wen and the Qimen warriors who came with him to escort him immediately rushed forward, shouted loudly, cleared a path for Liu Ju, and sent him in safely.


Ji Ping was stunned by Liu Ju's two questions.

The word "trust" coming out of Liu Ju's mouth was the most severe rebuke in history for an official of the crown prince like Ji Ping.

He was just worried that Liu Ju was too kind-hearted, but instead he was scolded by Liu Ju for being "too easy to talk to."


Ji Ping's expression changed again and again, his heart was filled with mixed emotions, and he became inexplicably flustered.

Yeah, what on earth was I doing?
I am an official of the Crown Prince, and I should protect the Crown Prince at all times and in all places. However, faced with this group of servants who gathered to cause trouble, I knew I should not use them anymore, but I did not dare to make a decision and even pushed this difficult problem to the Crown Prince.

I was so confused, this is dereliction of duty!

The prince is right to reprimand me. If I can't even do this, how can I be worthy of the prince's trust?

With these in mind.

This well-known good guy in the Prince's Mansion finally got ruthless for the first time in many years. He looked at the Prince Zhongdun who was maintaining order at the door and shouted coldly:
"Someone, drive these unruly people out of the Prince's Mansion immediately!"

"If you refuse to leave, break your legs and hand you over to the Jingzhao Yin for causing trouble in the Crown Prince's Mansion!"

 Thank you for your continued support from Mr. Wuyin Guke. It’s too much... really too much.

  There will be updates in the evening.

  Although the author updates three times a day now, the number of words in each chapter is increasing.

  I will never be lazy...

(End of this chapter)

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