I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 97 Another military order?

Chapter 97 Another military order?
These words are extremely consistent with Liu Ju's understanding of Sang Hongyang.

Although this finance minister racked his brains to make money for Emperor Liu Che throughout his life, he also bore a lot of infamy for competing with the people for profits.

But he was a pure hardliner who advocated war against foreign countries from beginning to end, and he never changed even many years after Emperor Liu Che's death, until the day when he was implicated in Shangguan Jie's rebellion and his entire family was exterminated.

Is this also considered a kind of faithfulness?
And Liu Ju knew it clearly.

Sang Hongyang's suggestion will definitely be adopted by Liu Che.

Next, Zhangye County and Dunhuang County will be established and officially incorporated into the territory of the Han Dynasty.

The Han Dynasty, which had rested for more than six years, would launch a new round of intensive wars. The Western Qiang, Xiongnu, Wei Man Korea, Cheshi, Loulan, Dayuan... would all surrender to the Han Dynasty's iron cavalry.

However, the price the Han people paid for this was also unimaginably heavy.

It can even be said that without Wei Qing and Huo Qubing participating in the war, every subsequent victory of the Han Dynasty can only be called a tragic victory, and it will be difficult to replicate the great victory in the Battle of Mobei.

This will also bring a heavier burden to the Han Dynasty and bring more suffering to the people who are already overwhelmed.

By the time of the Tianhan period, uprisings of varying scales had broken out in various places. Even though Emperor Wu of Han had many cruel officials under his command, it took him several years to barely suppress them.

It was for this reason that in his later years, when Sang Hongyang again proposed to set up military farms in Luntai, Liu Che issued a self-criticism edict called the "Luntai Edict."

Because even a proud ruler like Liu Che had already realized that the time had come for the Han Dynasty to put the brakes on the war...


Liu Che was a warlike man throughout his life, but he never saw the day when the "Western Regions Protectorate" was established and the Han Dynasty officially took the Western Regions from the control of the Xiongnu and incorporated it into its map.

The same is true of Sang Hongyang.

What’s even more ironic is the person who finally accomplished this.

It turned out to be the only grandson of Crown Prince Liu Ju who remained in the world - Emperor Xuan of Han, Liu Xun.

I wonder what Liu Che would feel after knowing this?
And just as Liu Ju was wandering in his trance.

The ministers in the court have already begun to put forward their own opinions on Sang Hongyang's proposal:
"Your Majesty, I think what Minister Sang Nong said makes some sense, but we still need to think about it in the long run."

"The Han Dynasty has been recuperating for several years since the Battle of Mobei. Now the country's strength has finally shown signs of recovery. If we start a war again at this time, I am afraid all our efforts will be wasted."

"Your Majesty, I also think that this matter needs to be postponed. Although the Qiang people are numerous, they are just a mob. Our army only needs to defend the city to make it difficult for them to advance. At most, we will only lose a few small cities. There is no need to start a war."

"That's right. Your Majesty can send someone to persuade them to surrender. Just promise them some benefits and maybe they will stop their actions."

"The small countries in the Western Regions are located in a barren and dangerous place. It is not worth it for the Han Dynasty to set up two more counties to open up the passage. This move will not only fail to bring benefits to the Han Dynasty, but may become a burden for the Han Dynasty in the future."


Many people were opposed to Sang Hongyang's suggestion. If they were not worried that this might also be Liu Che's intention, they might have scolded Sang Hongyang to death, and his ancestors for eighteen generations would not have been spared.

However, there were also some pro-war hardliners like Sang Hongyang who stood up to support it.

This scene was actually related to Liu Che. When he appointed officials, he had already balanced the various forces and people with different positions in the court.

This ensures that there will never be a situation in the court where one person dominates and has the final say.

Just like he said before, he liked watching these people quarreling, and they would eventually get a result that satisfied him.

If one day these officials stop arguing, he will have to think carefully about whether something has gone wrong and whether these people can still be used by him?
"All right!"

Just as the quarrel among the officials in the hall was getting louder and louder and was about to reach a heated stage, Liu Che finally spoke up and stopped everyone.

Then he turned his gaze to Liu Ju, who had pretended to be absent the whole time, and asked with expectation in his heart:
"Liu Ju, I would like to hear your opinion on this matter first."

"Ah, yes, yes."

Liu Ju came to his senses instantly, stood up and faced Liu Che, bowed slightly and nodded repeatedly.

"?" All the civil and military officials looked strange when they heard this. What did "right, right, right" mean?

Could it be that the prince was distracted just now? Do you know what everyone was talking about just now?

"Right to what?"

Liu Che's brows also frowned slightly.

"I think what everyone here said makes sense."

Liu Ju continued,

"War can enhance national prestige; not fighting can preserve national strength."

"What they said is all right. No matter which side's advice Father adopts, it is correct. I will always support your decision, so I said yes three times in a row."

This matter is actually a dilemma, even for Liu Ju, a time traveler who knows the future.

Sang Hongyang was definitely not wrong.

When he was arguing with the anti-war ministers just now, he also mentioned the words "the affairs of the present world are the benefits of future generations", stating the benefits of expanding the territory of the Han Dynasty to future generations.

It also mentioned the importance of opening up the Western Regions to develop foreign trade.

He put forward the viewpoints that "the capital is heavy and the currency is empty" and "foreign goods flow in but the profits do not leak out".

Isn’t this the ancestor of the “Silk Road” and “economic war”?
We have to admit that Sang Hongyang is worthy of being called a financial genius who has influenced future generations for a thousand years. His thoughts were more than a thousand years ahead of the West, and his views are indeed beneficial for generations to come.

However, the issues these anti-war ministers are considering are indeed not unreasonable.

The Han Dynasty had already exhausted the rich legacy left by the reigns of Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing. These six short years of peace were far from enough to restore the Han Dynasty to its former glory.

If war breaks out again at this time, the Han people from top to bottom will have to tighten their belts again.


After hearing Liu Ju's words again, the ministers couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

Is this the art of language?
It seems like he said a lot, but in fact he said nothing, and he didn't offend anyone. He even made those three "rights" so perfect. The prince is really capable!
No wonder the emperor granted him special permission to assist in government affairs...

It seems that I have underestimated him before. Is he really only sixteen years old?

Are you sure there isn't an old fox hiding inside your body who has been in the imperial court for decades?

However, when Liu Che heard this, he felt inexplicably disappointed.

Is it true that my good son was scared to death by me?

Are you unwilling to show even the slightest bit of your stance in front of me?
Moreover, he spoke so eloquently, flawlessly, and tactfully that not only was he frightened back to his original state by me, but he also took several big steps backwards from his original foundation...

Just as I was thinking about it.

Suddenly, Liu Ju took out a bamboo slip from his bosom, raised his hands respectfully above his head, and said loudly:

"However, Father, I recently met a loyal and patriotic hero."

"If the emperor decides to conquer the Western Qiang, he is willing to lead the charge and be the first to climb the mountain. This is quite similar to the spirit of the counselor Zhongjun who volunteered to fight. I am so moved that I shed tears."

"This is the military order that this righteous man personally wrote in front of me in order to express his determination and to get my recommendation. He also pressed his bloody handprint on it."

At this point, Liu Ju simply knelt down, his tone and attitude more sincere than ever before.
"I, your son, have the audacity to kneel down and ask you, Father, to fulfill his sincere loyalty and set an example for patriotic heroes all over the world!"


The ministers who had participated in the court meeting last time were confused again.

This prince's style is really unique. Did he have to issue a military order during the last court session?
(End of this chapter)

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