Chapter 127 Bolan
In the top ten battle, Long Yun fought against the God of Death Bolan. If it was a battle against other people, with Long Yun's deep understanding of the origin of the earth, he might be able to win, but against Bolan, he could only lose.

However, Long Yun has always been low-key and hidden himself very well, so no one feels sorry for him.

"Hey, Luo Feng actually mastered the Sky-piercing Style. This is a sure thing." In the ring, Xiao Yu looked at Luo Feng and Wu Ka who were fighting.

As time passed, one match after another ended on the five stages.

'Xiao Yu' versus 'Rong Jun', Xiao Yu wins.

'Bolan' versus 'Longyun', Bolan wins.

'Qianshui' versus 'Aichen', Aichen wins.

'Luo Feng' vs. 'Wuka', Luo Feng wins.

'Jiang Mo' versus 'Lancelot', Jiang Mo wins.

"Xiao Yu, Bo Lan, Ai Chen, Luo Feng, Jiang Mo, the five of you performed well in the top five battle just now. It was surprising, especially Xiao Yu!" The man in the green robe and purple scales smiled, "You can rest first. Next is the first five rounds of battles, one-on-one duels. The winner will get one point. The first and second place will be selected based on the points ranking."

In the rest area of ​​the square, Xiao Yu, Luo Feng, Hong, and Rong Jun sat on chairs to rest.

"Third brother, this time we are going to have a real competition. I have been looking forward to it for a long time!" Luo Feng looked at Xiao Yu, "I will do my best, and you have to do your best too!"

"Haha, if Xiao Yu goes all out, there should be no difference between us and Bolan." Rong Jun said with a smile.

"That's true, it's all done with one knife!" Hong joked.

"Okay, the reincarnation battle begins." Xiao Yu said.

On the exquisite stage.

Xiao Yu, wearing a blue Force battle suit and holding a fifth-level Force weapon, the Sky-Cutting Blade, smiled as he looked across at Luo Feng, who was riding on the Dark Cloud Shuttle and carrying the Yanshen Weapon.

"Luo Feng, use whatever means you have!"

"Okay, you too!" Luo Feng said solemnly.

In mid-air, nine golden streams of light flew out from the dark golden stick behind Luo Feng, and instantly combined into nine golden phantom swords. The nine golden sword rainbows were like the heads of nine golden dragons, roaring and attacking Xiao Yu in mid-air.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!"

When nine golden phantom swords attacked Xiao Yu from all directions without any order, Xiao Yu seemed to have grown three heads and six arms. He wielded the swords in both hands at the same time and knocked the nine golden phantom swords away almost without any order.

The golden phantom sword seemed to be out of Luo Feng's control. It flew several kilometers away before being controlled again.

"Come again!" Xiao Yu shouted, still standing motionless in the air, but the ninth level of comprehension was fully unfolded, and at the same time, streams of the original laws of thunder and lightning were integrated into the field.

Nine thick lightning bolts appeared in the void, like nine swimming dragons, surrounding Xiao Yu as if he was wearing a set of lightning armor.

The 9 golden phantom swords in the air dispersed into 81 small swords, and then the 81 golden small swords gathered together, compressing the distance between each other. These 81 golden small swords fit perfectly together to form a real golden sword.

"Sky-piercing style!"

The golden sword wrapped in golden airflow was like a comet, leaving a long golden airflow afterimage and piercing directly towards Xiao Yu.

Speed ​​surges!
At the same time, Luo Feng condensed the remaining mental power in his body into an invisible cone of mental power, which quickly rotated and rushed towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu no longer stood, and at an extremely fast speed, he left thousands of phantoms in the air. The sword in his hand carried the power to cut through space, and chopped at the 2-foot-long golden sword. In an instant, the golden sword flew backwards and scattered into 81 small swords again.

Luo Feng's telekinetic attack also rushed into Xiao Yu's sea of ​​consciousness, and the cone of telekinesis hit Xiao Yu's soul crystal like a substance.

Sparks flew invisibly.

The rapidly spinning soul crystal remained hard as always, but the cone of telekinesis was being rapidly worn away.

"Not good!" Luo Feng cried in his heart, and quickly took back the remaining mental power. When he was about to condense a golden sword again, Xiao Yu had already arrived beside Luo Feng.

Even with a fifth-order telekinetic weapon, his speed was still not as fast as Xiao Yu's.

Instantly, a knife flashed by, and Luo Feng disappeared. Only Xiao Yu was left on the stage.

First battle, victory!
Next came the second battle, against Bolan.

"Xiao Yu, fight with all your might!" The young man in white robe with a blood sword on his back looked at Xiao Yu in the distance.

"Let me show you my secret method of cultivation!" Xiao Yu stood in mid-air, looking at the god of death Bolan below like a god.

"Hmm!" The God of Death, Boran, snorted coldly, his blood sword lit up, his body flew at a high speed, and three thousand phantom bodies suddenly appeared in the air.

"Let's compare!" Xiao Yu moved his body and ten thousand phantoms appeared in the air.

Each of Bolan's phantoms was surrounded by at least three of Xiao Yu's phantoms.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

It was like three thousand men against ten thousand people. In an instant, there were countless sounds of swords clashing, and at the same time, there were more sounds of knives cutting into flesh.

Borlan's three thousand phantom bodies appeared in an instant, and then disappeared in an instant. Borlan staggered to the ground. His second-level Force armor was full of holes, his body was covered with knife marks, and blood was constantly pouring out.

"So strong!" Bolan sighed, and then lost consciousness. Xiao Yu, who appeared beside him, beheaded him with a knife, and the head flew in the air and quickly disappeared.

The second battle, victory!
The third battle, against Ai Chen, won!

The fourth battle, against Jiang Mo, won!

Finally, in the top five round-robin battle, Xiao Yu won four games and was the undisputed first!

Bolan, three wins and one loss, got second place! The loss was to Xiao Yu, who was too strong. The two were not on the same level at all.

Luo Feng, Ai Chen and Jiang Mo ranked in the top ten regardless of their performance.


1000 geniuses and 1008 powerful immortals all stood in the central square listening to the man in green robe and purple scales speak.

"Member of the original secret realm."

"Member of the Taichu Secret Realm."

"Member of the Secret Realm of Heaven and Earth."

"Members of the secret realm of the end times."

"All four levels have been selected. The selection of the top talents of the universe has come to a perfect end today." The man in the green robe and purple scales smiled. "You are an excellent class. I believe that after dozens or hundreds of epochs, many of you will be famous throughout the universe."

"Someone will contact you later and take you to the universe headquarters of my Virtual Universe Company. We will assemble there and then head to the 'Initial Universe'."

"From now on, your path will no longer be ordinary."

"My Virtual Universe Company will fully assist you. As for whether you will become a super existence famous throughout the universe, or become an ordinary strong man, or fall halfway, it all depends on you. Work hard, your journey to becoming a strong man has just begun!" The voice of the man in green robe and purple scales echoed in everyone's mind.

This genius battle has officially come to an end!
After the genius battle ended, both the aloof Nine Swordsman and the 1008 powerful immortals left directly.

Xiao Yu and 1000 other geniuses remained where they were.

"Please don't leave for now. I have some things to discuss with you about taking you to the universe headquarters of my virtual universe company." The staff member next to him shouted.

Xiao Yu and others followed the staff to the second-floor conference room of Restaurant No. 2 in Central Plaza.

"Please fill in the addresses of your respective planets. My Virtual Universe Company will arrange a number of spaceships to pick you up."

Xiao Yu handed the address he had filled out to Luo Feng and Hong, "Brother, Fourth Brother, let's all fill out this address."

 Please recommend!!! Please give me a monthly ticket!!!

(End of this chapter)

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