Chapter 17 Senior Warrior
Since returning from the HR Alliance, Luo Feng has worked even harder, with a raging fire burning in his heart. Soon he will go to 0231 County alone to practice swordsmanship and body skills.

After returning home, Xiao Yu continued to practice step by step, starting with the third level of the Nine-Layer Thunder Sword.

With the experience of cultivation in his previous life, he quickly entered a state of peace and tranquility, and his state of mind was like that of crystal clear crystal, at least that was the case at this moment.

Without any distractions, he devoted himself to practicing sword skills.

"Hmm?" Xiao Yu practiced for a while, then stood there frowning and thinking hard, occasionally making a few gestures, then continued to practice the sword, then stopped to think, and then practiced the sword again...

Occasionally he would pick up the Nine-Layer Thunder Blade Cultivation Notes and take a look at them before continuing his practice.

Just like doing exercises in middle school, I kept studying and looked at reference books when I encountered difficult problems.

Over time, after having the experience of perfect comprehension of the first two levels, Xiao Yu is now making rapid progress in practicing the third level of the Nine-Layer Thunder Sword.

In less than three days, I had almost found the path to a breakthrough.

This time I still chose to be promoted through the system.

"The system fulfills the first wish."

[The first wish is coming true...]

As his physical strength continued to strengthen, everything in the third level opened up to him.

It's not just the swordsmanship and body movements that have improved.

Even the Nine-Layer Hunyuan Guiding Technique was upgraded to the third level, and his cultivation speed doubled again.

The perfect comprehension of the first two levels doubled the speed of cultivation, and now it has doubled again.

【The first wish has been fulfilled. 】

At the third level of the Nine-Layer Thunder Blade, he could exert 280% of its force.

Xiao Yu stood up, holding the Silver Moon Saber in his hand. Suddenly, a cold light lit up in the entire hall. There was a faint strange fluctuation, like a lightning bolt, "puff puff~~" the air actually produced a strange shock wave-like sonic boom sound.

"Huh?" Xiao Yu widened his eyes and was stunned.

The speed of the knife actually reached the speed of sound.

For the entire morning, he continued to familiarize himself with the third level of the Nine-Layer Thunder Blade, trying to explore all possibilities, including applying the force-generating techniques to his body movements.

For example, it can be used in the starting phase, when the foot touches the ground, when accelerating, when turning, when cornering, when stopping suddenly, etc.

These not only made his swordsmanship strange, but also his body movements were extremely strange.

"Okay. The system sets the first wish to reach the sixth level of apprentice physical fitness."

Now that you are familiar with strength growth, it is time to increase your strength once again.

[Host: Xiao Yu]

[First wish: Physical fitness reaches the sixth level of apprentice]

[Wish fulfillment status: 30000/16000 wish points. ]

A high-level general needs 16000 points, and an elementary god of war needs 32000 points. What about planetary or stellar levels? The estimated number is unimaginable.

In addition, there is the comprehension of various techniques, domains, and laws.

If you want to quickly improve your strength, you need wish points! By the middle stage, the number required will be astronomical.

"The system realizes the first wish!"

[The first wish is coming true...]

Xiao Yu suddenly felt as if he was immersed in endless energy. After his strength was increased to that of an intermediate general, his perception became much stronger than before.

One can sense that these energies are indeed much more advanced than genetic energies, but one cannot understand the essence of these energies.

Just like in his previous life, although he wanted to explore, he was unable to. Perhaps it was because his strength was not enough. Once his strength reached a certain level, he believed that he would eventually understand these things.

Although this energy is advanced, it is extremely gentle to Xiao Yu who is in it. After it acts on his body, he feels his whole body is clear and extremely comfortable.

Deep in the bone marrow.

The energy constantly changes Xiao Yu's body, optimizes the cell structure, and perfects the gene chain.

It not only improves his physical strength, but also rapidly increases his reaction speed.

The only thing that did not increase was combat experience and instinct.

After a while.

【The first wish has been fulfilled. 】

He is already a high-level warrior at the general level, and can exert 2.8 times the strength of a warrior.

Under the Nine-Layer Thunder Blade, his strength is comparable to that of a war god without any strength-generating skills.

But is there any junior war god who cannot learn the technique of exerting force?

In fact, it does not exist.

It can only be said that he is among the top general-level warriors.

This time the increase in his body's strength was not small, from the basic strength of 16000KG to 32000KG, which doubled. His control over the strength in his body was reduced a lot.

If one cannot perfectly control his own strength, even a high-level general may not be able to defeat a mid-level general who has perfect control over himself.

He kept drawing and retracting the sword, chopping, cutting horizontally, slashing upwards, chopping diagonally, chopping in an arc, etc., while performing various body movements at the same time.

Inside the 150-square-meter training room.

"Puff~~" There were continuous sonic booms in the air, and Xiao Yu's figure was almost everywhere in the training room.

Now his basic speed has reached 190m/s. Under the power of the third level of the Nine-Layer Thunder Sword, his speed can already cause a sonic boom.

After five days of training, he was finally able to perfectly control every bit of strength in his body.

At this time, his father had gone out to hunt in City 003. City 003 was the economic center of the entire Huaxia country before the Great Nirvana - the former Shanghai City!
It is close to the ocean and can be said to be one of the most terrifying areas in the entire Eurasian region. The monsters here are of higher levels, and there are many beast general-level monsters, many lord-level monsters, and even monsters beyond the lord level.

In the wilderness, danger means money. The more dangerous the place, the greater the wealth contained. The monsters themselves are a huge fortune, and the spirits of plants and trees that may be contained in them are even more precious. They are treasures that can allow a powerful god of war to be promoted to the planetary level.

Therefore, a large number of top warriors came here to adventure. They were certainly not after the illusory spirits of plants and trees. If there were any, they would have been taken away by stronger people long ago.

Nowadays, only in extremely dangerous and sparsely populated places like the Australian Mist Zone do some plant spirits exist.

These top warriors come here to resist monsters and kill as many sea monsters that run to the shore as possible.

Thinking of the sea monster, Xiao Yu thought of the disasters that the earth would encounter after the golden-horned monster came to the earth, and he remembered that his mother was still an ordinary person.

In such a disaster, even warriors suffered countless casualties, let alone ordinary people.

I still have to find a way to improve my mother's strength.

He couldn't help but think of a drink, Purple Light Dew, a magical drink that could elevate a senior student to a warrior with just 15 milliliters.

Moreover, the price of this item is not expensive, only 10 Black Dragon Coins can be purchased for one liter.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to try whether the wish system could make it come true.

"The first wish of the system is to obtain one liter of purple light dew."

【Setting successful! 】

[Host: Xiao Yu]

[First wish: to obtain one kilogram of purple light dew]

[Wish fulfillment status: 14000/10000 wish points. ]

"The first wish will come true."

[The first wish is coming true...]

In a grocery store on Qiulong Star in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, the owner was weighing a 50 ml bottle of purple liquid for a customer.

"Huh?" The shop owner was surprised. "How come there are 30 bottles missing from the box? I remember there were 1000 bottles in it! How come there are only 970 bottles now?"

"Maybe you remembered it wrongly!" the guest asked suspiciously.

This is a closed space, and there are no alarms on the store's security devices, which means there is no spatial turbulence or anything like that.

[The first wish has been fulfilled, please accept it. ]

"Release it into the plastic bucket in front of you." Xiao Yu was holding a 5-liter transparent mineral water bucket in his hand.

The transparent mineral water bucket in his hand sank, and dozens of special bottles filled with purple liquid appeared in the bucket.

The sword in Xiao Yu's hand flashed, and he cut open the top of the bottle and took out the bottles of purple light dew one by one. There were exactly thirty bottles, each containing 50 ml.

There are some rune-like things on the bottle, which don't look like the words on Earth.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in his mind.

[The system has fulfilled ten wishes for the host. The system starts to automatically upgrade, and the upgrade time is half an hour.]

[The system is being upgraded...]

"The system has been upgraded! I wonder if the system's functions can be fully restored." Xiao Yu pondered for a moment.

He picked up a bottle of Purple Light Dew, unscrewed the cap and drank the whole bottle in one gulp. It tasted good, although it had no effect on him.

When you have enough wish points in the future, you can use them to make drinks.

Xiao Yu put the 29 bottles of purple light dew on the ground into the box one by one, and went downstairs carrying the box.

"Mom, let me show you a treasure." Xiao Yu shouted.

"What treasure?" asked mother Xu Jingyi puzzledly.

“Medicine that can improve the physical condition of ordinary people.”

"What? The spirits of plants and trees?!"

As a branch of the Xu family, my mother also knew about some treasures that could improve the physical fitness of ordinary people, such as the spirits of plants and trees, but those things were too rare and precious, and even during the Xu family's most prosperous period, they were rarely available.

Items like that are basically only available to war god-level warriors. Even if a low-level warrior obtains them by chance, they will be treasured by everyone.

"No. It's Purple Light Dew, a liquid that can allow advanced students to evolve into junior warriors. I just tasted it and it tastes pretty good." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

He placed the box on the table and pulled out a bottle that glowed purple.

"This packaging looks quite good!" exclaimed mother Xu Jingyi.

"This bottle is 50ml, which is actually enough for three senior students to evolve into warriors." Xiao Yu said, "Mom, you are just an ordinary person now. Dilute 3ml with warm water each time before drinking. When your physical fitness improves, swallow 5ml at a time and you can become a junior warrior."

"Okay, my son is really filial." Mother Xu Jingyi said happily, "Then what are you going to do with the rest?"

"I plan to give three bottles to Luo Feng's family. There should be 25 bottles left. Let my father deal with it!" Xiao Yu said after thinking for a while.

His father had quite a few brothers and sisters, four in total. Now Xiao Yu had eight people of the same generation, and after Xiao Yu and his family got married, there would be even more people.

Of course, perhaps by that time, the Earth will have entered the cosmic age, and people will no longer care about these purple lights. However, it is still very important to the Xiao family now. For example, it can help the younger generation lay a good foundation in advance, and then take the assessment after their physical fitness exceeds the standard of quasi-warriors.

[System upgrade successful]

【Please check the system update content yourself. 】

After taking the Purple Light Dew for two consecutive days, Xiao's mother Xu Jingyi's physical fitness improved to the advanced student level. Xiao Yu then thought of Luo Feng.


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