Chapter 80 D6 Railgun
"Just join our Baihu Tower, temporarily! Then you will have no worries about your safety!"

"As long as you join our Beilong City and temporarily become our external members of Beilong City..."


Major forces such as Baihu Tower, Beilong City, Black Cloud Society, Black Dragon Mountain, and Ice Sea Kingdom are all recruiting external members. What they care about is not the cosmic crystal, but some important treasures of the Lord of the Kabu Realm.

For the time being, before the arrival of the ninth-order star-level army, whoever has the larger number of people will definitely have a greater advantage.

"Why is there no Three Ax Mountain?" Thunder God said abruptly.

"Three Axe Mountain is different from the other three organizations. Three Axe Mountain is known as the leader of the four major organizations! They do not train young people. If you want to join Three Axe Mountain, the minimum threshold is cosmic level. In this world within a world, there are only some disciples of the Three Axe Mountain strongmen occasionally. There are very few people and they cannot form a force." Xiao Yu said.

"Then what should we do?" Luo Feng asked.

There was no one on Sanfu Mountain, so they couldn't take advantage of Mingyu's power.

"Ask Eurico, and we should temporarily join their Black Cloud Society." Hong suggested.

They have a good relationship with Eurico, so there shouldn't be any problem with them joining.

Xiao Yu ordered Xiao Yi and Xiao Er to guard, and the four of them entered the virtual universe to contact Eurico.

When Eurico heard that his good friend, who had saved his life before, was going to join them temporarily, he was immediately delighted.

Late at night, Xiao Yu and his six companions temporarily joined the Black Cloud Society camp. The core area of ​​the entire plain was divided into five major camps.

There are a total of 2600 people in the Black Cloud Society camp. In order to prevent chaos, every 100 people are divided into a square formation.

The 17th phalanx of the Black Cloud Society, Xiao Yu and his team stayed here last night.

It's dawn the next day.

After a night of communication with other members of the square, they also understood the real treasure location, which was a dark blue castle built on the plain in the center surrounded by the five major camps.

Suddenly, the crowd became agitated. A new force appeared above the five major camps, with about seven hundred people.

"Black Dragon Mountain, Gilvey greets His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince!" A loud voice resounded through the sky.

"Greetings to His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince!"

Thousands of people from the Black Dragon Mountain Holy Land saluted respectfully at the same time.

A young man stood in mid-air, his eyes like lightning, looking around below, his voice resounding in the ears of everyone below: "I, Eric, the eighth prince of the empire, want to seize this treasure. Anyone who stands in my way will die!!!"

The five major camps all quieted down. The Holy Land Black Dragon Mountain naturally supported the Eighth Prince, while the other four major camps were in chaos.

“Your Highness the Eighth Prince, you want to swallow up all the treasures in this world by yourself. Isn’t that too much—” A high-pitched voice came from the Baihu Tower camp.

Before he could finish his words, a blinding white light instantly pierced through the person who had just spoken, causing his head to instantly disappear into nothingness.

In the sky.

There were nine bodyguards standing behind the Eighth Prince. Each of them was holding a gun that was about three meters long and thirty centimeters in diameter.

"Everyone, let me introduce the latest model of C2-level laser guns, nine of them! I just got them." The Eighth Prince glanced below and couldn't help laughing: "Powerful? Haha! One shot can kill a cosmic-level second-level strongman."

The price of a C2-class laser gun is very different from that of a C2-class laser cannon.

People from the four major camps were intimidated and no one dared to raise any objections.

The Eighth Prince led more than 700 people and a large number of troops from the Holy Land Black Dragon Mountain and rushed to the castle. The other four camps lagged behind and followed closely.

After arriving at the castle gate, the eighth prince ordered his bodyguards to open the castle gate.

Suddenly, electric snakes suddenly emerged from all over the castle, and a large amount of lightning surrounded the entire castle. The bodyguards of the eighth prince had no time to retreat. Their bodies were pierced by lightning and turned into ashes, leaving only the red battle suit.

Throughout the castle, thunder and lightning gathered more and more.

As everyone hesitated, a low sound came from the castle and the gate slowly opened automatically.

After the gate was fully opened, the thunder and lightning surrounding the castle suddenly disappeared, and the entire castle looked brand new.

"Hahahaha..." A hearty laugh rang out. "Welcome everyone, to the world within the world. I have been waiting for this day for more than tens of millions of years!"

Above the castle, beams of light converged, and then a fat old man with a white beard appeared.

"Little guys, you come here to get the treasure of the world within the world, right?" The white-bearded old man smiled and looked down.


The white-bearded old man pointed to the side, and beams of light converged above the castle, and a huge screen suddenly appeared, with a large number of pictures of items on the screen. There were so many pictures of various treasures that it was dazzling.

"Master has many treasures."

"Let me classify them carefully. There are 68 types of treasures, 312 items in total." The old man with the white beard pointed to the screen next to him, and a ranking list suddenly appeared on the screen.

No.1 The account number of the bank where the complete set of space secret inheritance crystal balls are deposited (triple account number);

No.2 The owner’s bank account number;
No.3 Domain Lord-level Bloodline Potion (one portion);


No.9 Life Fruit (3 pieces);


No.68 The fifth-order force weapon, Skyfire Wheel.

Everyone stared at the 312 treasures on the screen.

"You are worthy of being the Lord of the Realm. Even the worst of them are fifth-rank force weapons." Thor exclaimed.

Among the crowd, some are passionate, while others have a strong desire for possession growing in their hearts.

"Do you want to get these treasures? Every treasure here can be exchanged for Thunder Stone." The white-bearded old man continued.

As the white-bearded old man finished speaking, the list on the big screen changed.

Behind each treasure was the price for exchanging thunder stones. Among them, the one that interested Xiao Yu the most was the third-ranked Domain Lord Bloodline Potion, which cost 300 million thunder stones; the ninth-ranked Life Fruit, which cost 80 thunder stones each; and the thirty-second-ranked D6-level railgun, which cost 21 thunder stones, as well as many force weapons and telekinetic weapons.

The old man with white beard not only demonstrated the appearance of the Thunder Stone, but also distributed the distribution map to everyone.

"Hurry, everyone move."

"This side of the 10th formation."

Under the entire castle, the five camps quickly moved, with two to three hundred people forming a team, and they quickly flew in all directions.

"Xiao Yu, do you want to exchange it?" Luo Feng asked, eager to try.

"Let's go there sneakily at night when no one is around." Xiao Yu said.

That night, although most people went to look for the Thunder Stone, there were still a few people guarding here, but the defense was very lax.

After Xiao Yu changed into a black battle suit, he came closer.

"Brother, which force are you from?" asked the leader of the twenty guards.

Blood-red lights flashed by, and Mo Yunteng killed the twenty people in an instant. At the same time, the bodies were brought back and stored in the space ring.

He stepped into the ancient castle and, under the guidance of the castle's intelligent life, entered one of the cold old houses.

"Little guy, what do you want to exchange?" The voice of the white-bearded old man echoed in the room.

"I want to exchange for a life fruit, a D6 railgun, and a fifth-order force weapon, the Sky Thunder Blade." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

"One Life Fruit requires 80 Thunder Stones, a D6-class railgun requires 21 Thunder Stones, and a fifth-level force weapon, the Sky Thunder Blade, requires 15 Thunder Stones. A total of 116 million Thunder Stones are needed. Little guy, I have just announced the exchange rules. How did you get so many Thunder Stones?" The white-bearded old man was extremely surprised.

 Please recommend!!! Please give me a monthly ticket!!!

(End of this chapter)

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