After my sister died, I fought my way through the underworld to seek revenge!

Chapter 25 Investigate the Starry Research Institute!

Chapter 25 Investigate the Starry Research Institute!
Today's human world is very complicated!
Although smearing heroes and strong people has always been an old tradition of the human race.

Qin Shi Huang has been slandered for thousands of years.

Even Yue Fei, some experts want to cancel his status as a national hero!
Some people are either stupid or bad!
It was fine to just watch it for fun before, but now that I’m the one eating the melon, it feels a little uncomfortable.

Immediately, Li Mu searched for Jiang Yuer, Zhou Jue, Xiahou Wu, Qin Sheng, Yang Ye...

Compared with the detailed information of Li Mu and Li Sisi, their information is much less.

[Jiang Yuer (Commander of the Shenwu Army)]

【Gender: Female】

[Race: Human Race]

【Date of Birth: March 42, 3】

[Occupation: Commander of the Shenwu Army]

[Character resume: He was once the deputy commander of the Shenwu Army. After Li Mu's death, he took over as the commander of the Shenwu Army! ]


[Zhou Jue (Commander of the Demon Suppression Army)]

【Sex: Male】

[Race: Human Race]

【Date of Birth: March 41, 2】

[Occupation: Commander of the Demon Suppression Army]

[Character resume: He was once the adjutant of Li Mu, the commander of the Shenwu Army. After Li Mu's death, he established the Demon Suppression Army! ]


[Xiahou Wu (Commander of the Dragon Army)]

【Sex: Male】

[Race: Human Race]

【Date of Birth: March 39, 12】

[Occupation: Commander of the Dragon Army]

[Character resume: He was once a general of the Shenwu Army. After Li Mu's death, he established the Longwu Army! ]


[Qin Sheng (Commander of the Black Armor Army)]

【Sex: Male】

[Race: Human Race]

【Date of Birth: March 40, 3】

[Occupation: Commander of the Black Armor Army]

[Character resume: He was once a general of the Shenwu Army. After Li Mu's death, he formed the Xuanjia Army! ]


[Yang Ye (Commander of the Wuwei Army)]

【Sex: Male】

[Race: Human Race]

【Date of Birth: March 42, 1】

[Occupation: Commander of Wuwei Army]

[Character resume: He was once a general of the Shenwu Army. After Li Mu's death, he established the Wuwei Army! ]

Very concise introduction.

There wasn't even much description, nor was it indicated where they went or what they were doing.

"I didn't expect that Jiang Yuer also took over the Shenwu Army... and also the Demon-Suppressing Army, the Longwu Army, the Xuanjia Army, the Wuwei Army... They are really promising..." Li Mu looked at the current achievements of his former comrades-in-arms and couldn't help but smile.

Immediately, Li Mu fell into deep thought again...

If they all became army commanders, then he probably knew where these people went.

According to Jiang Yuer, she should be stationed on the battlefield of the heavens now.

That is the duty of the Shenwu Army. Jiang Yuer, as the commander of the Shenwu Army, also needs to garrison on the battlefield of the heavens.

As for the other four, I think they should also be stationed in different places.

This is the job of the combat corps.

Li Mu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and began to connect various clues in his mind...

It was because Jiang Yuer and the others were transferred away from the human domain center that my sister got into trouble.

This kind of thing would never happen to anyone in the center of the human domain. Li Mu opened his eyes, and a golden light flashed in his eyes...

So, the question now is to find out the cause of my sister's death and the murderer.

Xingyao Biomedical Research Institute?

According to the description, this Xingyao Biomedical Research Institute should be a research institute that studies prosthetic transplantation and foreign organ transplantation...

How can you get in touch with Xingyao Biomedical Research Institute?

What is Li Ye’s identity?
Li Ye studies eyes. Xingyao Biomedical Research Institute also studies eyes, such as artificial eyes or foreign eye transplants, etc.

However, Xingyao Research Institute is not a research institute that specializes in studying eyes!

According to Li Ye's memory, the research institute that specializes in studying eyes is called: Deep Blue Research Institute!
Moreover, after Li Ye and others pass the postgraduate entrance examination in the future, the place they most want to join is the Deep Blue Research Institute.

When it comes to eyes, the Deep Blue Research Institute is absolutely authoritative. Even the skills developed by Li Ye have been certified by the Deep Blue Research Institute before being released.

Moreover, to be honest, Li Mu felt that there were some problems with the Deep Blue Research Institute.

My sister’s death is most likely related to her double pupils.

From the perspective of outsiders, if Li Mu can awaken his double pupils, then why can’t his sister Li Sisi?
The Starry Academy was directly related to his sister. After all, his sister had entered the Starry Academy before...

But Li Mu didn't think the biggest suspect was the Xingyao Research Institute, but the Deep Blue Research Institute...

Starry, deep blue...

The two major research institutes were circling in Li Mu's mind.

Now that we have a direction, things will be easy.

He cleared his browsing history, turned off his computer, controlled Li Ye's body, lay back on the bed, and closed his eyes for a moment...


A ray of spiritual light lit up from between Li Ye's eyebrows, and then Li Mu's soul floated out.

As soon as he came out, Li Mu felt waves of weakness coming over him.

Without the protection of his physical body, his soul was truly fragile in the world of the living.

Fortunately, it is night time now and the problem is not too serious.

As he left, Li Ye's muscles began to relax and he fell asleep again...

Li Mu didn't waste any time, and headed out of the Civilization College...

Before this, he had already learned the specific location of the Xingyao Research Institute. Although it was not in the Shangjing city area, with his speed, he reached the destination in just a few minutes.

The Xingyao Research Institute is in the suburbs and the surrounding area is very empty.

Even on the road in front of the institute, there were few vehicles passing by.

The research institute is also very large. From the outside, it is at least equivalent to two large shopping malls.

There were guards at the door, and the lights were still on inside. Some researchers in white coats could be vaguely seen walking around.

Li Mu is now in the state of a soul. If he wants to be seen by others, he will be seen by others. If he does not want to be seen by others, he will hide in the darkness.

The soul body does have many inconveniences, but when it comes to hiding, it is better than anything else.

His mind moved, and he entered the Xingyao Research Institute in front of him...


The cold wind blew, and the guard on duty tightened his clothes, frowned, and looked around, but did not find anything unusual...

And Li Mu has already entered the research institute!

The incandescent lights illuminated the interior of the institute as brightly as if it were daytime.

There are people walking around in all the major laboratories.

Xingyao Research Institute focuses on technology and transplantation.

Overall, it has a strong sense of technology and a futuristic feel.

After a tour, Li Mu roughly understood the overall layout of the Xingyao Research Institute...

The Starry Research Institute is divided into two departments. One is the Science and Technology Department, which focuses on science and technology. Many technological prosthetic limbs and eyes in the human world today are developed by the Starry Science and Technology Department.

Not only are there prosthetic limbs, there are even prosthetic eyes.

The other department is the Biology Department.

This department is used to study organ transplant surgery, not only within the human race, but also for all races.

However, in today's human world, very few people transplant organs from foreign races, mainly because they cannot get over the psychological barrier.

Of course, there are a few people who are willing to try.

Mechanical ascension is one way, and alien modification is also a way, isn’t it?
At this time, Li Mu stopped outside one of the laboratories in the Biology Department...

On the door, the words "Ophthalmology" were clearly written!
(End of this chapter)

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