My wife has a secret

Chapter 107 Thunder Lord helps me

Chapter 107 Thunder Lord helps me
The person who made the sound was also a bald monk in Zen robes.

Standing in front of the statue of the Dharma King, he turned around, his eyes were as sharp as swords, and his face was filled with deep hatred, which made people shudder.

"You still dare to come to see this king?"

"Greetings to the Prince of Dongwan."

The visiting man in the straw raincoat had a blank expression on his face and bowed slowly.

Kang Yuwen clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white from the force, as if he was trying hard to suppress the regret in his heart.

"Spring Envoy, you clearly told me that... Winter is gone and spring is here, the sun is shining, everything is revived, and it is the best time to rule the earth. But why did I act according to your divination results, but ended up with a defeat and ruin?"

Every word Kang Yuwen spoke revealed his unwillingness.

"And you said that the Li Qi royal family's luck has not yet run out, and I need to rely on the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry of Yinshan to plan for the general situation. But what happened? The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry received the Queen Mother's order in front of the palace! They slaughtered all the Dongwan soldiers I brought with me!"

Kang Yuwen took two steps forward, pointed at the Spring Envoy with excitement, and shouted, "If I hadn't realized that the situation was not right and hadn't run here to hide in advance, I would have gone to see the ancestors long ago!"

Chunsheng took off his hat that was dripping with rain. He had experienced many vicissitudes of life, and there was a faint smile on the corners of his mottled mouth.

"Prince Kang picked a good place. Everyone knows that the current Queen Mother worships Buddhism and has many courtesies towards temples and monks. Hiding here can avoid being hunted down because of the identity of a monk. It is also possible to go out of the temple to beg for alms and escape when the opportunity arises."

Kang Yuwen was furious at Chunshengshi's attitude, and his remaining rationality and patience were completely exhausted.

"What do you mean by Chunsheng? Do you know that in order to survive, I left my wife and children on the way south, letting them lead the pursuers away for me... Now I have nothing but my life."

Kang Yuwen turned around and fumbled for a moment on the altar where the Buddha was enshrined, then took out the sword hidden in it.

Due to the constant friction during the escape, the sword edge became extremely sharp and could print out the face and figure of the person in the room.

"Envoy Chunsheng, if I achieve my goal of becoming an empire, you and the White Lotus Sect will naturally be able to share the wealth of the world with me. But now that I have been defeated, I don't know how many days I have left to live... You might as well be buried here with me, and continue to calculate your celestial charts and the Big Dipper in the underground."

Envoy Chunsheng did not show the slightest panic in the face of the aggressive Prince of Dongwan.

He continued with a smile, "Chunsheng has come here to congratulate His Majesty on the success of his great cause. He will soon overlook the world as an immortal king."

"The appearance of an immortal king?"

Kang Yuwen stopped in his tracks when Chunsheng said the strange words. He stared at the other party with suspicion and asked, "I have fallen to this point and have nowhere else to go. What else are you going to say to fool me?"

"Prince Kang, have you heard of the secret treasure of my sect, the Investiture of the Gods?"

"Gods List?"

Even though Kang Yuwen had been a prince for more than twenty years, he couldn't help but frown and think about the name of this treasure.

Legend has it that when the ancient dynasties of Shang and Zhou were replaced, Jiang Taigong appeared out of nowhere and assisted the Zhou Dynasty to turn the tide and defeat its enemies.

It is recorded in an ancient text that this man, nicknamed Mr. Feixiong, is a disciple of the Chan Sect. The treasure in his hand... is the List of Conferred Gods, which can enfeoff 365 gods in the eight divisions of heaven.

"Envoy Chunsheng, please do not use your White Lotus Sect's deceptive rhetoric to fool me. I have been learning the art of being an emperor since I was young, and I only care about the prosperity and dignity of this world."

Kang Yuwen just thought Chunsheng was lying. Even a three-year-old child knows that the legendary immortal treasures cannot be taken seriously.

Did Chunsheng really think that he would be so ignorant as to take these useless jokes seriously?
"If Your Majesty doesn't believe me, how about letting Chunsheng perform a magic trick for you?"

"Oh, Chunshengshi is afraid of death, so he plans to use magic tricks to tease me... Fine, if you can make me happy, I will not kill you. I will lock you up in the backyard of this temple and let you change every day." Kang Yuwen had no intention of letting Chunshengshi go tonight. He had no way to vent the resentment in his heart, so he naturally wanted to take action against this fortune-teller.

Upon hearing this, Chunsheng did not hesitate any longer, but took off his straw raincoat, revealing a khaki robe.

Suddenly, the wind outside the window blew violently, blowing open the doors and windows of the monastery. Countless cold winds and rain poured into the room, making the clothes of everyone in the house rustle.

Kang Yuwen had to use his arm to block the side where the wind was blowing and tried to open his eyes wide to look at the Spring Envoy.

"Your Majesty, the world's situation is under the control of our Holy Church, and our way is flourishing day by day."

Kang Yuwen's expression changed in shock, and a hint of doubt gradually arose in his heart.

When he reached a cooperation with the White Lotus Sect, he had heard that Envoy Chunsheng had the ability to call the wind and rain, and drive thunder and lightning, but isn't this just a trick?

Could it be that the Spring Envoy can really...

"The evil queen is in power, the heavens are dead, the filth is swept away and the king is removed, and the world will be blessed."

Chunshengshi's hands changed unpredictably in the air. In just a few breaths, he alternated between various hand seals and gestures, and even overlapped to create phantoms of his fingers.

"Thunder Lord, help me!"

Chunshengshi paused in his movements, and everyone in the room held their breath, not daring to move.

But they gradually discovered that until the strong wind outside the window stopped, there was no unusual movement around them.

Kang Yuwen let out a breath at this moment, and his heart finally settled down.

It seems that the White Lotus Sect is just as he thought, all a bunch of bluffs.

But in the next moment, Kang Yuwen's ears twitched invisiblely, because he seemed to hear the sound of thunder and lightning breaking through the clouds and colliding with each other in the air.

And not only him, but even the people in the room widened their eyes, as if they had also noticed the unusual movement.


Almost at the moment when Kang Yuwen wavered, the terrifying power of thunder came down from the sky and struck the buildings and halls of Falun Temple.

The people in the house could see the lightning and fire rolling down the pillars to the ground, making crackling sounds everywhere.

What broke the last line of defense in Kang Yuwen's heart were the soldiers outside the house who were facing away from the house. All of them were ignited by the sudden thunder and fire and turned into fireballs.

Kang Yuwen widened his eyes, looking at the scene in disbelief, his whole body shaking uncontrollably.

" actually know witchcraft!"

Chunsheng remained calm and ignored the thunder and fire that were faintly extinguished around him.

"Lord Kang, I have already said that if the Holy Church follows the general trend of the world, it will naturally be able to use the immortals and gods in the sky for our benefit."

Envoy Chunsheng stared at Prince Kang's frightened face and spoke word by word.

"Prince Kang, the great contribution you have made to our Holy Church this time is enough to make you a member of the Immortal Class, and you will live forever in the Conferred God List, becoming an eternal and immortal being."

(End of this chapter)

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