My wife has a secret

Chapter 124 Immortal Poetry

Chapter 124 Immortal Poetry
Yang Caiyun deliberately lowered her voice and whispered, "Big sister, just now that Master Xu came into the Nie Mansion to look for his wife, and the third wife Lu didn't go with him... Doesn't this mean that Master Xu is a complete scum?"

Although the two women were ostensibly invited by the Queen Mother to come to the capital to attend the ceremony, Yang Xianning herself had deeper considerations.

Although the food and fodder from the past few days could solve the urgent needs of Huangling Pass, the cold winter has already begun. If the current situation continues, there will be no food at the border in half a month.

Since the young master of the Xu family has interfered in the affairs of Jiangnan, Yang Xianning also wants to visit him on her way to the capital.

Xu Qing is the only descendant of the Xu family in Suzhou for nine generations and the nephew favored by the empress dowager. He was not punished by the empress dowager for smuggling grain and grass this time. Perhaps the blockade and cold treatment of the court can be broken with this person.

The second reason why Yang Xianning went to the capital was that she wanted to witness with her own eyes what the capital looked like after the Queen Mother took power.

Now it seems that this question already has an answer.

The Li royal family's Great Qi was not as stable as the world imagined. Even though there were rumors that Empress Dowager Xu was powerful enough to dominate the world, the people in the capital did not show much resentment.

"Caiyun, when you were studying the art of war with my second sister, did I tell you that a general should not act too hastily or misjudge the current situation?"

"Big sister, apart from my second aunt, who in our Yang family doesn't know how to lead troops? Caiyun naturally understands such a simple truth."

Yang Caiyun said unconvincedly: "Even if this news is false, it is impossible to spread it with such details, so Xu Qing must have done evil in Suzhou and harmed many people."

Yang Xianning sighed and glanced at Yang Caiyun with her beautiful eyes.

After all, he had been on the battlefield and killed countless barbarians. The cold light in his eyes was so intimidating that Yang Sanmei didn't dare to breathe and immediately quieted down.

"The news may not be false, but there will be a lag in the news from Suzhou to the capital. For example, if you discover that the enemy army is advancing southward 300 miles outside the city, when the news is transmitted back to the city, you need to calculate their pace based on the type of enemy troops and determine the approximate location of this enemy army."

After listening to Yang Xianning's explanation, Yang Sanmei finally realized where she was wrong.

Suzhou is a thousand miles away from the capital, and it takes seven days to travel there even at full speed.

The speed at which civilians deliver letters is naturally not as convenient and timely as that of the military, so the stories and news of marital discord that were spread were most likely old stories.

Just as Yang Caiyun was thinking, there was suddenly a new noise at the door of Nie's mansion.

The old servant of the Nie family who had been gathering information earlier came out, followed not far behind by the housekeeper Yao from the Nie residence.

Although some of the people in front of the Nie Mansion had left, most of them still stayed there to discuss. When they saw the old servant and the housekeeper come out, they realized that the Nie Mansion wanted to announce something.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time."

Butler Yao did not come forward, but the old servant held a long page of paper and bowed to the crowd in front of the door.

"Mr. Xu met with Master Nie today, and he lived up to everyone's expectations. Another classic classic has indeed been revealed."

This sentence was like a stone that caused a thousand ripples, making the people waiting there glad that they had not left.

You have to know that there are very few stories about Master Nie. If you can really hear Master Nie's classic quotes in front of the Nie Mansion, it can be regarded as an increase in knowledge and an interesting story to tell.

"What did Master Nie say today?"

"Master Nie's last classic saying was the doctrine of the mean, which means that the way of a gentleman is to keep to the middle. I wonder what the classic saying this time is?"

Some literati remember Master Nie's words and examples exactly, and this literary giant has long become an idol in their minds.

But the old servant shattered their expectations and responded with a smile: "It's not my master's words. This classic was written by Xu Qing, the Xu family of Suzhou."


"Xu Qing?" The crowd was stunned. Yang Caiyun, who came closer again, couldn't believe her ears and showed a surprised look.

How could a playboy from a noble family who came to the Nie Mansion to pick someone up have such a classic in the literary world? Could it be that the Nie Mansion was teasing everyone?
"Everyone, let's first listen to the first poem left by Master Xu."

The old servant did not keep the secret and directly used the poem in his hand to clear Xu Qing's name.

"When the great peng rises with the wind, it soars up to ninety thousand miles. Even if it comes down when the wind dies down, it can still stir up the water in the ocean..."

When this poem "Dapeng Fu" was read out, the literati who were listening to the poem were shocked by the majestic momentum of the poem, and looked at the old servant in amazement.

After a while, some people came to their senses and wanted to question who wrote the poems in "Old Servant".

But no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't think of a more reasonable explanation or excuse.

After all, the shocking youthful spirit runs through the entire poem, which is free and unrestrained, and is definitely not the work of those long-established great scholars.

"Is this really done by Xu Qing?"

"I guarantee with my life that this is indeed Master Xu's work."

Seeing that the butler Yao who had blocked the door earlier had confirmed the authenticity of the matter with his name, the literati put aside their previous prejudices against Xu Qing and expressed their feelings and shared their thoughts on the finishing touch of the poem.

Even ordinary illiterate people were captivated by the first line of this poem.

The magnificent sight of the roc spreading its wings is deeply engraved in my mind, and the young man's lofty ambitions and aspirations are hard to find anywhere else in the world.

“There’s a second one.”

"What? It's not over yet?"

"Ode to the Great Peng" can indeed be regarded as a classic handed down from generation to generation. After all, there has never been such a poem in the entire history of literature.

But what these people found hard to accept was that, according to the old servant, there seemed to be a second such classic.

Xu Qing was not a formal scholar, nor did he have any achievements. It could be said to be a coincidence that he wrote a poem that would go down in history.

Then isn't the release of this second song a slap in everyone's face?
"Have you not seen that the water of the Yellow River comes from the sky, rushes to the sea and never returns. Have you not seen that the white hair in the mirror in the hall is sad, which was black in the morning and turned into snow in the evening..."

As the old servant recited the poem word by word, the crowd watching was completely overwhelmed by the scenes depicted in the poem.

The poem vividly depicts the water of the Yellow River and the elderly parents, which resonated with many people.

The final story of drinking and having fun, and finding joy in suffering, made countless writers and talented people feel relieved.

After hearing this poem, everyone wanted to go to the nearby tavern to have a drink, and they must drink until dawn the next day, getting drunk.

After the old servant finished reading the two poems, Butler Yao nodded at him, indicating that things here could be ended.

"Everyone, Master Nie hopes that you can spread these two poems and show that they were written by Master Xu."

Those scholars who were immersed in poetry woke up as if from a dream, and hurriedly replied: "Such a good poem, how could it not be spread? Master Nie is worrying too much."

 Modification completed

(End of this chapter)

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