My wife has a secret

Chapter 147 Xu Qing is Xu Qing

Chapter 147 Xu Qing is Xu Qing
"It's okay... Leave everything to me."

The woman comforted Xu Qing in a childlike tone, then picked up a knife with her foot, leaned against the door frame and looked down on the many guards outside the house.

For some reason, the besieging troops could feel a fearless fighting spirit from this woman's gaze after making eye contact with her.

Behind the woman it was as if there were a pile of corpses and bones, and her aura was intimidating without even being angry, which was frightening.

"Her abdomen is injured, and she was just injured by Kaiyang Xingjun! Don't be afraid!"

The leader of the imperial guards was obviously one level higher than the ordinary team leader. Under his command, several imperial guards looked at each other and rushed forward together.

The woman's waist and abdomen were indeed scratched by the giant crossbow on the crossbow cart, and she suffered considerable injuries.

Now, you can see the bright red blood staining the cloth wrapped around it, staining large pieces of it red and seeping out along the edges and corners.

But this did not affect the woman's condition at all.

Wherever the woman's sword flashed, sword shadows appeared like a weave. The several personal soldiers set up a formation, and the continuous attack was not only easily resolved by her, but also allowed the woman to show her powerful strength.

For a moment, Xu Qing only felt that this woman's body movements were as graceful as a startled swan, her steps were calm and unhurried, and she advanced and retreated freely, as if she was a dragon flying around these personal soldiers.

When the last ray of sword light cut through the darkness like lightning and killed the surrounding imperial troops with one blow, the atmosphere on the field came to an abrupt end at this moment, as if it had fallen into dead silence.

The imperial guards and their leaders surrounding the area were too afraid to even make a sound; everyone just stood there numbly.

The woman held the knife in one hand and leaped back in front of Xu Qing. Without giving the latter any time to react, she hugged him in her arms with one hand filled with true energy.

Xu Qing, who was only wearing white shorts, was stunned for a moment, and then was taken off the ground by the other party.

With the sound of roof tiles breaking, the leader of the personal army realized that the two men wanted to leave, and ordered the surrounding personal soldiers to follow quickly.


Falun Temple, front yard.

A figure wearing a black cloak and a black scarf covering his head appeared in the ruins full of broken walls. He looked at the puddle of mud on the ground and sighed slightly.

At this moment, the remaining candles in the rooms in the front yard had been extinguished, and with the darkness of the night, it was almost pitch black here.

"Kaiyang, I told you before I set out that you should not rely on the power you were given to be fearless. Your weakness and fear of fire are too obvious. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the clues."

The only response to the black-robed man's helpless tone was the cold wind that blew from time to time.

However, just a moment later, a series of fine and continuous strange noises suddenly came from the ground.

The blood splattered on the wall not far away began to seep out slowly, forming a strange human figure of neither big nor small.

Under the calm gaze of the man in black robes, the human figure began to evolve into a baby, a teenager... and finally appeared in a form half the height of an adult.

Then, his blood began to bubble like boiling water, with a constant sizzling sound.

Gradually, new granulations began to emerge in the pool of blood. A short figure was reborn in the blood and looked numbly at the black-robed man in front of him.

His eyes were empty, as if his soul had been taken away.

But the man in black robe knew that this was the weakest moment for Kaiyang Star Lord. His previous consciousness had been extracted from his body, and it would take a cup of tea for him to recover his nature.

During this time, he could hear and see.

"When you were carrying out your mission and came to Falun Temple to meet the Prince of Dongwan, you intentionally concealed my intentions from him and violated the rules of the church by revealing some information about the Man of Heaven's Fate to him."

The black-robed man said calmly, "Your seemingly unintentional actions have further stimulated the imprisoned Prince of Dongwan, forcing him to become jealous and attack the man of destiny."

"In public, you failed in this attempt to stop him. You were defeated by the head of the Yang family despite having all the advantages of time and place. In private, you leaked the highest secrets of the Holy Church and disregarded the lives of the people who were destined to be with you."

As the black-robed man finished speaking, Kaiyang Star Lord in front of him also began to move his eyes, with panic, fear, and uneasiness showing on his young face.

The half-human-high Kaiyang Star Lord knelt decisively, bowed his head and said, "Envoy Chunsheng, it is Kaiyang who failed to do his job well and did not follow the instructions of the Holy Envoy, which led to so many mistakes."

"You didn't mean it, you meant it."

These simple words broke down the defenses in Kaiyang Star Lord's heart.

Everything was exactly as Chunshengshi said. He took advantage of the huge difference in status between the people of heaven and the believers and provoked the Prince of Dongwan, who was of noble birth, by thinking that the emperor was far away.

"If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing unless you do it yourself."

Envoy Chunsheng said calmly: "If I report your behavior today to the Saint, your life, which you have managed to survive with great difficulty, will also bear the wrath of her and the leader."

Kaiyang Star Lord naturally knew the punishment rules of the Holy Church for the star gods, especially what kind of punishment the smiling saint would impose.

Even with the gift of rebirth, the pain of the body still entered his mind.

With the torture methods used by the saint, he would collapse silently and become a cripple.

Fear was like a cold snake that silently coiled around him, making him tremble all over and leaving him with nowhere to escape.

Under the heavy pressure, Kaiyang Xingjun trembled and pleaded, "Please show mercy, Holy Envoy."


A glimmer of light flashed in Chunsheng's slightly narrowed pupils, and he let out a meaningful laugh.


Although Xu Qing admired the chivalrous woman's martial arts and her ability to respond to emergencies, he felt a little embarrassed because he had just been naked in the barn, wearing only a pair of large white shorts.

Then he was carried by the female warrior into the dense forest in the mountains, and he could feel the chill all over his body.

Xu Qing was very nervous because of the high-altitude jump and the fact that he was not out of danger. Now the two of them had shaken off the pursuers behind them and fled to a deserted corner of the forest, and naturally they felt a chill.

With a soft "thump" sound, Xu Qing was thrown to the ground and fell flat on his face.

He hurriedly stood up and looked, only to find that the female hero was covering her previously injured waist and abdomen, her pretty face was a little pale, and she seemed a little powerless.

It seemed that the two of them had just escaped, which had exhausted most of her energy, and the other party was struggling to take him away from the temple.


"It's okay, just go back and rest for a few days."

The heroine interrupted Xu Qing's concern and felt an inexplicable annoyance in her heart.

For some reason, she, who had always been calm and collected and kept her private life separate, no longer wanted to hear any voice or see any action from this man. So she subconsciously resisted the closeness between the two and acted coldly towards Xu Qing.

"Go down the mountain, and you will soon meet the imperial guards stationed there. After they check and verify your identity, they will send you home."

After the heroine reminded Xu Qing of the things he should pay attention to, she stood up with some difficulty and walked in another direction.

She has a graceful back, round buttocks and long legs.

Her lotus steps were graceful as she walked, her long ponytail hair swaying gently along with her waist, set off by her red tights, which was almost engraved in Xu Qing's mind.

Suddenly, the latter noticed that the other party mentioned verifying the identity, and remembered that he didn't know the name and origin of this female hero, so he hurriedly asked: "What's your name?"

The woman paused for a moment and then slowly replied, "I have already emphasized in the barn just now that I have a husband... If you want to hear a name, just call me Qianqian."

After saying this, her figure disappeared into the dense forest.

For some reason, Xu Qing felt a sense of loss in his heart.

But the current crisis has not been completely resolved. After all, no one knows when the pursuers from the Prince of Dongwan will catch up.

Thinking of this, Xu Qing slapped his face, forced himself to stay awake, and hurried down the mountain.

Although he suffered a lot due to having no shoes or socks, he still managed to walk out of the dense forest before being caught up by his personal soldiers, and met a team of imperial guards who were about to go up the mountain to search.

After the other party recognized Xu Qing's identity, they hurriedly took him back to the tent at the foot of the mountain.

As soon as Xu Qing walked into the big tent, he saw Qin Shuying sitting inside. She had changed into a corseted dress with a low collar and short sleeves. The bodice was covering her snow-white breasts, which looked more tender and fragrant than fresh milk. The scene was pleasant.

When she saw Xu Qing again, Qin Shuying thought that she had something on her mind and had misjudged him.

It was not until Qin Shuying heard the searching imperial guards tell her about their findings that she reacted and ordered them to inform Shen Shuangxu, who had just left.

Then, she stood up and brought Xu Qing in. She looked at him with a distressed expression and wiped the dirt and sweat off his forehead.

"What did the Prince of Dongwan do to you?"

Xu Qingyin told Qin Shuying about the incident of the chivalrous woman entering the barn and what happened to him in the temple. After hearing everything, Qin Shuying's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and her expression was a little uncertain.

But she was also curious about the identity of the female knight who broke into the mountain in the middle of the night. After all, according to the information revealed in Xu Qing's words, there were not only several crossbow carts stationed in the front yard of Falun Temple, but also the star envoy of the White Lotus Sect was invited to take charge.

Although Qin Shuying had never fought with those star envoys, she could feel that these people's martial arts and skills were not bad, and were definitely not inferior to the world's top masters.

What methods did the other party use to turn Falun Temple upside down?
"Where's Shen Shuangxu?"

"Not long after we arrived at the military camp, the Queen Mother personally issued an imperial decree, ordering Sister Shen to take control of the imperial guards in Xiangshan and be fully responsible for the affairs of Falun Temple. Just now, when she heard that there was a commotion in Falun Temple, she led the imperial guards to the mountain to investigate the situation."

After listening to Qin Shuying's explanation, Xu Qing gradually understood why the imperial guards' tent was so empty, with only Qin Shuying, an unrelated woman, left there.

"By the way, you just came back. I'll go to the camp kitchen's tent to get you some food."

After a while, Qin Shuying brought some food from the next tent and placed it on the table in front of Xu Qing. Although the side dishes had been cooled, the bowl of meat porridge still emitted a hint of heat.

Xu Qing, who had been hungry all day, began to eat voraciously.

Qin Shuying leaned against him opposite, with one of her phoenix-head silk shoes with silk stockings sticking out from under her skirt. She looked at the unpresentable Xu Qing with a look full of tenderness.

Although the other party's current appearance was in a dishevel, which did not match the elegant gentleman in the girl's mind, the previous barriers had disappeared since he exchanged his life for hers in the temple, allowing her and Shen Shuangxu to escape.

Even though the other party couldn't remember the past, what she cared about more seemed to be not the past, but the present Xu Qing who fell into the water and lost his memory.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

After finishing his meal, Xu Qing touched his mouth and burped.

After noticing that Qin Shuying's gaze was a little hot, he shuddered unconsciously and felt a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Qin Shuying looked away and started to clean up the dishes on the table.

"If one day, the affairs of the White Lotus Sect are dealt with, what kind of life will you choose to live, my husband?"

"Why do you ask this question?"

"Nothing, I just suddenly remembered."

Qin Shuying evaded the question and didn't quite understand why she had just asked what was on her mind.

A golden silkworm love Gu was planted in her body, and she was bound to Xu Qing for the rest of her life. Whatever the other person thought was true, and he didn't need to care about her feelings at all.

When Qin Shuying walked towards the door curtain with the bowl and chopsticks, Xu Qing, who seemed to be thinking about something, suddenly spoke.

"Anyway, I won't be working in the palace... Compared to the atmosphere in the capital and the palace, I feel more comfortable in the countryside of Suzhou... By the way, speaking of this, I don't know how Xiaohuan is doing..."

When Qin Shuying went out, she could no longer hear what Xu Qing said last few words.

But her heart was filled with joy and she almost burst into laughter.

Sure enough, Xu Qing is Xu Qing.


The Falun Temple was captured by the imperial guards almost overnight.

After receiving the news that Xu Qing had escaped from the temple, Shen Shuangxu, who was the temporary commander of the imperial guards, used carrier pigeons from Chengxuanfang to spread the news to various parts of the military camp.

The imperial guards quickly pressed toward the top of the mountain, squeezing the Prince of Dongwan and his personal troops into a small area of ​​the Falun Temple.

Then they used rockets to set fire to the houses in the temple, burning the enemy's last resort, the crossbow carts, before launching the attack in the early morning when people were most likely to feel sleepy and relaxed, and wiped out the exhausted personal troops in one fell swoop.

But what is puzzling is that even in such a small place, the imperial guards searched the battlefield back and forth several times but could not find the whereabouts of Kang Yuwen, Prince of Dongwan.

The prince seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, without a trace or any warning.

Finally, an imperial decree was issued from the palace, ordering the imperial guards to escort Xu Qing back to the palace, identify a charred corpse as that of the Prince of Dongwan, and bring it back to report.

However, only Fengqi Palace and the commanders of the Imperial Guards knew the truth about the battle report. Other outsiders heard a different version.

"What? Auntie spread the news that I solved the truth of the Tianlei Gunhuo case, discovered the real hiding place of the Prince of Dongwan, and led the troops to wipe him out?"

Xu Qing, who had just spent a peaceful day back in the palace, showed a look of confusion and bewilderment when he heard Lianhua Jun's report.

(End of this chapter)

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