My wife has a secret

Chapter 176 Fu Huo Alum Method

Chapter 176 Fu Huo Alum Method
Kaiyang Xingjun was also very satisfied with the sense of oppression he brought to the female general. He directly picked up the weapon behind him and kicked it away, sending it into the hands of the female general through the air.

Seeing that Kaiyang Xingjun was trying to get the two of them to fight with all their strength, Yang Xianning didn't want to take advantage of her lack of weapons, so after taking the iron sword, she bowed slightly and clasped her fists as a salute.

Then, she raised her sword and walked around in the outer circle. The black hair by her ears was lifted up by the energy emitted from Kaiyang Star Lord from time to time, and her face covered by mud unexpectedly showed a strange beauty.


As soon as the words fell, Yang Xianning felt a chill running down her back, as if a magical weapon was hanging on her vital point.

She turned around first and saw Kaiyang Star Lord leaping down from above with his iconic hook claw and giving her a heavy blow through the iron sword.

Yang Xianning had no time to fight back and had to raise her sword to block. When the two weapons collided, the huge force produced sparks and sharp, piercing sounds.

If it weren't for the experienced combatant Yang Xianning who used most of her true energy to wrap the weapon in her hand, the sword would probably have broken upon contact and would not have been able to withstand this high-intensity battle.

After realizing that the opponent had the advantage in strength, Yang Xianning used the aftereffect of the collision to create a considerable distance between them. Just as she was about to use this gap to lock onto Kaiyang Star Lord's body, she suddenly noticed the figure on the other side of the battlefield, who was also Kaiyang Star Lord!

Yang Xianning was so surprised that she couldn't help but frown.

Because she could clearly sense from each other that the two Kaiyang Star Lords had the same aura and were performing different movements, it was not her illusion.

The Kaiyang Star Lord, whose strength has skyrocketed, has already become a stumbling block. If another master of equal strength appears... let alone passing through the tomb door, he will be in great danger.


The interior of Emperor Heng of Qi is extremely magnificent. If these densely packed, beautifully carved buildings were placed on the ground, it would probably become a distinctive small city with a strong Shinto flavor.

But it can also be seen from this how obsessed he was with the idea of ​​ascending to heaven and achieving immortality.

The road leading to the central area is brightly lit by lights that are always on, and the whitewashed walls on both sides stretch out continuously with no gaps in between, as if there is no end in sight.

Every few dozen steps, you can see tomb keepers holding swords, sticks and clubs standing on both sides, protecting the tomb in an orderly manner.

However, these people are much inferior to the soldiers who learned martial arts and joined the army. They are basically young men of the Qiong tribe.

Xu Qing followed behind Heizhong and passed six jade archways in a row before gradually approaching the building in the center.

When he looked closer, he realized that the building with flames in the center was not a city building in the mausoleum, but a tall altar temporarily built with logs.

The center of the altar was hollowed out, and a raging flame six or seven meters high was burning, which looked particularly terrifying.

More importantly, in addition to the crowds of people swarming around the altar, Xu Qing also saw large boxes in groups around it.

Some of them had their lids slightly opened, revealing something in the form of black powder, which was obviously the black powder he was worried about.

Xu Qing imagined that the White Lotus Sect was secluded here, so they refined black gunpowder here, trying to blow up the mountain and destroy the city. But what he didn't expect was that the White Lotus Sect had already mastered the technology of black gunpowder and prepared the amount for blowing up the mountain in advance.

In this way, they only need to detonate any box of gunpowder to trigger a chain reaction and blow up the place.

Emperor Heng of Qi's mausoleum was originally built by hollowing out the mountain ridge. This kind of vibration would definitely break the mountainside, causing the mountain to tilt and collapse.

It seems... I still underestimated the other party.

"Why are you here at this time?"

"Something happened on the way and delayed me."

The person who spoke to Kurozuka was a man in his forties, wearing tattered official uniform and with a stern look in his eyes.

He didn't even look at Xu Qing and Shui Haozi. After reprimanding Heizhong, he led them forward and went straight onto the altar, standing on the first wooden platform where flames were intertwined.

There was also another man here, with white powder on his face, looking quite elegant.

"Master, the three families are all here."

After Huang Qiong, the patriarch of the Qiong tribe, and Hei Zhong arrived at their locations, they all bowed their heads, gathered their sleeves and reverently saluted towards the person on the second level of the altar.

The man's white hair at his temples intertwined together like an intricate painting, showing the marks of his vicissitudes over the years, which made people respect him.

Xu Qing couldn't forget this man's facial features no matter how hard he tried.

Because the other party was exactly the cellmate he met in the Ministry of Justice prison, the Chunsheng Envoy.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but even though Xu Qing was mixed in the crowd, he could still feel the other person's gaze lingering on him intentionally or unintentionally, as if he was ignoring everyone else and was just staring at him silently.

"it is good."

Envoy Chunsheng raised his eyes and gazed into the dark void of the dome, as if he was talking to himself.

Then he turned around and slowly climbed up to the top level of the altar.

The Spring Envoy was dressed luxuriously today, with a robe that dragged on the ground. However, at the end of his target stood another Spring Envoy who looked similar and was dressed exactly the same.

The two men sat opposite each other at the top of the altar, and a loud sound came from below the altar.

"The sacrifice begins."

Xu Qing, who had originally mixed into the Japanese formation with Shui Haozi, became restless. Although he didn't know what this sacrifice was for, he would definitely ignite the black gunpowder here after the ceremony was over.

We must find a way to put out the fire in the middle.

Xu Qing winked at the water rat beside him, and was about to ask him to make some noise so that he could get away and look for the fuse on the box, when something unexpected happened on the first floor of the altar.

"Do it!"

What Xu Qing didn't expect was that the person who spoke was not Hei Zong, but the highest-ranking head of the Qiong family, Huang Qiong.

Before he could react, the crowd around him immediately became agitated. Members of the Qiong and Bie tribes picked up their weapons and rushed towards the altar together.

The White Lotus Sect deployed several black-robed believers to guard the altar, but these people were obviously low-level believers who presided over the ceremony, and they could not resist for long as they were unarmed.

"Spring Envoy!"

Huang Qiong raised his head and shouted solemnly: "Thank you for the gifts you brought to the imperial mausoleum, but doing things with you is like courting disaster. Master, you won't blame us Qiong and Bie tribes for not trusting you, right?"


Chunsheng, who was standing on the second floor and looking out, smiled slightly, without any sign of nervousness on his face.

"There are still fifty children who have not been sent here. Don't you want them all?"

"Two hundred is the number we lied to your church. Do you really think that we will tell you the truth about our tribe's personnel list, and bring disaster to our tribe?"

Heizhong on the side looked at Huang Qiong who was standing with his hands behind his back and looking at Envoy Chunsheng from afar. Only then did he realize that although the Qiong and Bie tribes were trading with the White Lotus Sect in private, they also had their own plans.

They also knew that what the White Lotus Sect did was a crime of treason and rebellion, and that it was too dangerous to tie the lives of their people to them. So when these people made deals with the White Lotus Sect, they had already made up their minds to deliberately lie about the numbers, so that the White Lotus Sect would send most of the children to them and then attack them, and bury the White Lotus Sect members in this imperial mausoleum.

It must be said that Huang Qiong's idea was perfect from the perspective of the interests of his own clan, but he missed one point...


At Xu Qing's signal, Shui Haozi jumped to a high platform and shouted loudly.

Knowing the echo of the mausoleum well, he used some special techniques to amplify the sound transmitted in the tomb, making it sound like thunder.

At this moment, the troops from the Qiong and Bie tribes had already rushed to the altar and were stunned by the loud shout.

Huang Qiong also turned his head and looked at the two people wearing Japanese linen clothes, frowned and said: "Heizhong, why are your people so disobedient?"

Heizhong, who had always been submissive to the Qiong and Bie clans, remained silent, as if he heard nothing.

Huang Qiong sensed something was wrong and waved his hand to stop the crowd from rushing to the altar. He asked Xu Qing in the distance: "Why do you look unfamiliar? Are you from outside?"

"It doesn't matter who I am."

The falling out between the Qiong and Bie tribes completely overturned Xu Qing's plan. He was originally planning to look for the fuse of the gunpowder, and after dealing with it all, he would contact the Japanese tribe and put out the raging fire.

But after the other party took action, he was worried that the White Lotus Sect would become desperate and had to jump out and tell everyone the truth.

"It's the boxes that are important!"

At this point, Xu Qing didn't care about so many things anymore. He walked straight to the altar and pointed to the black and pink copper boxes that were seen in circles around him and almost everywhere.

The chiefs of other tribes beside Huang Qiong were a little impatient. If they were not wary of Heizhong's strange attitude, they would not have given this man a chance to speak.

"Aren't these boxes filled with elixirs prepared by the Immortal Master? What's so important about them? Could it be that... there are treasures hidden inside that can help you achieve immortality?"

Xu Qing stared at the two of them coldly, and only said after he saw the other tribe leader who spoke up felt a little uneasy: "This thing is not a magic elixir for immortality, but to some extent, it can send all of us here to heaven."

"Bad talk!"

The leader of another tribe shouted, "Do you really think we were brought up by being scared? Moreover, your identity is unknown. You might be one of the White Lotus sect members who are using you to deceive people! Come on, suppress him and capture all the White Lotus sect members alive!"


Huang Qiong was different from other clan leaders. He knew that if Xu Qing was standing far away, what happened here would have nothing to do with him.

This kid suddenly jumped out, definitely not for the far-fetched excuses from other tribes.

"Finish what you're saying."

"This black stuff is called gunpowder. It is made of sulfur, saltpeter and charcoal as the main materials. Through oxidation-reduction reactions, it can produce violent and rapid explosions."

After hearing Xu Qing's accurate narration of the materials, Chunsheng, who was at a high point, nodded, smiled and clapped.

"As expected of a man of destiny, he even knows the raw materials of the Fuhuo alum method by heart."

Chunsheng spoke in a very soft voice, but every word he spoke was clear and could be heard by everyone present.

"Have you heard of Qingxuzi, the alchemy master of the previous dynasty?"

Qingxuzi had made remarkable achievements in alchemy and his name was well-known. Even people from the Qiongbie and Bie clans who had lived in the imperial mausoleum for a long time had heard of this man's legend.

"Qingxuzi, surnamed Chai and given name Xuanqi, author of "The Secret of the Golden Elixir of the Supreme Saint Ancestor"."

Envoy Chunsheng said calmly, "The recipe for the Fuhuo Alum Method here can be made into a burning medicinal material, commonly known as gunpowder... So the Tianming Man did not lie to you just now. This place is indeed full of this stuff."


Huang Qiong immediately realized that this was a backup plan prepared in advance by the White Lotus Sect. He thought that his plan was foolproof, but he did not expect that the people of the White Lotus Sect could be so cunning.

It turns out that when the two were making the deal, they both had their own ulterior motives and other thoughts in mind.

"Brother Qiong, in my opinion... these people's actions are nothing but bluffing. If the White Lotus Sect really has such a magic weapon, why would they have to conduct so many suspicious rituals? If they just throw a bunch of them into the capital, wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

Huang Qiong saw that the other tribe's leaders were trying to wink at him, suggesting that he should not be hesitant at this moment and should give it a try.

But when he saw Chunsheng on the altar, smiling but saying nothing, sitting there as if nothing had happened, he suddenly felt uneasy.


The loud noise spread throughout the entire tomb, even causing a shaking like an earthquake.

Everyone looked in the direction where the sound came from, and suddenly saw a sky full of red flames rising into the sky. The buildings along the way were swallowed up by the blazing fire snakes and turned into nothing in an instant.

Such a violent explosion frightened the crowd who had never seen gunpowder before, and some people even became incontinent on the spot.

Recalling the previous conversation among several people, everyone understood that this gunpowder was not a trick played by the White Lotus Sect to scare people, but real... explosives that could shake the world!
At the same time, a black-robed star god wearing a fiery red mask appeared on the road Xu Qing and his friends came from.

The red on his mask was like rich blood and passionate fireworks, but even more strangely, as the breath in his body flowed, the red light on the mask seemed to flow slowly, emitting a faint fluorescence, which was very conspicuous in the dark tomb.

"Lord Tianji, I have met the Man of Destiny."

It was the first time that Xu Qing met the new Star Lord, and he immediately noticed the differences in him.

The weirdo who calls himself the Lord of Tianji Star gives people a stronger sense of oppression than others, but the pressure he feels is not from the true energy flowing through his body, but from the dark black ball he is gently playing with in his hand.

The man's hands were mottled, and one could tell from his slightly aged voice that he was quite old.

But the black powder on the fingers silently hinted that the ball was also filled with gunpowder!

"That noise... was it you who made it?"

Although Xu Qing didn't want to think about it too much, all the evidence at hand revealed that since the White Lotus Sect was able to produce gunpowder in large quantities, it meant that there were people in the sect who knew a lot about this thing.

Most of his knowledge of black gunpowder came from textbooks, and this was the first time he saw the real thing here, unlike this Tianji Star Lord.

The other party is most likely a gunpowder master.

"I'm sorry to make the destiny laugh."

Tianji Star Lord's voice sounded like a laugh, but no one could see his expression underneath the strange red mask.

Then he turned around and saluted the two Chunsheng envoys on the altar, saying, "Chunsheng envoys, everyone is here."

(End of this chapter)

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