My wife has a secret

Chapter 180: Ghost Catching People

Chapter 180: Ghost Catching People

"Everyone is bustling, as if enjoying a grand feast; the common people are in a daze, but I am clear and bright."

The Spring Envoy on the high platform glanced at the fleeing crowd and muttered to himself in a calm tone.

Xu Qing, who was exhausted from running, naturally could not hear Chunsheng's muttering. When he was halfway through running with everyone, there was a sudden explosion and strange noise in front of the retreat route of the entire ghost town, like the huge noise of dynamite exploding.

Xu Qingxin was disappointed when he heard the noise.

Sure enough, he and Shui Haozi could see from afar that the suspension bridge called San Sheng Bridge was damaged, causing the entire bridge deck to lose support and fall straight down.

Some people who were running fast onto the bridge were affected by the sudden change and fell down along with the suspension bridge.

"real or fake?"

Xu Qing cursed the White Lotus Sect in his heart, almost cursing all the ancestors of this group of psychopaths.

The scene of the bridge explosion was the same as the previous phenomenon of the house collapse. It was most likely the work of Tianji Star Lord. He obviously did not consider a way out and wanted to trap everyone to death in this ghost town.

It would have been fine if they were just trapped, but I don't know what was wrong with the White Lotus Sect, they actually created a monster that was neither human nor ghost.

This reminded Xu Qing of the little game called Catch the Ghost when he was a child in his previous life.

"Catching up..."

"Run away!"

Xu Qing was affected by the shouts of the people around him and turned to look in the direction he was running from. He saw that Chunsheng's corpse, which was on fire, was like a tireless machine, chasing him at an extremely fast speed.

If anyone hesitated for a moment, they would be caught by it and the scene would immediately turn into a living incineration scene.

However, unlike the previous dead man whose throat was crushed, this man had one arm grabbed, so his screams and wails resounded throughout the ghost town and produced several echoes in the empty cave.

"Oh my god..."

Water Rat looked at this horrific scene and swallowed unconsciously.

He was born into a clan of tomb raiders. Although he had heard of the ghost legends about zombie dumplings, how could any monster be as powerful as the one before him?
Seeing the person captured by the monster gradually being swallowed by the flames and turned into charcoal, Xu Qing turned his head and saw the slightly dazed Shui Haozi. He hurriedly grabbed the other's sleeve and dragged him to run into the alleys of the ghost town.

The scene now is extremely chaotic, but fortunately there are a lot of people near the altar, so if we really want to play a game of hide-and-seek... it will take a while before it is my turn.

The two of them had not run a few steps when they heard the screams of the other tribe's chief again from behind them, but Xu Qing did not dare to look back. He just hoped to stay as far away from this inexplicable ghost thing as possible.

The two of them didn't know how long they had been running in this ghost town. When they stopped at a densely populated street, Xu Qing, who was extremely exhausted, was the first to stop, and stood in front of a door, breathing heavily.

"This is really a ghost. I have been following my master into tombs for seven or eight years, and I have never seen anything so weird."

Shui Haozi cursed as he spoke. He was an excellent escapee and just broke into a sweat, obviously still having the energy to run away.

"If you speak louder, you'll attract that guy here."

Hearing Xu Qing's breathless complaints, Shui Haozi quickly covered his mouth, carefully moved to Xu Qing's side, and asked with lingering fear: "Sir, how about I carry you on my back for a while?"

Xu Qing shook his head and rejected the boy's proposal.

When he looked down from the other side of the suspension bridge, he knew clearly that the entire ghost town was laid out in a circular shape, as if it was based on the pattern of the Tai Chi Bagua.

Moreover, this ghost town is just a replica of Kyoto, a scaled-down city that doesn’t even occupy the area of ​​a whole district. How can it escape?

"grown ups?"

Just as Xu Qing was about to talk to Shui Haozi, he heard the door behind him open and Heizhong half of his body appeared from inside.

The beautiful woman's slender and long snow-white neck was dazzling in the dim firelight, and her plump figure and curves were a special kind of comfort in this environment.

"I just heard it in the courtyard. It's really an adult!"

After Heizhong confirmed Xu Qing's identity, he seemed extremely happy. After quickly checking that there was no one around, he welcomed the two of them in from the alley.

After Xu Qing came in, he discovered that Heizhong was not the only one in the small courtyard of the residential house. Huang Qiong, who had questioned him before, was also inside. In addition, there were five or six people from the Qiong and Ri tribes.

When everyone in the yard saw that the person coming was not that monster, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

But Xu Qing could clearly see that this group of people's attention was all focused on the courtyard gate behind him, fearing that the flaming monster would break in from outside at any time.

Huang Qiong nodded to Xu Qing and greeted him on his behalf, but he immediately thought that Xu Qing knew a lot about black gunpowder and the White Lotus Sect, and might also know the origin and weaknesses of this monster.

"Do you know what it is?"

Xu Qing followed Heizhong into the yard and sighed helplessly.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have avoided it..."

Huang Qiong remained silent after hearing this, and then thought of another thing.

Just now, when he and others were hiding in the yard, they heard the noise coming from outside.

There is no doubt that everyone in the courtyard was afraid of the monster and subconsciously hoped that others would become scapegoats, but after hearing a voice similar to that of the outsider, Kurozuka insisted on opening the door and bringing him in.

Although everyone was reluctant, Heizhong was the patriarch of the three tribes after all, and his influence was still there.

Besides, since she volunteered to open the door, they just let her do what she wanted.

But what puzzled Huang Qiong was that the three clan leaders in the imperial mausoleum were already of the highest status, so why did Heizhong behave so respectfully towards the outsider, protecting and flattering him everywhere?
Could it be that the person has another origin?
Huang Qiong couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked quietly, "May I ask what your true identity is?"

Xu Qing knew that it was impossible for him to pass as an ordinary person. In addition, the current situation was special. If so many people had their own opinions, no one would survive.

So Xu Qing no longer hid and decisively revealed his identity.

"Suzhou Xu family."

Huang Qiong is not an idiot. Compared with the naturalized Japanese people, the Qiong and Bie tribes are more aware of the changes in the court.

The Xu family of Suzhou is the current empress dowager, that is, the family of the empress who is about to ascend the throne. There is only one male in her family, who has just been promoted to Marquis of Guangping.

When Huang Qiong heard that the man in front of him was the empress dowager's nephew, his eyes widened, not knowing how to respond.

"Guang... Marquis of Guangping?"

Heizhong had previously thought that Xu Qing was just a manager outside, who might have some relationship with the imperial city guards. But when he heard that the other party was actually a marquis, he was stunned for a long while.

Thinking of the two clans' every move in the Imperial Mausoleum Valley, Huang Qiong's pale face was covered with cold sweat, and he stood up tremblingly, holding on to the broken table and stool. Kidnapping and trafficking children, colluding with the White Lotus Sect, any of these crimes would surely be a serious crime punishable by the extermination of the entire clan.

If something happened to the marquis in the imperial mausoleum, everyone else would die as well, so he was very scared.

"Alright, we are all in the same boat, so let's stop making a fuss... No matter who becomes a marquis, he can't have an extra life."

Although on the surface there was no distinction between high and low, Xu Qing still sat down on the chair with confidence, occupying the place where Huang Qiong had rested before.

After Xu Qing confessed his identity, the others' deep-rooted sense of status made them dare not complain at all. After all, they were all descendants of criminals, and compared with this new royal relative, they were not even a little bit inferior.

Just like the two other tribes of Qiong and Bie enslaved the Japanese tribe in the valley, Xu Qing was also an unattainable existence in Huang Qiong's eyes.

Xu Qing looked kind, but he didn't have any good feelings towards this group of people.

The reason they got together was because the White Lotus Sect was too powerful, so they had to gather all the strength they could find and consider how to deal with them.

If they were outside, Xu Qing would definitely kill the two tribes that smuggled the children first, and then drive the Japanese tribe into the coal mine to do hard labor.

"I came here this time just for the White Lotus Sect, but as you can see, these thieves are very cunning and have endless tricks."

Only after Xu Qing sat down did he feel the drain on his body ease a lot.

Huang Qiong, Hei Zhong and others believed his words without a doubt. Huang Qiong even asked proactively, "Sir, is there any way to deal with what happened just now?"

Xu Qing looked at the other person as if he was an idiot, but Huang Qiong obviously didn't understand what he meant.

Although Huang Qiong and Shui Haozi have the same problem, they cannot just sit there and wait for death in the current situation. They have to think of a solution.

"That guy is on fire..."

One of the members of another tribe seemed to have figured out the key point and said happily: "I understand! We just need to wait until he burns it all!"

"It ran such a long distance from the altar to the suspension bridge. Do you think the fire on it has burned out?"

Hearing Xu Qing's question, the man was immediately dumbfounded.

Not to mention the distance, from the time everyone started escaping until now, screams of death can be heard from the city from time to time. Doesn’t this prove that the ghost thing is still harming people?

It will probably take a long time for the fire on its body to burn out.

Xu Qing turned to Huang Qiong again and asked, "Any news about the matter that I asked you to change your route earlier?"

Huang Qiong then realized that since he couldn't wait for the man to fend for himself, he had to seek some external help.

The best external force is naturally water. Xu Qing had contacted them before and asked the two tribes to send people to open the river's undercurrent to flood and soak the entire tomb.

"Sir, the location of the water flow has been changed to the oblique direction of the underground river. We need to drill through the load-bearing pillars on one side of the original opening to cause the water to flow into the tomb... But Emperor Heng's mausoleum is too large. Even a big river like the Luo River will take some time to complete."

Huang Qiong said tactfully: "Besides, that place is located below. The tribesmen we just sent down don't know the situation above. We have to wait for a long time."

"about how long?"

"Two hours."

Xu Qing calculated in his mind that from the time the group of people slid down and Chunsheng caused the mutation to the time they were escaping, it took about an hour.

If we can be rescued by delaying for another hour, it is acceptable.

"Ok, then our goal is to delay time and wait for the river water to rise from below."

The water rat scratched his head and asked, "My lord, what does Ouke mean?"

Xu Qing could understand everything else he said, but he had never heard of this Ouke.

"It means there's no problem... It's not important. If that thing comes in through the front door, the people of the Qiong tribe will take out the woven net in the house, cover it directly, and drag it to the spot."

After Xu Qing determined the goal, he began to assign specific tasks to each person.

"But that thing is on fire, and it will definitely not work if we just rely on the rope net in this shabby house that has been abandoned for who knows how many years."

Xu Qing stood up and walked to one side of the yard to look around. After confirming that this place was very useful, he said to everyone: "Remove the rope nets, move stone tables and stone chairs to set up obstacles in the other two places, and then gather the rest of the people to stay here and lead that thing to this place."

"Sir, why are you bringing them here?"

Xu Qing patted the stone pillars on both sides and said, "Since your underground river has load-bearing pillars, this room also has them. As long as we cut notches in these two pillars and break the thing when it pounces on us, we can use this stone wall to trap it here."

Huang Qiong carefully recalled Xu Qing's plan and was surprised to find that the new marquis had a meticulous mind and his layout was logical.

More importantly, in such a tense environment, the other party was able to come up with such a good strategy based on the terrain in a short period of time. He is truly a rare talent.

"Once that thing is trapped inside, we will run in all directions. This way, it can only chase in one direction, which can buy precious time for the remaining people. As long as we can wait until the underground river fills up the tomb, this thing should be silenced."

Although Xu Qing was puzzled by the monster's strength and actions, there was a natural law of mutual promotion and mutual restraint among all things, so Xu Qing didn't believe that this guy could still emit flames under the water.


There was a huge noise coming from the direction of the tomb, which made Yang Xianning, who was leaning quietly on the side of the tomb passage, open her beautiful eyes and stare at the huge tomb door that was open high in the distance.

However, what made her heart sink to the bottom was that there was only one figure appearing in the tomb door.

Not only that, the other party was also wearing a long robe and a scarlet mask on his face, flashing a dazzling red light.

Did it fail...?

Seeing a new star god appear, Yang Xianning leaned against the wall, forced herself to stand up, and stood in the tomb passage.

She also knew that she had exhausted all her energy and was unable to deal with a strong enemy, but the Yang family had never retreated on the battlefield, so they could not be afraid in the face of these thieves.

"Sure enough, it's you who stopped Kaiyang Xingjun here."

The figure who stepped out of the tomb door was none other than Tianji Star Lord. After taking a look at the messy scene in front of the tomb door, he knew what had happened.

“Although Tianquan is young, he is also a person with extremely special abilities among the Star Lords. You have been able to withstand his pressure and fight till now. Little girl, you are worthy of the name of the Yang family…”

Tianji Star Lord's voice was calm, and the words he read out were gentle and powerful, like a kind elder affirming the efforts of a younger generation and being moved by the hardships the other person has endured.

Yang Xianning tried her best to regulate her breathing, and frost formed on her pretty face.

(End of this chapter)

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