My wife has a secret

Chapter 182 Breaking the situation

Chapter 182 Breaking the situation
Spring makes the weathered and old faces become lively and energetic, with a brand new look.

Although he was still sitting still, he squinted his eyes and looked at Xu Qing quietly.

From all aspects, when the envoy Chunsheng talked about the Tao of Immortality, he was no longer as calm and composed as before, and a different expression appeared on his face.

The pursuit of immortality and the way of enlightenment seems to be his lifelong belief and ideal.

"Envoy Chunsheng, I don't mean to pour cold water on you, but up to now... I can't sense the aura of an immortal on you. If you insist that your brother who self-immolated has ascended to heaven, I will be the first to disbelieve it."

The White Lotus Sect's Chunshengshi, who transformed his corpse into an immortal, completely lost his self-awareness and became a tool that only knew how to kill.

Although Xu Qing didn't understand what purpose the White Lotus Sect had in driving the other party, and what method they used to make that person's body invulnerable to swords and guns and extremely powerful, this was not the immortal posture recorded in the classics.

Xu Qing continued, "Envoy Chunsheng, I am not here to chat with you, but to reveal the mystery... If I am right, the invulnerable and powerful 'corpse fairy' in the ghost town should have some connection with you, right?"

Xu Qing changed direction halfway and rushed straight to the altar, and noticed something strange about Chunshengshi.

From the moment he entered the prison of the Ministry of Justice in the capital, the other party took the initiative to tell him that he had some special connection with another Chunsheng envoy.

Although Xu Qing had never thought about this matter in detail before, but when he carefully recalled what happened on the altar, he could find that during the time when the "corpse fairy" was undergoing the transformation, the Spring Envoy on the altar had been closing his eyes to rest.

Associating cause and effect, Xu Qing had a strong premonition in his heart that after the former jumped into the fire pit and died, he had been controlled by his brothers.

This sounds a bit weird, but Xu Qing feels that the Spring Envoy on the altar is the key to the whole incident and the only weakness of the "Corpse Immortal".

"The Man of Destiny is worthy of the title of Destiny. Yes, the younger brother below is indeed under my control."

Envoy Chunsheng looked at Xu Qing who was about to lose his temper, slowly stood up from the ground, and motioned for both of them to look down.

Xu Qing looked in the direction he was pointing, and happened to see the "corpse fairy" whose body was burnt black sitting quietly near the intersection.

No one knew when the "corpse fairy" came back, but the reason why Xu Qing was relieved was that the blazing flames on the other party's body had subsided, and there was no intact skin on his body.

After Xu Qing confirmed his idea, he let out a breath.

After a long time, he finally saw through the tricks of Chunshengshi and stopped him before the situation deteriorated sharply.

"That thing is really powerful. If I'm not mistaken, it shouldn't be a real person, but a puppet driven by some kind of mechanical device, right?"

"The man of destiny can actually make such a guess. Just now, I really thought you would believe in the theory of corpse reincarnation and becoming an immortal."

Chunsheng smiled indifferently. He was not angry at all when his trick was exposed. Instead, he kept praising Xu Qing for his courage and carefulness. His expression and demeanor seemed very calm.

"I've already said it before, I don't believe there are really immortals in this world, and I don't think anyone can jump from such a high place and be safe and sound, and chase so many people by themselves... If I really need to explain it, this kind of thing is the most reasonable."

Xu Qing said word by word: "This thing has been with you for more than ten years. It is precisely by using this control trick that you can perform the Twin Envoy to perfection, making the world believe that the Spring Envoy is two people, not just one."


Envoy Chunsheng nodded and said, "This is a secret that only the Saint and the leader know. It is not easy for the people of destiny to guess this just by relying on clues."

"Don't play dumb. Now that you've been seen through, you have no way out... You don't know martial arts, and standing on the high platform is like tying yourself up in knots. I just need to push you down from here, and that thing below will completely get out of control."

Xu Qing pondered for a while and asked, "But what puzzles me is that since you knew that you would not succeed in your corpse transformation and had no hope of ascending to heaven, why did you fabricate this farce? What is the real purpose of the White Lotus Sect in planning this?"

A barely perceptible strange color flashed in Chunshengshi's eyes, and his gaze suddenly became sharp, but his face remained calm.

As the atmosphere gradually became tense and Xu Qing had a premonition that the other party was about to speak out the whole story, an earth-shaking noise suddenly came from afar.

He hurriedly looked in the direction where the loud noise came from, and after identifying it for a while, he vaguely found that it seemed to be the entrance to a tomb.

After noticing this, Xu Qing could no longer remain calm, because according to his previous plan, as long as the water level of the Luo River rose to the surrounding area and filled the holes around the suspension bridge, everyone would be able to swim out of the tomb through the river.

But this sudden change obviously cut off everyone's escape route.

"Spring Envoy!"

Xu Qing suddenly moved, turned around and shouted angrily: "Is this noise caused by the black gunpowder you brought? Are you guys really crazy? Don't you even want your own lives?"

If he remembered correctly, Chunshengshi had a long history in the White Lotus Sect and held an extremely high status. Although he was at the same level as Dongzangshi who was later summoned into the sect, he could summon and use the star gods at will.

Besides, Chun Shengshi was the manipulator of the entire chess game in Kyoto, so how could the White Lotus Sect throw him into this barren grave?
"It's time for you to wake up! How can there be a real immortal in this world? Have the things you have spent so much effort to arrange made you immortal so far... Are you still going to be stubborn and trap yourself here for the rest of your life?"

"The man of destiny."

Chunsheng, who was at the top of the list, remained calm in the face of the accusations. He asked in a gentle tone, "Do you know what is the biggest difference between you and ordinary people when you are entrusted with a destiny?"

Xu Qing had no idea what Chunsheng was up to. He stared at him for a long while, as if he was trying to find a flaw in his face.

But to his disappointment, Chunshengshi's face looked happy instead of sad, as if he was very satisfied with the current situation.

"I don't know."

"According to ancient legends, the Five Emperors' Chronicles, Emperor Yao governed the country as the Son of Heaven and observed the will of heaven...Since ancient times, emperors of all dynasties have called themselves the Son of Heaven, which originally meant the Son of Heaven."

Xu Qing sneered, "Why? According to what you said, am I still one generation older than these emperors?"

"You could say the same thing."

Envoy Chunsheng said calmly: "The deduction of the man of destiny is generally correct. The only mistake is the original intention of our Holy Church to plan this grand plan for Kyoto... I wonder if the man of destiny has ever heard of the saying that sins are committed in this life, but merits are passed down through the ages?"

Xu Qing looked at the Envoy Chunsheng in confusion, only to see him pointing to the sky with one hand and saying with a leisurely smile, "There really is no way to cultivate immortality in this world. The ways to cultivate immortality that our Master Qingxuzi taught the late emperor are all wrong. Back then, our Master took advantage of the late emperor's eagerness to become an immortal, and the elixir he refined was not an elixir, but a thunderbolt that was smuggled here. Although the tomb he dug boasts of having a feng shui theory that absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the essence of dragon veins, its real purpose is to threaten the lives of the people in the imperial capital."

"Where is the merit in this?"

Seeing that Envoy Chunsheng had revealed his plan in full, Xu Qing couldn't help but ask, "From the beginning to the end, it was you, the White Lotus Sect, who were causing trouble for the world, right?"

"As the emperor of mankind, the late emperor had no concern for the empire or the people's livelihood. All he sought was the way of the immortals. Do you think he deserved death?"

Xu Qing was speechless after being told this by Chunsheng, and didn't know how to respond for a moment. Everyone knew that the former emperor of Qi was obsessed with alchemy and becoming an immortal, and he had indeed reached the point of causing chaos in the government and appointing villains.

From this point of view alone, the fact that the White Lotus Sect killed him would naturally make the lower-class people applaud and it could be considered a good thing.

"Moreover, the credit for saving the world will naturally not go to me."

Xu Qing frowned and asked, "Is it your Saint, or the leader who has never shown his face?"

Envoy Chunsheng looked at Xu Qing and continued with a smile: "I call you the Man of Destiny. Of course, it means that you are carrying the destiny and will become the true ruler of this world..."


Xu Qing was slightly stunned and almost thought he had misheard.

If he remembered correctly, the reason he traveled through time was because the original owner of this body was poisoned by the love flower that the White Lotus Sect gave to the fourth room, and was catalyzed by the mandragora to cause hallucinations, and he slipped and fell into the pool in the backyard.

Now, Chunsheng, as the Four Seasons Envoy of the White Lotus Sect, actually told him kindly that all his actions were for him.

During the bumpy journey to the capital, he was between life and death several times and almost regarded the White Lotus Sect as his number one enemy. Is this guy crazy?

"Today's drama is set up for you... Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't understand it now. When spring goes and autumn comes, cold comes and heat goes, and the four seasons cycle back and forth. One day in the future, the destiny will come and you will understand the mystery of it."

There was a meaningful look in Chunshengshi's eyes. Before Xu Qing understood the mystery, he followed the direction of his younger brother, opened his arms, and fell down without hesitation.

"Wait a moment!"

Xu Qing originally wanted to ask this Spring Envoy more detailed questions, but the other party was determined to die.

With a "bang", a sound of shattering came from under his feet. Even though Xu Qing did not look down, he knew that the other party was a mortal being. Falling from such a high place, he would be dead.

Could it be that... Envoy Chunsheng still has a backup plan?
As soon as this idea came to mind, Xu Qing felt that it was not very realistic. After all, according to the habits of Emperor Qi Heng, he would never open more exits in his mausoleum to attract the covetousness and peeping of thieves.

One more entrance means one more possibility of tomb robbery. Emperor Qi Heng's goal was to transform his corpse into an immortal and not be disturbed. Even the tomb door was made of a wide and heavy stone door weighing thousands of pounds. He would never want outsiders to disturb his eternal sleep.

Suddenly, the head of the "corpse fairy" below tilted upwards.

Xu Qing originally thought that he was hallucinating because of his nervousness, but when he looked directly at the burnt Chunsheng puppet, the puppet actually stood up as if it had come back to life.

"What the hell? Are there really corpse immortals in this world?"

Just as Xu Qing was stunned for a moment, the "Corpse Immortal" stretched out its arm to one side. Suddenly, its limbs became strange, flashing a faint red light, as if some power was about to break out of its body.

"No way?"

Xu Qing's expression was surprised at first, then his face changed drastically, and his entire face twitched uncontrollably.

Because the direction in which the "corpse fairy" puppet stretched its arm was actually the black gunpowder that had been placed around the altar.

The moment flames appeared on his arms, dazzling sparks also shot up into the sky, causing an explosion that resounded through the heavens and earth and destroyed the world.

In an instant, everything was extinct.


In the Qifeng Palace late at night, the night is gloomy.

The moonlight shines through the intricate patterns on the paper windows and into the hall paved with gold bricks, creating an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Empress Dowager Xu, dressed in a simple white dress, sat quietly in front of the Buddha statue in the hall, turning the sandalwood Buddhist beads with her slender hands.

The light just happened to shine on her profile, showing off the young woman's beauty that was so stunning that it could captivate fish and geese, and shame the moon and flowers.

Her beauty is like a finely carved magnolia flower, noble and elegant.

Even after some years of baptism, the young woman's appearance has not diminished with the passage of time, but has become more charming and dazzling.

"When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva practiced the profound Prajna Paramita, he saw that the five aggregates were empty and was able to overcome all suffering..."

Empress Dowager Xu silently recited Buddhist scriptures, the Heart Sutra, as if she was using the scriptures to calm her inner anxiety.

For some reason, even though tomorrow was the day for the grand ceremony of her ascension to the throne that she had been preparing for several years, she still couldn't completely calm down. She was always disturbed by some inexplicable thoughts.

All nations came to pay tribute, and as the first female emperor in history, Empress Dowager Xu knew that she had to pay attention to rest and maintain her demeanor.

But why do I feel upset?
"Shariputra, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. The same is true of feeling, perception, mental formations and consciousness..."

Not far from Empress Dowager Xu, the dragon robe of the empress, which was created by famous masters in the country over four years and with great painstaking efforts, was hung on the clothes rack.

Although its shape is inspired by the elegance of the phoenix coronet and bridal robe, the glittering five-clawed golden dragon and the precious gems inlaid on it are all showing off its noble status.

More importantly, this dragon robe palace dress perfectly combines the femininity and dignity of a woman. It is majestic and beautiful, dignified and majestic.

"I wonder if Qing'er likes or hates this dress when she sees it?"

Empress Dowager Xu's thoughts on reciting Buddhist scriptures were interrupted, and her eyes slightly glanced sideways, falling on the carefully prepared dress.

She suddenly looked forward to Ming Qing'er's reaction, but the strangeness and distance she showed when she came to the palace a few days ago made her feel melancholy and helpless.

However, once the important affairs of the palace are dealt with in the coming days and other restless factions in the court are purged, the power of the entire Da Qi will be firmly in hands.

She and Qing'er can spend the rest of their lives together naturally, without any constraints and without having to look at other people's eyes.


At the moment when Empress Dowager Xu was distracted, Lord Lianhua stood at the door with his hands neatly raised in front of his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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