My wife has a secret

Chapter 194 Black Town

Chapter 194 Black Town
Being able to go there safely doesn't mean that the delegation can return safely.


The midnight in Liangjiaqu was a cold, dark and silent night.

Xu Qing woke up from the bed and stared at the desolate environment outside the window for a long time.

After calming down, he packed up the new clothes that the heroine had bought today, walked down the stairs on the second floor of the inn, and went down to the bathhouse in the backyard.

Before entering, you can see the lights on in the bathhouse.

The lights in the bathhouse of the inn were usually kept on until dawn, so he didn't think much of it.

It was not until he opened the door and heard the sound of water splashing inside that Xu Qing realized there was someone inside.

The innkeeper locked the door and went home before nightfall. Now there was no sound in the front hall and the first floor. The person staying in the bathhouse... Xu Qing knew who it was even with his eyes closed.

Thinking of the lesson he had just taught the children in the bathhouse today, Xu Qing turned around with an embarrassed look and wanted to close the door again.

But the person washing in the pool is a martial arts master, so of course he can hear the noise of opening and closing the door.

"Just wait there. I'll be done soon."

Fortunately, the entrance and the pool were separated by a porch and some cabinet doors, so Xu Qing's embarrassed expression did not appear in front of the other party.

Although he didn't see anything with his own eyes, the previous physical contact still made Xu Qing have some beautiful fantasies about the sound of flowing water in the bathhouse.

Halfway through the thought, Xu Qing strictly prohibited himself from being rude.

The other person is your savior, how could you have such evil thoughts just because of the day you recuperated in Falun Temple?
"I can just go out and wait."

"It doesn't matter. You don't dare to come in."

The voice in the pool was somewhat calm, but the unguarded attitude in her words made Xu Qing feel helpless, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

"After passing Liangjiaqu, we can go north for another day and probably reach Shangjing City."

Xu Qing took the opportunity to ask about his inner confusion, "Have you ever been to Shangjing City?"

The female warrior's voice had slight ups and downs and changes, "I've been there."

Yang Xianning had followed her grandfather to Shangjing when she was young. This was because the Liao Kingdom's military power was the best in the world at that time, and the Qi Kingdom's envoys and the Yang family's border generals had to rush here to sign a humiliating tribute treaty.

As time went by, the rise of the Jin Dynasty and the Mongols brought about sudden changes in the situation in the north.

However, Qi still paid tribute every year according to the peace treaty, hoping that Liao could help it keep away these financial wolves and tigers.

"No wonder it looks so familiar."

Xu Qing naturally didn't think too much about it. After expressing his feelings for a few words, he changed the topic.

"After staying here for a day, the owner of this black shop didn't do anything. Does that mean he has no intention of attacking passers-by?"

Yang Xianning washed herself and stood up from the pool. She dried herself in the corner of the bathtub and asked in a calm and even tone, "If you were the owner of this inn, how would you deal with us?"

"Will you poison me?"

After Xu Qing finished speaking, he shook his head and denied, "No, there are children with us. Judging from their age, they are not our biological children. If we are cruel enough to test the poison on them, his intention to kill for money will be exposed."

While Xu Qing was still thinking, Yang Xianning had changed into the clothes she had bought for the day and appeared in front of him.

Her figure is graceful, with slender body and plump curves setting off each other, like a painting full of charm, giving herself a unique elegance.

Smelling the faint fragrance coming from in front of him, Xu Qing blinked slightly.

"Yes, so he won't poison us, or do those little tricks to raise our vigilance."

Yang Xianning said firmly: "When two armies are fighting, the attacking party will choose to attack at dawn, because that is the time when people are most tired and sleepy."

When Xu Qing heard this, his mind suddenly became clear.

If he is running a shady shop and there are no other customers in the shop, attacking at this time is indeed a good strategy.

Unexpectedly, this woman is not only intelligent, but also understands military tactics.

"Come back to the guest room to find me after you're done. It's almost dawn."

"it is good."


Knowing that danger was imminent, Xu Qing naturally didn't have the time or energy to clean carefully.

After washing off the recent mud and scrubbing his body briefly, he put on his clothes and went upstairs.

Ryoko and Jingjing were still sleeping soundly in the house. The deep night outside the window was like a cracked egg, with a ray of dawn appearing on the skyline.

At the moment of dawn, the sky is like a huge curtain, gradually turning from dark to bright, revealing infinite vitality.

The beautiful female warrior of unknown origin sat astride the room, took out the dagger she had seized earlier with an indifferent look on her face, and began to sharpen it on a pebble.

The "swoosh" and "swoosh" sounds make people's scalp tingle.

Xu Qing seemed to have sensed something, his face looked serious, he pierced the window paper with his hand and looked out quietly.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it.

Outside the window were densely packed heads of people, holding torches high, mostly men, gathered around the inn.

"These people seem to be all residents of Liangjiaqu, right?"

When Xu Qing passed by the town yesterday, although he did not greet the townspeople, he still memorized some of their faces.

Looking down from the second floor today, many of their faces looked very familiar. It was obvious that we had met them when we entered the town yesterday.

"I see... This inn owner looks amiable and approachable on the surface, but the inn he runs is a black shop where people from the whole town rob and kill passers-by. When he locked the door and went out yesterday, he was actually calling the neighbors to help."

After only a short while, Xu Qing deduced the true appearance of this place.

Rather than calling it a shady shop, it would be more accurate to say that Liangjiaqu is a shady town.

"Chen Laosan, is it almost time?"

"Yes, if it were ordinary people, wouldn't we have rushed in long ago? Why did we wait outside the door for so long today?"

Downstairs, the man called Chen Laosan is the owner of this inn.

He stared at the second-floor window with some suspicion, feeling uneasy.

For some reason, he felt an inexplicable tremor in his heart when he saw the woman's eyes at the counter yesterday. If the town had not been short of food recently and they had two lambs with them, Chen Laosan would not have planned to attack this group of people.

Even though he called all the capable people in the town and told them that a big fish had been caught, he was still a little panicked.

It was as if there was a pair of eyes on the second floor staring at me.

"Damn it, never mind... do it!"

Chen Laosan knew that it was no use continuing to remain in the stalemate. He had called so many people and was already in a difficult situation. He simply unlocked the door outside and let everyone rush in.

Upstairs, Xu Qing saw the people below rushing into the house, and subconsciously wanted to turn around to remind the female hero.

Who would have thought that she would actually throw the sharpened knife in her hand directly over. The shining blade swayed back and forth in the air, which scared Xu Qing, who had rarely touched weapons.

"Can't you just pass it over?"

"There is only one staircase leading to the second floor. If you guard the stairs, it will be difficult for them to attack up."

Yang Xianning ignored Xu Qing's complaints, but pulled out another knife that she had sharpened earlier, opened the door and stood out.

The villagers who rushed into the front hall and were about to go up to the second floor were stunned by this scene. They did not expect that the guests, who usually should have been immersed in sleep and in dishevel, were actually on guard.

"Back off, go back, and I'll spare your lives."

Yang Xianning naturally knew what the consequences would be if she took action. The villagers below had never learned martial arts and relied entirely on their ruthlessness.

Without the protection of sophisticated armor, no matter how many people there are, it will be of no use.

"Girl, are you kidding me? When you get to the nearest government office and tell others about our situation, there will definitely be soldiers coming to arrest us."

"Yeah, don't treat us as fools. Only the dead can keep secrets... For the peace of our entire town, please just die!"

After a few words of conversation, the townspeople, who had an absolute numerical advantage, began to rush upstairs, making Xu Qing's scalp tingle.

To be honest, although the stairs have the advantage of terrain, I am holding a short knife instead of a long knife, so I don't feel safe.

Yang Xianning walked away from his side calmly and gave him a gentle reminder.

"Watch my moves and learn slowly."

Then she stepped forward, used her left hand to push away the fist that the first man extended, and stabbed the man's heart with the dagger.

The townspeople obviously didn't expect that this seemingly brave girl was so good at fighting. She was tricked and died immediately.

Facing the enemy on the stairs, Yang Xianning did not make any unnecessary moves. Instead, she kicked the corpse in front of her down, causing it to roll over and knock over a group of townspeople, scaring the rioting crowd.

Xu Qing suddenly realized, "So that's how it is. We just need to guard against the person in front."

After performing the common way of defending a city, Yang Xianning grabbed the handrail next to her and jumped down, rushing straight towards the people downstairs.

This sudden action stunned the townspeople, and they all raised their sharp farm tools to stab him.

But before Yang Xianning landed on the ground, she used her powerful true energy to overturn several people below her, raising dust.

She landed sideways in mid-air and casually slapped the person with the force contained in her palm. The person who was attacked was like a willow catkin, flying far away, with his limbs out of control, and crashing into the wall, leaving a cracked deep pit.

I'll be a good boy.

It was the first time that Xu Qing saw this female hero in action. Although he had heard about her fighting with the White Lotus Sect's Star Lord before, he knew that she was quite powerful.

But who could have thought that such a person, facing the siege of hundreds of townspeople, not only did he not fall into a disadvantage, but instead became more and more courageous and fought with great momentum.

What most subverted his worldview was that the heroines in this world were completely different from those he had seen in novels, movies and TV dramas in his previous life.

In conventional scripts, heroes should not value human life and just make a few moves to scare the enemy... But she had no intention of stopping at all. Every move she made was aimed at the vital points, and she exuded a murderous aura.

Soon, the residents of Liangjiaqu realized that the situation was not right and became a little timid, because those who died in front of them were all relatives and friends who had lived in the neighborhood for many years.

I thought this woman would soon run out of energy, but who could have expected her to be so difficult to deal with?
"Don't retreat!"

A sturdy man walked out of the crowd, stared at Yang Xianning with a sinister look, and shouted loudly: "It was everyone's idea to open the black shop. If it weren't for the food and silver that were hijacked, who could have lived so comfortably in these years?"

After hearing the man's words, the fear and timidity in the eyes of the townspeople faded away, and fierceness rose again.

Yes, without that money, every family would not be able to have a second or third child, let alone pay the taxes year after year.

It is thanks to this black shop that they can live a prosperous life. Even if every household does not go to the fields to farm, they still have food to eat.

"We are all in this together. If we let these outsiders run away and inform the authorities, none of my wife and children will be able to escape. It would be better to be cruel, get hurt a little, and kill her."

With the encouragement of the man, the townspeople regained their confidence and continued to move towards Yang Xianning.

The reason why Yang Xianning stopped at this moment was very simple. It was because she noticed that this man was obviously the most powerful person in the whole town. He had practiced some Qi gathering skills and could be considered a martial artist who had just started to learn the basics.

He was also very cunning, knowing that he was not as strong as himself, so he deliberately made noises to get the townspeople to act so that he could find his weakness.

But... no matter how cunning he is, and how well he can command the townspeople, he is nothing more than a martial artist with mediocre skills.

Yang Xianning took the lead. She grabbed a rake from the air and used inertia to drag the farmer in front of her. Then she used the power of Qi to slap the opponent on the body.

The man, unaware of the problem, reached out to catch the flying villager. The moment he touched the villager, he felt the energy penetrating into his body and felt something was wrong.

But now I realize it's too late.

At the moment when his body felt slightly numb, Yang Xianning's figure was as fast as lightning, almost walking on the wind, leaving a trail of afterimage and coming in front of him.

The man had no time to react before he was met with another powerful palm from the opponent. Instantly, he heard the crisp sound of broken bones, followed by a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen.

The man spat out a mouthful of blood towards the sky and took several steps back.

The physical fitness that I have always been proud of became vulnerable at this moment. Just by enduring a palm strike, I felt that my body was made of paper.

It was this encounter that made him realize that there was something wrong with the woman in front of him.

He had not noticed that the opponent was intentionally restraining his breath before, but with his rich experience and skills in fighting enemies, coupled with his mighty power like the ocean, he could almost be called the leader in martial arts.

Having seen the world, he knew that even in the whole world, there were only a handful of warriors with such strength.

His fighting spirit was crushed, and he wanted to kneel on the ground and kowtow for mercy, begging the other party to spare them for the sake of the lives of hundreds of people.

But he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Because Yang Xianning had already stabbed the dagger into his body and mind without him knowing when, and under the tremendous force, the hole at the tip of the knife was charred, as if boiling the blood.

This was because Yang Xianning's strength was extremely great, and the true energy she emitted had a spiral stirring motion, which caused sparks to fly when it rubbed against the stone wall behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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