My wife has a secret

Chapter 222 Virtual and Real

Chapter 222 Virtual and Real

"In the eleventh year of the Xianyuan period, the Huangling Army issued a decree to the families of the wounded and sacrificed soldiers, asking them to report their situations to the local county government, who would compile and report to the Yang family, who would then pay compensation from their own pockets."

Tianji Xingjun seemed to know that period of history very well, and said in a calm tone: "During the first year of the reign of Emperor Xian, the court and the Yang family had not yet reached a point of conflict, so the Yang family's treasury was also sufficient, and Huangling Pass had never been troubled by military expenses. Sun's father tried his best on the battlefield and cut off the Liao army's flag. His deeds were reported to the head of the Yang family by the captain of the same hometown, so he also received the attention of the Yang family, was rated as the first in local funding, and received generous subsidies."

"and then?"

The person who asked this question was no longer Xu Qing, but Yang Caiyun who was hiding behind him.

Xianyuan was the reign title before Emperor Xuan of Qi and Emperor Heng of Qi. Although it is not known why Tianji Star Lord knew so much about this trivial matter, judging from his narrative tone, it does not sound like a fabricated story.

"Although the story of Sun's father's bravery reached the Yang family, no one in the family or the village knew about it. Everyone knew that a man in their family had died, but only the Sun family received a full three hundred taels of silver."

Tianji Xingjun laughed contemptuously and said, "When the subsidy from the Yang family was allocated, the local villagers took advantage of Sun Baiqian's young age and embezzled the money, hiding it from every household. Even when his grandmother died of a serious illness and his brothers and sisters died of lack of food, he didn't know that the money he deserved had gone into the pockets of his neighbors."

"But there is no such thing as a wall that is impenetrable. As his family became increasingly impoverished, every household in the village became increasingly prosperous. Sun Baiqian overheard this secret one night. From then on, he hated Huangling Pass and the Yang family."

Xu Qing frowned and asked, "It's understandable that he hates his hometown neighbors, but why does he hate the Yang family who provided financial assistance to his family?"

Shen Shuangxu, who was listening quietly, replied: "The Huangling Army is not officially organized by the court. It is a militia recruited by the Yang family in Huangling Pass. Sun Baiqian must think that the war destroyed his originally happy family. And... all the roots come from this extremely generous amount of money."

The fiery red mask of Tianji Star Lord moved slightly. He didn't know if it was Xu Qing's illusion, but he always felt that there was something strange about the mask of the White Lotus Sect. It didn't look like a prop, but more like a living being.

For example, just now, the mask of Tianji Star Lord seemed to change with his facial expression.

"Shen Nianyan's daughter is really smart. She is only 20 years old but she can understand people's hearts."

After sighing, Tianji Xingjun continued to answer: "Yes, Sun Baiqian did think so... But he didn't have any ability to take revenge until he left his hometown at the age of fourteen and came to the foot of the Yang family, where he was taken in as an apprentice by the previous generation of craftsmen."

This can explain why Sun Baiqian is the murderer behind the scenes.


Xu Qing carefully recalled what Tianji Xingjun said at the beginning, and remembered that this person had said that he had provided help.

Thinking of the collapse of the city wall and the questions he had asked along the way, he suddenly thought of another possibility.

"Is the truth really as you said?"

Tianji Xingjun tilted his head slightly and looked at Xu Qing, then asked with a smile: "Do you think I am lying? Did I make up this story?"

"No, the story you told is certainly true, but from beginning to end you deliberately emphasized the past... Your purpose in doing so is obviously to draw our attention to the past rather than the present."

Tianji Star Lord restrained his smile and remained silent.

Xu Qing said confidently: "Sun Baiqian certainly has hatred in his heart, but he has been in Huangling Pass for decades and has transformed from a young man into an elder. He has personally taught a disciple and is not unfamiliar with the Yang sisters. He personally guided the repair of the city wall. Would such a person really blame the people of Huangling Pass and the Yang family for the darkness of his childhood and blow up the city wall to vent his anger?"

At this moment, Yang Caiyun was completely convinced by Xu Qing's words.

At first, she almost fell into the story told by Tianji Xingjun, thinking that Uncle Sun was a miserable person, and her heart was full of sympathy. But after Xu Qing's awakening, the little sister of the Yang family suddenly understood and figured out the key.

Because the woodcarving toys made by Uncle Sun were exquisite, I often went to his house to rummage through the drawers and cabinets, looking for interesting things.

If the other party really had evil intentions, he would have attacked my younger self at that time.

But every time she went there, Uncle Sun was lying on a pear wood chair in the yard enjoying the cool air, looking at her mischief with loving eyes.

How could such a person be the bad guy mentioned by the White Lotus Sect?

"What are your intentions? How dare you speak nonsense and say irrelevant words to slander the image of others!"

When Tianji Star Lord heard this, he was not angry but happy.

He chuckled twice, and the color on the mask became brighter red. He said in an exclamatory tone: "Not bad, not bad. I thought the little girl from the Shen family would leave a deep impression on me today, but I didn't expect... What surprised me the most was you, the man of destiny."

At this moment, the night had fallen into dusk, and thousands of torches suddenly lit up around, surrounding the courtyard like a coiled snake.

Xu Qing was delighted, knowing that the reinforcements he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

The reason I listened to Tianji Xingjun's story before was actually so that the Yang family army in the city could rush over when they heard the noise.

The explosives of Tianji Star Lord make a lot of noise and will definitely attract the attention of the defenders in the city.

"Interesting, you are really smart and resourceful. I am impressed... It seems that the Spring Envoy's role as guide was not in vain. The awakening ceremony under the imperial mausoleum has played its true effect. Even this old man's decayed body is looking forward to the future."

Tianji Star Lord understood Xu Qing's thoughts, but he was not panicked by the defenders who surrounded the place.

He said something that Xu Qing didn't quite understand, and then leaped onto the top of the wall surrounding the courtyard. His limber figure didn't look like that of an old man.

Xu Qing was shocked and couldn't help but exclaimed, "How is this possible? Judging from his voice and the story he told, this man must be at least eighty years old. How can he be so agile?"

He was curious about the martial arts in this world before and had learned a thing or two from Chengxuanfang's deputy Shan Yongpei.

Shan Yongpei told himself that even a top-notch warrior as strong as the Yang family's generals, with natural supernatural powers, would weaken with the passage of time.

Moreover, there was no flow of true energy in what Tianji Star Lord did. He relied entirely on his inhumanly strong body to jump over the high wall in one fell swoop.

"Fire arrows!"

The commander outside the courtyard was Yang Qin, who had just been rotated down from the front line.

She was resting under the city wall when she suddenly received a secret report from her subordinates saying that Xu Qing and her younger sister were investigating a traitor and had lost their whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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