My wife has a secret

Chapter 56 Meeting

Chapter 56 Meeting
"On the ground."

Qin Shuying pursed her red lips and turned her head away angrily.

Xu Qing saw that she had made the bed by herself and was determined to sleep with him, so he ignored her, washed, changed his clothes, and went to sleep.

Qin Shuying took off half of her skirt.

The snow-white and delicate skin and graceful figure are faintly visible through the dress.


Hearing the unusual noise, Qin Shuying turned slightly and found that Xu Qing had fallen asleep and was snoring rhythmically.

"This guy……"

Qin Shuying wanted to say something disdainful of him, but when her jade-like hand touched his warm cheek, she felt her heartbeat slow down by half a beat.

"This guy looks pretty good when he's sleeping."


Capital City, Imperial Palace.

The towering palace gates opened inward, revealing a series of majestic and magnificent golden-roofed halls.

The glazed tiles shine golden under the sunlight, making the building extremely dazzling, symbolizing supreme power and glory.

"Announcement, Prince Kang Yuwen of Dongwan County is here to see you in the palace."

The middle-aged man in front of the stone lions at the palace gate did not dare to delay. After confirming his identity with the eunuch who summoned him, he walked towards the emperor's bedroom.

The roads he walked on were all paved with white marble steps, and the steps in front of the temple were carved with five-clawed dragons, which were lifelike and majestic.

Starting from inside the gate, the roads on both sides were filled with majestic guards with swords.

"Kang Yuwen, the Prince of Dongwan, has entered the palace!"

"Kang Yuwen, the Prince of Dongwan, has entered the palace!"

The guards' shouts were deafening, and they advanced up the stairs one after another.

Even though it was not the first time that Kang Yuwen had entered the palace to meet the emperor, the various scenes in the palace still made his scalp tingle and he would never forget them for the rest of his life.

After walking the distance in front of the palace with his head down, Kang Yuwen knelt three times and kowtowed nine times in front of the bedroom door before the eunuch on duty nodded and allowed him to enter the palace.

"Kang Yuwen, the Prince of Dongwan, has arrived."

With a slight creaking sound, the palace door behind Kang Yuwen closed.

The dome of this palace is inlaid with various gems and paintings. The sunlight shines through the skylight, forming colorful light and shadows, which are reflected in the magnificent palace, making it a feast for the eyes.

"Grandpa Kang."

What was hard for outsiders to imagine was that a childish voice was heard from the hall.

Only after hearing this title did Kang Yuwen dare to let go of the pressure outside the palace and looked up at the dragon couch.

A delicate-looking boy wrapped in a dragon robe was looking at him with a pair of bright eyes.

The little emperor has a clear facial contour and a sunny, innocent smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, I dare not move around at will."

"It's okay, Grandpa Kang."

The little emperor was barely half a head taller than the dragon couch. He kicked his yellow brocade shoes and said with a smile, "Grandpa Kang came into the palace alone. It must be something important, right?"

Kang Yuwen did not answer the little emperor's question, but pretended to ask it.

"May I ask your Majesty, is the Queen still in the Taihe Temple, eating vegetarian food and chanting Buddhist scriptures?"

The little emperor replied, "My mother is obsessed with Buddhism and often studies Buddhist scriptures in the Taihe Temple. She hasn't come out in the past two months... Why is Grandpa Kang asking this?"

Kang Yuwen took a deep breath, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, since the death of the previous emperor, the Empress has been in charge of government for more than six years. All kinds of military and political affairs have to pass through her eyes... Your Majesty is over the age of primogeniture, not a child anymore, why don't you ask the Empress to return power to the Li Qi royal family?"

The little emperor was slightly startled when he heard this, and seemed to be stunned by Kang Yuwen's words. He thought of the woman who helped him to sit on the throne, and was startled, with cold sweat on his back.

"Grandpa Kang, this matter..."

"Your Majesty, don't be confused!"

The little emperor was interrupted by Kang Yuwen, and his childish face was full of hesitation.

"Grandpa Kang, I know you are loyal and upright... but don't forget that I don't have the chance to make mistakes."

Although the little emperor is young, he is very clear about his current situation.

The Queen Mother was so powerful that the other party could even depose her and establish a new emperor.

"Back then, I followed my biological mother and wandered outside the palace. We suffered a lot. It was my mother who brought us in..."

Kang Yuwen interrupted again, "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother trained you because you were still young and had no relatives in the palace... But you must not forget that this Great Qi Dynasty originally belonged to the people with the surname Li."

The little emperor's Adam's apple moved slightly, and he suddenly felt dry mouth and hot blood all over his body.

Yes! It is normal for a son to inherit his father's business. Why should I feel guilty?
Kang Yuwen saw the light in the little emperor's eyes and knew that he had heard his words.

He continued, "In recent years, there have been many officials who have changed their stance according to the situation, but there are also some loyal people in the court who always believe that Your Majesty is the orthodox leader of Li Qi... Please review this list, Your Majesty."

The little emperor took the Huang Juan tissue that Kang Yuwen presented to him with both hands and saw a row of names.

Although most of them are royal relatives, there are also some Heluo families and prominent families.

“Are these the people who support me in seizing power?”


The little emperor's voice was a little lentil, and when his eyes rested on the last column on the list, an expression of surprise that was difficult to conceal emerged on his childish face.

"Are the names above correct? Are they all true?"

"It is true. This list was compiled by me personally. Every family and name has been carefully checked and signed by them."

Kang Yuwen was extremely cautious when looking for the royalist faction.

Without absolute certainty, he would not dare to include it in the list.

This concerns the family's future and their life and death. Any carelessness will lead to all their efforts being wasted and they will fall to the bottom.

"Beijing Shen family."

The little emperor stared at the name above and fell into thinking about the past.

I still remember that I had just ascended the throne and my foundation was not deep, so a minister suggested that I let the prime minister's daughter Shen Shuangxu marry me and take charge of the harem.

This proposal was rejected by the Queen Mother.

As the talent that the queen mother admired most among the younger generations, she married her to her nephew from her hometown.

From beginning to end, the little emperor had never seen this extremely famous and extraordinary woman.

"Are they my people too?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, please rest assured."

"In that case, let's leave everything to Grandpa Kang... I just don't know what I need to do."

Kang Yuwen was confident and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother's power is huge, and everything needs to be based on her, but if something happens to her, the Queen Mother's faction will be like a group of dragons without a leader."

Seeing that the little emperor didn't quite understand what he meant, Kang Yuwen had to change his words to something more understandable.

"Your Majesty, do you still remember the Qing Palace in the harem? It is the one used to punish concubines who made mistakes."

The little emperor nodded.

"Three days later, the Queen of Heaven will definitely return to the palace from the Taihe Temple to worship the ancestors."

 There's more tonight. No need to wait. I'll take a rest first.

(End of this chapter)

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