Martial Arts Becomes Invincible Starting from the Golden Body

Chapter 184 A strong man from 3 years ago!

Chapter 184 A strong man from thirty thousand years ago!
"Open the border regularly and allow merchants to freely purchase weapons from the Kingdom of Mountains without any restrictions on quantity."

"Shame, a huge shame, this is treating us as vassals!"

In the Black Rock Hall, a sound like the roar of artillery exploded. The sound was full of endless anger and humiliation, but soon another sound like a bell sounded in response,
"Why didn't you shout when the dragon was there? When he left, you shouted at us. What's the use?"

"You all just remained silent. When the dragon proposed those unreasonable terms, not one of you stood up to refute it."

"Didn't you stand up? What qualifications do you have to serve us?"

"That's enough. It's just a regular trade of weapons. What's the point?"

At this time, the dwarf sitting on the throne of the mountains spoke, and when he made a sound, the black rock hall suddenly became silent. The eyes of many hill dwarf kings focused on this strongest dwarf.

"Isn't it a good thing to be able to form an alliance with the Bronze Dragon Lord and become an ally by paying such a small price?"

"Yes, this is indeed a good thing."

The dwarf king spoke, and the other hill kings no longer said anything else, but echoed incessantly. It is already a well-known fact that the world is in turmoil and the current situation is uneasy.

Even if they are legends, they are still confused about the future. It is not a bad thing to be able to sacrifice some of their interests and get to know a dragon that is so powerful that it stands at the top of the material world.

The dwarves have decided to compromise in all aspects, and are ready to surrender to Tyrell, both mentally and physically. Tyrell also knows this, but he does not have too much energy to pay attention to it, because he has also reached the last stage of this trip. stand.

Qiyao Holy Tower
This is a force originally established by seven legendary mages. Needless to say, the intimidation of the legendary mages. Their existence and every word and deed has a huge impact on the surrounding area. This is a place that melee legends can never reach. the height of.

The seven legendary mages united together, which made the Seven Lumins Holy Tower a place that countless spellcasters dream of on the Elmond continent at the beginning of its creation. After years of development until today, the Seven Lumins Holy Tower has become a place in the world of Kallos. , one of the famous holy places for spellcasters.

More than half of the original seven founders have disappeared, but this does not affect the status of Qiyao Holy Tower in the world at all, because there are only many more legendary mages in it than before.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Seven Lights Holy Tower can be said to be the strongest force in the western part of the Elmond Continent. Even when Carlos, the king of Lan Ting, was at his peak, he did not provoke the Seven Lights Holy Tower.

However, today, dragons have descended on the core of Qiyao Holy Tower. It is a city cluster composed of seven mage towers built in the same area as the core. It is the most prosperous metropolis on the mainland.

Not to mention Midgar, which was built with the painstaking efforts of Gu Jinlong. Even though Tiril devoted a lot of effort and even many paladins joined one after another, Punolando, which was gradually developed, could not compete with what was in front of him. Compared to this city.

Even though Tiril is located a thousand meters above the ground, the edge of this mage city cannot be seen at a glance. Mage towers of various shapes and sizes tower into the clouds, blooming with brilliant elemental auras, and floating ships rise and fall. And the flying mages who shuttle between the city's buildings give the city a sense of confusion and fantasy that goes beyond the current world and era.

The powerful feeling of tearing made Tyrell look at it for a long time. In most areas of Kallos, the level of civilization development remained at the agricultural age, and feudal lords and nobles were everywhere.

Feudal aristocrats possessing great power can, if they wish, suppress many forces that want to progress and halt the development of civilization, just because this is in their interests.

But there are exceptions to everything. In areas ruled by spellcasters, you can always see civilizational creations that transcend the times. This city of mages in front of you can be said to be a typical example.

"Your Excellency Tyrell!"

When Di Ruil was looking at the city, portals opened in front of Di Ruil, and men, women, old and young with different styles and charms appeared in front of Di Ruil. Each figure represented a different person. A legendary mage who practices here or settles here.

Mage can be said to be the most special existence among many professionals, and among the same level, the most likely professional to accomplish dragon slaying or equivalent feats by virtue of individual strength.

"Welcome to Meneses, what's your business?"

As an ancestral dragon, Tyrell would cause a surge of elements every time he traveled, even if he deliberately restrained himself. However, when he came to this city, most of the elements that spontaneously flocked to him were calmed down.

But even so, it still set off a majestic elemental tide in the sky over the city, blocking out the sky and the sun, seriously hindering air traffic order, but it did not cause large-scale panic in the city.

This city of mage has set up a terrifying magical lock. Without permission, neither individuals nor extraordinary alchemy items can fly here, let alone cast spells to cause damage, but Di Rui Er ignored all this, and his existence was tantamount to trampling on the entire city.

It is precisely because of this that even though Diril's arrival has had an extremely serious impact on the city, these legendary mages still greeted Diril with a warm and hospitable host attitude.

Of course, Tyrell was also wary and cautious about these legendary spellcasters, because he found that this group was slightly beyond his expectations.

Whether it was the Silver Moon Royal Court of the elves or the kingdom of mountains of the dwarves, he felt that the two combined might not be enough to defeat the Seven Lights Holy Tower.

Because there were already nine legendary mages who appeared in front of him, including those who were not there, those who traveled to other planes, and those who were missing.

It is no exaggeration to say that Qiyao Holy Tower is no longer the dominant force in the mainland. Even in the world, it still has a place. However, quantity is quantity, and among these mages, there is only one high-ranking legend.

It was a man with an extremely ordinary face, flaxen hair, dark brown eyes, and a simple white robe. If he were lost in the crowd, it would be difficult to find him.

But this man dared to lead a group of mages to face the existence of Diriel, even though he was a human, but his performance was more calm and calm than the great elf king and the king of the mountains.

"There is a rebellion on the border of my territory. Some of the rebellion seems to have something to do with you. I am here to find out about the situation."

Tyrell said directly that among the grand dukes who launched rebellions on the border, apart from those who took refuge with the elves and dwarves, there were also some grand dukes who declared neutrality.

But these guys dare not say anything else. They are full of skills in adapting to the wind. If there is no strong backstage support to give them the courage, they will never dare to launch a rebellion.

In Elmond Continent, apart from the elves and dwarves, the only ones who can give these guys courage are the mages in front of them.

"Is it related to us?"

The leading man's brows suddenly frowned slightly, and then he quickly relaxed, with a trace of apology on his face.
"Sorry, there is indeed something to do with it. Please give me some time and I will handle it soon."

As he spoke, the man's palm immediately pierced the space. With a gentle wave, there was infinite light, extending from his fingertips to the infinite distance. Not long after, three people were pierced through their limbs, and their faces were pale. , Legend with horrified eyes threw it in front of Tyrell.

Different from the previous two times, these legends are all alive. As long as they can be treated in time, they will be able to be alive and kicking in less than three days. "They should be the legends who launched a rebellion in your territory. You can handle it yourself. As for me, I need to give you another explanation!"

The unassuming high-ranking legendary mage took out his palm, and then tapped it gently towards a towering mage tower in the city. Then, the jet-black mage tower with shining metal texture began to disintegrate from the highest point, and there was a burst of wailing and crying. gradually collapsed.

"Master Linde, please show mercy!"

A middle-aged mage with a beard hanging down to his waist hurriedly appeared in mid-air. When he saw the disintegrated mage tower, his face showed real sadness, and he almost cried.

"No matter who you are, you need to pay for what you have done. No one can bear the consequences for you!"

The chief mage of the Qiyao Holy Tower moved towards this heartbroken mage, and the chaotic space storm swept him into it, completely disappearing.

"Your Excellency Tyrell, a mage from the Holy Tower was indeed involved in this incident, but before that I was conducting experiments and had no idea about it. Now that I have exiled the leader of this incident, I don't know who is right. Are you satisfied with this result?"

"of course."

Seeing that the situation was so decisive and the legendary mage was not separated from the water at all, Tyrell raised the dragon claw and pressed forward gently. The three bound legends were immediately crushed into pieces in the air under his power. A puddle of minced meat mixed with blood and bones,

"Not satisfied!"

"We did something wrong indeed, so what compensation do you need?"

Linde didn't hesitate and spoke directly. He didn't care about his own face at all, let alone the different expressions of some legendary mages around him.

"I learned about the Qiyao Holy Tower when I was a teenager. Everything I saw today was beyond my expectations, so I hope to reach cooperation with you!"

"Cooperation? How to cooperate?"

Linde was not surprised by Dirrell's proposal. The dragon in front of him obviously came with special intentions. After all, he didn't even look at the legendaries he just threw in front of him. He didn't care at all. .

"This is a veritable holy land for spellcasters, so I hope to send a group of students here for further study every year. When Ruier arrived here, he was attracted by the exaggerated number of mages here at first sight, but it was unrealistic to kidnap a group of mages by force, so turning them into teaching staff and asking them to help train spellcasters was undoubtedly a better request.

"no problem."

Hearing Di Ruier's request to send a group of students here every year for further study, Linde agreed without even thinking about it. For him, this was really just a small matter. Anyway, with his status, he would be able to teach when the time came. It's not his turn.

No matter how troublesome it is, it doesn't matter. Besides, it's just accepting students. Qiyao Holy Tower would have accepted students from different origins from the mainland and all over the world.

Some of these students will stay in the Holy Tower forever and become a part of the Holy Tower, but many more will return to their hometowns and at the same time expand the influence of Qiyao Holy Tower.

"Then let's discuss the specific number of places and matters."

Seeing the talker in front of him agreeing so happily, Di Rui suddenly showed a malicious smile, and this smile also made several legendary mages beside Linde notice that something was wrong, but at the moment, even with the Due to their status, they had no room to speak, and they could only watch their mage master perform.

"This is impossible!"

"It's not impossible."

"Discuss slowly."

"That's it."

"Sign the contract!"

After a fierce but short debate, Dirrell quickly reached an agreement with this group of mages. Every year, he would send students to Qiyao Holy Tower for further study, but the number was uncertain, and they would pay as much tuition as they came.

Each student must be accepted by a mage whose strength is not lower than the soul level, and can receive high-level spells taught personally.

Under the premise that Tyrell was willing to give money readily, the terms that should have been debated for a long time were quickly passed.

After all, being a mage is a very expensive profession. Many mages are willing to teach students just for the high tuition fees paid by the students. Teaching is not teaching, so it is better to earn more money.

After reaching an agreement with Qiyao Holy Tower, Di Ruier did not stay here too much and ended his outing. The momentum he caused was huge enough.

Without deliberate restraint, many forces would inevitably be able to deduce the power he currently holds through the traces he left behind.

This allows the world to re-recognize him, especially what he did in the Silver Moon Court of the Elf Tribe, which is enough to become an enduring legend and further expand his influence.

But all this still needs time to brew. Tiril returned to Midgar and began to continue the unfinished business. All traces left after the massacre of the city are gradually being cleaned up.

The accumulation of corpses, if not dealt with in time, can easily breed undead. If the number is too large, it may even attract some evil beings to come.

However, with the suppression and guarding of the holy warriors, such extremely bad situations would naturally not occur, and the filth and blood in the city would soon be cleaned up.

But with the unblocking of Midgar, the murders and atrocities that occurred here began to spread among the people around the world, and the title of Bronze Dragon Lord was soon transformed into Bronze Tyrant.

No matter how you say it, halving the city's population in just seven days is an extremely horrifying thing. Sometimes even the arrival of evil gods may not be able to cause such tragic casualties.

However, under the evil judgment of the Holy Warrior, no country or force can publicly criticize this matter. Instead, they want to praise it unintentionally.

(End of this chapter)

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