Fifteen years have passed in a flash
Inside Chenyang Palace
A young man in white was sitting cross-legged on the ground. Behind his head, a golden sun was constantly expanding. The scorching and fierce power caused the space to begin to distort!
A layer of interface full of white cyclones is looming. If you see it, you will definitely exclaim "layer of nothingness"!
That is the miraculous realm where the world was born, and within it lies the secret of the essence of the world. Countless practitioners have been striving for it, but have never been able to obtain it.


Suddenly, the golden sun exploded, and unparalleled power radiated in all directions, but was blocked by a layer of green light barrier, and all the strange phenomena were obscured in this hall.

"Ding Ding!"

The young man in white was surrounded by dazzling golden energy, which made crisp collision sounds like golden beads.

The source of power that looked like a golden bead was constantly surging and changing, as if a world was evolving inside, with countless beasts galloping and the fire of civilization burning!


With a slight sound, the vast source of energy suddenly extinguished, and the hall also became dim. The young man in white turned red, stood up suddenly and shouted:

"Break it for me!"


A powerful, majestic aura emanated from his body, striking the green barrier in the hall and causing it to twist continuously. There was even a sign of annihilation emerging in the space!


After a moment, the vast source of power that enveloped the hall receded like a tide. Fang Chen stood in the center of the hall, with the sight of falling stars in his eyes. He looked outside the hall, and at this moment, he felt inexplicably calm in his heart.

"Breakthrough in the Creation Realm!"

With continuous hard training day and night, and the assistance of countless Tianyang Dao treasures, Fang Chen successfully broke through fate today, at the age of less than a hundred years old. From now on, he can be called the God King and is a well-deserved powerful figure in the Sea of ​​​​Boundary!
A lifespan of thirty-six thousand years is extremely long, considering that he is less than a hundred years old now!
I believe that his breakthrough this time should have been beyond the expectations of many people. In the eyes of outsiders, he does not possess a Tao body. In terms of the speed of enlightenment alone, he should not be able to compare with those of Tao body cultivators in the early stage!

But how could those people know that he possessed such a rare treasure as the Yandao Space. His degree of harmony with the Dao in the Tianyang Leaf was no weaker than that of a Taoist cultivator. Moreover, as his realm improved, Fang Chen could clearly feel that the function of the Yandao Space was getting stronger!
To be more precise, his connection with Yandao Space is deepening.

This was a guess he had made a long time ago, but it was not fully confirmed until now.


Fang Chen tapped his brow with his finger, and a thumb-sized golden sun mark instantly appeared. His aura also suddenly rose in the process!
"The second level of creation!"

He sensed his current situation and smiled excitedly. Then his heart moved, a blazing sun light flashed in his eyes, and his aura increased again!

Source Sun Divine Method!

"The third level of destiny!"

"As expected..."

Fang Chen muttered to himself, with unstoppable joy in his eyes.

Tao body! Tianyang Tao body!
If he guessed correctly, this was the so-called Tianyang Taoist body!
As early as when Zi Moxing broke through the second level of rules, he had sensed something strange in his body, and it was even worse when he broke through the third level of rules. Now, after successfully comprehending the Tianyang Dao and breaking through the barrier of fate, he has finally achieved a stage of perfection.

All of this should be bestowed by the Tianyang Leaf in the Yandao Space. Obviously, this space is slowly improving his compatibility with the Great Dao, and the enhancement of combat power may be secondary.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. This function of the Yandao Space made Fang Chen feel relieved suddenly. It meant that even if he lost this thing in the future, he could still rely on himself to reach the highest level of the Dao.

Although judging from the improvement in combat power, this is only a low-grade Taoist body, Fang Chen believes that this will not be the end.

As his realm improves in the future, his Taoist body should be strengthened accordingly. All this will become clear when he breaks through the middle stage of creation.

Moreover, he had an even more terrifying guess in his mind. One Leaf of the Dao corresponded to one Dao and one Dao body, but he could open more than one!

When he comprehends the avenue of space to the level of Tao, this conjecture can also be verified.

"Possessing the body of all Daos, becoming the master of all Daos?"

Fang Chen began to have ambitions in his heart. He no longer expected to control all the ways, but just let him control a few ways for the sake of showing off!
"Ha ha!"

He couldn't help but purse his lips and smile. The Supreme Dao is the source of all the Daos in the vast and boundless world. How could it be possible for someone to master it all?


Fang Chen exhaled a breath and calmed his thoughts. He would talk about these things later. His biggest goal now was to safely break through the Hunyuan Realm, become the master of immortality, and no longer endure the limit of lifespan.

"call out!"

With a thought, Fang Chen's mind appeared in the Yandao space. After breaking through the Creation Realm this time, he got the opportunity to open two Yandao Leaves.

As for the choice, there is naturally no need to say more. These two leaves of the Dao just happened to fit his mind.



Without much hesitation, he directly expressed his needs to the Tree of Yandao, which was something he had thought of a long time ago.


The gray fog in the Yandao space began to surge, and two leaves on the dim tree that reached the sky suddenly glowed.

One of them seemed to have an endless dark night condensing, a feminine and dull force dyed a large area of ​​space into ink, and a dark moon mark appeared on the leaf.

The other one seemed silent, but there was a force like flowing water entangled on the leaves, and a circle connected from beginning to end was imprinted on it.

The leaf of time! The leaf of the moon!
This is Fang Chen’s choice, and he believes it is the best path!

The combination of Taiyin and Tianyang turns into the Supreme Dao of Chaos, which is the most widely spread cultivation system in the vast world.

There are also five elements, four images and three wonders that can combine into chaos, but none of them are as stable as the combination of yin and yang.

Although he had chosen the avenue of space earlier, he had no intention of taking a side road. The most popular avenue had its own characteristics, and for the time being he did not want to explore another path.

His foundation is too shallow, so it is better to be safe. As for what choice he will make when he stands in front of the threshold of Hunyuan several years later, that is another matter.

The reason why he chose Space instead of Taiyin was simply because the time was not right.

The combination of the sun and the moon is also in conflict. The result of practicing these two paths together is that they affect each other, which greatly reduces the progress of enlightenment. Some geniuses are tortured to the point of wanting to cry without tears, and they can't even break through the origin! Generally speaking, practitioners who choose the Yin-Yang combination will first comprehend one of them to the third level of the Dao domain before comprehending the other. Of course, this method cannot reduce the influence of the two paths.

On the contrary, because one of them is too strong, it will be countless times more difficult to comprehend the other one, and the possibility of breaking through Hunyuan is extremely low, but this method at least has a guarantee!
The third level of Dao Realm means the late stage of Origin Realm, which means one is already a powerful person who can roam the sea of ​​​​worlds!

And if one chooses to comprehend at the same time, then... the fate of countless geniuses is the best example!

This is the difficulty of breaking through the Hunyuan realm. Immortality is not that easy!
Only after Tianyang and Taiyin have cultivated to the third level of the Dao realm at the same time can they begin to merge with the Dao, and this step of merging with the Dao can also eliminate a large group of people.

If you choose to evolve chaos with the five elements, then you must practice the five paths together!

However, the conflict between the five elements is not as serious as that between Yin and Yang. Most of the geniuses are fellow practitioners, so the difficulty of these two methods is actually similar. The advantage of Yin and Yang is stability, and the success rate of this step is much higher than other methods.

The above is the practice system of breaking through Hunyuan with the Supreme Dao. Breaking through with the Great Dao is not that troublesome. Practitioners only need to break the limit and ascend to the next level above the Dao realm!
But pushing the limits...

Haha, there is a reason why ninety-nine percent of the Hunyuan masters in the vast and boundless world broke through with the Supreme Dao. The so-called breaking the limit is more difficult than going against the Great Dao and colliding with the Great Dao.

Fang Chen's purpose in opening the Taiyin Leaf this time is self-evident. Practicing both paths together is the true path to Hunyuan.

It's better to forget about that so-called backup method. If he doesn't have the confidence to resist the conflict between Yin and Yang even though he has the Yandao Space, how can he continue on the path to immortality!

Moreover, the appearance of Tianyang Taoist body this time made him more confident. If he could possess both Yin and Yang Taoist bodies at the same time, the conflict between the two great ways would be offset by 90%!
There have been extremely rare examples of this in the vast world.

After this breakthrough, he will have a lifespan of 360,000 years. Such a long time is believed to be enough for his dreams to take shape.

As for choosing the time...

There is no conflict between the two great ways contained in time and space. These two ways are just difficult, extremely difficult, so difficult that almost no one dares to break through Hunyuan with this way. The master of time and space is a very scary figure!

Time and space are independent and have basically no connection with other avenues, so even analogy cannot be drawn, which further increases the difficulty of comprehension.

Time and space are the cornerstones of the world and an indispensable part.

The reason why he attached so much importance to this way was because of some ideas, even delusions, in his mind, which were too far away. At least he needed to wait until he broke through the Hunyuan realm. Now he was just making some preparations in advance. Anyway, time and space would not affect his Yin-Yang integration.

After breaking through the destiny, he opened two more leaves of the Dao. He believed that this would enhance his strength and means, but all these would take time to ferment.

Fortunately, the God King of Creation has a lifespan of 360,000 years, so he can afford to wait. This is why he wants to make plans after a breakthrough, and he also needs some guarantees!
The focus of the next stage is to get started with the avenue of space, so that he can truly cultivate the miraculous method "Qiankun Covering the Sun Record". He has been coveting the magical space method in it for a long time.

As he understood the difficulty of breaking the limit of the Dao realm, he finally understood the power of Patriarch Kongyang.

Able to break the limits of both Tianyang and space, Patriarch Kongyang is a figure who suppressed an era!

He now finally understood the difficulty of space. His comprehension of Tianyang Avenue was advancing by leaps and bounds, but even with the help of Yandao Space, he could not see any hope for the time being in the comprehension of Space Avenue.

Of course, this is also because Space Dao Treasures are too precious and expensive. The cheapest Space Dao Treasure in the Yujie Pavilion starts at five million Yujie Points, and even these will be snatched up!

In recent years, he has concentrated all his resources on Tianyang Avenue, so as for Space Avenue, he can only suffer for the time being.

It has been almost forty years since Elder Li joined the Huangtian Divine Sect, and he has remitted a total of 50 million Universe Points!
He thought he was rich enough, but he turned out to be a poor man.

In order to comprehend the Tianyang Dao intent and break through the Creation Realm as quickly as possible, Fang Chen basically picked up expensive Dao treasures to buy. He was tired of drinking the high-level Dao Enlightenment Leaf, which cost one million universes to order, just to make tea!

He used the Tianyang Daobao, which was suitable for the Dao Yi level, a lot. Not only did he spend all the 50 million Universe Points, but he also spent half of the 30 million high-quality Source Crystals that Zhou Sheng gave him as compensation, just to barely support his practice over the years.

So, in the end, he is still a poor guy!
Practicing Buddhism requires money everywhere. What’s the point of practicing Buddhism without money?

If other core disciples knew about this, they would definitely scold him as a prodigal. The core disciples of the dominant forces don't practice like this!
Is it possible for a human being to use a Taoist treasure at the Taoist level to make a living?
But even though he is close to bankruptcy now, he has to say that the feeling of spending money is really great!

But now he has to start focusing on comprehending the avenue of space, and the price of space treasures is generally 30% higher than other treasures. I'm afraid his wallet can't support it at all!

No wonder the core disciples would start traveling around and searching for treasures after breaking through their destiny, because the resources provided by the Divine Sect alone were not enough.

He is still receiving the "Son of God" treatment, and the other core disciples are probably even poorer than him!
However, the source crystals for realm breakthrough provided by the Divine Sect actually accounted for the majority. This breakthrough cost him 30 million source crystals.

The second and third levels of Creation require 20 million and 40 million respectively. The source power accumulation in the Creation Realm is similar to that in the Juntian Realm. The source crystals required for the fourth and seventh levels are tripled, and the remaining levels are doubled.

Therefore, breaking through the middle stage of Creation would require 120 million source crystals. He estimated that even the dominant forces could not afford such consumption.

Because not all core disciples can receive full support from the sect, the rule of the Huangtian Divine Sect is that anyone who is rated six stars in any level of the Huangtian Tower can be provided with support to break through to the Origin Realm.

A five-star rating provides 80% of the energy required to accumulate, a four-star rating provides 60%, a three-star rating provides 50%, and below three stars...

Go and become an inner disciple!

In short, the sect has already relieved most of the pressure for them, so Fang Chen naturally cannot ask for more.

However, he felt at ease taking these resources, because this was the meaning of the sect!

Train the weak to become strong, and then have the strong feed back to the sect. In this way, as the tradition is passed down from generation to generation, some geniuses will eventually be born to lead the sect to a higher level, and the elders of the sect who trained the disciples before will naturally also get many benefits.

Fang Chen believes that this is a relatively benign way. If one person succeeds, the whole family will benefit. In addition to their feelings for the sect, this is also one of the reasons why the elders work hard to train disciples.

If he ever achieves enlightenment, he will naturally not neglect the Huangtian Divine Sect. After observing for these years, he still recognizes the Divine Sect. Although there are some dirty things here, it is generally stable.

What makes him most satisfied is that no fool comes near him to ask for a beating!

Fang Chen touched his empty purse and sighed heavily. He only had more than 15 million high-quality source crystals left, and it would take another five years for Elder Li to transfer the money. He was so poor!
"Why not let Xiao Hei do his old job?" he suddenly thought, then shook his head after looking at the little kid who was sleeping soundly in the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

Forget it, no more exploiting child labor!
Of course, the main reason is that he is now consuming too much energy, and even the high-quality treasures refined by Xiao Hei cannot support his practice.

And refining the Dao instrument...

Fang Chen's eyes were filled with regret. It was very difficult to refine a Taoist weapon, and eighth-rank treasures were difficult to sacrifice. Even if Xiao Hei took action, it would take hundreds of years to refine one. He might as well just wait for Elder Li to transfer the money!

After hundreds of years of hard work just to earn tens of millions of high-quality source crystals, all the money has been wasted!
Of course, this is still a rare good business for other weapon refining masters.

As for making money, he has another trick!

"Hmph, not even showing any sign of ...

(End of this chapter)

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