Martial Arts Becomes Invincible Starting from the Golden Body

Chapter 242: Five Friends Shocking the Sea!

On a huge blue star
A golden stream of light was rapidly disappearing in it. No human figure could be seen, only a golden trace was left behind. This was the manifestation of the Death Layer at the Origin Layer.

The interfaces of these two layers are closely connected. If a battle occurs in the Death Layer, the corresponding signs can also be seen in the Source Layer.

Fang Chen silently looked at the source star below in the dead silence. This was the Yujie Star!
This is a source star that is completely controlled by the Yujie Palace. There is such a Yujie star every few star fields in the boundary sea. The Yujie Pavilion here is also the ruler of the nearby star field branch pavilions.

There is such a Yujie star in the Huangtian star field. The rank of the source crystal here is not too high, it is only a seventh-rank source star. The role of this star as a commercial center for several star fields is secondary.

Its greatest value lies in the high-level space teleportation array contained within it, which is a treasure that can directly teleport across star regions!

It is said that there is a top-level space magic array on it. There is only one in each realm, which can be used to teleport across the realm!
Fang Chen came here to use the space array to go to Qianshan star field. Of course, just like teleporting within the star field, he could not teleport directly to Qianshan, and he still had to "transfer" in the middle.

In fact, he arrived here two months ago, but he waited until now because he also needed to "pool"!

A high-level space array teleportation requires tens of millions of high-quality source crystals, which he could not afford alone. Fortunately, compared to the entire sea of ​​​​world, there are not a few God Kings of Creation, and there are quite a lot of people traveling outside. He only waited for two months and successfully gathered hundreds of fellow Taoists to form a group.

Hundreds of thousands of source crystals are nothing to the God King. After contacting each other in the universe space, they are ready to set off today!


"Haha, Brother Liu is finally here, we've been waiting for you!" A fat and big-eared man came up to greet them with a smile.

Fang Chen smiled and nodded in response. Liu Hong was his alias when traveling in the sea of ​​​​boundaries.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting!"

"Well, it's all right! I--"

"Now that we are all here, let's go quickly. There are other Taoist friends waiting for us!"

An old man not far away frowned and urged.

"You are right, fellow Daoist!"

Fang Chen walked around the fat-headed and big-eared man and headed towards the huge magic circle that covered several light years. There was another group of people waiting in the distance.

A space array connects many star fields. This group of people is heading to the Lanshan star field, while the other group of people are taking a different route from them.

This time, Fang Chen needs to plan his route carefully as he has to travel such a long distance, otherwise he may not be able to afford the expense!

Fortunately, even if he left the sect and traveled far away, Elder Li would still transfer 10 million Universe Points every ten years as usual, which made him feel more confident.

Fang Chen would not just rush along the way. If he encountered a more unique star field, he could stop and travel around, which could also be considered as cultivation.

Moreover, after he broke through the Creation Realm, he can now increase his source power to the third level of Creation Realm. This also takes time, so there is no need to rush to the Qianshan Star Region.

The fat and big-eared man looked at Fang Chen's back with a flash of eyes, then walked over with a hearty laugh.

"Haha, why are you in such a hurry, Brother Zhuxi?"


"Lanshan Star Region, prepare to teleport!"

An old man in a silver robe stood solemnly beside the space formation, his powerful aura shook the heaven and earth!

Fang Chen and his group immediately saw endless silver light gathering around him, and in just a moment he felt an irresistible force descending upon his body!

As this group of God Kings, who were generally only of low level, naturally could not feel anything while walking in the Transcendent Layer. They could only see a vast expanse of white in front of their eyes, with white feathers passing by them from time to time.

Due to the extremely long distance this teleportation was taking, even a high-level space array could not allow them to arrive in an instant. Fang Chen counted the time, and after ten breaths, the view in front of him suddenly opened up, and the scenery of stars and land came into view.

Lanshan Star Region, here we are!
His next stop was the Minyuan Star Region. After opening the information exchange channel of this Yujie Star, he found that there were only a few people traveling with him. He would probably have to wait for several months.

However, the God of Creation can practice at any time, so he doesn't have to worry about this little time.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, where are you planning to go? To be honest, I am a native cultivator of the Lanshan Star Region. Our meeting is fate. Just let me know if you have anything to say!"

Fang Chen felt a little helpless as he looked at the fat-headed and big-eared man who was approaching him again with a smug look on his face. He showed an expression that showed he was moved but hesitant.

"Oh, forget it, Fellow Daoist Zhu, I have something important to do, so I won't say any more!"

After he said that, he left in a hurry. Several monks around him looked at this scene coldly and shook their heads.


The fat and big-eared man snorted coldly, glanced around with a fierce look in his eyes, and then sent a message to the universe.

"Brother, grab your weapons, there's a big fish coming!"


Fang Chen was traveling through the dead layer of the Yujie Star. The Yujie Palace naturally had ways to protect the source nucleus from being affected by space.

However, only the monks from Yujie Pavilion can stay on this star for a long time. The rest of the monks need to leave immediately after arriving at the station unless they are about to be teleported to the next destination.

The existence of strong people is a huge pressure on the stars. There are countless gods of creation coming and going in the stars of the universe every day. If there were no such rule, these stars would have been crushed long ago!
After leaving the Universe Star,

Amidst a desolate star field, there are many dark, lifeless stars, some of which are not much smaller than the source star!

This type of star is the most numerous in the star field. The void layer gives birth to the world, and the origin layer breeds life. Half of the new worlds will land on the edge of the sea, and the other half will be scattered in other places in the vast and boundless world.

The birth of life is extremely difficult, and ninety-nine percent of them will become dead stars. Except for a very small number that can give birth to precious materials or even Taoist tools, the rest are worthless!
The cruelty of the sea world is reflected everywhere, and the survival of the fittest applies to the whole world!

And this group of stars was obviously a "loser". Fang Chen did not detect any vitality from it, let alone the existence of a strange place that could naturally give birth to Taoist weapons.

"My fellow Taoist, you better be careful recently!"

Fang Chen looked at the messages sent by several "fellow travelers" and smiled slightly. It seems that there are still good people in this world!


His eyes were slightly cold. Did he think he was a fat sheep? That was perfect. He was also short of money recently. Since he came to him, it was no wonder!
"Third brother, did you see it clearly? It's really a big fish?"

In the dead silent star field, five figures with powerful auras were fleeing rapidly, and a one-eyed old man in the lead asked anxiously.

"Brother, don't worry. That kid is definitely a rookie who just broke through to the realm of destiny not long ago!" The fat and big-eared man explained with a smile.

The one-eyed old man still had doubts, "Don't be fooled, it's not easy to survive in the Jiehai now! There are many old monsters who paint themselves green and enforce the law!"

"Haha, don't you know my good eyesight? I can tell at a glance that boy is definitely a 'real grandson'!"

"Well, that's good!" The one-eyed old man nodded. He still trusted this brother's experience.

"Third brother, don't make the mistake of letting us run into the scion of some powerful force!" said the only woman in a red dress among the five people seriously.

The fat-headed and big-eared man waved his hands, "Impossible, which disciple of a powerful sect wouldn't be so arrogant that he would want to carve the sect's name on his face?"

"Your cautious appearance has nothing to do with the big forces!"

Then he said calmly, "Fifth sister, you have only been in the group for a short time, and being a disciple of a big force is nothing special!"

"Even if one has a ninth-grade foundation in the realm of good fortune, he can only cross two realms. That kid is only at the first level of good fortune, but my brother is at the third level. With the addition of the four of us, the core disciple of the dominant force must also surrender today!"

"The third one!"

The one-eyed old man shouted, "Don't talk nonsense!"

However, although he said so, his expression was quite arrogant. It was obvious that the fat and big-eared man had touched his heart.

"Humph, disciples from powerful factions are better! They're fatter!"

There was a flash of madness in the one-eyed old man's eyes. As long as he could break through the middle stage of creation, he would be able to purchase some treasures that could prolong his life!

He can do anything to survive!


"Xiao Fangzi, there are five people approaching you quickly, about two light years away! One is at the third level of good fortune, two are at the second level of good fortune, and two are at the first level of good fortune!"

Hearing Xiao Hei's reminder from the Divine Sea, Fang Chen nodded.

A distance of two light years is already quite close for the God King of Creation. The coverage area of ​​his aura is almost this large. This distance is almost the same as being face to face!
"But he's quite powerful!" Thinking of Xiao Hei's judgment of the enemy's strength, he smiled. Traveling outside will definitely involve killing and danger, so this little dish is really nothing.

He knew without asking that these five people must all have an eighth-grade foundation, because a ninth-grade foundation has the hope of origin, and it would be effortless to join a big force with proper planning, and there is no need to do such a thing!
Those who kill will be killed. If you walk on the road at night too much, you will always encounter ghosts. Killing people for treasures is just the struggle of those with poor talents. People like Fang Chen would definitely not bother to do such things specifically.

Nothing else, just a waste of time! "Here it comes!"

Suddenly, his expression changed, and then he saw five streams of light coming rapidly in the starry sky.

The distance of two light years would only take him a little over thirty seconds at his current normal speed. With the third-level God King of Fortune leading the group, they wouldn't be much slower.

"Haha, Brother Liu, we, the Five Friends of Jinghai, are here to invite you back to be our guest!"

From a long distance away, the rough voice of the fat-headed and big-eared man was heard, shattering many dead stars along the way.


Fang Chen shook his head and smiled, his expression suddenly turned cold. He had no intention of talking nonsense with him.


A Heavenly Sun Seal appeared between his brows, and then the seal in Fang Chen's hand changed, and a scorching sun slowly rose in his eyes. His aura continued to surge, and the powerful source of power condensed from the ninth-grade foundation was no longer concealed at all!

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless stars around him turned into dust, and as his breath swept across, a virtual shadow of a scorching sun covering nearly a light year lay across the star field.

The one-eyed old man paused, his expression suddenly dulled. He had lived for more than 300,000 years, traveled to many star regions, and had extraordinary knowledge.

"Ninth-grade foundation, Tianyang Dao body, divine law?"

He turned his head to look at the fat-headed and big-eared man whose legs were trembling due to the oppression of Fang Chen's breath. He wished he could kill him with a slap. What a bad mouth!
If these three things are combined in one person, then this person must be the most core disciple of the dominant force without a doubt, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the successor!

Without saying a word, the one-eyed old man turned around and ran. The man behind him would probably be able to fight with someone in the middle stage of the Creation Realm, so what was the point of him fighting?


The incomparably huge scorching sun pressed down, and the other four were unable to react in time and were directly crushed into nothingness!

Magnificent palaces collapsed in this dead star field. The God King of Creation could already vaguely sense the existence of the Source Palace, but only the God of Origin could truly control this origin residence.

"Hey, there are actually two low-grade Dao artifacts?"

Fang Chen hooked out two weapons that were flashing with light from the collapsed Source Palace, his eyes showing a little surprise. It seems that these people are living well!

He casually waved his hand to put away the other storage magic tools, preparing to check them carefully later.

"Is this... a wind weapon?"

He looked at the one-eyed old man who was fleeing quickly, and especially when he saw the green disk under his feet, he couldn't help but speak in surprise.

There is no essential distinction between strong and weak among the many avenues, but this is not the case for practitioners. Time and space are simply more powerful than other avenues!
The Space is famous for its speed of escape, and its destructive power is not weaker than that of Tianyang Avenue, so the price of its Taoist instruments is almost twice that of other avenues of the same level!
Not to mention the time, the Dao weapon of the Great Dao of Wind is also quite special. Its price is 50% higher than other ordinary Dao weapons. Its only function is to quickly escape!

The same is true for the Avenue of Light, the Avenue of Thunder, etc. Life always comes first for cultivators.

"That's interesting!"

Fang Chen shook his head. This one-eyed old man was flashing with lightning all over his body. It was obvious that he specialized in the Way of Thunder, but he had a wind instrument in his hand, which looked out of place.

"Hehe, let's see how far you can run!"

“Boom! Whoosh!”

Fang Chen stepped on a blazing sun, and the endless powerful force pushed him forward. This made the one-eyed old man in front of him change his expression drastically. He hurriedly injected source power into the Taoist weapon under his feet as if his life depended on it. Electric light crackled all over his body, and his speed increased again.

Fang Chen who was standing behind watched coldly. He had basically made up for his shortcomings over the years in Huangtian Divine Sect. This escape method of stepping on the blazing sun was a top-grade source technique. Coupled with his source power strength which far exceeded that of the one-eyed old man, the latter could not escape!

“Fellow Daoist! Senior! Let me go, and I will give you my entire fortune!”

The one-eyed old man obviously noticed this as well, and immediately shouted in fear.

Fang Chen ignored him, "Stupid! Even if I kill you, the things are still mine!"

The Lanshan star field is more than twenty square kilometers away from the Huangtian star field. The probability of him being recognized here is extremely low, so he can relax a little.

"Fellow Daoist, please don't go too far!"

The one-eyed old man cursed angrily when he didn't hear the reply.


The distance between the two was still closing rapidly.


The one-eyed old man suddenly became anxious. He slapped his chest hard with a fierce look in his eyes. A few mouthfuls of blood with golden threads spurted out and splashed onto the turquoise disc under his feet. The light on the disc flashed rapidly and the speed increased again.


Fang Chen was startled, and then he understood after sensing his gradually declining breath. It seems that this old ghost is really trying his best and is even willing to spit out his source blood, which will shorten his lifespan!

The source blood is related to the source palace, and only those in the Creation Realm can condense a few drops of it. This is the most precious thing for cultivators, and can be used to burst into battle, but it will consume lifespan, and once too much is consumed, one will remain in that realm forever!

The pursuit lasted for more than a day, spanning nearly 20,000 light years. Some monks they met along the way retreated as soon as they sensed their powerful aura. The one-eyed old man was almost vomiting out all the blood in his body. His face was pale and his legs were shaking like a sieve.

In the distance, a huge source star emitting vast power slowly enlarged in their eyes.

"Old friend! I'm here to join you, act quickly!" the one-eyed old man shouted.


"call out!"

A white light flashed and stood in front of Yuanxing. He looked at the one-eyed old man in such a miserable state and was about to ridicule him, but then he noticed a powerful aura chasing after him and couldn't help but frowned.

"Old friend, hurry up! I would like to join your Zhenhai Sect!" The one-eyed old man spoke hurriedly after seeing the hesitation in his eyes.

"Huh? Really?" the old man in white robe asked with a tense expression.

"Of course it's true!"


The old man in white robe laughed loudly, "My Zhenhai Sect is just established, and we need a good general like you!"

He walked forward and was about to bow to the golden light, but when he saw the Heavenly Sun Mark between its brows, his face shuddered. Then he carefully sensed that its aura was fluctuating, as if it had been forcibly raised.

The old man in white robes stepped back instantly and kicked the one-eyed old man away. "Get lost! My Zhenhai Sect can't accommodate a big Buddha like you!"

"Damn it, Dao body, divine law, how dare you, old thing, cheat me?!"

He cursed in his heart, but raised his hand towards the void, "My fellow Taoist, I don't know this old man well, you can do whatever you want with him!"

After saying that, he flashed directly into the source star behind him, and then a protective formation immediately rose up.

The one-eyed old man was dumbfounded when he saw this series of actions, "Coward! Didn't you say that you killed the master's disciples as if it was nothing?"

You bastard, you misled me!
"It seems like no one will help you!"

Fang Chen stood quietly in the void with his feet on the scorching sun, "Then you can die!"


A powerful source of energy suddenly erupted, and a golden slash with dragon patterns fell fiercely. The one-eyed old man turned into nothingness without even making a sound.

Top-grade source technique, Dragon Roar and Sun Slash!

This is the most destructive source technique that Fang Chen has practiced, and it is worthy of this old man!

He lightly flicked his sleeves to collect all the one-eyed old man's belongings, then glanced at Yuanxing in the distance, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Phew! Finally gone!"

The white-robed old man in Yuanxing breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that the old ghost died. How could my Zhenhai Sect, with its thin arms and legs, withstand the wrath of the core disciples of such a dominant force?

No one knew which star field this person was from. There was no dominant force in their Lanshan star field.

(End of this chapter)

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