I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 10: Case Solved! Silver Bracelet

Chapter 10: Case Solved! Silver Bracelet
Who is the murderer?

a child.

At the age of eighteen, his weather-beaten appearance makes him look like he is in his twenties, with only a hint of childishness in his eyes.

"what is his name?"

"Who knows? He knew his last name was Zhang, so he named himself Zhang Da and his younger brother Zhang Er."

"We have been scavenging since I can remember. We are not related by blood, but we depend on each other."

"Then one day Zhang Er was hit and killed by Zhao Qiang?"

Xu Sheng looked at Li Sheng who came out of the interrogation room and raised his eyebrows to ask.

Through the door that was not closed tightly, you could see a clean-washed, haggard-looking man inside, still holding the urea bag in his hand.

"Yes, it seems that Zhang Er was born deaf, and Zhao Qiang suffers from road rage. When Zhang Er was taking out the trash can at the station, he interfered with the normal parking of the car. He honked the horn several times to no avail, and Zhao Qiang ran into him head-on, running over him back and forth, leaving his body bloody."

"The sharp edge of the trash can, combined with the impact of the car, cut off Zhang Er's head and dropped it into the trash can."

"Zhao Qiang was frightened after he came to his senses, and then he hastily carried the bloody body into the car, forgetting to clean up the head before cleaning up the blood."

"There were only seven passengers in the car, four women and three men, one of whom was a minor. Zhao Qiang and his wife threatened them. They knew their addresses and where their families and children were. If anyone dared to call the police, he would find a way to make everyone go along with him, starting with their children."

"These people were afraid and wary of others who were threatened, so they gathered together in private to keep each other warm and exchanged information."

"Afterwards, Zhang Da, who came to collect rubbish, took out his brother's head with his own hands while searching for a plastic bottle in the trash can."

Li Sheng stood beside Xu Sheng, leaning against the railing and lit a cigarette.

He was puffing out smoke, and the wisps of smoke hid his face, making it impossible to see his features.

"What the hell is this?"

Li Sheng sighed.

Road rage, this thing is very common.

Almost every few days someone dies from road rage, from children to the elderly, from men to women, this contradiction exists.

This thing cannot be explained by logic. In Xu Sheng's eyes, this thing is not much stronger than super male syndrome when it is under the influence. There is no rationality at all. Morals, bottom lines, and laws do not appear in his mind at all.

As for killing someone in anger
In 03, the drivers who were government employees were not so bad, but if they were private drivers such as truck drivers, bus drivers, etc., it was very chaotic. There were a lot of road bullies, murderers, robbers, and traffickers.

There were even many cases of rape in public, far beyond the imagination of later generations!

We've heard of horse bandits, but what about car bandits?

This thing appeared during this period of time!
"How did Zhang Da find the first and second victims?"

Mr. Xu took the other person's cigarette, but did not smoke it. He had a neighbor who was like an old lady, and if he smelled of cigarettes when he got home, he would be the one in trouble.

"After Zhang Da realized his brother was dead, he held his brother's head in a urea bag and walked around the bus station in a daze for several days."

"On the third day, there happened to be a person who had been threatened waiting for the bus to go to work at the station. The look of surprise on his face when he looked at the trash can and the fact that he turned and ran away when he saw Zhang Da, made Zhang Da realize that something was wrong. He then carried out his plan that night."

"But this was not the first victim. This was the 'oil' that fueled the fire. In order to survive, he lied to Zhang Da that his brother could be resurrected, showed him a video explaining the organ transplant surgery, and told Zhang Da the addresses of the others."

These people are terrified that the police will think they are accomplices in crime.

Thinking that less trouble is worse than more, he did not call the police and did not dare to save the other party's address in his mobile phone. Instead, he memorized it by rote.

"Tsk, that's quite ridiculous."

Xu Sheng shook his head and started talking.

This case highlights a sense of absurdity from the beginning to the end!

But if you have experienced it more, it is not impossible to accept it. After all, Xu Sheng has experienced even more ridiculous things.

"Case closed?" Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Sheng.

"Almost done. We have all the evidence. Zhang Da was arrested at the scene of the murder."

"The four victims, the one who deceived Zhang Da, and Zhao Qiang's wife, all six of them were arrested, and the rest of the people in the bus were being searched."

"The case is now entering the closing period. I don't think the procuratorate will be able to find any fault with it. What about you?"

"What are you going to do now?"

Li Sheng came out of the case. He looked at Xu Sheng with eager eyes, his mind full of ideas of trying to trick him into joining the police station completely!
Criminal investigation consultant, this thing is not a criminal police, it's just an honor.

It's the kind of thing where when you encounter a case, if the other party is in a good mood, you'll say a few words, but if they're in a bad mood, you have no obligation to do anything!

"Have you ever thought about joining the Criminal Investigation Team?!"

Li Sheng said warmly.

This murder case is worth a second-class merit!

Although solving the case too quickly may result in the second-class merit being downgraded to a collective second-class merit, no matter how much it is downgraded, it is still a second-class merit!
Wow, this brings honor to the family right away?

If we could keep the person who solved the case, how great would it be to use him every day?
"Forget it, I still have a lot of employees waiting for me to support."

Xu Sheng decisively refused.

Now that the case has been solved, he doesn't plan to stay here anymore.

"By the way, where is Han Yang? We agreed before that I will assist in investigating the case and you will act in accordance with the law. Now it's time to fulfill your promise, right?"

Li Sheng replied, "I've been waiting for you." "Take those people with you when you go back, and we'll solve the problem when the time comes."

Xu Sheng nodded and walked out.

Looking at his back, Li Sheng always wanted to throw something.

Of course, this is normal.

Just like, no one can refuse to throw a ball to an extremely rare and awesome Pokémon!

Generally speaking, it is easiest to capture a Pokémon in a near-death state. Although it is a bit too violent, you can probably try seducing someone, hollowing out their body, applying charm control, and finally throwing a Poké Ball!
Fortunately, the law ultimately triumphed over desire.

Mr. Xu left.

As soon as he walked out of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, he saw a group of policemen wearing blue shirts, including Xiao Zhang and Han Yang.

There were about a dozen of them in total, and there were four police cars parked nearby.

Mr. Xu expressed his satisfaction with this.



The inheritance of Xu Sheng's parents is a house of horrors that operates in an amusement park.

In the early morning of the 2nd, when Xu Sheng entered the police station, the news immediately spread to everyone in the amusement park during the day.

The strange looks, the gossip behind the back, and the harassment from extreme fans made the horror house look like a leaf on a river on a rainy night, shaken and about to collapse.

"Kill to pay for life, debt to pay for money!"

"Your boss didn't kill him? Why was your boss at the crime scene?!"

"I've heard that your horror house has a bad reputation. I originally thought that the boss was not a good person, but I didn't expect that you employees are not good people either!"

At this time, a group of people gathered at the door of the horror house, cursing like shrews.

They came to attend the film launch, meet their idols, get autographs and take photos.

But suddenly a case came up where the idol announced an indefinite postponement of the press conference, which directly made these people angry!

Just start causing trouble here.

Once a day, from the 2nd to now the 5th, it has been three times. The actions during this period include but are not limited to tearing paint, swearing, blocking the door, or smashing things at the door.

These people did not come randomly or on impulse, but were organized.

Han Yue, who is 1.6 meters tall, was wearing work clothes and kept replying at the door.

There were a few middle-aged men with grim expressions around him.

Just as several people were arguing fiercely, a few figures appeared out of the corner of Han Yue's eye, and then her eyes lit up.

The next moment, before she could speak, a voice rang out.

"What's going on?"

"Let me see what's going on!?"

Everyone was subconsciously stunned and looked back, only to find that a group of policemen in uniform had appeared behind them at some point.

They surrounded the horror house, and the leader's eyes lit up and he quickly went forward.

"Officer, officer, you are here at last!"

"If you kill someone, you must pay for your life. If you owe someone a debt, you must pay for it. The boss of this horror house is in trouble. He must have done all those crimes near the film and television base. These employees dare to quibble. You should arrest their boss right away!"

Han Yang nodded, as if thinking about something, which made the smile of the person in front of him grow wider and wider.

"Indeed, a life is for a life, and a debt is for a debt."

"is not that right!"

The person in front of her smiled even more happily. She felt that she was a hero now, a hero fighting against evil.

The next moment, Han Yang paused, frowned, and immediately said loudly:
"Cuff them all!"

As she watched the group of policemen in front of her begin to take action, the smile on her face grew wider.

Wow, looking at the situation, they are going to arrest more than just the boss?
Are you going to arrest even the employees of the horror house! ?

This feeling is so good!
However, before she could react.

A bright silver light suddenly flashed before my eyes.

The next moment, I felt a slight chill on my wrist.

She looked down and saw that she was holding a limited edition silver bracelet produced by the police station.

The one who was handcuffed seemed to be me! ?

fan:? ? ?
"No, officer."

"Did you handcuff the wrong person?!"

(End of this chapter)

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