I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 121 2 suspects!

Chapter 121 Two suspects!
There were no footprints on the windowsill and no signs that the door had been forced open.

There were no obvious signs of a struggle in the house, and the victim seemed unaware of the murderer.

How did the murderer come here!?
Xu Sheng frowned.

He can't really be an invisible man?

Or was the victim hypnotized! ?

The former is impossible. After all, no one in the East Country has mastered the time stopping and invisibility skills in the foot basin.

In reality, invisibility is about not being discovered by others.

For example, when the target is walking, you stand behind him, so there is no sound of footsteps, and he cannot detect your breathing, and he is always in the blind spot of your vision. This is invisibility.

Of course, there is also the anti-radar coating on stealth fighters, which can also be considered a form of stealth.

Even if you sneak into an area, kill everyone there, and erase your own identity, you can still call it invisibility.

"While the victim opened the door, he hid in the closet or in some other corner and set up a drug trap in advance?"

"Then after the other party fainted from drinking, you proceeded to slaughter him?"

Xu Sheng looked around and constructed a 3D image of a room in his mind, with two invisible figures representing the murderer and the victim.

But after thinking for a moment, Xu Sheng frowned.

"But how did the murderer get in?"

"While the door is unlocked?"

Xu Sheng set his eyes on the lock on the door.

It's not an electronic lock, but a normal lock cylinder.

He thought about it, took out his key to room 502 and tried to insert it, but he couldn't turn it.

"The keys of different households cannot be used interchangeably. This key is only owned by two people, one is Yang Hong and the other is Cheng Yu."

"How did the murderer get the key?"

In some places, in order to save money, all the door locks of the entire building may be opened with just one key.

In a normal rental house, the landlord and the tenant usually keep one key each, or the landlord simply doesn't have any key.

Then comes the problem.

Assuming that the murderer did not sneak in when the door was unlocked, but unlocked it, where did he get the key?

Xu Sheng raised his head and looked at Fu Bo.

"How is the screening of residents in Unit 5 going?"

After all, if the murderer wanted to break into the house and rape the woman, he would have to come in.

If you want to get in, you can either sneak in, pick the lock, or follow the victim.

These people can be divided into strangers and acquaintances. It is hard to say who are the strangers. The surrounding surveillance has clearly recorded that no suspicious persons entered a few days before the victim's death.

That's 'acquaintance'.

In other words, the murderer is hiding in this building!

“There is nothing unusual at the moment.”

Fu Bo paused for a moment, then shook his head, "But I'm a little unsure."

"Time was too short and police force was insufficient. We only conducted the most basic inquiries and further investigations have not yielded any results."

"Where's Yang Hong? Where is Yang Hong?"

Xu Sheng thought about the person hiding behind the door whom he met when he came here yesterday.

He wanted to find the landlord to find out more about this person.

"She lives on the first floor. I'll ask someone to call her."

Fu Bo nodded, then whispered something to the people around him.

Yang Hong also lives in this house, and the other party does not have any specific job, so he can be summoned at any time.

After a moment, Yang Hong walked in.

The other person was not wearing a mask. After inhaling the stench in the house into his lungs, a trace of nausea flashed in his eyes, but fortunately he did not vomit.

"Officer, you're looking for me?"

"Third floor, 301. Who lives here?"

301. Yang Hong thought carefully for a while, then remembered who this person was, and said:

"It's a young man named Zhang Yong, 27 years old. He's a bit weird."

"A little weird?"

"What's so strange about it?"

"I can't tell you. Officer, you should go there in person."

Yang Hong shook her head, not knowing what to say.

Mr. Xu looked her up and down, then turned around and walked out.

The third and fifth floors are not far apart, and can be reached in just a few steps.

Arriving at the third floor, Xu Sheng stood in front of the door and was about to knock, but suddenly, he pressed his body against the door.

The next moment, there was another sound of falling.

'Oh, still peeping.'

Xu Sheng remained calm and knocked on the door, "Knock, knock, knock!"

The next second, the door in front of him opened.

A man with a haggard face, unkempt appearance, heavy facial features and a slightly fat body appeared.

Mr. Xu quickly glanced at the environment inside the house.

There was a telescope next to the window, the curtains were drawn, and the room was very dark.

"Officer, you are looking for me."

Zhang Yong's heart beat slightly faster. He looked at Xu Sheng and asked with a little fear.

A sign of guilty conscience?
Xu Sheng looked him up and down and frowned.

"Tell me, on the night of the murder, that is, on the night of the 1st, did you notice anything unusual? At the same time, what were you doing?"

From the current perspective, Zhang Yong does have some suspicions.

It's not that we have any substantial evidence, but that there is a feeling about this person that makes people feel suspicious.

Of course, Xu Sheng would not choose to arrest anyone without evidence.

"On the night of crime number one? Officer, didn't you ask that?"

Zhang Yong was a little confused, but he repeated his previous answer again.

“That day seemed no different from the previous ones.”

"As for me, I was at home surfing the Internet on the night of the 1st and did not go out at all."

Zhang Yong said in a low voice, while looking up at Xu Sheng.

"Are you sure you didn't go out the entire night of the 1st?"

Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes and stared at Zhang Yong, making the other party feel as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and he felt uneasy all over.

But he still spoke up. "Officer, I really haven't been out."

"I don't know anyone in this building, and I don't even know who died on the sixth floor."

"And I didn't leave the building on the 1st. What can I do when I go out?"

The surveillance footage shows that Zhang Yong No. 1 did not leave the building that day, but this does not mean that he did not leave the room.

But, just when Xu Sheng was about to ask about other things.
A voice suddenly emerged from behind.

"Officer, he's lying!"

Everyone was stunned. Zhang Yong looked up suddenly as if his secrets had been touched upon.

Xu Sheng subconsciously turned around and saw that the door of the house opposite, No. 302, was slightly open, revealing a crack. A man was looking at Zhang Yong excitedly through the crack.

"Officer, this guy is lying!"

"On the night of the 1st, I saw him go out, and he didn't go downstairs, but went upstairs!"

Zhang Yong went out on the night of the 1st! ?
Zhang Yong is lying!
Xu Sheng turned his gaze to Yang Hong who was standing beside him, and the other person's fingers trembled unintentionally.

"Who is this?"

"Wang Bao, I remember he was a 27-year-old guy, and he was the only one renting the place."

Yang Hong whispered to Xu Sheng.

"Officer, this man went upstairs not long ago. I followed him up. When I got to the fifth floor, I didn't find anything. Just as I was about to go downstairs, I heard a scream!"

Wang Bao spoke with a little excitement, looking at Zhang Yong with extremely firm eyes.

"Fuck you!"

"You slander me!"

Zhang Yong seemed to have his secrets touched upon and he immediately responded with a slightly agitated expression and a hint of panic in his eyes.

Xu Sheng ignored Zhang Yong. He looked at Wang Bao, sizing up and down this sturdy man with thick eyebrows and big eyes.


"When did the scream appear?"

"On the night of the 1st, I heard it very clearly. I was so scared that I quickly went back home and locked the door."

Wang Bao said excitedly, while looking at Zhang Yong with contempt.

"Not long after, he ran down from upstairs!"

"Officer, I tell you, he is definitely the murderer. I remember it very clearly!"

"That night, I had just finished dinner and wanted to go out for some fresh air. Before I even opened the door, I saw him sneaking upstairs through the door."

"Besides, this case seems to be rape and murder."

"A few days ago, I also heard a woman's voice in this man's room. But it was in a video. It seemed to be a video of the foot basin."

Wang Bao told Fu Bo everything he knew as if he knew it all by heart, and Fu Bo's eyes were instantly fixed on Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong became anxious.

His eyes were full of panic, his face turned red, his eyes were a little bloodshot, and he stared at the other person.

"You fart!"

"You are the murderer!"

"I didn't go to the sixth floor at all, officer. He's lying. He's slandering me!"

"I can't have remembered it wrong!" Wang Bao also excitedly confronted the other party.

At this moment, Xu Sheng suddenly looked at Zhang Yong and said something calmly.

"Didn't you say you didn't go out?"

Looking at Zhang Yong, Xu Sheng's eyes were very calm, without any excitement.

In an instant, the atmosphere at the scene became quiet.

"Haha, officer, I knew there was something wrong with this person!"

"You dare to lie to the police, and you are going to die!"

"You murderer!"

It seemed as if Wang Bao had a grudge against Zhang Yong, but from the information collected, the two men had no relationship at all.

"Officer, I was wrong. I did go out that night, but I didn't go to the sixth floor. I went to the fourth floor!"

"I haven't even been to the fifth floor, how could I possibly rape and kill someone on the sixth floor!"

Zhang Yong was extremely nervous, sweat pouring down his forehead, and he tried his best to defend himself.

Unfortunately, Wang Bao, who was more eloquent than him, did not let him go.

"I clearly saw you go up to the fifth floor, and then I lost you!"

"You're still lying now!"

"You spread rumors about me!" Zhang Yonghong narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth, looking a little ferocious.

"Then explain why you lied when the police officer asked you a question just now!?"

Wang Bao is like a detective, unraveling the mystery and pursuing the case.

"Besides, when you went out and went upstairs that night, someone died on the sixth floor. Do you think this is a coincidence?!"

"You are still deceiving the police. Even if you are not the murderer, you are an accomplice of the murderer!"

Zhang Yong's heart was filled with anger, and he wanted to say something.

But he was interrupted by Xu Sheng.

"Zhang Yong, right?"

"I'll trouble you to stay in the detention center for a while. It won't be too long, at least one day and at most three days."

"Please cooperate with the police during this period."

Go to the detention center?

Zhang Yong's face turned as pale as a pig's liver, but he couldn't say a word. He could only glare at Wang Bao fiercely.

"Deserve it!"

Wang Bao cursed and was about to close the door when Xu Sheng spoke again.

"You were sure you heard a scream coming from the sixth floor that night?"

Xu Sheng looked at him calmly, his eyes very steady.

"I'm sure that voice was a woman's, and she was screaming miserably!"

Wang Bao said with a smacking of lips, his breathing becoming a little rapid.

Mr. Xu stared at him for a long time, then smiled and looked up at Fu Bo standing beside him.

"take away!"

Wang Bao was stunned. When he saw several policemen surrounding him that day, he was stunned for a moment.

"Officer, have you made a mistake?!"

(End of this chapter)

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