I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 13: Police experience horror house?

Chapter 13: Police experience horror house?

Li Sheng came here today for important business.

There are rewards for solving cases. No matter if you are an ordinary person within the system or an ordinary person outside the system, as long as you solve the case, you will be rewarded.

Those who are in the system will be promoted and get a raise, and can receive third-class merit, second-class merit, or even first-class merit.

Although those outside the system cannot get badges, they can still receive monetary rewards!
The Municipal Bureau gave Mr. Xu a bonus of 80,000 yuan!
A homicide case that shocked the entire province and could be called a national textbook. Is 80,000 a small number?
It sounds like little, but...
This is 03 in !

In addition, there is a certificate, and you can also take a photo to clear the reputation of Mr. Xu and the horror house on the Internet.

But now
"House of horrors?"

Li Sheng raised his eyebrows and looked thoughtfully at the huge building behind the other person.

The prototype of the horror house was an 'O'-shaped tutoring institution, similar to a school. It was later converted into an amusement park and then rented by Xu's parents to become the current horror house.

"you sure?"

Li Sheng raised his eyebrows and a smile appeared on his face.


Mr. Xu nodded.

The horror house was famous before and had no shortage of customers, but after his parents died of illness, there were few customers anymore.

Now we need someone to lead the tour and spread the fame!

Coupled with the Internet, horror houses would never lack customers at least 10 years ago.

"Boy, we are the police."

Li Sheng smiled, and several policemen behind him also grinned, revealing their big white teeth.

“You let the police play house of horrors?”

It’s not that Li Sheng looks down on Xu Sheng’s horror house.

Really, the major is so suitable!
What people fear the most are often humanoid creatures, or simply dead people.

Therefore, the horror house and other horror events are all produced around this.

But the police
Especially criminal police, who specialize in dealing with dead people!
"To be honest, I'm not saying anything bad, but there shouldn't be anything in this world that can scare detectives like us."

Li Sheng was happy.

As a criminal policeman, he was a retired military criminal policeman and has been doing this for nearly twenty years.

What case has he not seen?

What kind of disgusting crime scene has he not seen before? It is the kind that turns people's nightmares at the first sight! ?
Was he afraid?

House of horrors?

Not to mention that it's fake, even if there are really dead people inside.

Li Sheng is not afraid at all!

"I'll give it to you for free!"

Mr. Xu smiled. He had enough confidence in his makeup skills, as well as the abilities of the Li Shu siblings and Mimi.

As for the other party, they are police officers.
What we want is the police!

"Okay, since you have the time, I'll play with it."

Li Sheng smiled and pulled Han Yang and Xiao Zhang over.

"Xiao Han, Xiao Zhang, you two go ahead."

Han Yang, Xiao Zhang:?

"Ah I?"

The two were stunned. Didn't Xu Sheng ask you to do it? How did he involve me?
"Nonsense, I'm a captain, and I'm trying out a ride at an amusement park during work. What if I'm seen by others?!"

Li Sheng glared.

Horror house, if he succeeds, no one will praise him, but if he fails, he will lose all face!

On the contrary, it would be most appropriate for the two newly-promoted apprentices to go.

Just think of it as a way to train their courage.

"Xiaoyang, Officer Zhang, do you need to bring other officers to play with you?"

Mr. Xu didn't care and asked with a smile.

Although Han Yang is older than him and is Han Yue's older brother, the three of them have their own opinions.

Xu Sheng calls Han Yang Xiaoyang, Han Yang calls him brother, he calls Han Yue sister, and Han Yue calls Han Yang brother.

"No need." The two didn't say anything. After all, if the police were still afraid and wanted to bring more of their own people, it would be a joke.

After they agreed, Xu Sheng turned his head and looked at the tourists nearby.

"Now that the police are leading the team, is there anyone who wants to play along?"

Led by the police?

There is such a good thing! ?

As we all know, when playing a dungeon, it feels great to have a big boss in the team. And for those who are new to the game but love to play, the police is naturally that big boss.

"I'll come. Ten dollars a ticket, right?"

"Give me one!"

"In fact, I am a very courageous person. It's not because the police want to tease me that I dare to play!"

"It's only ten dollars. How scary can it be? Anyway, I don't believe it can scare me. Give me a ticket!"

Immediately, a group of people began to actively sign up to buy tickets.

Compared with just now, he is like two completely different people!
Mr. Xu had a bright smile on his face and quickly collected the money and gave the ticket.

In the end, a total of eight people paid for tickets.

Han Yang and Xiao Zhang also paid for it. Although Xu Sheng said it was free, they had no choice but to give it.

"Before entering the horror house, I will first give a routine introduction to the scene and the origin of the horror house."

Looking at everyone, Xu Sheng restrained his smile.

Become extremely serious and earnest.

"You must have all heard of the new No. 12 Middle School in Jiangsan City, but few people know where the old campus is. The horror house is the location of the old campus of No. 12 Middle School."

"Fifty years ago, the location of No. 12 Middle School was a village. But one day, the village was covered by a large white fog. Overnight, all 1,642 people in the village disappeared, including the guard dogs and the ducks in the pen. There was no living thing. The whole town was dead silent. No one knew where the townspeople had gone or why they disappeared."

"Later, the East Country was established and this place was transformed into a tourist attraction. However, some people who travel here always say that they are warmly received by the townspeople, but when they return, they find that there are no townspeople. They also often find people lost in the town and cannot find any trace of them."

"As the incidents continued to happen, the higher-ups decided to raze the buildings and build the No. 12 Middle School. But raze is not the solution to the problem."

"Some people who were staying there said at night that there were 13 steps instead of 12. Some people would wave at them at night. Also, people often disappeared inexplicably in the school. After that, the school decided to move out and sold the old campus to an educational institution."

"Later, the institution continued to have problems, so the higher-ups decided to demolish it again and turn 'Jiuju' into a mobile amusement park!"

If you keep living here, something unexpected will happen.

Therefore, no buildings for long-term residence were built.

“Then we had this house of horrors.”

Mr. Xu introduced it in a light tone.

After hearing this, everyone present felt their scalps tingling and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

"Is this so mysterious?"

Xiao Zhang's eyes twitched. As a criminal policeman, he was still very taboo about this kind of thing.

Take Li Sheng alone for example. He has come across countless bizarre cases that cannot be explained by science!

"It's all rumors."

Xu Sheng shook his head and said this, just as everyone paused and breathed a sigh of relief.

His voice sounded again.


"Something incomprehensible happened at the amusement park, too."

"So I can't guarantee whether this rumor is true!"

Looking at Xu Sheng's serious expression, everyone's hearts were hanging in the air, and the moment he said the next sentence, they instantly became silent.

"If you encounter something incomprehensible, bizarre, or strange."

"Be sure to notify the staff immediately!"

Are you serious?

Could it be that someone really disappeared inexplicably?!

Without waiting for the eight people to react, or for anyone to want to shout "refund the ticket", there was no chance for the group to respond.

Xu Sheng immediately opened the door, and the bottomless black hole was like a mouth that swallowed everyone!
"Welcome everyone to experience the horror house scene at Jiangsan City Sunshine Amusement Park"


(End of this chapter)

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