I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 153 Case closed! [2 chapters in 1! ]

Chapter 153 Case closed! [Two chapters in one! ]

That evening, after quickly completing the process, Xu Sheng and others boarded the plane and headed for Yubei Province.

How is the environment in Yubei Province?
This was the word that popped into everyone's mind after getting off the plane.

During the Spring Festival, the temperature in Jiangxian City was around minus seven or eight degrees Celsius, occasionally ten degrees.

But in Yubei Province, the temperature is generally minus 20 to 30 degrees Celsius!
You can't survive here wearing only an ordinary cotton-padded jacket or down coat. You can't see any stray cats or dogs on the road. They must have frozen to death somewhere.

"This damn weather, and there is also a landslide"

In the car, looking at the scene outside the window, Li Sheng couldn't help but curse.

The nights in the north can be freezing.

Even if you wear two layers of down jackets, if you sleep on this night, you will become an ice sculpture the next day.

Even strong adult men can’t resist it, let alone the so-called left-behind villages.

"According to preliminary estimates, there are still 32 disaster victims buried underground who have not yet been found, including five children and 27 elderly people."

The police officer from Yubei Province who was in charge of responding in the back seat sighed.

The elderly are mostly in their sixties or seventies, and the children are still in elementary school.

These two types of people, in this environment, encountered a landslide and were buried.
Just as Li Sheng was driving, his cell phone vibrated.

Mr. Xu took it and took a look at the message sent by the clerk.

"As expected, the second murder scene has been found. The victim is Liu Yu, 37 years old, female, from a second marriage. The husband has a child. On the night of the murder, the family should have been celebrating the boy's birthday."

"Liu Yu did not do what Zhang Wei did, using someone else's household registration to have a second child, but the difference is not that big."

Mr. Xu sighed, and the people in the car became unusually silent after hearing these words.

Li Sheng has handled homicide cases at least fifty times.

But the murder of a loved one
It’s not like they haven’t taken over before, but at most they would just kill the wife, or the entire family of the father-in-law and mother-in-law.

In this case, a family was killed by their own children.
There is more than one case!
From the 14th to now on the 18th, there have been four cases!

And it happened on New Year's Eve
The impact is simply too huge!

After all, the relationship between blood and relatives in the East is much deeper than in other countries, and the same is true for education. This kind of blood-related massacre is simply refreshing the moral values!
"If this is released by the media, I can't imagine how much of a stir it will cause."

“It’s been an eventful year.”

A series of sighs were heard, and soon the police car slowly stopped.

Everyone opened the car door, got out, stepped on the ground and looked at the tragic scene in front of them, all in silence.

What is the scene in front of you?
Half of the village was buried by the landslide!

The originally neat house was smashed into ruins by the huge rocks sliding down from the mountain. The originally solid mortise and tenon structure, or the beams, became as fragile as paper in the face of this force.
Half of the village looked like it had been plowed over by a farmland 'plow'!
And in the soil formed by the overturned boulders, there are more than 30 people buried.
Xu Sheng stretched out his hand and looked up at the heavy snow falling from the sky.

The heavy snow was still falling, and it seemed that it was not snow falling on the ruins, but super-glue concrete, freezing the soft soil into cement and completely blocking the gap of hope for the people underground.

Countless search and rescue personnel were constantly moving boulders. Rescue dogs, police officers, and soldiers were constantly carrying and searching on the ruins.

Countless figures kept crossing each other, and it was unknown how many days this scene had been going on.

"A few days?"

"Today is the sixteenth day."

The responding officer took out a cigarette and looked at the scene in front of him which was covered with a thick layer of snow, his brows full of vicissitudes.

Fifteen days was enough to rescue a large village, and they did complete the finishing work.

However, there are still more than 30 people missing, and in this environment, the role of search and rescue dogs is minimal. At present, we can only hope for a miracle if we still hope to rescue them.

"Where is Zhang Wei's hometown?"

Mr. Xu suddenly asked.


The responding officer pointed to a cleared, dilapidated house.

"Compared to those that were completely buried, we are relatively lucky. After all, we are at the very edge of the impact."

"It was only half destroyed, but this half happened to be the bedroom where we sleep and rest, and it happened around 11pm."

Xu Sheng nodded and walked forward.

This is a very typical mud house where elderly people live in rural areas.

There is a small courtyard inside and a small vegetable garden near the outer wall.

A line of words was written crookedly on the wall next to the vegetable garden.

[Please don’t steal. My grandma is already 70 years old and is ill. It’s hard for her to grow vegetables. We have to save them for the New Year.]

The writing on the wall was written with white chalk and looked blurry, so it must be quite old.

I guess it was written a few years ago.

In addition, some small advertisements were written on the walls of other houses.

Xu Sheng stood in front of the vegetable field, squatted down, and pushed away the thick snow covering the field.

Covered by the snow are some leeks.

The leeks have wilted.

No different than weeds.

No one stole.

No one collected it.


Li Sheng stood at the back, his eyes constantly moving between the wall and the ground, and the cigarette in his hand never went out.

Retracting their gaze, several people pushed open the door and walked in.

The houses were built with bricks and straw mixed with mud as a bonding agent.

However, the hut, which was originally quite dilapidated, has now become half a ruin.

"Zhang Qian's grandmother died here. The house collapsed. She was 73 years old and the temperature outside was too high for her to survive, not to mention that the rock hit her head."

The responding officer pointed to a pool of brown blood on the ground and spoke.

"Where's Zhang Qian?"

"When something like this happens, the authorities will notify the family immediately."

“We’ve notified everyone in the village, but some people’s phones couldn’t be reached, so we can only gather the surviving victims together and keep them alive.”

"Of course, you can also choose to leave here."

The responder said.

The policemen behind him looked over and then looked away.


A police officer spoke up and asked in a low voice.

Now that his identity had been confirmed, it was not difficult to catch Zhang Qian, as he only had two places to go.

One is to stay in Jiangsan City, and the other is to return to Shuangshui Village.

The probability of the former is not as high as the latter. The psychology of such people is likely to return to the most familiar place in their memory.

"Arrest him?" Several policemen looked hesitant.

Li Sheng was silent.

After a long while, he suddenly inhaled all the unburned cigarette in his hand into his lungs in one breath, and a ferocious expression appeared on his face.


"How to catch it?"

He looked at Xu Sheng in front of him.

Xu Sheng looked for a long time. After a moment, he looked up and saw the snow that had been falling for who knows how long.

"Wait until he comes."

Xu Sheng murmured:
"He will come."

January 19th.

There are three days left until the Spring Festival and two days left until New Year's Eve.

9:30 pm, Shuangshui Village.

A black shadow appeared and flashed in the darkness. It seemed that these people had been walking and running for a long time. Every few steps they would stop and look at Shuangshui Village for a while.

Slowly, another dark shadow emerged from behind him.

The two walked silently. Compared with the sleeping disaster victims around them, there was nothing obvious at this time. Instead, the two sides merged into one.

Soon, several figures appeared at the edge of the light, and dim shadows appeared on the wall.

Several people in worn down jackets appeared here. They were physically underdeveloped and looked like they had been lacking in nutrition for a long time.

He was pale and thin, his face was bloodless, and his lips were frozen white.

Several people stood in silence in the dark, looking at Shuangshui Village in front of them.

"There is a situation here!"

"There's a guy here! I saw him, right down there!"

"People? Living or dead?!"

"He's still alive, he's still alive! I saw his hands moving! He's still alive!"

Originally in the dark night, under the searchlights on the ruins, the seemingly aimless figures suddenly boiled over at a certain moment.

Countless figures rushed towards one place collectively.

Soldiers, police, village officials, search and rescue dogs.
These people, wearing different clothes and colors, with excited expressions on their faces, started digging in the ruins.

Some of those who were about to fall asleep did not feel sleepy at all at this moment.

This scene appeared many times, and the four villages merged into one, which means that people from at least two villages were buried.

Several figures just stared at it for a long time, with some confusion in their eyes.

After a long while, the ruins were dug out at an extremely fast, yet precise speed that would not cause a secondary collapse.

A child of about fourteen years old was lifted above the crowd and passed down, one person at a time.

The child was taken to the makeshift first aid site in just a few minutes.

The figures on the ruins dispersed and continued to search aimlessly. The roar of large equipment around them continued for twenty hours.

A long while passed.
"Zhang Qian?" A plain voice sounded. One of the figures was stunned and was about to run, but another figure sat down beside him on the stone in the ruins.

The figure turned around and saw a man with slightly long hair, wearing casual clothes and with a good-looking face.

The other party looked at him without any obvious movement.

Zhang Qian wanted to run, but the next moment...
"Have a bowl of dumplings."

The man suddenly spoke, and the figure noticed that the other person had a bowl of dumplings in his hand.

The dumplings are boiling in hot water, emitting bursts of aroma.

The figure was stunned. He looked at the person in front of him. The other person didn't seem to have any ill will towards him.

"It's New Year's Day, let's finish eating the dumplings first."

As he spoke, the man stuffed the dishes into his hands, then looked at the ruins beside him, his eyes full of sighs.

The figure was silent. He looked at the bowl of dumplings and cleared his throat.

He picked up his chopsticks, picked up one, and slowly put it into his mouth.

One, two, three, four.
He ate more and more.

Eating faster and faster.

My originally numb and tireless body suddenly felt a surge of tiredness from the bottom of my heart.

Two lines of hot tears emerged from the face that was numbed by the cold wind.


The figure sat on the ground. He ate and cried as well. Finally, he simply stopped using chopsticks and picked up a dumpling with his hands. After biting half of it, he could no longer hold it in.

Tears and snot mixed with the chewed dumplings in his mouth and were swallowed up.

He sat on the ground, the cold wind blowing across his body, bringing his sobs to Xu Sheng's ears.

I don’t know how long I cried, the sobbing sound gradually disappeared, and the figure remained motionless.

Xu Sheng looked at the two relatively young children in front of him and sighed.

He looked at Li Sheng who had been standing beside him without him noticing when.


Xu Sheng made a gesture of "silence" and pointed at the child under him.

He looked at Li Sheng and uttered two words word by word.



The moment the words fell, as if it was God's will, Xu Sheng and Li Sheng raised their heads at the same time.

It had been snowing for quite some time.
I don't know when, it disappeared.

"Tsk, thief God."

On the morning of the 19th, Jiangxian City and Yubei Province handed over the case.

On the evening of the 19th, Li Sheng set out on the journey back to Jiangsan City with his confession and two children.

On the 20th, Xu Sheng and Li Sheng returned to Jiangsan City.

"What happened to the deceased Zhang Qian?"

"It was a second child. Due to policy reasons, it was registered under another person's household registration, concealing the truth."

"Zhang Qian is the first child. After he was born, his parents went out to work and felt it was inconvenient to take Zhang Qian with them, so they left him in Shuangshui Village to live with the elderly. He became a left-behind child."

"Zhang Wei and Zhao Zi came to work in the developing city of Jiangsan. One year later, they had their second child."

"Unlike Zhang Qian in Shuangshui Village, this time they took great care of the deceased Zhang Qian. They gave him everything they could use and didn't use, and didn't send him back to his hometown."

"Moreover, the appearance of this child was not told to Zhang Qian and his mother who stayed behind in his hometown."

"Of course, there is no intention to take Zhang Qian back to his hometown."

"Even because of the appearance of the deceased Zhang Qian, Zhang Wei and his wife rarely returned to their hometown. Apart from sending money home, they returned home only a few times in the past ten years, as if they had forgotten Zhang Qian."

On the evening of the 20th, at the Jiangsan City Public Security Bureau.

In the office with not many people, Su Qiang looked at Li Sheng in front of him and exhaled a long puff of smoke.

After giving birth to a child, she left him in her hometown, saying she was busy working.
But she turned around and secretly gave birth to another child.

Su Qiang was puffing out smoke, his expression obscured by the smoke, making it impossible to tell what he was doing.

"Zhang Qian has lived in the mountains since he was born. He has only seen his parents a few times and lives with his grandmother."

"Granny has told him since he can remember that his parents love him very much and that they work away from home so that they can have a good future. When he grows up, Zhang Wei will bring him to live in the city, where he can go to the amusement park, the Children's Palace, go on spring outings, and go to college."

Li Sheng sat in front of the other person and started talking like a ruthless talking machine.

"Then, Shuangshui Village suffered a landslide early this year, just before the Spring Festival."

"Zhang Qian escaped because he was up at night, but his grandmother, who depended on him for survival, was killed. The flying boulder smashed her head off."

"After that, the official personnel could not contact Zhang Wei, so Zhang Qian decided to go to Jiangsan City."

"The other three people traveling with us are Liu Qing, Sun Yu, and Zhao Tang, one man and two women."

Hearing these words, Su Qiang exhaled another puff of smoke.

He took a puff and found that the cigarette butt had burned to the mouthpiece.

He took out another cigarette, lit it, and threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray that was already piled up with cigarettes.

"Go on."

Li Sheng nodded.

"Because it came suddenly, and because it came at the wrong time."

"Zhang Qian saw another Zhang Qian. Looking at the other person's face that was similar to his own, Zhang Qian instantly understood the whole story."

"Originally, there was no aggressive behavior in the first few days. Zhang Wei pretended to be ignorant and let the other party stay temporarily. But after the deceased Zhang Wei was tricked by Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian understood why the official personnel could not contact Zhang Wei on the night of the landslide."

Li Sheng looked at Su Qiang, opened his mouth, and told him the information he had obtained in the past few days.

"On the night when Zhang Qiang's grandmother was murdered, Zhang Wei was giving gifts to the deceased Zhang Qian."

"It's my birthday."

The moment these three words were spoken, the meeting room, where only two people were present, fell into an eerie silence.

Su Qiang didn't smoke, but let the cigarette butts fall.

After a long while, he finally said "hmm".

"When Zhang Qian got the news, he felt like he was living under someone else's roof at his own parents' house."

Speaking of this, Li Sheng felt a little complicated.

In my own parents' home, I feel like a guest.
It's a bit ironic.

"Because of the landslide, my spirit, which was already on the verge of collapse, was shattered in an instant!"

"Zhang Qian has never celebrated his birthday in his life. The deceased Zhang Qian became a little jealous and wanted to win favor, so he mocked the other party. However, he didn't know that the person in front of him had already lost control. This was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire."

"Hate took over Zhang Qian, and the three were killed. After Zhang Qian fulfilled his dream of going to the amusement park with his parents, he left Zhang Wei and his wife 'at the door of the haunted house' and left."

"He explained to his companions and prepared to go home, but..."

"Sun Yu, who was traveling with us, had a brother because his mother remarried a long time ago. When he heard Zhang Qian's words, a seed was planted in his heart."

"Liu Qing became extremely angry after he overheard his parents talking about him as a 'burden' in the evening. He then recalled Zhang Qian's actions."

"Liu Qing committed suicide after building the snowman. He ended his life as a 'burden'. His body has been salvaged from the river bank."

"Zhao Tang's family is normal."

The three murderers were arrested, but Li Sheng was not happy at all.

The truth was a bit heavy, and even though he had worked for decades, he still felt heartbroken.

The same is true for Su Qiang.

As the director of the Municipal Bureau, he felt as if a huge stone weighing a thousand pounds was pressing on his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

The two people, one is a director and the other is the captain of the criminal investigation brigade, and there is a big gap in their positions.

Two people were standing outside the window at this time.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and everyone is waiting for the arrival of the New Year tonight.

At this time, fireworks were already being set off outside.

Countless people were walking on the streets with heartfelt smiles on their faces, holding their children’s hands, and the children were also extremely excited.

Countless colorful fireworks shot into the sky.

Everyone looked at this magnificent scene in the sky.

Looking at the night view outside, looking at the beautiful scenery created by the explosion of fireworks, the two people were finally blown away by the wind.

After a long while, Su Qiang finally spoke.

"Let's just deal with the case as it should be."

Li Sheng nodded.

In some cases, there is no clear-cut distinction between evil and justice.

There is only right and wrong.

This type of case is very torturous for criminal police, and some veteran criminal police suffer from depression after retirement.

Just when Li Sheng was preparing to finish his work on New Year's Eve and go home for the Spring Festival.

Su Qiang suddenly spoke.

"By the way, where is Xiao Xu's child?"

"Mr. Xu?"

Li Sheng was stunned and spoke subconsciously.

"It's in the haunted house. Well, Wang Chao didn't run around, he's still there, there shouldn't be any problems during the Spring Festival."

Su Qiang nodded.

After a long silence, he looked at the scenery outside again.

“It’s a bit of a waste of talent.”

Su Qiang murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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