I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 167: Endless Loop Information! [2-in-1 Big Chapter! ]

Chapter 167: Endless Loop of Information! [Two chapters in one!]

"He claims to be the top teacher in our Ma Liang Painting Studio!?"

The person in charge had a look of astonishment on his face, with a look of deep disbelief in his eyes.

The next moment, his entire face turned ugly.

"To be honest, the reason why Fang Hua was dismissed was not only because he was not a good match for the studio, but also because his painting skills were too poor. He was at the level of an average art student and could barely substitute for students taking the high school entrance exam."

"How can he say that he is the studio's top teacher?!"

The person in charge felt very upset, as if he had eaten a green-headed fly.

He eats from the bowl, looks at what's in the pot, scolds the cook after eating, and walks outside claiming that he is a loyal customer of this store. This is not an ordinary contradiction. As the studio of the person involved, one can imagine how much they want to beat Fang Hua up.

"Now, answer me where Fang Hua's address is!"

Mr. Xu ignored the other party's complaints, interrupted his thinking and asked directly.

"Rongte Community."

After the person in charge had communicated with the archives, he began to speak.

After that, he paused and added, "Officer, we have nothing to do with this person. We are even victims!"

"If this person has committed any crime, it has nothing to do with our studio."

Li Sheng couldn't help but looked up at him.

The person in charge is quite responsible.

"One last question, does the studio have Fang Hua's ID photo?"

Xu Sheng handed the address to Li Sheng and asked him to notify the office staff, then looked at the person in charge.


The person in charge nodded and then trotted towards the archive room.

They are a studio that creates high-quality teachers. Several teachers from key high schools are poached to work here, so the process of using these people's faces and identities to create a brand is naturally indispensable.

“This is Fang Hua’s photo.”

The other party handed over a headshot, Xu Sheng took a look, then turned and left.

There was nothing special about Fang Hua's appearance. He had ordinary facial features, long hair, and wore glasses. His clothes were washed plain white, and he looked very polite.

Of course, it can also be described as reserved and shy.

"Go to Rongte Community!"

Li Sheng sighed, then stepped on the brakes and led everyone towards their destination.

After driving for a while, he glanced at Xu Sheng in the rearview mirror and suddenly asked.

"Where do you think he is?"

Where is Fang Hua?

Rongte Community? No, Li Sheng didn't think the other party lived in Rongte Community!
Not only him, even Xu Sheng and Han Yang didn't think so!

“Whether the other party is in Rongte Community or not, the other party’s figure will definitely appear near Rongte Community!”

Mr. Xu gave the other party a reassurance.

"Just like Ma Liang's painting studio, the other party has been here before, so he dares to call himself a gold medal teacher outside!"

"This is exaggerated self-deception, not an absolute lie!"

"He is very vain, but at the same time he is very fragile inside. He cannot deceive himself with such a pure lie!"

There is a difference between exaggerated boasting and outright lies.

Just like if you played a game against some powerful people, you can brag about your "narrow defeat", but if you just lie and say that you played against someone and lost narrowly, the two kinds of bragging mentality are completely different.

Rongte Community is one of the few wealthy communities in Ningguang City.

This is where most of the factory owners in the city or company managers live.

According to Fang Hua’s identity information, the other party has been working since he was born, and there is no way he can live here for a long time except renting a house!
Therefore, Mr. Xu determined that Fang Hua’s real address could not be here!
This is indeed the case. When the police arrived at the community, they found the property management to investigate and cooperated with the internal staff to search. The result was
"no such person!"

The property management checked for a long time and whispered to the police.


Li Sheng's face looked a little ugly. If this was the case, then it was just as he had guessed just now. The information that had just appeared was interrupted again.
"What about the rental information?"

"The rental information is too confusing. Our community has not only apartments but also villas, and the rental information is often not true."

The property manager said embarrassedly.

Things of this level as villas are very expensive, and those who can afford them are either rich or noble.

These people may have mistresses. For these lovers, they will use their own identities to buy a villa and then let the other party live in it. In this way, the information of the mistresses and others will not appear on the list of property management and others.

Some people would use their status as secretaries or employees to buy themselves a house, or transfer money from one hand to another.

Whether it is selling a house or renting a house, the information on the surface is relatively false and cannot be truly trusted.

After understanding this truth, Li Sheng's face turned rather ugly.

Xu Sheng pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Did a relatively conspicuous young man appear in the villa area three years ago?"

"three years ago?"

The property manager was stunned.

"Yes, it was three years ago!"

Mr. Xu nodded.

What day was it three years ago? A normal day.

But at the same time period, there was also an incident in the exhibition area where the other party spent huge sums of money to hold an art exhibition for himself!

An art exhibition made him lose everything. So, it is impossible for the other party to appear in Rongte Community between three years ago and now. This is unreasonable. The other party cannot be rich. He must have killed someone and taken the money at that time to be able to move in or rent the house.

"I don't mean buying or renting, but simply entering the property multiple times."

"This person's dress is different from the people around him. He is quite conspicuous. His conversation is also very elegant. He has a strong presence."

The property manager was puzzled and fell into deep thought.

There are too many people like this. It can be said that a considerable part of the entire community is easy-going on the surface.

Seeing this, Xu Sheng frowned and then fell into deep thought.

If you were Fang Hua, a person who could deceive himself, despise the poor and love the rich, and at the same time like to brag to others, then what words would you use to introduce yourself to these so-called "lower-class people"?

Suddenly, Xu Sheng recalled the logic of the original investigation, the so-called "advantages".

"By the way, this man is a 'painter'."

He suddenly added.


The property management staff was stunned. These two words were quite special.

But before he could open his mouth, someone who appeared out of nowhere suddenly spoke.

"A painter? Is he a young man who walks around with a sketchpad?"

Everyone was stunned and subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound. The source was a grandfather in security uniform.

"Have you met Fang Hua!?"

Li Sheng's heart suddenly moved, and his originally silent heart began to beat again. His eyes stared at the old man with anticipation.

"Is your name Fang Hua?"

“I don’t know what his name is, but three years ago there was a young man who often came in with a drawing board on his back. He would lecture us, talk about philosophy, and some art that we couldn’t understand.” The old man who was originally watching the fun suddenly became interested.

He had a relatively deep impression of this person. After all, people in the villa area would look for musicians or dancers to train their children.

These people basically ignored the security guards, and even if they did, it would just be a dull conversation.

But painters are not common!
"Yes, it's him, that's him!"

Zhang Cha, who was standing by, clapped his hands, his face full of joy, and quickly went to the old man's side.

"Do you remember which number in the community this person lives in?"

"No. 1004, I think. She seems to be a tutor, a top-notch teacher from some painting studio, hired for a high price to give one-on-one lessons."

The old man is old, but his memory is still good.

Xu Sheng was listening on the side. This was consistent with the other party's character. At the same time, he gave Li Sheng a wink. Li Sheng immediately understood and arranged someone immediately.

As for why Fang Hua told this to the security guard
'If you don't return to your hometown when you are rich and powerful, it is like walking in fine clothes at night', this sentence can express it very well.

Once people become powerful, or feel that they are different from ordinary people, most of them want to show off in front of people from their hometown. To expand on this, they like to show off in front of people from their original class.

A common example is some individual sports students who like to show off in front of ordinary students, or some people who have access to certain information and like to brag to people around them about what they know to show off their differences.

Those who truly know, understand and master this information tend to only communicate with people of the same class, which forms an information barrier over time.

For example, if you are an ordinary person, you may not meet a painter in ten years. But if you are a painter yourself, you can get to know those painters that no one knows at any time and communicate with them.

Therefore, the real so-and-so people often will not deliberately reveal their sense of superiority to the people around them.

But half-wits do.

"The information he told me was quite special and left a deep impression on me."

The old man looked at the police curiously, "What? What's wrong with this kid?"

Li Sheng ignored this question and turned to look at the property management nearby.

“Who is the owner of No. 1004?”

"Zhang Sun is an entrepreneur. I'm going to contact him now."

The property manager quickly looked for the information, then took out his phone and made a hasty call.

After a long while, he looked up and responded:
"It's true. Three and a half years ago, a young man came here to tutor his child. However, his skills were not good enough. He messed up the child's studies and he quit afterwards."

"Later, I think I rented a villa here with a few other people for a month, and then I don't know why I didn't renew the lease."

"After that, these people disappeared in Rongte Community."

Three and a half years was exactly the time when the other party was at his most inflated, that is, the time period when he was fired from the studio and rented the exhibition.

Although that period of time is short, it can make a person lose his entire life!

In comparison, renting a villa is nothing.


Zhang Cha paused and asked anxiously, "Is there any information about Fang Hua!?"

"According to Mr. Zhang Sun, Fang Hua seems to be the top teacher of Ma Liang's painting studio, and lives in the studio's dormitory building."

"It was for this reason that Mr. Zhang Sun chose to hire him. However, when he found something wrong later, he contacted the studio and found out that he was a liar. It was for this reason that he was asked to leave."

The property manager patiently repeated Zhang Sun's original words, which, of course, had been polished.

After all, his child was cheated and the painting skills he had worked so hard to cultivate were ruined. Zhang Sun was kind-hearted in not letting the other party go to jail. He could still recall the memory clearly even if asked about it ten years later.

"You can go to Ma Liang's painting studio and check. Maybe you can find some clues about him."

The property manager said kindly that he would divert the blame and bring the trouble to the studio.

But it's a pity.
The police came from the studio!
"Damn it, the clue is broken again!"

Li Sheng's face darkened and he cursed.

Fang Hua never told anyone about his information, so they couldn't check it even if they wanted to. The few pieces of information they found were just going in circles and had no meaning at all.

"How about we focus our search around these information points?"

Zhang Cha thought for a moment and gave a message.

"Based on the marks on the ground at the exhibition, the other party had been there once before the New Year, and the victim's death was estimated to have occurred at least half a month ago."

"That is to say, even if the other party kills someone and wants to become the so-called 'leader', he still fantasizes about becoming famous at the exhibition."

"The other party doesn't have a car and doesn't plan to escape. So we can use the exhibition center as the center and send plainclothes officers to conduct a circle-style investigation around it!"

Li Sheng pondered it carefully and then nodded.

"That's a good idea. I think it's feasible."

This is the so-called carpet search, which is often quite effective, but unfortunately is time-consuming and laborious.

"Why bother?"

Xu Sheng suddenly paused, looked at Zhang Cha and Li Sheng, and his expression showed a little strange.

"Trouble?" Zhang Cha was stunned. "What do you mean?"

Based on the current information, this is indeed the best way.

"Captain Zhang, what did you say in the first sentence of the plan you just deduced?" Xu Sheng reminded.

Zhang Cha thought for a moment and asked tentatively, "Did he go to the exhibition before the New Year?"

"Yes, he has been there."

Xu Sheng nodded, then changed the subject and said:

"Captain Zhang, do you know when the next art exhibition will be held?"

"How would I know that?" Zhang Cha looked confused.

"You don't know, and I don't know either, but the murderer knows!"

Mr. Xu looked serious.

The people in front of him were stunned, but the next moment, Li Sheng suddenly came back to his senses.

"You mean, the murderer was still paying attention to things related to painting even after killing someone!?"

Li Sheng's eyes lit up.


Mr. Xu nodded.

"The other party is paying attention. Because of paying attention, they know the opening time of the exhibition. Because they know the time, they will show up on time."

"In that case, how about we design an exhibition for him ourselves?"

Xu Sheng looked at the people in front of him, narrowed his eyes, and a hint of ruthlessness appeared on his face.

"Design an exhibition that is his ideal, fair and just, and where society does not eat people!"

"There is no need to spend all kinds of manpower to search, we just need to lure the enemy into the trap, and then close the door and beat the dog!"

Design one?
这 是
fishing! ?
According to the other party's taste and psychology, after knowing the other party's plan in advance, and using the police to lock the other party's identity, while the other party is still unaware of his identity being exposed, design an extremely tempting bait
Will Fang Hua take the bait?

Recalling the other party's mentality at the time, Li Sheng paused, then looked at the people around him, excitement showing on his face.

Will bite!

Even if the other party realizes that the police are plotting against him, there is a great probability that he will take the bait!
“But we left police officers at the exhibition center and the studio. What if the other party saw us?” Zhang Cha was a little hesitant.

"It doesn't matter, we can design a honey trap"

(End of this chapter)

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