I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 181 Three terrifying communication platforms! [3-in-2 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 181 Three terrifying communication platforms! [Two-in-one monthly ticket request! ]

The management of the early Internet in the East was not strict, and there was no complete set of management rules, which led to all kinds of things happening on the Internet.

for example.

A short video platform that is frequently used by everyone in later generations, a note.

In its early years, Yinfu underwent two rectifications required by the higher authorities.

Not many people know about this, but it did happen.

Why was it rectified?

This is a big reason.

The second reason is to show off wealth!
Yes, it’s just showing off wealth, there is no other meaning.

The second generation of young masters are playing too extravagantly. Various videos are impacting the three views of ordinary people. If the information breaks the barriers and spreads, it will cause chaos.

The combination of these two reasons led to two note adjustments!
Short videos are like this.

What about a catch-all website dedicated to socializing! ?
Everyone knows the dangers of the dark web, but it is rampant!

This is not something high-end, it can be found everywhere. It can be transferred to the dark web through some pornographic video software, and all kinds of explosive information can be seen in it.

"Sun Yuan's death is related to this post!?"

Wang Chao calmed himself down, thought for a moment, frowned and guessed.

“There is a direct relationship, but it is probably not the root cause.”

Xu Sheng nodded, but did not fully agree.

Judging from the information currently available, all the accusations point to this forum. Xu Sheng speculated that the other party might have met the murderer here, and was then tricked into meeting him in real life. He then saw something, and ultimately his inner world collapsed, and he died.

"First, check the founder of this bar and several small bars."

Xu Sheng thought for a moment and gave an instruction to Sha Yuan.

"it is good."

Sha Yuan did not hesitate. The work he did was not something that could be put on the table, and on normal days he would not have the so-called pride of national security.

The one who can solve the case and complete the operation is my father!
He quickly used the authority in his hands to pass the information to the Internet police, allowing them to find out the truth in a very short time.

When he hung up the phone and turned his eyes back to the screen, he found that Xu Sheng had started searching again.

'If, suicide has already appeared, then the rest.'

Mr. Xu paused for a moment, then searched for a "food bar".

The moment the screen refreshed the picture, everyone's pupils shrank, a chill surged from their lower abdomen, and they couldn't help vomiting.

The picture is shit!

The poster said this was a very delicious delicacy.

"This is fucking delicious food, right?!"

Sha Yuan was shocked. He was usually straightforward and had never seen such a scene.

"Brother Xu, is this the one from the small village in Jiangsan City?"

Wang Chao felt that the public toilet in the picture and the body parts shown by the other party looked familiar, so he started to ask.

While cracking the 'Eater' case, they caught a man who liked to eat in public toilets and rush into the women's toilets.

"It's him."

Xu Sheng's eyes were a little complicated. He really didn't expect to see him here.

Unlike in reality where he is despised by all police officers and feared by passers-by, here, although some people scold him, there is more respect.

Why respect?
Xu Sheng slides the roller.

Everyone felt more and more sick, and some pictures directly broke the defense of those Sanhe masters, causing them to hold the trash can and start vomiting.

what picture?
[The skin on the soles of feet is the most delicious. Some country ladies in their 40s and 50s have thick calloused skin on their soles. When cut with scissors, the skin is very chewy and gives off a salty taste in the saliva.]

[Bullshit, the fingernail is the real thing! ]

[Am I the only one who thinks boogers are delicious? I think they have a very sticky texture, like rice balls or rice cakes, and they are salty. If you put them on the tip of your tongue, you can still feel the springiness.]

[Same as above. 】


Just a few words and a few pictures.

It directly broke through the defense of Shayuan!

His face looked very ugly, with dark lines all over his forehead.

It would be fine if it was just simple online chatting, but those pictures show that these people are telling the truth!

They were really eating, and were really discussing the taste and level of gourmet food!
Mr. Xu also searched for "Love Ice Bar", "Horror Bar", etc.

The first one, when you click on it, there is a video. It shows a person with open eyes being violated without any reaction. His eyes are stiff and unfocused, and he lies motionless on the bed. It is no different from an erotic video.

However, the open morgue cabinets around and the countless, dozens of corpses with their eyes open, lying next to the violated bodies, proved where this was.

The heroine of the pornographic video is a good-looking corpse with no external injuries.
'It's scary.'

It contains weirdness, supernatural, bloodiness and brutality.

There were people who killed people, tortured women, told ghost stories, summoned spirits in the middle of the night, and Xu Sheng even saw people digging graves!

Looking at the three serious names, the surroundings have fallen into dead silence.

Shocked, nothing but shock!
Just from a quick glance just now, at least ten major cases have emerged!
"Write it down and let the Internet police handle it."

Xu Sheng took a deep breath. He didn’t have the energy to look at this at the moment.

He looked at it for a while and then returned to "Freedom".

"There are thousands of people. If there is no murder, the number will not be large. Brothers, open a few more machines and check the people in this bar together."

Sha Yuan and his friends were not idle either. They asked the network administrator to turn on a few computers and check for people in the bar together.

Mr. Xu fell into deep thought as he looked at the post on Tieba.

Sun Yuan’s account number is no longer accessible.

Internet account management is very chaotic these days, and the real-name system is just a decoration. In addition, the other party has sold the ID card many times, so there is no way to check the account.

"The time point and the appointment, these two pieces of information must be the same!"

Xu Sheng thought for a moment, extracted two core pieces of information from his mind, and then put his hand on the search box and typed.


Several messages like this appeared, and Xu Sheng then used time to filter out the information he wanted. Sun Yuan died yesterday. Judging from the cleanliness of his clothes, he had not been kidnapped. It was very likely that he went there yesterday, saw something, ran away, and then died.

Although Sun Yuan’s first contact with the murderer was not yesterday, Xu Sheng had never targeted Sun Yuan!
A very useful little trick that breaks the common sense logic.

That is, as before, the so-called [a<b, so, b>a]

Sun Yuan accepted the invitation, then saw something, then ran away and eventually died.

What else can we learn from this?
"The scene you saw!"

"Something that can terrify a person to such an extent that he would not even jump off a building is definitely scarier than death, and it also involves death."

"In other words, Sun Yuan is not the first case for the murderer!"

"It is very likely that Sun Yuan saw the fate of other people who had the same appointment as him, and then he broke through the defense and escaped."

Xu Sheng murmured, but he did not stop his hands and directly clicked on search.

If this is true, then the murderer must have used the same method to lure Sun Yuan here before finding him.

And it doesn’t happen once or twice!
Xu Sheng kept browsing post after post until
"found it!"

Suddenly, Xu Sheng spoke, his eyes fixed on the same account!

"What's wrong!?"

Sha Yuan quickly put down the mouse, rushed to Xu Sheng's side, and leaned over to check.

"The account used by the murderer himself, the records that Sun Yuan had access to, and the records of the other victims!"

Mr. Xu's face was gloomy, and he pointed at someone's speech.

"I targeted the time point after Sun Yuan's death and deduced it forward."

"We searched through some core information points retained by the clues and finally found some clues."

As he spoke, Xu Sheng clicked on the other user.

The username is [ss], which doesn’t seem to have any special meaning, and the photo is also a very ordinary landscape picture.

The user’s specific comments cannot be seen because the other party has set them to private.

"This person set his speech to private."

Mr. Xu said this, then controlled the mouse and clicked on one of the posts.

[I’m so tired. My parents are arguing again. They’re arguing every day.]

The post begins like this. From this passage, Mr. Xu can probably guess that the poster is a young child who is still in school.

There were a lot of radical comments under the post, but Xu Sheng ignored them until he came across the user [ss].

[Where is your home? What's wrong with your family situation? If possible, I can tell you about the philosophy of life and discuss solutions.]

"This person's remarks were full of inducement and were intended to obtain identity information."

Xu Sheng frowned and began to talk about the so-called psychology of verbal seduction.

"The second half of the sentence is used to cover up the edges of the first half, and the purpose is hidden in 'concern'."

"At the same time, you can also understand the questions that the other party will definitely ask based on the poster's inner thoughts."

It can be seen that the poster wanted to talk about family reasons, so the other party asked about the family.

"Not only that, when I first saw him, I didn't notice anything wrong."

Looking at the puzzled looks on the faces of the people around him, Xu Sheng suddenly paused, then continued to control.

The next moment, countless posts appeared in front of everyone!

The moment they saw the post clearly, they all got goosebumps.

Without exception, all of these posts are comments from this user [ss]!

He is trying to obtain the addresses, families, and personal identities of these people who are full of negative energy, psychologically fragile, and want to communicate with others.

“I captured a few bits of information.”

"First, this person seems to be guiding others onto the right path, but when we actually communicate with him, we can find that he is using a completely different rhetoric to lead people to an even more extreme direction!"

"Second, this person has appeared in posts about preparing to commit suicide or having already started to commit suicide many times, and his words are completely meant to lure people into committing suicide!"

Xu Sheng had a serious expression on his face, his mind thinking very calmly.

"The key is"

“This is just the first process!”

"After they have sorted out those who don't want to die or whose background will cause trouble after death, they will no longer pay attention to them!"

"Only those who have no one at home, like orphans, or whose fathers and mothers don't love them, or even those like Sun Yuan, the great Sanhe God, will start the second stage!"

"The second stage is private chats. You don't have to guess what the chats are about. They are about instilling more extreme words, guiding the other party to meet you in real life, or helping them commit suicide."

"Excluding a small number of people who were privately chatted with, most of them have disappeared without a trace, vanishing without anyone noticing!"

Not only that, what made Xu Sheng feel even more silent was.

While this person is obtaining addresses, he is also screening target persons!
Xu Sheng didn't realize it at first, after all, the addresses selected by the other party were not unique. There were several neighboring provinces besides the imperial capital, but with more addresses, it was obvious.
"Imperial Capital, Binjiang Province, Zhaozhou Province, Haibei!"

"The other party's target is limited to these four provinces. In other words, the victim is not just Sun Yuan, nor is it just the imperial capital that is involved. It's..."

Having said that, Xu Sheng paused, a trace of solemnity flashing in his eyes.

"Four nearby provinces!"

Four provinces
How many people died?
Looking at the densely packed and countless number of posts, everyone felt their scalps tingling.

This is just Tieba, what if the other party does the same on other platforms! ?

How many victims are there?

In an instant, an individual criminal murder case instantly escalated into a mass murder incident!
Xu Sheng didn't say anything else. He looked at it, and his doubts grew stronger and stronger.

"This so-called 'Let's Die', people like Sun Yuan are like lambs. Negative energy and words leading to death become fodder for these lambs to grow. After confirming that these lambs are 'healthy'..."

"The administrator has started harvesting!?"

Xu Sheng's heart sank. The logical reasoning in his mind became more and more complex, and at the same time, more and more frightening.

He looked at this post and this
From breeding to harvesting, the whole process.
A farm that does everything from raising chickens to screening sick chickens and then sending them to the slaughterhouse for precise cutting!
“Where are the Internet police?”

"What on earth are the cyber police doing!?"

"When will the clues arrive?"

(End of this chapter)

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