I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 193 Human Trafficking! Shocking Numbers! [2-in-1 Big Chapter! ]

Chapter 193 Human Trafficking! Shocking Numbers! [Two Chapters in One!]

"Why haven't you left yet?!"

"Mr. Zhao, why do you say that?!"

Wang Chao was horrified and felt as if his heart was being cut by a knife.

Zhao Tian realized that he had accidentally spoken out his true feelings and immediately restrained his expression.

It’s not easy to have children, you can’t hurt the other person like this.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Tian spoke tactfully.

"Xiao Wang, you have been playing in the capital for almost a month. I think your family must miss you a lot."

"Well, I think it's time to go home. Staying in the capital city all the time will make my family worry."

After hearing this, Wang Chao felt better.

Sure enough, Mr. Zhao is his confidant!
Even if there are some "small setbacks" in the imperial capital, it will not affect the deep relationship between him and Mr. Zhao!
"What if my family doesn't miss me that much?"

Thinking back to his home, Wang Chao couldn't help showing sadness.

Ningguang City has already blocked him.

That’s right, Wang Ji from Ningguang City, after seeing such a huge incident happening in the imperial capital, immediately ran away without mentioning a word about his cooperation with Su Qiang.

This blame is too big for Wang Ji to bear!
However, the other party's goal was achieved. At least now, no one in the country dared to make fun of Wang Ji!

This guy has a good relationship with Su Qiang. Everyone was afraid that if they laughed out loud, this grandson would remember them, so they discussed with Su Qiang overnight and secretly sent someone to the area under their jurisdiction.

It can be called a strategic threat!
Of course, Wang Ji would definitely not let someone enter Ningguang City, not even during the New Year!
As for Linhai City.
The director of Linhai City took money out of his own pocket and teamed up with his sister Wang Xin to rush to Jiangsan City for him!
"Then you can also go to other places to have a look, walk around more and broaden your horizons."

Zhao Tian spoke tactfully, implying that it didn't matter where to go as long as they were in the imperial capital!
He is already seventy years old and too old to take such jokes!

A suicide turned into a national case. Zhao Tian had never seen such a thing in his life!
Oh, come to think of it, it seems that the last case where we planned to conduct an anti-kidnapping operation was also about this kid who was kidnapped and brought to the crime scene.
Thinking of this, Zhao Tian looked at Wang Chao with something strange in his eyes.

'What is the meaning of this kid's existence?'

"He was kidnapped at least five times, and he also went to a party. He was even nearly killed by someone falling down. The chances of all these times combined are lower than the chance of winning the lottery, but surprisingly, nothing happened to this kid."

"Is it because of my physical condition? But this person seems to be surprisingly strong."

Zhao Tian was amazed.

"Everything that's bad about the capital's feng shui can be blamed on me"

Wang Chao walked aside and was sad alone. He was very dissatisfied with this world.

After chatting about trivial matters, Zhao Tian pushed open the door, walked into the house, looked around, and then stood in front of Xu Sheng.

He looked at Xu Sheng, said nothing, and stretched out his hand.

There is a square box in the palm of your hand.

"This is."

Looking at this familiar box, Xu Sheng's heart moved.

"This time's credit."

Zhao Tian's expression relaxed, he opened the box, revealing a golden star medal!
First-class merit medals are all made of pure gold. Not to mention the merit and significance of this thing, its value alone is very valuable!

“It’s awarded so soon!?”

Mr. Xu was a little surprised. According to what Sha Yuan said, he should wait for a few more days.

But I didn’t expect it to come down in less than a week! ?
“The medal was already prepared when the existence of the estate was discovered in February.”

"Nearly a month of preparation time, do you still think it's too short?"

Zhao Tian laughed, then paused, restrained his expression, and added:

"This case has such a huge impact that the higher-ups have decided not to expose it until the operation is complete. Not even a whistle can be circulated!"

"After several people voted, they finally decided to secretly award the prize to Xiao Xu!"

"The award ceremony was cancelled, as were the media reports. This included the subsequent publicity of the case. Everything was concealed."

"Of course, we will award you this medal in the name of Sweeping the Kidnapping, and this name will also be used in subsequent publicity."

Zhao Tian started talking about a series of things and Xu Sheng nodded.

The impact of this incident is so huge that if it were to be leaked, residents would panic and become angry.

This is not the point.

The key point is that it will alert the enemy!
If those who have laundered their wealth and come ashore get the news, they will definitely choose to run away to avoid being caught.

The Imperial Capital can capture Bai Cheng and Ye Fei across borders at all costs, but there is no reason to invest such money in a small minion who can't even be named!
Not worth the candle.

Therefore, Zhao Tian and others chose to present the award to the other party in private. As for motivating the other police officers, it was also simple. They could just explain it in the name of "anti-kidnapping". After all, this case was indeed closely related to the human trafficking gang.

Zhao Tian hung the medal on the other person's chest, and then the two of them saluted in a standard manner, which completed the award ceremony.

Just when Xu Sheng was planning to leave the imperial capital.
Suddenly, Zhao Tian spoke again.

"Regarding this case, what aspects should be focused on in the follow-up actions, and what should be strengthened after the action, do you have any opinions, Xiao Xu?"

Looking at Xu Sheng, Zhao Tian laughed, as if the two of them were just chatting casually.

What is your opinion on this case?
Xu Sheng paused and was about to speak, but suddenly fell silent again.

There are indeed insights into the case, and they are not just one or two.

It is said that the business alliance committed evil deeds, but does it mean that it should only target businessmen?
You know, the perpetrators include not only businessmen, but also so-called social elites, lawyers, doctors, even well-dressed people who are regarded as professors, some well-known philanthropists, and even famous stars!
Some people may have little to do with businessmen.

But the essence is the same!

That is the right that comes with status!

"It is temporarily divided into several parts for better management."

After thinking for a while, Xu Sheng came to the conclusion, "First of all, it is the network platform."

"In 04, the Internet was just emerging and capital was still expanding in a barbaric manner. Each website only spent money for traffic rather than for management."

"There needs to be a minimum standard set for these companies to be tolerated by the authorities. If no one follows it, then make an example of them!"

Why? Because the consequences of violating the rules are so severe that they would rather be castrated than make mistakes.

This time Mr. Xu gave a positive answer.

"If the regulations are to be strict, the first thing to do is to strengthen the management staff."

"The presence of the Internet police is too weak now. Even among the public, not many people know about this small type of police."

The type of Internet police rarely appears in front of the public, including in 24. Now it is because the Internet is still in its infancy, and in 24 it is because the rules are strict and only a small part of the review is required. Most people are fighting on the Internet level.

For example, online fraud, or assisting criminal police and special police in locating drugs.

Even the Red Hacker Organization mentioned earlier has to defend against network-level attacks from other countries and launch counterattacks!
But no matter what the future holds, the current Internet police are definitely very weak.

“The top leaders are already paying attention to this.”

Zhao Tian sighed and told the truth.

"The problem with that social platform is very serious. In response to the two points you mentioned, I had a meeting with others in the past few days to discuss this point."

"But we don't have much extra money right now, so we can't strengthen the cyber police much. We can only take action based on this rule."


Mr. Xu nodded.

Dongguo was poor. Dongguo was extremely poor in 04.

Decades ago, people with malnourished flesh and blood, armed with millet fried noodles and rifles, fought against steel monsters like airplanes, cannons, tanks and warships, and achieved victory with human lives.

Twenty years ago, the average wage of rural residents was only around 100 yuan, and the vast majority of people earned less than 100 yuan.

In 00, the average wage per person was only yuan, less than yuan in the countryside, and just over yuan in the better cities.

Even in most places in the countryside, people can’t even get enough food to eat, the average person is illiterate, and not many people can even recognize words!
The government is also poor.

The army is even poorer!
Not to mention the millet and rifles of decades ago, even around 04, seven or eight years ago, those floating on the sea had no capital to fight against others.

Seven or eight years ago, in a crisis response exercise, the soldiers were so poor that they had to "mount road guns on ships." Yes, that means literally, they did not use the warships' own missiles or anti-aircraft guns, but artillery on land!
Artillery, cannons, were towed onto ships by manpower and could only fire for a few kilometers. Compared with other weapons that could fire dozens or hundreds of kilometers, they were really shabby.

How much money and resources will we have in 04, seven or eight years later?
"Most of the money went into weapons development."

Zhao Tian sighed. He had witnessed the cruelty of the battle fifty years ago, so he naturally understood that this money was a necessary expense.

"Internet police."

"I really don't have the money to do this, so I can only take some actions based on the rules."

Let me put it this way, in 24 years, the East Country built a super-large iron version of a "fishing boat" on the sea, with an apparent cost of 550 billion, not counting the annual maintenance costs and the shells inside!

You have to know that the starting price of a missile is several hundred thousand, and fighting a battle worth hundreds of millions in minutes is no joke!

but now.
In 00, the annual military expenditure was about 1500 billion.

Well, the total money for the three services includes maintenance, replacement, and research and development.

Compared with later generations where a laboratory would cost hundreds of millions, billions, or tens of billions of dollars, this is simply too shabby.

I don't care at all!
"However, the most important thing is the management of the ports, coastal areas and border areas."

Mr. Xu changed the topic to another point.

When he said this, his expression became extremely serious.

“If any kind of trade evolves into exports, the rate of expansion will increase exponentially!”

"The domestic situation is very stable. Although there are manors, when it comes to exports, these few people are not enough. In fact, everyone who exports will be in a worse situation!"

Population export, this term is not commonly used by many people.

Usually they are immigrants or smugglers, but if people are exported

Modern times are the period with the largest number of slaves throughout history since the birth of mankind!
There are more than seven billion people in the world, but the number of slaves is as high as 30 million!

Not to mention the efforts made in those fraudulent areas, the number of cases involving 'sex' alone is enough to shock people every year.

'Lolita Island', an incident in the West in 24 years that left Xu Sheng silent, shocked and speechless, involved as many as nine hundred pages of people.

It’s not nine hundred people, it’s nine hundred pages!

It has a total of nine hundred pages, and every character in it is either rich or noble, and all kinds of well-known people have entered to play in it!

It would be a big deal if any one of those people was exposed, but when put together, they form a criminal list that is as long as 900 pages!

Because of these people's rights, no flights will stop at Loli Island.

Those who can land on the island are usually people who own private jets or private cruise ships, and the number of victims involved, from ordinary residents to celebrities, is difficult to count.

For example, the Western star holding up the wine glass is a member of Lolita Island.

But he is not the perpetrator, this guy is a victim. Well, he is the one who was played with. Because of fear, he gained weight crazily and became fat.

"As for the population trade, there's no need to worry about that."

Zhao Tian's expression relaxed and he smiled confidently.

"The border areas are strictly managed. It is difficult for a large number of live people to be exported and form a stable trade chain here."

"Well, unless the other party is willing."

Take fraud areas as an example. Generally there are two types of people there.

One is that they went there voluntarily, and the other is that they were deceived.

There are also adults who are abducted unwillingly, but their number is indeed few and unstable.

Like the ones abroad.
"I believe this." Xu Sheng nodded.

Let me give you an example.

Caribbean, these three words should be familiar to you. It is the name of a sea area outside. There are many trade chains and private islands in this sea.

Among them, there are two names that ring in the ears of all human traffickers!

They are Lahiri and Richard.

That is the so-called Lahiri x Slave Island and Richard x Slave Island.

The three words "x Slave Island" alone can prove what this means.

This is where x slaves are sold!
On average, every year, at least three hundred thousand people from Lahilixinu Island are trafficked through this place to all parts of the world, to be selected and kept in captivity by those with power and money.

Typically, at least half a million people are trafficked each year.

This trade chain has been in existence for several decades and is extremely rampant, but it has always existed and has not been cracked!

Because the other party has reached a certain consensus with the criminal police organization of a certain country!

It's not that a certain country doesn't know. Of course, Mr. Xu didn't say that a certain country must know, but the strange thing is that.
The other party's service objects are the dignitaries of the Western country and the people in the secret service base. These people are his service objects.

If it is these people, then they should know. If they know, why haven't they been eliminated yet?
As for Mr. Xu, no one knows.

As for who broke this thing out.
(End of this chapter)

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