I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 211 'Okay, I'm Wang Gang! ' [2-in-1 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 211 'Okay, I'm Wang Gang! ' [Two-in-one monthly ticket request! ]

It is difficult to catch people at sea, this is the consensus of all police officers stationed in Wen City!
Not only the police, but also the most vicious criminals and the most rampant human traffickers know that waterways are safe!
From drug trafficking to illegal immigration, or the more common smuggling, almost all operations are carried out at sea.

Most of us have seen footage of criminals being caught on the road from a dock, but what about at sea!?

There are not many times when a ship is captured while sailing on the sea!
"How do we catch him!?"

"Wang Yao, Wang Shui, Sun Miao, Zhang Tao, Wang Hu, and Wang Sui, only Wang Hu's identity information is registered in the official files!"

"The rest are Baishuilang, living on the sea!"

"According to our investigation, the last time Wang Yao and his men appeared in public was half a month ago, which is when the victim died!"

"Baishuilang, boat girl, time of murder, hysterical symptoms, strange behavior, disappeared."

Stationed in Wen City, Criminal Investigation Brigade.

All the police officers who had a say in the investigation gathered together at this time and discussed the matter with serious expressions.

They were in an office, and in the center was a blackboard with information about several people posted on it, without even a photo. Only the youngest grandson, Wang Hu, had a photo, but he was only fourteen years old.

"Based on all known clues, these people are the murderers of the victims!"

As he spoke, Li Sheng found a collection of quotations from his field investigations.

He passed it around for everyone to see.

"A month and a half ago, when the family's hysteria was becoming more and more obvious, the eldest son, Wang Shui, excitedly took out a tape and gave it to someone else. He invited them to listen to the tape together."

After saying that, Li Sheng took out a tape that could be easily identified as having been thrown away in a corner.

Then, in front of the police officers, he inserted the tape into the player.


The sound of electricity slowly sounded, floating in everyone's ears.

Everyone was on high alert and listened attentively.

one second.
Two seconds
A few minutes passed, and the noisy electromagnetic sound was still in my ears, and there was no other sound!

Even until the tape was finished playing, not a single sentence or even a single word appeared!

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other, not understanding what the recording was.

"No sound, right?"

Xu Sheng looked at everyone and spoke slowly.

This recording was found by him after he made the call, when he interviewed people around him.

During that time, Wang Shui was like a madman, distributing recordings everywhere and inviting others to listen to them together.
"Just no sound!"

"Not only you, all the villagers who listened to the recording didn't hear a single sound from it!"

Xu Sheng spoke with a serious expression.

No one heard the sound.
"But when it was playing, Wang Shui showed an intoxicated expression and felt extremely excited!"

"The other party said that this was the sound of a mermaid and he recorded it at night."

The moment they heard this, everyone couldn't sit still and looked shocked.

"The voice of a mermaid!?"


A policeman showed a look of surprise on his face and stood up subconsciously.

"Doesn't this thing exist?!"

"Then did you hear the mermaid's voice?" Xu Sheng asked back.

In an instant, the other party was speechless.

"That's right. There was no sound in the tape, but Wang Shui heard it. He even said it was an extremely beautiful song."

Xu Sheng said solemnly.

Hearing this, the people around couldn't help but open their eyes wide subconsciously.

The song of the mermaid.
There are many legends about mermaids, whether they are evil versions, where mermaids use their singing and appearance to lure victims away.

Or maybe it's a genuine mermaid, with a beautiful singing voice and a graceful figure.
Regardless of the version, mermaids are characterized by singing!

However, from ancient times to now, no one has ever seen a mermaid, or even heard her voice.
But Wang Shui recorded the sound and then played it in front of everyone!
"He's crazy!"

Everyone was shocked.

There is no sound in the tape, only noise, and that is the mermaid's singing! ?
How can it be!

"No, maybe Wang Shui really heard something, so he chose to take out the tape and record the sound."

Xu Sheng shook his head and spoke. Wang Chao, who was watching from the side, suddenly had an idea.

"Audio hallucination?"

"Yes, it's an auditory hallucination!"

Xu Sheng nodded, then spoke seriously:
"Auditory hallucinations are personal hallucinations. Usually, you hear some sounds for no apparent reason, but when you ask others, you find that the sounds do not exist."

"But what if someone takes this auditory hallucination seriously!?"

Common auditory hallucinations include someone calling your name for no apparent reason, but when you go to check, you find no one is there. However, if you firmly believe that someone is calling you and keep investigating,
Then you will become obsessed.

"And this obsession, let's call it hysteria for now!"

Mr. Xu wrote a few big words on the blackboard.

"Then mention Wang Sui again. He is the youngest son of the Wang family. He is thirty years old and single."

"That is, at the same time when Wang Shui gave the tape to others, one and a half months ago, Wang Sui was very happy. Someone saw him like this and asked him the reason."

"At that time, Wang Sui said mysteriously that he was going to get married. When passers-by asked him again, he said that his wife was waiting for him at the bottom of the sea!"

"After repeated questioning, Wang Sui finally spoke up and said that his daughter-in-law was a mermaid swimming in the deep dark sea!"

Mr. Xu wrote this information next to Wang Sui's information.

After hearing this, everyone's faces showed a little strangeness.

"Marry a mermaid as a wife?" someone asked in a daze.

"Who knows what he heard or saw, and why he had this idea."

Mr. Xu shook his head and then collected all the information.

"Based on all the information, Wang Sui is most likely the first victim found. He once raped a mermaid."

"The purpose of the other four people is unknown, but they all have more or less experienced some hysteria, and this kind of event, in psychology, we call it."

"Collective hysteria!"

Xu Sheng had told Li Sheng about this symptom, but it was the first time that people around him had encountered it.

Immediately, Li Sheng also began to explain slowly.

"Now, the suspect may be..."

"Going out to sea to catch mermaids!?" someone said, and then he himself felt it was a little ridiculous.

"There is no Wang family ship at the dock. They are most likely out to sea. Based on our experience, they are most likely out to sea to chase the mermaids."

Li Sheng nodded.

Everyone was silent, not knowing what to say.

Until Wu Sai spoke.

"How do you catch it!?"

Wu Sai frowned, he turned his head and looked outside. It was already raining moderately, but the sea was still dark.

"How do we catch them?!" he asked again.

When this question came up, everyone fell silent.
The other party went out to sea.

There are no other fishermen at sea!

The police do not have any information about the other party. Not to mention the specific location, they don’t even know whether the other party is still in domestic waters!

How to catch this?
Could it be that the police were sitting on a boat, wandering around in the vast ocean! ?
"It's very simple."

"Based on their behavior, we initially guessed that they had already gone out to sea. There are only two possibilities for going out to sea in such an extreme environment: one is that the boat was overturned by the waves and the whole family died, and the other is that they are still alive."

Xu Sheng spoke up.

Either you die or you live, it's a very simple truth.

In the environment at sea, being half-dead is no different from being dead.

"In order to solve the case, we assume that the other party is still alive." "Then, can we assume that the other party is still chasing the mermaid!?"

Wu Sai and the others nodded, "The other party's goal is the so-called mermaid. Since they are alive, they will naturally chase the mermaid."

"Does that mermaid exist?"

"does not exist."

"Since it doesn't exist, will they find the merman? No. If not, does that mean they will keep chasing after him?"

Mr. Xu raised another question.

There are two ways to deal with collective hysteria.

One is to remove the obsession. For example, if you have food poisoning, you can prescribe some vitamins as medicine, and the symptoms will naturally improve.

The second is to disperse.

There is no need to explain the latter. If the former is applied to the case, it means that the murderer found the mermaid!

But obviously, the other party couldn't find it.

"That is to say, the other party has not found the mermaid yet, so they are still wandering on the sea, but..."

Xu Sheng looked at the people around him, paused for a moment, and then said:

"What if a mermaid appeared in Zhuwen City!?"

"A mermaid has appeared that meets the other party's requirements perfectly!"

A mermaid appears?

Wu Sai and others paused.

"How could this happen?!"

“No, you can show up.”

Mr. Xu shook his head.

Wu Sai's mind was in a tangle, and then he suddenly spoke.

"You mean the mermaid's information!?"


Xu Sheng nodded. "It doesn't matter whether the mermaid stationed in Wen City is real or fake, as long as it can reach the ears of Wang Yao and others, it will be fine."

"Our goal is not to let the other party get the mermaid, but to make them float back to land from the sea!"

Trap hunting!

That’s right, it’s the so-called trap.

It can also be called "fishing enforcement"!
However, general sting operations are aimed at luring people into committing crimes and then arresting them, which is prohibited by this order.

But if the temptation has already committed a crime, then there is no problem!

For example, anti-corruption police pretend to be buyers or sellers, and lure the criminals with the money they want from the orders, while they lie in ambush in advance, waiting for the criminals to arrive and catch them all in one fell swoop!
Even a verbal fight counts!

There was once a case where a policeman found a wanted criminal on the Internet. He then had an argument with the criminal online and made an appointment to fight in real life.

The wanted criminal was waiting at the fight location, and soon he saw a group of plainclothes police rushing to his side.
"Simply spreading the news?"

Wu Sai asked again.

"Of course the news is not enough. After all, even if Wang Yao and others landed, we might not be able to find him."

“We have to find a way to get together!”

After a pause, Xu Sheng suddenly said:

"I remember the fishing village chooses the fish king every year?"

There is an activity to select the king of fish, which is held every year, and there are both freshwater fish and saltwater fish.

Of course, those in seawater are generally not common. After all, there are too many species, from whales to shrimps, and their sizes are all different.

In previous years, the fishing village also held a freshwater fish fair, but this year.
"Of course!" Wu Sai said.

"Okay, then I'll announce this year's fish king first."

As he spoke, Xu Sheng smiled and clapped his hands.

A person suddenly walked in from outside.

"This year's fish king of Wen City is this one."

The fish king! ?
Everyone was stunned, looking at the beautiful woman in front of them, with a hint of absurdity on their faces.

But when I thought about what I just said, I no longer had any doubts.

"Let him perform the mermaid act!?"

Wu Sai widened his eyes and looked at the frail, slim, and barely-there woman in front of him, with a hint of hesitation on his face.

"That's right!"

Xu Sheng nodded. He looked at the "woman's" face and was a little surprised.

"Well, [Water Ghost], please introduce yourself."

Looking at everyone, the originally quiet and beautiful woman grinned, revealing a row of big white teeth.

"Hello, officers. My name is Wang Gang."

"Well, you can also call me [Water Ghost]. These are just code names. I don't have a fixed name."

"We belong to the Imperial Capital's national security department, temporarily stationed in Wen City to assist the police officers in carrying out their duties."

As soon as he opened his mouth, a smell of rough man's stubble came out.

Everyone in the office's face twitched suddenly, and they looked at the water ghost in surprise.

man! ?
This beautiful woman is a man! ?

Looking at everyone's reactions, Xu Sheng nodded.

The Guoan side has an endless stream of tactics and all kinds of talents, which makes people dazzled.

Among them there is a person called "Painted Skin", who has mastered the makeup technique.
No, or rather it is camouflage technology!
He can use a bunch of materials to change a person's face, and no flaws can be found, unless it is his temperament or he opens his mouth to speak!
Even the Jinwu system couldn't do anything to him. It was so easy to steal someone else's identity.

Mr. Xu didn't know what crime this guy had committed to be subjected to 're-education through labor' in the National Security Bureau.

Sha Yuan just sighed and said that it took him a lot of effort to catch this guy. He was originally sentenced to life imprisonment, but thinking of his skills, he brought him to the National Security Bureau, and then kept his identity secret, and he became an important core member.

"Will the news not spread?"

The person below suddenly spoke up and said hesitantly that this was the person brought by Li Sheng.

Mr. Xu shook his head.

"Communications between fishermen are still very smooth."

"For someone who wants to find something, they will definitely keep a close eye on where the information is being spread, otherwise they will just be like a headless fly flying around!"

It's like tomb robbing.

Tomb robbers don't run around looking for tombs.

These people have extensive personal connections, and some of them specialize in collecting information on where tombs are found.

These people will go to the destination and rob the tombs only after they have collected information, rather than the type of robbing that takes one step at a time.

The same is true for the murderer. Otherwise, he can only drift aimlessly on the sea, and his mentality will become more and more anxious. Even if he does not want to expose himself at the beginning, over time, he will gradually exchange information with the people around him!
It is even said that the other party may still be willing to trade.

For example, eating and drinking are things that cannot be changed even if one is hysterical, but they have to do them.

If you want to meet the basic requirements of fishing, then the survival requirements must be met.

Therefore, there is a high probability that they will go ashore to buy things every once in a while, or rob others at sea.

It is impossible to maintain normal activities just by eating fish and drinking blood, let alone catching fish.

"The other party disappeared to the sea half a month ago. During this time, the rest of the people did not go fishing at sea due to heavy rain, and they had no place to replenish fresh water."

"Count the time."

"Every half a month, they will have to dock to replenish supplies, and as long as they replenish, they cannot avoid information exchange."

Suddenly, Xu Sheng paused.

"Then now"

Everyone looked at each other.


(End of this chapter)

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