I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 225 Doctors, Patients and Family Members! [2-in-1 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 225 Doctors, Patients and Family Members! [Two-in-one monthly ticket request! ]

Would you sell your mother as a prostitute for money?
This is a sentence that makes ordinary people feel uncomfortable when thinking about it, and it hits the bottom line of humanity.

Nothing is absolute!
"If Han Xi lived off his savings, he could indeed reach his current level of consumption, but correspondingly, when his father was seriously ill, he would not have spent a penny, which is how he could achieve the current situation."

Xu Sheng looked at the brand-name bag in his hand and spoke calmly.

Li Sheng frowned at the side, "Is this what they call a ruthless person?!"

Selling one's mother as a prostitute is essentially a matter of personal moral bottom line. This comes from what Wade said in the science fiction novel "The Three-Body Problem".

This sentence has the same meaning as Xu Sheng's.

When faced with personal interests, will one go against one's own morals and do things worse than those of beasts?
can you?

"Faced with a seriously ill father, you are unwilling to spend a penny on his treatment, but instead save the money for your enjoyment?"

The young policeman next to him showed a hesitant expression on his face.

"Is this really the case with someone?"

He recalled the information he had obtained about Han Xi after visiting him. He was obviously a very good person, but it was very inconsistent with the clues in front of him.
"Captain Li, I told you about a case before. In that case, a man sold his mother to several clients in order to make money."

Xu Sheng glanced at the other party's police rank and found that he was still a trainee policeman.

He did not answer directly, but instead turned his gaze to Li Sheng standing beside him.

"That's the impression."

Li Sheng nodded.

There was once a case in which the protagonist was a born cold-blooded beast.

The man was abducted when he was a teenager and brought to his adoptive parents' home. His adoptive parents treated him very well, and he pretended to be filial. When his adoptive father was seriously ill, he took away all the family's property and returned to his hometown.

He then sold his mother to an old bachelor as his wife, and sold his sister to human traffickers.

Then he spent all his money, and when he ran out of money, he went back to his mother, whom he had sold to a bachelor, and took her away again, along with the son his mother had given birth to, his half brother.
Then sell it again.

After that, she became a serial rapist and murderer, lurking in the homes of her victims, raping and killing women, and if she met a man,
His hobby was to cut off men's poker tools and watch them die in pain.

"There is no doubt that such people exist, and there are a lot of them!"

“There will always be people who don’t support the elderly, think they are a nuisance, or simply abandon them. There will always be people like these, anywhere and at any time.”

“And we generally call this kind of artificial.”

Looking at the trainee policeman who was standing there in a daze, his worldview being shaken, Xu Sheng spoke calmly.

"White-eyed wolf."

"That's what they call 'a heartless person with a wicked heart'!"

There are many people like this, especially in high-pressure environments. For example, in some places, decades or hundreds of years ago, the elderly would be abandoned when they reached a certain age.

But this case.
"So the deceased was killed?"

Li Sheng frowned and looked at the woman with a well-maintained face.


Killing requires a reason.

It takes two reasons to kill someone!
One is the reason why the target person deserves to die.

Second, it is because I want to kill the target person!
Everyone is selfish, the only difference is the bottom line.

Suppose there is a damned person standing in front of you. He has abandoned his parents and is morally damned.

Will you kill him?

From a rational and moral point of view, he deserves to be killed.

But what if we add criminal law?

If you kill him, you will face death penalty, or life in prison.
So, would you kill this person who seems to deserve to die but actually has no connection with you?
It would be fine if there was no criminal law.

“But in reality, there is not only criminal law, but also police officers who uphold the criminal law!”

"Why did he kill the other person!?"

Li Sheng frowned, he approached the corpse and squatted down.

"Also, how did the murderer know that the victim was such a ruthless and ungrateful person?"

Two questions.

First, why would you care about the affairs of someone you don’t even know, and even want to kill her!
Second, assuming that the deceased was indeed a heartless person, how did the murderer know that?
"It's not that I look down on the moral standards of ordinary people, but people are indeed like this. In ordinary small matters, they may intervene in the fights between others."

“But how many people would be willing to do this when it involves their own life and death and they get nothing in return?”

Li Sheng's brows furrowed even deeper.

"And this is such an extreme behavior."

"What on earth could have motivated him to do this?"

Killing is a very troublesome thing.

In later times, when the Golden Crow system became popular, it became very difficult to kill someone without being caught.

Even missing persons cases are more difficult to solve than criminal cases.

So generally speaking, it's just a matter of time before you're arrested.

In other words, you would send yourself to jail for the grudges and conflicts in other people's families without any benefit to be gained! ?

“He feels the same way about this behavior!”

Xu Sheng suddenly spoke. He looked at the orderly bloody footprints on the ground and carefully examined the external injuries on the body of the deceased.

"for example."

“A man has experienced betrayal and fallen from the peak to the valley.”

"From other people's perspective, at most they just lamented that people are evil and felt disgust towards the betrayer."

"But what if you are the one who is betrayed? Or if your situation is similar to this person's, what will happen when you see this kind of scene?"

This may seem a bit complicated.

Let's take a simpler example and use the expression "feeling too good to be true" to explain it.

You once did something wrong, maybe in love, or in saving someone, no matter what it was, but this thing left a very deep impression on your life, so you can't let it go.

At this time, you see another person who is going through something that makes you feel uncomfortable. How do you feel about this person, and how do other people feel about this person?
Because the conditions are met, the emotion prompts you to treat this person as yourself.

And because you feel "unbearable" and want to make amends, you will be prompted by an inexplicable motivation to help this person and achieve a "perfect" result!

When the perfect result is achieved, an inexplicable feeling will fill your heart.

This is positive.

Negatives too!

It’s just that the emotions are more extreme and the actions taken are more bloody!
"In other words, the murderer's background is similar to that of this case. He was angry at what the deceased Han Xi had done before, and regarded Han Xi as the object of his 'unbearable feelings'. He then killed Han Xi, and his thoughts became clear and he felt relieved?"

Li Sheng spoke thoughtfully.

"Is he replacing the deceased Han Xi, or Han Xi's father?"

Would you also feel angry if you were in the former's shoes?

Yes, humans are very abstract creatures.

There are certain things that I look down upon, despise, and even feel angry about, but I will still do them. After doing them, I feel ashamed, and at the same time, I will be very angry when I see others doing the same things.

Therefore, it is not impossible that the murderer is a person who also watched his parents die and lived off his savings.

"There is a chance, but it's not high."

"The deceased's death was cruel and emotional, but it did not reach the level of extreme anger."

"In other words, the other party's main motivation for killing was not the deceased."

Xu Sheng stretched out his gloved hand and touched the disgusting and sticky substance on the ground.

This is the accumulation of sticky and slippery intestinal outflow, just like the accumulated shit in the dry toilet.

Xu Sheng put his hand in, stirring the pile of sticky organs, turning over the sausage-like intestines at the market, and looking at the heart and lung organs that were thrown on the ground and then buried in the intestines.

"If the murder method is not violent enough, it means that the emotions are not strong enough. If the emotions are not strong enough, it means that this case is not the main target of the murder. But if even this corpse is not the target of the murder."

Li Sheng murmured, and then he paused and his face darkened.

If even the tragedy in Room 304 was not the murderer's main emotional purpose
So what on earth motivated the other party to choose to kill someone?!

This is a very simple meaning.

For example, if you have 10,000 yuan, and a beggar on the street begs you for one yuan, you might just give it to him.

But when you only have one dollar, would you give it to a beggar on the street?
Similarly, the murderer would only kill this person if his emotions were far greater than the tragedy in Room 304.
This is also why this abstract picture is created, in which it is clear that the emotions need to be strong enough to kill someone, but the murderer only has a little bit of emotions.

But the problem comes again
"What does he want to do!?"

Li Sheng stood up, his face full of shock.

"If even 304 is just a trivial thing that he brought up casually."

"What does he want to do?"

"Eliminate evil and promote good?!"

Xu Sheng looked at the body and said, "It depends on what the deceased did."

No matter what the murderer wanted to do, what his purpose was.
At least in one area, what the deceased did was definitely something that would cause the murderer to have extreme emotions!
To see the big from the small is nothing more than this.

"What is it?"

Li Sheng focused his thoughts back on the deceased Han Xi and frowned in thought.

Xu Sheng stood up and looked at Li Sheng indifferently.

"The murderer has already told us this."

The murderer told! ?

Li Sheng was stunned, but before he could ask back, Xu Sheng pulled him out of the dead end.

"Captain Li, when you hate someone, will you beat up that person?"

A hates B, so A beats up C, whom he doesn't know. Is this logical? There is no logic.

So, a hates b, so he goes and beats b.

And when applied to this case, it becomes:

Li Sheng came back to his senses and his pupils shrank.

"The label the other party put on the deceased is the key to his murder!"

"In other words, the deceased's previous 'evil and ruthless' behavior was within the realm of things that triggered extreme emotions in the murderer, so after the emotional outburst, the other party found Han Xi and then killed him in an extreme way, labeled him as a person he thought he was, and left."

Li Sheng's thoughts came smoothly, and he immediately turned to look at the trainee police officer.

"Give me the information file of Han Xi's father!"

"Especially the information before and after the other party's death three years ago!!!"

There are many cruel and ruthless things.

But judging from the target person's file, the obvious person who fits this term is his father who died of illness three years ago!


The police officer nodded immediately and went to make arrangements.

Xu Sheng took the opportunity to lower his head and observed the wound thoughtfully.

"In addition to the archival information, the wounds on the deceased's body also provide certain information."

"There was no large amount of blood splattered around the deceased, and the wound was relatively smooth, without any jagged marks like a blunt knife grinding flesh."

"The murder weapon should be quite special."

Xu Sheng stretched out his hand and placed it on the wound.

He carefully felt the smooth wound and could fully imagine how sharp the knife used by the murderer must be!

A fruit knife can only be used to stab someone.

For example, cutting is not possible.

Moreover, some of the wounds were in very tricky places, at angles that were totally beyond the reach of a fruit knife.

"What kind of knife is this!?"

Li Sheng frowned.

He has seen many weapons in his decades of work, but not many that are this sharp.

"Homemade tools?"

He subconsciously asked, but soon after he said that, he seemed to hear something again and said:

"The hospital's scalpel!?"

This time, Li Sheng frowned even deeper.

Most people know about scalpels. They are very sharp, sharper than razor blades. Just a slight pressure on the skin will create a silky wound.

But if that's the case, then it's not easy to find.
There is an experience accumulated from numerous criminal cases, that is, the type of weapon and the extent of its use often represent the living environment and occupation of the murderer himself.

For example, butterfly knives are commonly used to kill people by street thugs.

That scalpel
"The murderer is related to the hospital!?"

Suddenly, Li Sheng thought of the point where Han Xi's father died.

"Who knows."

Mr. Xu shrugged.

The case has not progressed very far, and they have only listed a few doubts to determine the direction of subsequent investigation.

As for the information about the murderers, there is still no clue.

but if.
"If the murderer is indeed related to the hospital, what role does he play?"

While waiting for his subordinates to deliver the files, Li Sheng fell into deep thought.

"Does the other party have a grudge against the hospital? Then why did they want to kill Han Xi?"

"The other party's sense of substitution increased dramatically, and his emotions became extreme. Then he acted injustice? Then what happened when he was in the hospital that caused his extreme emotions?"

"Strange, strange"

There are three types of people in the hospital.

Doctors, patients, and family members.

Which of the above does the murderer belong to! ?

If you belong to one of these three identities
What was the reason that led to the murder?
It can even be said that killing Han Xi was not his goal, it was just a by-product of his plan!
"Is the murderer also a patient? He has been betrayed by his family members just like Han Xi's father, so he is angry about Han Xi's behavior?"

Suddenly, Li Sheng came up with an idea.

"Remember my previous speculation about the murderer's emotions towards the deceased?" Mr. Xu shook his head.

Li Sheng paused, then fell silent.

If the murderer is 100% Han Xi's father, then when facing Han Xi, he must be extremely emotional and vent all his anger on the other party.

But the established facts at the scene do contain only a little emotion, not all
If it wasn't the patient, or in other words, if the murder was not caused by this conflict, then what could it be?
Before Li Sheng could figure out the reason.

The sound of footsteps appeared in my ears.

"Boss, we found the file!"

(End of this chapter)

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