I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 23 The disappearing internal organs!

Chapter 23 The disappearing internal organs!
The three bodies were quickly dissected.

Now, including Xu Sheng, all the police officers involved in the case in Jiangsan City are on high alert and racing against time!

But, even in this atmosphere.

When the body was dissected, everyone was in deep shock!

"Where are the internal organs!?"

Li Sheng, who was outside the glass, stared at the dissected body.

"Why are the internal organs missing?!"

Needless to say, the internal organs were missing, most likely taken away by the murderer.

As to why he was taken away.
Perhaps, in addition to maintaining life, organs can do other things.

Xu Sheng was silent.

He looked at the three corpses in front of him, and his fingers became colder.

"Chef." He murmured in his heart.

Now he understood.

The system doesn't give him any chance to play word games at all.

If you say it’s a dog with a human head, then it is a dog with a human head!

It is said to be under Chunhua Road, so the crime scene must be underground!
What about the chef?

These two words are very common, and compared to the human-headed dog, you can't even see any blood.

Roadside restaurants, vocational school training, high-end chefs, fly restaurants.
There are capable cooks everywhere.

But if these two words are related to a criminal case
That's unusual.

Xu Sheng suppressed the horror in his heart and forced himself to become extremely calm.

He quickly summarized the three bodies in front of him, and then without suturing the wounds, he did a simple cleaning and antiseptic treatment, and then asked the rest of the people around him to cover them with white cloth.

He quickly took off his clothes.


Pushing open the door of the morgue, Li Sheng immediately came over.

Li Sheng's face looked a little ugly. He glanced at the victim covered with white cloth, then looked at Xu Sheng.

"The victim's internal organs disappeared?"

Mr. Xu nodded.


"Have you checked his clothes?"

"After checking, all the money and documents on the body were gone. Before the autopsy, we thought the murderer might have killed him for money, but now..."

Li Sheng said this and then there was no more movement.

In criminal cases, 90% of them are caused by three factors: adultery, money, and anger.

From a simple investigation, none of the three victims had wallets on them, and the women did not appear to have been assaulted.

The fatal wound on his body was caused by a knife, or perhaps suffocation as Xu Sheng discovered.

"What on earth did the murderer want to do!?"

Li Sheng felt a little restless. He walked to the trash can, took out a cigarette and started smoking, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

What did the murderer want to do?
Mr. Xu doesn’t know either at the moment.

The term chef is too general.

It may mean that the victim is a chef, or it may mean that the murderer himself is a chef.

And each possibility can lead to nearly ten further ideas.

“When will the rest of the bodies arrive?”

Xu Sheng thought for a moment and suddenly spoke again.

When will the rest of the bodies arrive?

Li Sheng urged the other policemen, then turned his head and focused his attention on Xu Sheng.

"What was the victim's time of death?"

"The three victims who were autopsied so far were all killed within a month."

Mr. Xu gave a very vague time period.

The clues of the sewer destroying the body were too serious.

The speed of decay is terrifying!

There is absolutely no way to give an exact time period of the murder. Why?
Because there is little chance that the victim died directly in the sewer.

Perhaps, he died in a rental house and was then stuffed into a cold storage, or perhaps he stayed in the room for a day or two and was then dragged into the sewer.

For victims whose environment is not fixed, the time period of death cannot be calculated.

"Three victims in one month, and there may be more in the sewers"

Li Sheng felt disappointed.

In general, if one person is killed in a case, it is considered a major case in the city. If more than three people are killed, it is considered a major case at the provincial level.

This case has claimed at least three lives a month, a total of 23 people.
Looking at Xu Sheng's silence, Li Sheng calmed down a little.

"Any connection?"

Xu Sheng paused for a moment, then shook his head, "There are some clues, but I can't connect them together."

"What clue?"

Li Sheng put out the cigarette butt and threw it into the trash can.

"The victim's internal organs."

"From what we can see so far, the victim's stomach was cut open by the murderer after he was killed, and then his organs and other parts were cut off with a knife and taken away."

"All cases have a purpose, so I doubt it."

Li Sheng continued with the following words.

"You suspect that the murderer's goal is to get the victim's internal organs!?"

"Why? What use are these things to the other party!?"

Are organs useful?

It's very big. You can't survive without the organs, unless you build a mechanical replacement.

But what use are organs if they are separated from the body?
Li Sheng thought about it for a while.

He thought of the previous case.

"Organ transplant?"

"If it's an organ transplant, then we have two lines of investigation."

"First, the murderer himself needs these organs for transplantation. Second, the murderer is smuggling and selling organs!"

How profitable are organs?

No profit at all!

In fact, perhaps 99.99 percent of people don’t know the value of their own bodies.

Judging from the price of human bodies on the black market in America around 03.

The heart alone costs a staggering one million dollars!
Then comes the kidneys, lungs, skin, and hair.
Including blood and bones, these things can also be sold.

Put together, each of them is a wealthy man worth at least tens of millions of yuan!

Therefore, as long as one person's organs match those of many people, then the criminals can catch them and secretly trade on the black market, making tens of millions of dollars overnight!
The profit of this thing is greater than that of drug trafficking. The price of it is clearly marked on the notorious dark web "Silk Road", and some people even openly transplant it on live broadcast.

A live broadcast in which the victim is cut directly without any anesthesia.

"Organ transplantation can be ruled out."

Mr. Xu shook his head.

"I specifically observed the cut marks on the three victims."

"The three victims died of a knife stabbed in the neck, a female suffocated, and a third male whose cause of death could not be determined."

"In addition to the fatal injuries, their organ cutting techniques were very crude and the organs removed were completely unusable!"

If the organs are damaged, will there be someone who will buy them?
Why spend a million dollars to buy a useless heart?

So, black market transactions are ruled out.

As for organ transplantation
Don't say anything else.

Time alone spans dimensions.

The body of the victim at the bottom had dissolved and the bones had begun to rot, indicating that the time of death was at least a year ago.

A murderer who is so anxious that he kills people for their organs, can his body survive a year! ?
If not, why are there still deaths this month?
Besides, even if I can get through it.

That organ doesn’t meet the transplantation conditions!

Like Zhang Da, giving transplants to dead people?
It's possible, but after more than twenty mistakes, even Zhang Da should understand that the dead cannot come back to life, and their bodies would have rotted away long ago.

Mr. Xu crossed out the transplant option.

What would it be?
Could it be that he really eats people?
(End of this chapter)

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