I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 235: Operating Room at Sea! [2-in-1 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 235: Operating Room at Sea! [Two-in-one monthly ticket request! ]

The high seas is not an unmanaged sea area, but a short name for public sea areas, such as public toilets and parks.

The opposite of no one being in charge, anyone can be in charge!
Any ship that obtains permission can sail on the high seas and fly the flag of the country to which it belongs.

As long as something happens to someone from the country to which they belong and it is known, the country to which they belong can manage it here.

But the problem arises again. Because anyone can come here and anyone can take charge, chaos has arisen. In addition, it is far away from the mainland, there is no national flag, and there are three races on the ship, so no one can tell which country the ship belongs to.

Adhering to the principle of not looking for trouble, no one will care.
"Tsk, what a big cruise ship."

Xu Shen stood on the helicopter with the hatch open. The howling sea breeze blew his clothes, making them rustle, and his slightly long hair flew in the wind.

"Are you sure it's this ship?"


"Go down and take a look!"

The helicopter slowly landed on the deck, with dozens of special police officers providing cover in an attack formation, holding brand new assault rifles in their hands.

This cruise ship is huge. Judging from its size, it seems to be bigger than a hotel!
There were many men and women fishing on both sides of the boat, holding fishing rods. They stood up and looked at this moment in surprise and confusion.

"Who are you? The East Coast Guard? You have no right to detain our ships without permission. We are in the West Country's territory. You have no right to..."

A middle-aged man came up with a gloomy face.

He speaks Western languages ​​​​every time he opens his mouth.

Xu Sheng looked at the other person's face, his eyes turned cold, and without hesitation, he kicked him away.

"What bird language? I don't understand."

He glanced past the other person's figure, looked at the normal tourists standing in a daze in front of him, and raised his hand and waved.

“This person is deducted.”

"The rest of you, go in and search!"

Dozens of people took action instantly, with teams of three advancing in a triangle formation, and the three teams formed a larger triangle.

The speed is not slow, it can even be said to be extremely fast!

"Check the ship's infirmary, the captain's cabin, the fourth and seventh floors, the cabins under the plywood, and all the rooms on the top floor!"

Sha Yuan stood beside Xu Sheng, holding the walkie-talkie to his mouth and spoke in a deep voice.

"Capture suspects Maurice Reilly, Ron Collet, and Noonasha Sara"

Another string of names came out of his mouth.

Guoan has more than one "electronic ghost".
When these people come together and know their target, the speed at which they collect information is terrifying!
From yesterday till now, a name has been found almost every few dozen minutes.

And each name was so famous that it made people look gloomy.

There is no doubt that these people are either rich or noble!

To win over the powerful and wealthy is their usual tactic, but I didn’t expect so many people to get involved!
"Arrest him immediately!"

Xu Sheng reached into his pocket and something in the shape of a "7" appeared in his hand.


"Team One, Team Two, follow me to the VIP floor on the seventh floor. Search rooms 7032 and so on!"

Xu Sheng looked back at the deck where his people were constantly boarding the ship, then turned around and ran towards the seventh floor.

According to the information, the fourth, seventh and top floors are very familiar and special.

The fourth floor is for customers who normally need organ transplants.

Most of these people are ordinary people who make purchases on the dark web and are waiting for organ transplants.

At the same time, this floor is also home to people who volunteer to engage in trafficking, and it is possible that the buyers and the purchased are only separated by a wall!

With only a few dozen people, the transaction volume reached in seven days would reach tens of millions!

Most of these people cannot afford to wait, so they buy expensive organs like kidneys and hearts, otherwise there is no need to take the risk of buying corneas.

Tens of millions in 04
"Zhang Su, right? You are suspected of illegally selling organs, so please step aside!"

Passing by the fourth floor, several teams of special police voluntarily left the team, kicked open one of the doors, and pointed the black muzzles of their guns at the extremely stunned woman.

This is the fourth floor.

The so-called 'ordinary tourists!'

Adding the boat tickets for regular tourists, the profit from one voyage is nearly 10 million!

Twice a month, not counting the indirect benefits of winning over the rich and powerful, the turnover is tens of millions, and one can travel 24 times a year.
This is just the fourth floor, and according to conservative estimates, the number of people is only a few dozen!
Not to mention the special personnel on the seventh floor
Countless policemen armed with real guns, wearing black bulletproof vests and goggles, and wrapped tightly, shuttled between the floors.

In just a few breaths, this extremely luxurious cruise ship carrying thousands of people was completely controlled!

"The door is locked."

Someone tried to open the door, but it was not easy to open.

"Stay away."

Xu Sheng gave a reminder, and everyone understood instantly and moved closer to the wall.

He took a rifle, aimed it at the door lock, calculated the angle of the ricochet, and without hesitation, pulled the trigger.

"Clap clap clap!"

The bullet, emitting a trail of light, hit the door lock.

It is very troublesome to use a conventional pistol to open a door as it does not have enough power and may not even be able to open an iron lock with a key. However, this is not a big problem with a rifle.

A burly special police officer stepped forward and kicked him several times.


The tightening door opens instantly!
"Don't move, East Coast Coast Guard!"

"Ryan, you're under arrest!"

"Stand against the wall, stand against the wall, everyone raise your hands and stand against the wall!"

The first policeman leaned forward to search, and after finding that there was no danger, he immediately entered with a gun. The two policemen behind him each observed one side.

The rest of the people rushed in!
what is inside?
A luxurious suite!

The interior is exactly like that of an ordinary person's home, and it is even bigger, with an area of ​​200 square meters. When you push open the door, you will see the living room, which also has a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and other facilities!

The room is decorated with crystal chandeliers, leather sofas, carpets with incomprehensible patterns, and a few bottles of red wine in a sealed wine cabinet on the wall.

Compared with the 20 to 30 square meter houses on the second and third floors, it is simply luxurious!
There was a blond man with a big belly inside. He looked at the policeman in front of him with a gloomy face. He glanced at him and said gloomily:
"You've crossed a line!"

"Easterners, you have no right to arrest me. I want to meet with the embassy and accuse you of your atrocities!"

An oil thief accuses the East Country of atrocities?
Mr. Xu almost laughed, he just waved his hand.

"Cuff them!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked out, looking at the boxes around him.

On the seventh floor, there were police officers in front of every door. Some doors were open, and the people inside were either angry or anxious.

Xu Sheng glanced at them coldly, then he took out his pistol and pointed the muzzle upwards.


"Shut up!"

"Whoever interferes with the operation again will have his body collected by the embassy!"

The fluent Spanish words, coupled with the black muzzles of guns, made these people shut up instantly.

"Oh, you bastard."

Xu Sheng frowned and looked up at the floors below.

"Only arrest the target personnel!"

"Let the other tourists return to their rooms and block the communication signals!"

"The rest of you, move quickly!"

The seventh floor is not everything.

These people are the main force that provides funds and is used by the other party to win over the other party, but the real target of this ship is...
It's those people on the top floor!

Who is on the top floor?

Either he is the master behind this ship, or he is a powerful and extremely special person in the Western Country!
After a long time, Xu Sheng returned to the first floor deck and looked at the dozens of handcuffed people squatting on the ground, looking plump and gloomy. "There are quite a few people missing. Did you check in the operating room?"

Xu Sheng frowned.

"Has the operating room been found yet?"


The National Security personnel came to report that the ship was too large and could not be searched completely in a short period of time, and there might be people hiding in various places.

It is even possible that the operating room is in a suite, and this suite has a secret door.
There are thousands of rooms on this ship, how can we search them?!

"Anything going on on the lower six decks?"

This ship has a total of sixteen floors, six on the bottom and ten on the top.

"No, there was a conflict between the police and the national security and the crew of the ship. It is currently being suppressed, but no clues have been found yet."

"The doctor who performed the operation could even hide among the tourists. If his identity is not entered into the system, it would be difficult to find him for a while."

Sha Yuan frowned, feeling a little tricky.

If it is on land, just use human wave tactics to overwhelm everyone and dig out all the hidden information!

But this is the high seas, there aren't many of them
"First, take them to the coast guard ship and interrogate them. Make sure they are in our hands!"

Xu Sheng gave a brief instruction, and then something happened to him.

【Listen to the wind! 】

【Hyena's nose! 】

The two skills were activated instantly, and any sound within a radius of thirty meters was captured by him, including the flowing breath!
Panic, fear, panic, impatience
Xu Sheng could hear clearly all kinds of sounds, even the shallow and long sounds of so-called breathing, and could even guess the other person's inner emotions through the sounds!

"Did you find anything on the eighth floor?"

Xu Sheng suddenly spoke, he looked up and looked at the eighth floor above the seventh floor.

"The eighth floor is a luxury suite used to conceal one's identity. It is open to many tourists and there are no target persons inside." The person below spoke up.

Xu Sheng stared straight up.

"Where are all the tourists up there? Are they being centrally managed?"


Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes, and the sound of dense but relatively weak heartbeats appeared in his ears.

If there is no concentration, then who are these people! ?

"Check again!"

Without explaining the reason, Xu Sheng led his men to climb up the stairs again.

But he walked from the seventh floor to the eighth floor.
"Is he on the seventh floor?"

Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes, listened to the sound coming from under his feet, thought for a moment, and led his men back to the seventh floor.

But this time, even though they were on the seventh floor, the sound came from above their heads!
"There's a secret door!"

"The heights of the inner and outer rooms are different. There is another floor between the seventh and eighth floors. Find it out!"

Xu Sheng looked at the height inside the house, then looked at the height between the floors outside. After a quick calculation, he immediately understood.

Everyone understood immediately.

Some people were looking for the secret door leading to the underground from the eighth floor, while others were looking in each box.

Mr. Xu smelled a pungent smell of disinfectant and finally stopped at a large public mirror.

He stretched out his fingernails, pressed them against the mirror, and found that there was no space between his fingernails.

Double-sided mirror!
"Smash him!"

The people around immediately understood what was going on, and then smashed the glass without hesitation.


The glass shattered, revealing several iron frames.

There's an elevator in here!

Mr. Xu was not in a hurry to enter.

The national security member behind him took out something like a toy car and placed it in the elevator. He then took out a large instrument and reached out to operate it.

The car slowly entered the elevator, and after it was set to ascend, Xu Sheng saw a picture on the screen of the instrument.

"Sure enough, none of the equipment of Guoan is simple."

Times have changed. Reckless searches that rely on human lives are not the way a great country should think!

Xu Sheng looked at that angle, his eyes gradually becoming serious.

The car entered the 7.5th floor and the elevator door opened. Sure enough, the picture that appeared was not the picture of the eighth floor!

Instead, it was a place that was two and a half meters high, cold and looked like a morgue!

There are many doors around, and there seems to be something inside the doors.

When the car drove inside, we found that the interior of the room was separated by a large glass!

You can't see inside due to the angle of the car.

Just when Xu Sheng wanted to bring someone in
Guoan calmly pressed a few buttons. The next moment, the viewing angle of the instrument car began to fold and stretch, eventually extending to a distance of 1.5 meters.

This time
Everyone saw the interior clearly!

what is this?
An operating room.

An operating room with all the necessary internal organs!
Lighting, testing equipment, disinfectants, sterile environment. All the instruments related to surgery are available!
The level of luxury far exceeds that of the top three hospitals in the East!
And in the lens.

Several doctors wearing dark green surgical gowns and rubber gloves were constantly doing something to a person lying on the bed.

The anesthesiologist, assistant, and surgeon are watching from the sidelines, with the second surgeon standing by to take over in case the surgeon becomes unwell.
"Wipe your sweat."

After the surgeon finished the operation, he breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head slightly, and gave an instruction to his assistant.

But this look up
The surgeon, who had been concentrating on his work, suddenly stood there in a daze.

He looked through the bulletproof glass and saw.
A camera!?
Yes, it is a foldable stand with a camera on the top, and it keeps filming itself and others!

He looked at the camera.

Xu Sheng and others looked at him.

"Where's the other person?"

"According to the information, the owner of this ship, Luo Wei'ou, should be on board, but now he has disappeared."

"Where did he go!?"

Half an hour later, Xu Sheng sat on the deck. He looked at the scene in front of him and frowned.

"Even the guests on the top floor disappeared."

According to clues, the ship owner was discussing something with the police during this voyage.

In other words, it can completely explain why the other party and someone with a special identity are on this ship!
Xu Sheng searched everywhere on the ship like a radar, but still couldn't find any clues about the other party.

It was as if the other party had suddenly disappeared!
Whether it was the underground casino, the 'party scene' where they played together, or other more luxurious places, this person's existence was not found!
"Based on the signs of life in the room, these people left about a day ago."

"There are also a few less bodyguards."

one day ago?

Xu Shengshayuan frowned.

one day ago
The cruise ship in question off the coast of Jiangsan City received an order to come a day earlier, which was also a day ago. Is there any connection?

Return early?

Or is it to alert the enemy?

Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes. If this ship was a decoy, then they were most likely deceived. The other party knew that they had been discovered and then hid.

But the problem is.
"This ship sailed five days ago. Even if the cruise ship in Jiangsan City was just a trick to scare the enemy away, the other party should be on the ship."

Suddenly, Xu Sheng thought of someone.

(End of this chapter)

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