I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 237 Case closed! [2-in-1 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 237 Case closed! [Two-in-one monthly ticket request! ]

According to the law, there are generally two countries that can manage crimes on the high seas.

The first is the country of registration of the ship. For example, if a ship produced and registered in the East is found to have committed a crime at sea, the East China Sea Coast Guard has the right to arrest it.

The second is the country of origin of the victim. If the Eastern people on the ship become victims and are discovered, the Eastern country also has certain management authority.

So, when the ship was directly detained by Shayuan!
After thoroughly searching the inside, they sailed to the waters of the East Country and notified the countries involved through the embassy.

Of course, Xu Sheng didn’t care about this. On the contrary, he cared more about Wang Yuansui.

"Did this guy speak?"

"Fuck, this is a psychopath!"

"This guy is a fucking psychopath!"

In the Jiangsan City Police Station, Li Sheng angrily threw his hat onto the table, which made a noise, and then he spoke in a defensive manner.

"Mental illness?" Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows, recalling the scene on the yacht where the other party forced himself to bleed.

Crazy, insane, and not reacting normally to other people's affairs.

Indeed, this is very similar to mental illness, and it is probably really mental illness.

"That's right. Guoan used every trick in the book."

Recalling the interrogation process this morning, Li Sheng's face turned even darker.

"And neurotoxins!"

"But Wang Yuansui just wouldn't say a word, no matter what. He just kept crying and howling like a madman who couldn't talk!"

You don't even say a word when using neurotoxins?
Mr. Xu was a little surprised.

What is this thing?
As the name suggests, a toxin that acts on the nerves!

Most people have experienced this kind of pain through abrasions from trauma or cuts from a knife.

But what about toothache?

Compared to the nerve pain in my head! ?

After some processes, neurotoxins are produced into an interrogation drug that only causes pain to the nerves and is used in science fiction films and TV shows.

This stuff is very powerful, so powerful that after one injection, you have to wait in the back row and tremble when electrotherapy comes!
Almost no one can bear it.

Even if we manage to take it, we will have to deal with another tactic of the National Security.
"The neurotoxins have been used, but what about the truth serum? Is this thing useless?"

Xu Shen asked.

Truth serum is also something that is commonly seen in spy movies and TV dramas set a hundred years ago.

In movies and TV dramas, after one injection, this thing will answer whatever the person asks, and its well-behaved appearance is really unbelievable.

But in fact, it does exist!
The principle of truth serum is that after a doctor finished an operation, he found that a patient who had not yet worn off the anesthesia could speak. He tried to ask questions in this state, and then the other party actually answered!
The principle is that people under anesthesia do not have the intention to "lie" and will only subconsciously answer what they know.

"It was used, but it was no different from not using it."

Li Sheng sighed.

"No matter what you ask, he won't answer. The injection almost made Team Leader Sha's men doubt themselves."

"Why don't you respond to anything?" Xu Sheng frowned.

"He didn't completely refuse to respond, but he would say some irrelevant things. For example, when he asked if you had eaten, he said the weather was really nice today and he had no appetite at all. He was going to swim 30 meters vertically in the concrete later."

Li Sheng paused, frowned and spoke.


Xu Shen's brows relaxed.

He probably understood the other party's problem a little bit.

A distortion of self-thinking and a confusion of common sense lead to different responses to external reactions.

Common sense for normal people is that if you ask them if they have eaten, they will say yes.

But a person with lost common sense will say that the weather is indeed nice today when you ask him if he has eaten.

In the other person's concept, the meaning of "Have you eaten?" is "The weather is really nice today."

There is a well-known condition called 'Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome'.

People who suffer from this disease are often mentally stimulated by events on the battlefield, which subsequently causes mental confusion.

The other side will often feel that they are still in the dire straits of the battlefield. When they see a car in a peaceful city, they will think that it is a tank driven by the enemy. When they see a little girl going to school, they will think that the girl’s backpack is filled with a bomb.

Even though things happening around me are proving all the time that this is a peaceful city.

But in the other party's mind, this is the battlefield!
“He’s really mentally ill.”

Mr. Xu thought for a moment and changed the subject.

"Where's Rovio? How was the interrogation of that old man?"

Luo Wei'ou, the boss behind this ship.

The other party's identity is rather mysterious. Although he was arrested, his identity in Baidao has not been found out in a short period of time.

Mr. Xu guessed that the source of Wang Yuansui's mental illness was this old guy.

He wanted to kill the old man, but unfortunately, as a boss, no one knew his true identity except for a few personal bodyguards, so he couldn't even get close to him.
According to his speculation, it was precisely because of this that the crazy Wang Yuansui killed people on the mainland. He acted quickly and decisively. He probably wanted to make the authorities pay attention to it in a short time and then send an investigation team to investigate it clearly in a short time.

Then observe the police's movements and notice once they are aware of the presence of the surgical boat.

He immediately used this information as a token of his allegiance and reported it to Luo Wei'ou, thereby gaining the opportunity to get close to him.

But the other party did not completely trust Wang Yuansui, and let the boat continue to drift to try to see if the Dongguo police would notice it in order to alert the enemy, while continuing to hide themselves.

But Luo Wei'ou never thought that Wang Yuansui was going to self-destruct.

Half a month in advance, he made some adjustments to the boat that had been parked on the deck for a long time.

In this way, even if he did not kill Rovio personally, after his death, the police would be able to kill him based on the location.

"There is a suspicious point, that is, Luo Wei'ou has never trusted Wang Yuansui. Judging from his behavior, he is afraid of Wang Yuansui."

"Why is he afraid? I guess based on the fact that Wang Yuansui vomited blood because he couldn't kill him personally."

"This old man must know that Wang Yuansui wants to kill him to some extent."

A slight smile appeared on Xu Sheng's face.

"Tsk, these bastards just like to play this game."

"Did you ask this question from Rovio?"

"No, Luo Wei'ou has been taken away by the National Security Bureau. It seems that the identity of the other party and another person is involved."

Li Sheng shook his head, paused, and then frowned.

"It seems that these two people are not just simple criminals."

"It also involves some special identities!"

special identity?

Xu Sheng thought about it for a while, thinking back to the information network involving the coastal areas of the East Country, and suddenly realized something.

What are coastal areas?
It is a place that must be seized during any war.

Suppose, in 04, a war breaks out in the East Country, then it is not surprising that the coastal areas will be swept through.

It would be a shame if the other party didn't use this information network.

"These people have low standards, which is normal."

Xu Sheng stood up and spoke casually, no longer thinking about Luo Wei'ou, but was more interested in the madman.

"Captain Li, take me to meet Wang Yuansui."

He walked outside.

“I’d like to see it.”

"How crazy this lunatic is!"

Li Sheng nodded. These words hit the mark right on his mind.

They have no way to deal with mental illness.

In criminal cases, when it comes to mental illness, they don’t ask many questions. They just go to the family for some basic information. If they can’t find the family, they contact the doctor for testing. After the test, they just hand it over to the court.

But this case is different. The issues involved are too huge to be dealt with by a hands-off approach.
But let a group of detectives who pay attention to details and strictly follow logic question a mentally ill person with confused common sense.
It's a bit embarrassing!

"In the interrogation room, being held by friends of the National Security Bureau."

"Although this guy is crazy, he used Guoan like a fool before, and Guoan will not tolerate him."

Li Sheng stood up and took him somewhere.

After turning a few corners, Xu Sheng saw several familiar men standing at the door.

"Tsk, a water ghost guarding the door, this treatment is really high."

Xu Sheng looked at the two people guarding the door and spoke casually.

The two national security officers didn't care and lazily stood guard at the door.


Li Sheng pushed the door open, and rays of light from outside shone through the gaps onto the wall of the interrogation room.

At the same time, it also illuminates several people.

There were five people in the interrogation room.

There were two people watching behind Wang Yuansui, two people carrying boxes, and constantly using things on Wang Yuansui.

Hearing the door opening, several people subconsciously looked at the two people who walked in.


The man wearing a mask and a pair of white latex gloves paused for a moment.

"National Security Team Leader, codename [Poison Master], um, inject something here as ordered."

Tsk, another [Poison Master] has appeared. This old guy is a little too rich.
Mr. Xu was a little surprised.

He felt something was wrong when a bunch of [Electronic Ghosts] suddenly appeared.

This code name does not seem to be a special name for a certain person, but a special name for a type of people. In addition, there are more detailed names, such as [ai] [hacker] and so on.

I just don’t know what the more detailed name of [Poison Master] is, or what abilities he has.

"What kind of medicine are you preparing?"

Mr. Xu looked at the various bottles of medicine in the suitcase and spoke curiously.

“Find the allergy point.”

The Poison Master answered without reservation, even though Wang Yuansui was behind them.

"What are you looking for allergy points for?"

Li Sheng was a little surprised, "Wang Yuansui is allergic to truth serum?"

"No, I just simply look for allergy medicine and see if there's an allergic reaction."

The poison master said, "He has a medical report, and the file says he is allergic to something."

"You should know that people who are allergic to something do not always have the same symptoms. Some people may feel hot all over, some may develop red spots without knowing it, and some may feel weak."

"What are you looking for?" Li Sheng glanced at the people, "Pain?"

"No, pain neurotoxins have proven ineffective."

The poison master shook his head, paused, and said:
“Find the itchy allergy point!”


Li Sheng was stunned for a moment, then his eyes twitched.

Some people are allergic and feel itchy all over their body, as if countless ants are crawling all over their body, constantly moving between their hairs, making it unbearable.

But there is no distinction between pain and itching.

The former is a clean and simple way of playing.

The latter is pure torture!
In ancient times, there was a kind of torture called "laughing punishment", which was used in both the East and the West.

The execution process was to strip the executioner naked, put him on a rack and tie him up with ropes, then apply salt water on the soles of his feet, and then bring a sheep.

When sheep encounter salty water, they will naturally lick it.

The executed people would often endure the itching until their muscles became stiff and they died from lack of oxygen.

This is a very cruel form of punishment. Although the death process is not bloody, the person being executed would rather have his head chopped off with a knife!

"He didn't work on the pain, so we looked at the itch."

"Find the allergy point and mix it with a certain medicine. It will make people suffer, but they won't die."

The poison master spoke, pulling out the syringe and pushing the air inside.

"It's normal to feel worse than death after just one injection."

Li Sheng:.
"Are there any normal people in your national security?"

Xu Sheng rarely let out a sigh and looked at the [Poison Master] in front of him with complicated eyes.

It's really poisonous. But Mr. Xu likes it!

This kind of person is truly a talent. Conventional torture has failed to keep up with the times. This kind of torture method that uses high technology, can insert a needle effortlessly without bleeding, does not endanger life safety, and is even more torturous is a good thing!

Besides, the other party doesn’t need to be on a normal person anyway.

"You two go ahead and I'll chat with Wang Yuansui for a while."

Xu Sheng walked happily.

Want to chat?
The two national security officers looked at each other, then tactfully walked aside.

From beginning to end, Wang Yuansui did not react at all. He leaned back in his chair with a dull look in his eyes and his face was covered with dirt left by dried snot and tears.

"Wang Yuansui?"

Xu Sheng sat in front of him, raised his eyebrows and spoke.

Hearing his voice up close, Wang Yuansui reacted slightly. He remembered that this was the voice that shouted "Luo Wei'o" to the bodyguard.

Wang Yuansui raised his head slightly, and stared at Xu Sheng with his numb eyes.

"You still have some sense."

Xu Sheng looked at the other party's file. "Well, he is 30 years old and is the chief surgeon of a tertiary hospital in Hanhai City. This position is very good for this age."

"But, you got your surgical proficiency on the ship, right?"

“How can I get on that ship on the sea after I graduate from college?”

Mr. Xu looked at Wang Yuansui and went straight to the point.

There are many channels on the dark web.

There is a certain relationship between the other party and the casino and the loan.

Han Xi's father, the Han family, was in trouble because Han Xi had borrowed enough high-interest loans and had no way to repay them. Through the loan sharking factor, he came into contact with an organ transplant organization.

However, neither the loan shark nor Han Xi knew about the existence of the ship. They only knew that it involved organ transplantation and that they would receive a certain amount of money after being selected.

Han Xi took the other party to complete the test without telling the Han family.

Suddenly one day she found that the Han family had disappeared inexplicably, the loan money had been inexplicably transferred away, and the other party had even given her a lot of spare money. She knew that she had successfully sold out her father.

And in the background of a certain hospital, there was suddenly another person who died of lung cancer.
In general, there are different ways of dying.

Those who cooperate will find channels to cooperate.

Those who don't cooperate will die inexplicably, and those who know nothing will be gone without knowing what's going on.

"What about you?"

"The file shows that your surgical proficiency increased rapidly during a period of time after graduation, but during that period you did not perform any organ transplant operations."

"That doesn't make sense. I looked it up a little more."

Xu Sheng read the information on the file and looked at Wang Yuansui with raised eyebrows.

"And during that time, you got married?"

(End of this chapter)

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