I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 247: Ganoderma lucidum in the farmland! [4-in-1 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 247: Ganoderma lucidum in the farmland! [Four-in-one monthly ticket request! ]

Peel off a person's skin, scrape off the fat with a knife, and then dry it in a pit?
What does it mean?
Why do this! ?

And sorghum stalks.
The needle and thread under the feet prove that the other party sewed something with sorghum stalks, but what can be sewn with sorghum stalks?
They are just some handmade products.

"It can't really be a human skin kite."

Xu Sheng frowned.

A human skin is pulled by a kite string, held up by sorghum stalks, and blown by the wind flying in the sky?

Are you mentally ill?!
"Could it be that this case is from the 'Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea' series? Like the 'Mermaid Case', the murderer himself has some mental illness?"

Mr. Xu fell into deep thought.

Hanging a person in the sky and flying a kite seems incredible and incomprehensible. Let alone doing it, I guess many people will call you crazy just for talking about it.

But what if the other person is mentally ill?
Abusive words become declarative words!

Is there any problem then?

"That's not right. The surveillance footage and the boss's confession prove that the man is not mentally ill. At least his mental state, words and actions are fine."

Xu Sheng shook his head and fell into deep thought.

He is not a mentally ill person but he did things that only a mentally ill person would do. So is there something wrong with his brain?

"It's a bit weird."

After asking someone to take a picture of the clues in the kitchen with a camera and save it, Xu Sheng returned to the yard.

There are not many clues in the yard, and the police are collecting traces of life in a reasonable manner.

As for the usefulness of traces of life.
Use this to determine the relationship between the deceased Zhao Hu and the suspect!

However, at present, the suspect and Zhao Hu did not live together for a long time, so it is difficult to investigate. However, we have to investigate, which is better than doing nothing.

"Lift it gently, don't knock the body off!"

Zhang Miu's voice rang out.

At this time, the other party and several policemen were carrying a stretcher with Zhao Hu's skinless and bloody body on it.

The police car outside is ready and you can just put it in the car and take it to the police station.

However, just as Xu Sheng was watching the other person disappear.

Xu Sheng's falcon-like eyes condensed slightly, and the whole person paused. Then he waved his hand and asked them to stop.


He suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at the bloody corpse's head which was not completely zipped up by the body bag.

Zhang Miu and the others were a little confused, but they didn't stop them and just waited there.

What did Mr. Xu see?
Three pinholes.

Three pinholes the size of pores!
"What does it mean?"

Xu Sheng moved closer to the head of Zhao Hu's corpse, looked at the hair-sized pinhole, and frowned.

Three pinholes appeared on Zhao Hu's head. The pinholes were extremely small. Because the body was hung up, no one could observe them.

And even if the body was put down now, the head without skin would cover the needle holes.

If Xu Sheng hadn't opened the 'Falcon's Eye', this hair-sized mark would have been ignored.

"Were there any needles at the murder scene?"

Xu Sheng's heart moved, and he looked up at Han Yang.

"No, the living room has been checked, and there is nothing else except the brother."

Han Yang shook his head.

More than a dozen policemen squatted and searched for several hours, leaving no corner untouched. Although a needle is small, it cannot be hidden from more than a dozen pairs of careful eyes.

If you can’t find it, then it doesn’t exist.

But not having doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, maybe it does.
"Taken away?"

Xu was a little surprised. "The knife used to kill someone was just thrown at the scene, but the needle stuck in the head had to be taken away carefully."

"What on earth does this person mean!?"

The three pinholes on the head may not be fatal if they are not deep enough, and they will not leave any clues.

Compared to a knife, it can not only extract fingerprints, but also determine the murderer's physical information by restoring the murder process. The information left behind is much larger!
In most cases in the past, the police would make finding the murder weapon their top priority!
But the other party just threw it at the crime scene.
"How many needles did you take away instead?"

Now, Xu Sheng really didn’t understand.

The murderer looks like a psychopath, and based on basic logical reasoning, he is indeed a psychopath.

But their behavior is very strict and logical.

Logic is the foundation of being a normal person, so the other person is a normal person?
But this case is something a normal person could do! ?
Contradictory, very contradictory
"Search the surrounding Chinese medicine shops to see if there are things like acupuncture."

Xu Sheng thought for a moment, shook his head and made the arrangements.

Maybe those needles were very expensive, so the other party took them away.

Many inconspicuous things are actually quite expensive.

For example, a chef's knife may look ordinary, but it is expensive.

Or maybe the scissors from some mid- to high-end barber shops may not look like anything special, but their prices can be as high as tens of thousands, which is unbelievable!

If this silver needle is also like this and has a special meaning to the murderer, or if it is made of gold and is very precious, then it won’t be a big problem.

"Take him away, and let Captain Li pay attention to the three pinholes on the top of his head."

Xu Sheng waved his hand and asked several people to carry the body out of the door.


Zhang Miu nodded, but at the same time he was puzzled. He subconsciously glanced at the head of the corpse.

Are there pinholes?
How come I didn’t see it!?

As he thought so, he looked carefully and found three regularly distributed pinholes. He was very surprised.

"Hiss, Detective Xu has a really good eye."

He smacked his lips secretly.

The pinhole was hard to find even with a magnifying glass, but the other person could see it at a glance from several meters away.
"Talent, this is talent, to be able to find information that others cannot see."

Han Yang also sighed secretly.

That's what a detective does. If you find a lot of information, you are a good detective. If you find more information than everyone else combined, you are a master detective.

If you can find the real information that only you can see, then you are the best detective among detectives!

Because all reasoning is based on the information that has been found!
There is not enough information, so why bother to make inferences? Just go home and raise pigs.

With so much information and a description of the murderer's appearance, even an idiot can catch him!

"Carry the body into the car first."

Zhang Miu interrupted and sighed, "Send it to the brigade, and ask the province to send us a forensic doctor. Let the forensic doctor take a look and see if there is any information."

The provincial government was looking at Jiangsan City, thinking that there were too many things going on in this place, and Su Qiang was a troublemaker, so they quickly arranged for a forensic doctor to come over.

Of course, Su Qiang had no words to express his grievances. He felt that the problem was not with him, but with others.
But it doesn’t matter if a forensic doctor comes!

“Sorghum stalks, white thread, human skin, pinholes, unknown identity.”

In the yard, Xu Sheng didn't know what Zhang Miu was thinking. He frowned and thought about the clues he had found.

What can these things be made of?

At least not at the moment!
The information is too convoluted.

The things that can be made from sorghum stalks and white thread are too many to count on both hands, and even if human skin is added, the number is still a lot.

For example, the plateau area in the west.

This place was very tough hundreds of years ago. Human skin drums, human bone necklaces, or "jade plaques" made of skulls, after being made into decorations, they were all inseparable from white thread, even with sorghum stalks.

There is also a pinhole on the top of the head.

Everyone who practices acupuncture knows that there are studies on this subject in both traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and Western medicine.

After a few injections, the disease was cured immediately.

Even if you are not pricked, if the doctor inserts a more than ten-centimeter-long needle into your head in front of you and then says it is your turn, you will say that you are cured and praise the doctor for his miraculous healing skills.

But the murderer can't be a doctor!

As a doctor, would you steal a car from a construction site?

And judging from the appearance in the surveillance video, the other person's temperament does not match that of a doctor.

After thinking it over, Xu Sheng finally sighed.

"Where is Haozi?"

Xu Sheng suddenly turned his head and looked at Wang Chao, who was squatting and resting idly.

"Brother Xu, I'm here!"

Li Hao's head popped out from the three-meter-high roof of the bungalow.

He was looking for any signs of the suspect's footsteps on the roof.

"Give you a task."

Mr. Xu asked the other party to get off the car, and then asked someone to bring the laptop computer from the police car.

"What mission?" Li Hao scratched his head, and Wang Chao also leaned over to watch the fun.

Mr. Xu didn't say anything. He opened his notebook and a video started playing.

The video begins in a pitch-black night.

And in the meantime, there seemed to be a shadow moving constantly in the alley.

And this shadow was holding something in his hand and looked extremely cautious!
"Is this the suspect?" Wang Chao was surprised.


Xu Sheng nodded. The surveillance camera could not show the facial features, but he was not looking for the other person's appearance.

"I suspect that they used sorghum stalks, human skin, and white thread to sew something together."

"See if you can use this blurry image to reproduce it."

Xu Sheng pointed at the phantom in the other person's hand and said.

Sorghum stalks, corpses, human skin and white threads. There are many things you can think of, so it doesn’t matter if you can’t come up with anything.

Then find a professional!

Among the three cities in Jiangnan, there are few people who are more professional than Li Hao in this area!
"Brother Xu, this is too vague."

Li Hao looked at the blurry mosaic and spoke hesitantly.

"One thousand. If you can do it, I'll give you one thousand in cash!" Xu Sheng said.

"Hmm? In the sorghum stalk paper-making industry in the entire Jiajiang City, who hasn't heard of my Li Family Funeral Shop?"

Li Hao's face was serious and he patted his chest.

"To be honest, Brother Xu, when I was doing the Zhou-Zhua ceremony, what I grabbed was not a pen, but a sorghum stalk!"

"Other people recite the Three Character Classic at the age of three, but I recited the Sutra of Rebirth at the age of three!"

"Other people like to write at the age of eight, but I can already draw golden boys and jade girls and all kinds of dead people's stuff at the age of eight!"

"What haven't you been pierced with in the past twenty years?"

"If I don't do this job, who will?!"

Li Hao is afraid of being poor. When he was living in Linhai City, he could hardly get a free job in a month. He was so poor that his eyes were green with envy. Now he would rather die than miss a job that pays.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you."

Mr. Xu nodded.

Paper-made products made of sorghum stalks are indeed Li Hao's strong point.

This kid has been playing with paper-making since he was a child. When he was a little boy, he slept in a coffin, and beside him was not a rag doll, but a beautiful girl he had made with his own hands.

It would be a waste of talent if we don't give him this kind of thing!

Li Hao squatted in front of the computer, staring at the blurry image intently, trying to converge it and restore it to its original appearance.

Xu Sheng thought about other things until.

A loud noise woke everyone up!

In an instant, all the policemen in the yard subconsciously raised their heads and looked somewhere.

"what happened!?"


Xu Sheng's brows suddenly tightened and he ran out immediately.

Fortunately, however, what happened was not gunfire.

"The tire blew."

Zhang Miu said with a dark face.

Xu Sheng paused, then looked at the scene in front of him.

The body, which was supposed to be carried into the car and placed in a body bag, now fell to the ground, covered in dust.

The right rear wheel of the van-type police car was dented.

"We had just loaded the person into the car, and before we could close the door, the tire exploded without any warning, and the body fell to the ground."

"The body bag was just there because I didn't pull it just now. I was about to lift it into the car and pull the gap, but it fell to the ground at this point!"

Looking at the damaged corpse, Zhang Miu's face turned dark.

The body was not wearing any clothes and had no skin at all.

It fell on the dirt road without cement paving, and the brown sticky substance on its body was covered with a lot of dust!

in other words
Once the tire exploded, many clues on the surface of the body were destroyed. It is very likely that the clues that originally existed cannot be found now!

"What's going on? Is someone approaching the police car?"

Xu Sheng became alert and immediately observed the surroundings.

With the clues destroyed in this way, it is hard not to suspect that someone else may have tampered with the case.

Or maybe the murderer is hiding among the police and the insiders!
"Go check the surveillance!"

Without hesitation, the police immediately went to the surveillance camera that happened to be at the door of the house.

After communicating with the residents, I began to observe.

The surveillance started and a police car pulled over.

No one touched the tire afterwards, and there were no signs of the tire exploding.

Until several policemen carried the body out and placed it on a stretcher in the car.

Suddenly, the tire exploded without any warning! "No one touched it!?"

Mr. Xu was stunned.

If no one intervenes, the tire explosion will destroy the clues to the body, then it can only be.
Bad luck!

That’s right, it’s just bad luck!

"Are there any fragments of a timing device inside the tire?"

Han Yang looked at the police around him with a dark face.

"No." The policeman shook his head.

After these words were spoken, everyone, including Xu Sheng, fell silent.

The tire didn't burst earlier or later, but it burst just when the door was not closed and just lifted up.
If it's not someone else's interference, then you can only consider yourself unlucky.

Zhang Miu cursed loudly under his breath, and then he and a few others took out the spare tire and replaced it. Then he drove with the people around him to the police station.

Looking at his back, Xu Sheng sighed.

Before I even started checking, something went wrong.
But he didn't dwell on this point.

"Where is Zhao Hu's father?"

Xu Sheng turned his head, looked at Han Yang beside him, and asked.

"Who is Zhao Hu's father?"

"I asked Captain Li to check everyone who knew Zhao Hu, but no one had a motive for committing the crime."

"From friends to relatives, not a single one!"

Xu Sheng's face turned serious.

"These are all the people Zhao Hu knows."

"But the surveillance shows that Zhao Hu definitely knows the suspect. Even if they are not familiar with each other, there must be some kind of relationship between them!"

"But when the other party is under surveillance, that fleeting shadow can reveal some information."

What can the figure reveal?


The other person was probably between 35 and 40 years old, an adult male, and had some kind of relationship with Zhao Hu.

After checking all his friends and relatives without finding the person, Xu Sheng then turned his attention to the person he had not checked before.

Zhao Hu's father!
"Zhao Hu comes from a single-parent family. His father seemed to have fallen into the water and drowned in his early years."

Han Yang spoke.

"The police didn't find the body, so four years after the disappearance, Zhao Hu's mother chose to cancel his father Zhao Jin's household registration and issued a death certificate."

"Because it's a long time ago and there are no photos from decades ago, it's hard for us to confirm whether the suspect is Zhao Hu's father."

"Besides, even if it's my father, he has been missing for more than ten years and has returned."

As he spoke, hesitation appeared on Han Yang's face.

What are you doing after being missing for more than ten years?
Killed your own child! ?

A bit ridiculous.

He came back without money, without a wife to live a good life with, and the first thing he did when he came back was to skin his own child. It is somewhat confusing.

From this perspective, the probability that it was the father was low, but it was not completely impossible.

At least, this is the only person who meets the requirements at the moment!
“It’s a bit difficult to handle”

Mr. Xu sighed.

It is difficult to check if the time is too long. More than ten years ago, in the 80s and 90s, ordinary families didn’t even have a photo.

They couldn't find any information about Zhao Jin at all.

This means that even if the other person is standing in front of them, the police will not be able to find him!
"Forget it, let's wait for Captain Li's news."

Mr. Xu sighed and continued to investigate the scene.

The crime scene has been thoroughly investigated.

He spent the whole afternoon finding nothing useful.

until night.

Mr. Xu returned to the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

The forensic doctor had already performed preliminary processing on the body and was then conducting the autopsy in the autopsy room that had been set up not long ago.

Because a national case was solved and two people involved in the Western military were arrested, the higher-ups were very happy and gave Jiang Sanshi a lot of resources.

With the forensic doctor, Su Qiang simply set up a laboratory and an autopsy room.

This meant that Xu Sheng and the others did not need to go to the funeral home for the autopsy, which made Li Hao feel sorry for it. He felt that he had lost a lot of money.


Through the glass, Xu Sheng watched the forensic doctor in the autopsy room take out a knife and slowly cut through the shriveled abdominal muscles.

The forensic doctor, wearing gloves, searched the stomach for something, then took out a piece of undigested food and asked someone to take it for testing.

They are checking whether the murderer had taken drugs such as sleeping pills.

However, Xu Sheng's attention was focused on another place.

He stared at the cut stomach.

After a moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"No food!?"

Xu Sheng frowned and subconsciously moved closer to the glass, his eyes fixed on his stomach.

"which kind of food?"

Li Sheng was subconsciously stunned.

"The eight-immortal table at the crime scene was filled with food made by the suspect!"

Xu Sheng replied without moving his eyes away.

The meal was cooked on the same day and the deceased died on the same day. If he died during this period of time, there should be food in his stomach!
But the other person's stomach was empty, with only the food from the noodle shop that was almost digested.
"Maybe he didn't eat? The murderer ate alone after killing the other person?" Han Yang thought for a moment and guessed.

"No, there are two sets of bowls and chopsticks on the eight-immortal table!"

Mr. Xu asked the forensic doctor to dissect the stomach again with a larger section.

At the same time, I adjusted my viewing distance.

Sure enough, the scene seen was still that the other person's stomach was empty, with no food residue from that meal!

What can a meal represent?
"Two sets of bowls and chopsticks, and there's a third person present!?"

Xu Sheng frowned, his mind full of thoughts.

"Perhaps he served Zhao Hu a meal, but was killed before he could eat it?"

Zhang Miu spoke.

"No, remember the drug? If the other party chooses to use food as a drug, then put it in the food, wait for the other party to eat it, and then kill him after the drug takes effect. This is common logic. There must be some food in the stomach during this period."

"But if the other party didn't take it, that means he took drugs, or the injection of drugs would take effect earlier."

"And earlier means missing the meal time. If you miss it, why put out a second set of bowls and chopsticks?"

Xu Sheng frowned.

A very simple logic.

If the other person faints before a meal, there is no need for a second set of bowls and chopsticks.

If it is eaten during meals, there must be some food in the stomach and the table will be overturned.

But it is neither of these, which means.
"The second set of bowls and chopsticks is not for Zhao Hu!"

"Who would that be for?"

"There's a third person at the scene!?"

At this moment, Xu Sheng’s brows were instantly locked.

The house was monitored by surveillance cameras.

From the time they went in to the time they came out and then the police came in, there was no third person present!

There were only the suspect, Zhao Hu and the police.

So who is this set of bowls and chopsticks prepared for?
Xu Shen thought for a moment and asked someone to check the marks on the dishes and chopsticks.

Bowls and chopsticks can detect saliva, but now the saliva is gone. However, they can still detect some life information.

The internal staff also detected it quickly.

However, the information is a bit disappointing.
“No signs of human use!”

"No one has used the second set of dishes and chopsticks!?"

Xu Sheng was stunned as he listened to what Li Sheng said.

"Yes, the second set of bowls and chopsticks has never been used. Although there is food in the bowls, no one has used them. There is no grease or signs of use on them."

Li Sheng is also confused now.

The murderer prepared two sets of bowls and chopsticks.

There were only two people in the self-built house, but the problem was that the second set of bowls and chopsticks was not prepared for Zhao Hu!

But the problem is back to square one.

There is no one else in this house except Zhao Hu and the suspect!

So what is the purpose of the other party preparing the dishes and chopsticks? Who can use them?
"This is weird, this is really weird"

Li Sheng murmured.

Xu Sheng thought for a moment but couldn't think of anything, so he could only sigh.

"It's getting late. Let's take a rest first. Let the second round of detectives take over the crime scene."

"Write down the information and search tomorrow."

Although criminal police have to stay up late, they cannot stay up too late.

Especially those that use their brains!
Although staying up late can make use of time, the slowness of the brain will reduce efficiency, making that little time completely useless and even causing damage to the body.

Everyone understood this truth, nodded, and went back to sleep.

The next day.

May 30th, inside the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Everyone wanted to follow the clues from last night and continue the investigation, at least to find out the source of the drug.
A new piece of news suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.

At 6:30 in the morning, the police received a call saying that the other party's pregnant daughter-in-law had disappeared.

The police thought this was another clichéd ethics drama, with the other party going back to her parents' home or something like that.

But not long after, the other party called again and said that he had found his daughter-in-law.

My daughter-in-law died.

Thirty minutes later, it was half past nine.

The police arrived at the scene and after a preliminary investigation, they eventually merged the case with the Zhao Hu skinning case into one case.

Because the cause of death was obvious, the victim's skin disappeared, replaced by exposed scarlet muscles, and the whole body was covered in blood. The blood soaked the soil and moistened the entire vegetable field.

ten o'clock.

Xu Sheng and others rushed to the crime scene in a police car.

The crime scene was a farmland.

The victim was a four-month pregnant woman, wearing simple clothes and a strong body. There was a hoe not far away, but the victim was now a skinless corpse.
"Why did you come now?"

"Damn it, there's a traffic jam on the road and the police car was hit again. What bad luck!"

Li Sheng looked at the scene of the rear end of his car being hit and started cursing.

He was hit, and if he didn't have something important to do, he would never let the man off easily.

"What about the second murder scene?" Li Sheng asked.

"The initial guess is that it was a random killing similar to a passion killing. The murderer should have suddenly seen the victim and found that the victim met his conditions, and then killed him. The process was very abrupt, and the murder time was around 5 to 6 in the morning."

Xu Sheng said.

The victim was a pregnant woman, but in rural areas these days, a four-month pregnant woman would not choose to rest.

These people acted like normal people, working in the fields while pregnant or in factories.

Some women with strong bodies give birth in the morning and go straight to work in the afternoon. They will not be happy if you don't let them do it, which makes people feel helpless.

Mr. Xu made some guesses based on the clues at the scene and the other party's workplace, and finally came up with a guess.

The victim had to take over the night shift at 7 a.m., and someone had to clean the farmland, so he arrived at the farmland at around 5:30, intending to finish the cleanup before going to work in the factory.

The other party's father-in-law didn't know about this. He made some chicken soup and went to look for her, but found no one there. He called her but the call didn't go through. When he realized something was wrong, he called the police.

Getting up early to work on the farmland and then going to the factory is a common practice in the countryside.

What is not common is that the other party encounters the murderer
"The other party died of suffocation."

"It is initially speculated that the murderer covered the victim's mouth and nose with his hands and suffocated him to death."

Xu Sheng looked at the faceless and bloody facial features and spoke.

There was also a piece of hair mixed with blood, coagulated into a scab, and the vegetables under the head were also absorbing the woman's blood and turning it into their own nutrients.

The other person suffocated to death, and then the murderer used a knife to peel off the skin all over his body. The whole process took about tens of minutes. Compared with Zhao Hu, his technique was more skillful and faster.

But unlike Zhao Hu,
"My guess is that the murderer's target is..."

Xu Sheng paused and moved his eyes to the victim's stomach.

The big belly that originally belonged to a pregnant woman
At this time, it was cut open with a knife.

The murderer cut open the belly and took out the baby alive. He then peeled off the baby's skin and took it away, leaving an undeveloped piece of flesh on the farmland. The umbilical cord connecting the mother to the body was also exposed to the police.

It looks like the vegetables in the farmland, except that they are not cabbages.

But it’s the meat Ganoderma lucidum.

Looking at this scene, Xu Sheng said:

"I suspect his real goal is..."

"The unborn child."


Li Sheng was stunned. He looked at the child who was taken out alive.

"What on earth did the murderer want to do!?"

(End of this chapter)

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