I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 250 5 Ghosts' Revenge! Catch them! [3-in-1 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 250 The Five Ghosts' Revenge! Catch them! [Three-in-one monthly ticket request!]

There are three relatively widespread types of sorcery in Southeast Asia.

Yin amulets, Kumantong, and black magic.

Yin Pai are divided into Zheng Pai and Yin Pai. The former is not a big deal, but the materials used to make the latter are very inhumane and simply evil. Children or human organs are all materials for Yin Pai.

Kumantong is okay, it is a way of raising a little ghost, but it is a positive little ghost, but it can also turn into an evil side.

Many movies have been made about black magic, such as murder, love, or wealth, and it looks similar to "witchcraft".

"These three things look weird, but they are sought after by countless people."

"The Yin card is like this!"

At the construction site, Xu Sheng looked at the policeman who was already running to check on the boss. He looked at Li Sheng and began to explain.

"Many wealthy businessmen or celebrities will go to Southeast Asia to find some masters to ask for a Yin card to pray for themselves."

The so-called Yin Pai can be described as a life-saving talisman, a safety lock, or something like that.

It's just a little more mysterious.

In addition, other products are also sold there.

For example, xx oil, among which the popularity oil is very popular.

As mentioned before, popularity oil, as the name suggests, can improve one's popularity when applied on the body or drunk.

What is this thing made of?
It's people!

One of the methods of making popularity oil involves human oil, also known as corpse oil; merchants will dig up graves, or directly kill people, peel off their faces, or even chop off their heads, dry them in the sun, extract a few drops of human oil, and then mix it with popularity flowers or something else.

But that’s not the case now.

It’s not that people are not needed, but the efficiency is too slow. Now we just boil it in the pot, which can boil off a lot of oil on a person’s face at one time!

There are both genuine and fake products on the market, and such a large number can fully represent the so-called market.

And these markets, these people, the people who apply it on their bodies, or drink it.
"This stuff is abundant there, so there are a lot of people who kill people or dig up graves to practice evil magic."

Mr. Xu sighed, got in the car and drove towards the residence of the construction site boss.

Fellow workers said that the boss had appeared at the construction site a long time ago with a man wearing a Yin card.

Xu Sheng didn't know what the other party asked him to do.

But he knows
The stuff involved in this case is consistent with his profession!

Moreover, the time, place, and method of murder all match!

"Catch him quickly. Who knows what this guy wants to do."

Li Sheng's face darkened. He stepped on the accelerator hard and drove the car towards his boss's residence.

People who specialize in practicing evil methods have a disease in their brains and are completely mentally ill.

Such people have no so-called propriety, righteousness, integrity, or moral concepts.

Not even a concept of law!

They will only rush towards the illusory place, and even if it has no effect on themselves, they will break the so-called criminal law for it.

Haven’t you seen that such cases occur almost every month in Southeast Asia!
Children disappeared and pregnant women died.

In one case, it was even directly marked that the local police suspected that the other party was raising something!

The case occurred in a cemetery where the bodies of 11 babies were stolen. Everyone, including the police, suspected that the thieves used the children as magical instruments to raise Kumantong or to perform black magic.

There are also cases where some people directly kill their own children.

Why was raising ghosts popular in Eastern countries decades ago?

The reason is that there are no preventive measures, resulting in a bunch of children in the family that they cannot afford to raise, and then they find someone to kill the children and raise them as ghosts, thinking that they can not only have one less mouth to feed, but also have a ghost to drive around and make the family better.


Xu Sheng urged.

Li Sheng gritted his teeth and drove the car towards the overpass.

He's been hit quite a few times in the past two days and has become a little sensitive to vehicle speed.

However, when it comes to catching the murderer, the so-called speed of the car does not scare him that much, he even feels a little disdainful of the speed of the police car!

After a while, everyone stopped in front of a residential area.

The community is a wealthy community.

Most of the units in there don’t sell bird cages. Basically, there is one unit per floor and they are all large flats.

There are also many detached villas. Even in 04, ordinary people could not afford to buy them with the money of later generations.

And the construction site boss lives here!

"Boss, we have it under control. The other party is currently at home."

Listening to the voice coming from the walkie-talkie, Li Shengxu not only did not slow down, but even speeded up a little.

After a while, the two walked into a detached villa.

The villa is about 04 square meters and has its own garden. Even if you wanted to buy it in , you couldn't afford it without tens of millions of dollars to renovate it.

The decoration is also very luxurious, with crystal chandeliers, leather sofas, and the huge living room is covered with luxurious floor tiles.

Even the paintings on the wall are worth a lot of money.

There is no doubt that the person living here is a wealthy person!

As soon as he entered the door, Xu Sheng smelled some fragrance, but he didn't care.

"Tell me, what's the matter with that Southeast Asian sorcerer!?"

Xu Sheng didn't wait for the other party to ask questions first. His brows suddenly sank and he asked in a low voice.

Sitting in front of him was a fat man with thinning hair and wearing gold jewelry. When he heard the voice, a hint of panic flashed in his eyes, but then a fierce look appeared on his face.

"What sorcerer!?"

"That's the master I know, the other party has a master from his school!"

The fat man's name is Wang Dapeng, a man in his forties, born in the 60s. According to basic information, he started out to make a living when he was years old and subsequently owed a lot of debts.

Somehow, the debt disappeared and I took out another business loan from another bank. After this, I plunged into real estate and my business grew bigger and bigger!
Mr. Xu initially guessed that the other party was most likely taking advantage of a loophole in entrepreneurship.

In order to encourage entrepreneurship, banks in Dongguo initially provided a type of "entrepreneurship loan".

There is something wrong with this system. If you fail in starting a business with a loan locally, after some operations, you can go to another place and not only will you not be in debt, you can even continue to get loans!
The person in front of you most likely did the same.

"Who is he? Is his name Zhao Jin? Does he look like this!?" Xu Sheng did not retort, but took out a portrait of Zhao Jin.

"Is it him?!"

According to the accusations of the workers at the construction site, the person wearing the Yin Pai does look like this, and taking it out now is equivalent to filling in the gaps.

Wang Dapeng did not deny it. He nodded and said, "It's him."

"Where did you meet this person?!" Xu Sheng asked again.

"When I was hiding from my debts, 20 years ago, I was in debt, so I went to Southeast Asia to hide from my debts, and then I met a master."

Speaking of this, Wang Dapeng's eyes were full of awe.

He was even more respectful to the master than the policemen present.

"Thanks to the master, not only did I not have to worry about debt, but I even became a boss that everyone envied!"

"Master? I'm talking about Zhao Jin!"

Mr. Xu was not interested in this master.

"You mean the master's apprentice?"

"He is a disciple that the master accepted a few years ago. He was not well-known for many years, but has become famous in recent years. This time he came to the East Country for something, and I just happened to ask him for advice."

Wang Dapeng spoke up.

Has it been a long time since you were famous?
"How many years is it?"

Li Sheng began to ask, Zhao Jin had disappeared for fourteen years. If they could determine the time when he was not well-known, it would be easier to investigate.

The identity can be confirmed directly!

"I don't know. The master has countless disciples. He founded a sect and receives incense and offerings every day. He is about to become a god. He has countless disciples and countless people try their best to get in every year. Who knows when he became his disciple?"

Wang Dapeng shook his head.

"What is Zhao Jin's purpose in returning to the East Country?"

Xu Shen suddenly spoke up, focusing on what the other party had said before, that Zhao Jin was returning to China to do business.

"How should I know this!?"

Wang Dapeng shook his head.

"Anyway, whatever the master does is right, even if it's his apprentice. Who can figure out the thoughts of such a person?"

"It should be related to practice."

Looking at the other party praising the so-called master, Li Sheng frowned, with a deep displeasure flashing in his eyes.

Why not promote this thing?
Even domestic feng shui is much more reliable than the so-called raising of little ghosts!
This person is a complete lunatic, a lunatic caused by survivor bias.
“Is it related to spiritual practice?”

Xu Sheng paused, and a bunch of evil spells over there flashed through his mind.

Finally, lock in on one thing.
"Does Zhao Jin have a wife and children in Southeast Asia?"

Mr. Xu suddenly spoke, and his questions were very sharp.

"Or did you raise something?"

What did you raise?
Wang Dapeng thought about it, then scratched his head. "I don't know about his wife and children. These people have no shortage of women. I haven't seen any children, but as for pets, they do seem to have some. I saw him buy some toys."

Bought toys
A little ghost? That's a Kumantong!
The kid was young enough, and Zhao Hu and the other party were blood relatives. Zhao Jin came back from afar and did not kill the one who could hide himself, but chose to kill his blood relatives.
“How many toys are there?”

"At least two. When we met a few days ago, I saw toys in his bag." Wang Dapeng said.

At least two
If we want to be on the safe side, there are three of them. If we include Zhao Hu, there are four of them.

Should this be considered a second murder scene?

No, the other party went to the land temple to get the shrine?
If this is the case, then encountering the pregnant woman was an accident. In this case, the victim at the second murder scene was not the target and was an accident.

From this point of view, if the opponent has another target, at least one more will be added, and the number will be.

"Raising five ghosts?"

Suddenly, Xu Sheng uttered three words.

Raising five ghosts?
What is raising the five ghosts?
"What the hell is this?" Li Sheng frowned. "Does this mean the murderer wants to kill at least five people?

"It's the Five Ghosts Revenge Technique, an evil magic from Southeast Asia!"

Mr. Xu corrected it.

There is a magic in Southeast Asia called the Five Ghosts Revenge Magic. The way to complete it is to find five blood relatives, kill them, make them into little ghosts, and then enslave them with magic. After that, you can use the five ghosts to kill people.

The key point is not the method of killing and age, but the so-called blood relationship!
In addition, there are also ghost mother, twins, double pupils and so on.

Not surprisingly, at the second murder scene, either the other party believed that the child they had extracted by caesarean section was also their own blood relative, or they were preparing to refine some special things.

After hearing the explanation, Li Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to be thinking about something.

"But the child at the second murder scene is not Zhao Jin's blood relative? Can this be accomplished?"

Xu Sheng didn't mention the so-called ghost mother, but when he heard this, he snorted coldly:

"Captain Li, do you think it can be refined even if they are blood relatives?"

Li Sheng paused, then understood.

Indeed, no matter whether they are blood relatives, family members, mother and son or strangers, can it be accomplished?
It cannot be refined.

No matter what the materials are, the result is that it cannot be refined!

Therefore, even if the child that the other party personally "delivered" was really his blood relative, he would not be able to refine it. "But regardless of whether he succeeded in refining it or not, whether it can be counted as the victim of the second murder scene, then assuming that the other party had two, there would be a total of four little ghosts refined."

Xu Sheng spoke calmly.

"One more to go."

What does one more missing mean?
Meaning at least one more victim will die!
"Blood relative? The other party has no children!"

Li Sheng frowned. Zhao Jin and Zhao Li only had Zhao Hu as their son.

"No, blood relatives don't mean just children."

Xu Sheng's expression froze, and he said quickly:
"Sisters count too!"

Blood relatives refer to blood relatives, but never just children.

Zhao Li is his wife and a relative, but not a blood relative, so she is not a target.

Zhao Hu was a blood relative, so he died.

The other blood relatives.
"Find Zhao Jin's brothers and sisters!"

Li Sheng paused, then turned his head sharply and looked at the policeman behind him.

"Make sure they are safe!"

Anyone who believes in this stuff is crazy.

They are fully capable of attacking their family members.

Zhao Hu is a bloody example!

"By the way, ask the dock to check more strictly. Maybe the other party has already killed five people and is ready to leave." Xu Sheng added.

If the other party considers the child they delivered to be a blood relative, then it is very likely that all five conditions have been met and they can leave.

There are many ways to leave, and sea transportation is definitely the best choice!

The time from the second murder scene to now is only
In less than a day!
There is still time to block it!

"it is good!"

Li Sheng nodded, made his arrangements, and prepared to leave.

Wang Dapeng can get more clues, at least allowing Xu Sheng to guess the other party's purpose.

The Five Ghosts Revenge Technique is being practiced by more than one person.

There was a case that happened once. The murderer was a pervert. He killed his two "daughters" and wanted to practice the Five Ghosts Revenge Technique to kill his wife, or even become a god directly!
At the moment, if the other party really wants to practice this technique, and has not yet mastered it
Then I will definitely not let go.

There must be a goal!
Xu Sheng walked out. He needed to drive to the crime scene quickly and find Zhao Jin.

But just as he approached the door, he stopped.

"Mr. Wang, where are your wife and children?"

Suddenly, Xu Sheng asked, staring at the other person.

"My wife died of excessive bleeding during childbirth a few years ago," Wang Dapeng sighed.

"What about your child?" Xu Sheng's eyes gradually turned cold.


Wang Dapeng was stunned, then a smile appeared on his face and he pointed to a corner.

"Isn't he playing over there?"

Are you playing?

In an instant, the police at the scene paused and stared at the place where the other party was pointing.

What is that place?
A corner.

In a corner of the living room, there is a cabinet the size of a wardrobe with a shrine on it.

A brightly colored ceramic doll is enshrined in the shrine.

The doll sat on the shrine, its black eyes empty and dead.

There were several novel toys placed on the dark ground below the shrine.

Is this Wang Dapeng’s child?

The other party pointed to the crude ceramic doll in the shrine and said it was his child.
In an instant, everyone present felt a chill on their backs.

In other words, this guy turned his own son into a little devil! ?

"Thanks to the master, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to reach my current position, and if it weren't for him, my son wouldn't have this ability!"

Wang Dapeng's eyes were fanatical and he said some terrifying words.

After turning his son into a ghost, he still has to thank the other party.
Even the achievements you have made, the sweat you have put in, and the risks you have taken are attributed to the other party! ?

"Cuff them!"

Xu Sheng's eyes narrowed and he waved his hands, and several people handcuffed him in an instant.

He then got into the police car and rushed to Zhao Jin's hometown according to the address provided by the clerk.

As for Wang Dapeng.
This kind of person is what is called survivor bias.

There is a saying that explains it very well.

You find a hundred people in a casino, tell fifty of them to bet big and the other fifty to bet small, and then you get a small result.

Afterwards, the person who was deceived and put the bigger bet will call you a liar, but the person who put the smaller bet will think you are a benefactor.

Then, among the remaining fifty people, 25 of them said they bet on big, and the other half bet on small, and finally they got the answer big.

The one who bet on the smaller one will know that you are a liar, but the one who bet on the larger one will still believe you.

If you repeat this process over and over again, you will eventually get a few people who will listen to you and believe that you really have the ability to tell fortunes, and will regard everything you say as the truth!

The same is true in Southeast Asia.

By using survivors like Wang Dapeng, these people will be excited and take the initiative to promote the product, while those who failed will basically just mutter and not say much. In this way, a successful shout is created, which is more effective than the angry scene of more than a dozen failures.

As long as the base is large enough, there will definitely be a lot of people who believe in you.

And if you add some luck, even if you make up something ridiculous and write something that cannot be more outrageous, there is a chance that it will come true.

Generally speaking, Wang Dapeng is this kind of person.

A brainwashed person!

"I trained my children to be little devils, and then plunged into the field of construction where you can get rich overnight with just a little luck."

Mr. Xu sighed.

Now the East Country is engaged in infrastructure construction all over the country, and there is a shortage of people everywhere. There are a lot of people who have become company bosses from contractors. However, the other party thinks that his success comes from the son who has been trained as a little devil.
Stupid, ignorant.

"We've arrived!"

Li Sheng spoke up to remind him.

The next second he opened the door, got out of the car, and ran away, with Xu Sheng following closely behind.

This is Zhao Jin’s hometown.

He has a younger brother and an older sister, both of whom are now in their forties or fifties.

When they received the news, they all sat in the village committee with their wives and children beside them, with panic on their faces.

In the countryside these days, most people get married and have children before they are 20 years old, and it is not uncommon for people to have children at the age of 16.

So Sister Zhao Jin even brought her own grandson.

"They are all here. If the other party is targeting blood relatives, then I guess they haven't had time to attack the rest of them."

Li Sheng briefly counted his brothers and sisters, then sighed.

All the siblings’ children are here, no one is missing.

However, when Xu Sheng was counting the number of people, he suddenly froze.

"Where's your mother!?"

Xu Sheng opened his mouth to ask, looking at the two men in their forties or fifties in front of him, stunned where they were.


The two middle-aged men were stunned. After receiving the news from the police, they subconsciously took their children and grandson to the village committee.

I haven't considered my mother back home yet.
Now thinking about it, I suddenly came to my senses.

They forgot their own mother!

"Damn it!"

Li Sheng was immediately furious. Looking at the two 'filial' sons in front of him, and thinking of Zhao Jin, the more 'filial' one, his face turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Where is your mother's address!?"

"In my hometown in Qianzhuang Village." Sister Zhao Jin shrank her neck and spoke quickly.

They are in Houzhuang Village, which belongs to the same village as Qianzhuang Village, but because of their large area it is divided into two villages.

My biological mother was in Qianzhuang Village, but they had forgotten about it.
“Looking for someone, looking for someone!”

Xu Sheng did not hesitate and led his men directly to Qianzhuang Village.

The Chengzhong Village where the first crime scene occurred and Qianzhuang Village just formed a straight line, with the second murder scene in the middle.

Judging from this, the other party’s activity trajectory is definitely heading towards Qianzhuang Village’s hometown!
Unfortunately, the time to confirm Zhao Jin's identity was too short, giving the other party too much time to rush.
Everyone got in the car immediately and drove to Qianzhuang Village.

During this period, Zhao Jin's younger brother quickly showed his filial piety and acted as a police map, driving towards his hometown address in Qianzhuang Village.

The police drove for several kilometers and finally stopped in front of a door.

The door was locked, and Zhao Jin's brother began to explain.

"My mother is a little blind, so we locked her up for fear that she would get lost. We would open the door and bring her in during mealtimes."

As he said this, Xu Sheng had no time to listen.

He glanced to the side.

This is an old rural house with very low walls, similar to the first murder scene in Zhaojia Village in the urban village, with a height of less than three meters.

However, although it is simple, it occupies a large area, which is a common feature of old houses.

And on this wall,
Two footprints were left behind!

The footprints were very clear, exactly the same as the footprints left by the murderer at the first and second murder scenes!
The other party is really here!
Everyone was shocked.

"The footprints are fresh, we just arrived, there's still time!"

Mr. Xu spoke quickly, and Zhao Jin's brother took out the key tremblingly and tried to open the lock, but he couldn't get it in because of his shaking hands.

"Get the fuck out of here!"

Li Sheng was annoyed, so he kicked the door open, took the key and opened the lock.


There was a crisp sound of the lock core spring, and the lock opened immediately. Everyone pushed the door open and poured in through the narrow door!
Mr. Xu was the first to be hit.

However, as soon as he entered the yard, a voice came into his ears.
"Son, it hurts so much, what's going on?"

"It's okay, it won't hurt in a while."

"Okay, I believe you."

The sound of conversations as faint as mosquitoes rang in my ears.

A wisp of rusty smell of blood lingered at the tip of the nose and was inhaled into the lungs.

这 是
Bloody smell.


(End of this chapter)

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