I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 255 Tulips planted in the eye sockets [3 in 1 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 255 Tulips planted in the eye sockets [Three-in-one monthly ticket request! ]

Gardener from Hell!?
New tasks
Xu Sheng's heart sank, and he fell into silence as he looked at the information on the panel in front of him.

Another mission!

It hasn’t been long since the last mission was completed!
Is there half a month?
Probably not.
"[Hell's Gardener]. Is it related to flowers?"

"It's not a series of tasks, it's an independent task, so what's the level of this task?"

Xu Sheng thought about it for a while and ranked it at a level similar to Gensokyo.

"Gardener? The murderer is a gardener?"

In the Gensokyo case, the murderer Zhao Jin believed that the so-called "Gumantong" and "little ghost" were real.

But in fact, this thing only exists in the so-called fantasy. The conflict between fantasy and reality eventually led to the emergence of "Gensokyo".

Gensokyo breeds fantasy, and the other party brings fantasy into reality.

That hell gardener?
Is the other person a gardener?
Or maybe the other person simply likes to grow flowers?
Were the victims murdered indiscriminately? What was the method of murder? And why were they killed!?
In an instant, countless thoughts and dozens of questions ran through Xu Sheng's mind, giving him a headache.

All the speculations finally turned into a sigh.


Xu Sheng sighed, he looked up and looked helplessly at the bright flowers that filled the entire haunted house in front of him.

Then he turned his head and looked at Wang Chao who was still playing nearby.

Mr. Xu suddenly felt a little relieved.

At first, he tried to resist, wanting the system to actively issue tasks so that he would have time to prepare in advance.

But unfortunately, his resistance was futile.

Later, Xu Sheng got a little accustomed to it, but only a little. After all, it felt really uncomfortable to be sitting in a car and have someone fall on your head after not long of driving.

but now.
Mr. Xu felt relieved.

"Chaozi, I'm giving you two choices now."

Mr. Xu smiled and looked at Wang Chao kindly.

"Huh? Brother Xu? What's wrong?" Wang Chao was still playing. When he heard the voice, he turned around and asked, with a somewhat heartless expression.

"What choice?"

"One, I give you ten minutes to pick all the flowers in the haunted house and hand them over to me. Then come with me to the police station."


Having said that, Xu Sheng paused, and the smile on his face looked a little kind.

"You let me beat him up, then pick all the flowers in the haunted house and go to the police station with me within ten minutes."

"Which one do you choose?"

Wang Chao didn't hesitate at all.

Almost at the moment when he finished speaking, he stood up sleekly and walked towards the haunted house.

Li Hao was still following behind him. The two of them cooperated well and understood each other's thoughts. You helped me and I helped you. In the blink of an eye, they had a large piece of flowers in their hands.

After a while, Xu got on the pickup truck and drove to the police station.

What happens after death?

After a person dies, the body's organs stop working, the blood stagnates and stops circulating, the body gradually becomes stiff, and all breath of life is gone. A pheromone is emitted that keeps the same species away from danger.

At the same time, there are two options after death. One is to preserve the whole body.

The second is to cremate the body and burn it into ashes.

Of course, ashes are not all ashes. The so-called ashes are just bone residues, not the fine particles like wood ash.

The latter is a normal death process, while in the former, many death examples are criminal cases.

For example, in a dismemberment case, if someone dismembers and dissects a corpse, the human body will begin to rot like pork and emit a foul odor.

At the same time, because they are of the same species, humans will feel that the stench of a corpse is even worse!
If it is summer, flies are flying everywhere and the whole room is filled with foul smell. Ordinary policemen might faint from the stench if they enter the room.

If the body is hidden underground, the case of burial
"The inside of the body will gradually rot, and the flesh will turn into nutrients and remain in the field. If the conditions are right, it will dissolve."

"It is commonly known as autolysis."

"It is a phenomenon that after death, the organs in the body gradually soften and liquefy due to the action of their own enzymes. When observed with the naked eye, the surface of the organs becomes dark and soft, the cross-section becomes blurred, and the gastrointestinal mucosa collapses and falls off."

"Well, you've seen the scene in the sewer during the 'Chef' case where dozens of bodies were stuck together. That was the dissolution phenomenon."

June 2nd, 6am.

After finishing the test, the forensic doctor took the test report, looked at the policemen around him, and spoke calmly.

"Generally speaking, the dissolution phenomenon is not too excessive. Even if you touch it with your hands, you will only feel that the rigor mortis has disappeared and the skin has become soft."

"But in certain environments, such as sewers or bathtubs"

"That person will turn into a mouthful of phlegm."

"Unfortunately, the things I detected belong to this type of thick sputum."

Hearing these things and looking at the thing in the test tube that looked like the legendary 'Ganoderma Lucidum', Li Sheng's face showed melancholy.

On the night of June 1st, Mr. Xu came to the police station with a lot of flowers.

Li Sheng, who was working overtime, thought that they were here to wish him a happy holiday. At that time, he even said that he was not a young boy anymore and it was already Children's Day.

However, Xu Sheng shook his head and said that it was not a congratulations, and since he didn't want to celebrate, then forget it.

Afterwards, Li Sheng, the deputy captain, called the forensic doctor back overnight.

This was followed by a series of examinations and tests.

Final Results.
what's the result?
It's nothing.

It's just that these flowers are gorgeous and pleasing to the eye, standing out from the crowd of flowers.

The nutrients in these flowers are extraordinary.

It's people!

"According to the analysis, the slippery unknown substance in the soil is human flesh."

"Based on the degree of decay and soil moisture, the time of death is about thirty days."

The forensic doctor spoke calmly.

The soft and tender stuff in the soil is human flesh!
Before this, this human flesh was tightly entangled by the roots of the enchanting flowers, greedily absorbing nutrients.

This is why the flower looks so beautiful.

"It takes about 45 days for tulips to bloom from being planted. Of course, it is possible that the newly emerged seedlings were transplanted, so the time of death is reduced by more than 10 days. The estimated time of death is about 30 days."

The forensic doctor paused and spoke again.

The time of a person's death is easy to guess, but also difficult to guess.

Friends who often kill people know this.

The way you kill people will cause them to decay at different rates.

For example, if a body is dismembered, the intestines, heart, lungs and other organs are taken out and thrown outside or stuck to the wall. The speed of decay is different from that of an intact body.

Therefore, if two methods of murder are used to determine the time of death, two sets of reasoning methods are required.

How many methods of killing are there?
Countless, impossible to count!
It would be fine if the murder method could be seen, but it would be hard to say if it was extremely misleading!

for example.

Suppose, my friend, you killed someone and threw the body directly into a cold storage after death. The body would then rot very slowly and could be preserved for decades without any problem.

And half a year after being frozen into ice, you thaw it and the body will slowly rot. When it is half rotten, it will be frozen again and thawed again after another half a year.

So, if this is handed over to the police, how are they going to infer the time of death?

Ninety-nine percent of detectives do not have the ability to infer this kind of time of death!

Just like the so-called '90s guy' happily got a '80s lobster'.

Refrigeration and preservation have a huge impact on the decay rate of a corpse!
"We only have a few pieces of evidence and can only speculate on the existence of victims, but we cannot fully establish a criminal case."

Li Sheng took a puff of his cigarette, looked at the things in Xu Hong's glass bottle and spoke.

A few pieces of meat cannot be defined.

For example, a car crash.

Two cars collided and one of the vehicles had its leg knocked off. The bloody thigh flew into the bushes, but the person was rescued in the hospital.

In this case, can it be considered a homicide?
Without seeing the head, we cannot determine the nature of the death before the death is confirmed!
Mr. Xu nodded and didn't worry about it. After all, it was just a procedure.

"I can't tell the time, and I don't know whether it's a man or a woman. The pieces of meat have rotted beyond recognition, and the nutrients have been absorbed by the flower roots."

"This is a bit strange. After killing the person, the murderer dug a hole with his own hands, buried the person, and then planted flowers?"

Li Sheng took a few puffs of his cigarette and made a preliminary guess based on the limited information.

The body may not be buried underground, but it is definitely related to the soil!
Does the soil contain flower seeds? Maybe, after all, some roadsides still have wild lilies growing on them.

But such a large number is almost entirely caused by artificial sowing!
In other words, after the two clues of corpse and soil, we have to add a "flower".

Three information points.
What does the other party want to do! ?

Make the flowers bloom more beautifully?

Indeed, if a person is buried directly in the ground without a coffin after death, the land will indeed become more fertile after a few years.

In ancient times, after a military campaign, things growing on the battlefield were always very productive. The reason was that the corpses and blood became fertilizers that nourished the growth of plants.

Even non-humans can do the job, such as elephants or other animals, which can serve as fertilizers after death.

It is also said that after a person dies, he or she becomes like fertilizer for the land.

Since it acts as fertilizer, why not use fertilizer directly?

You know, among mankind’s strategic-level technologies, fertilizer is one!
The crystallization of wisdom cannot be compared with simple physical fertilizer!
"If you just want to make the flowers look better, you can use chemical fertilizers."

“Using people to grow flowers?”

"Not to mention that the bacteria produced after a human body dies can easily make plants sick, the nutritional content of the fertilizer alone is not as good as that of chemical fertilizers. So why do they still use people to grow flowers?"

Li Sheng was puzzled. With these three pieces of information combined, he couldn't figure out what the murderer was thinking.

The forensic doctor didn't quite understand it either, he just gave his professional opinion.

It is indeed difficult to grow flowers using human fertilizer.

During the decomposition process of the corpse, the bacteria and microorganisms produced may make the plants sick. Not only will they not bloom beautifully, but they will become sickly and look very ugly.

Of course, if it's completely rotten, it won't be a big problem.

But it is obvious that the victim's body was not completely decomposed, and the murderer may have planted the flower seeds shortly after the victim's death!

This is really puzzling.

"Could it be that this person doesn't actually have much knowledge of planting?"

Wang Chao, who was happily eating melons on the side, suddenly raised his hand to answer.

He was here last night and hadn't left. He simply stayed in Room No. 1 of the detention room. He greeted the person on duty and went in.

Now I can even have free meals, which is much more comfortable than a haunted house.

Hearing his voice, the three of them looked at Wang Chao.

"I know that chemical fertilizers are more effective than simple human fertilizers. Could it be that the murderer doesn't know this?"

“Like, some people who have worked in the industry for decades would look down on fresh graduates?”

Humans are very stubborn and arrogant creatures.

Generally speaking, the less knowledge one has, the more stubborn and arrogant they are, because they don't understand what others say and are too lazy to think about it, so they just label it as "wrong"!

The smarter and more knowledgeable a person is, the less likely he or she will be refuted if what he or she says in the other person's field is correct, because the other person can understand what you mean.

A common example is a farmer working the land.

The same thing happened in various parts of the country. That is, when hybrid rice seeds were first distributed, the authorities clearly stated that second-generation rice seeds could not be privately kept, and could not be grown, and would not produce anything.

What’s more, it was explained personally by their favorite college student, who pointed out the pros and cons of genes and explained the reasons why they couldn’t raise the baby.

But how did the farmers in the audience do it?

Will they think what this person says makes sense and then do what he says?

No, farmers across the country who were exposed to planting did the same thing.

That is.
"This young man who has never worked in the fields knows nothing. I have worked more fields than he has eaten rice, and I have never heard of rice that cannot be saved for seeds!"

They were dismissive of what these intellectuals said, thinking that they simply didn't understand because they had never been to the land.

So he saved the rice seeds, and when he planted them the next year, he suffered a great loss.

This is a very interesting psychological phenomenon.

It is also common in families.

For example, almost 90% of parents know that studying well can improve cognition and change destiny.

But often when something happens, when the college students, whom they have high hopes for and who are knowledgeable, offer opinions, they often don't think about it and just subconsciously label them as "wrong".

Language and thought, thought and reality, all three are contradictory, and it feels confusing to just look at them.

But it exists!
“Perhaps the murderer is such a character?”

"The other party may not have experienced the baptism of knowledge and does not know the difference between fertilizer and chemical fertilizer. Or the other party simply did not think about the difference in fertility and just wanted to use corpses for planting?"

Wang Chao said, thought for a moment, and then said:

"Of course, if that's the case, then there's no need to limit ourselves to the word fertility."

Li Sheng nodded and did not deny these words.

He cannot deny this statement until new information emerges!
"Has the person been found?"

Mr. Xu looked at Wang Chao and asked.

Hearing this, Wang Chao shrank his head and then shook his head.

"No, the police haven't found it yet."

Who to look for?

Find clues!
Who has the clue?

On the flower seller!
The child selling flowers at the entrance of the large supermarket!
Xu Sheng did not let this person go. He integrated the appearance information provided by Li Hao and Wang Chao and started searching directly last night.

He found the person before the forensic report was given, but unfortunately.
Until now, I haven’t found it!
"The information Chaozi gave was too vague, like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Li Sheng sighed.

"Have you checked the surveillance cameras near the noodle shop?" Xu Sheng ignored him and spoke again.

"I checked, but found no trace of the other party."

"Have you ever investigated the term 'flower kid'?"

"We are still investigating, and there are no clues at the moment."

Where are flowers being sold on Children's Day?

There are so many of them, everywhere!

The later generations are very interesting. No matter what festival it is, flowers can be sold on Children's Day, Qingming Festival, National Day, Valentine's Day, and Chinese Valentine's Day.

This is capital attaching some expensive meaning to the festival, while reaping high-profit money with low-cost stuff.

What is expensive?
What you can't get is expensive.

What can’t be obtained in the future?


Thus, flowers symbolize love, Valentine's Day appears, and irrelevant numbers such as 520 and 521 are used to imitate the sound of "I love you", giving it sincere love.

There are also diamonds and diamond rings.

There is not a small amount of this stuff in stock. If the world's diamond reserves were released and it had a all-at-once impact on the global diamond industry, the price of this stuff would not be much more expensive than marble floor tiles. Maybe you could use diamonds to make floor tiles to lay under your feet.

A useless thing, when combined with love, becomes an expensive thing, and then targets the consumer groups who buy into this, resulting in diamonds everywhere, including flower sellers.

During such festivals, the streets are lined with flower vendors, and it’s no joke that there are more flowers than people.

Although there were not as many around 04 as in later generations, there were still quite a few!

"I don't know why they sell flowers on Children's Day, but that's the fact. There are a lot of people selling flowers at the entrance of the mall."

Li Sheng sighed, "Besides, there are so many children selling flowers, it's hard to find one."

"Where's the welfare home?"

Xu Sheng frowned, "The welfare home in Jiangsan City"

As he was speaking, Xu Sheng fell silent.

Orphanage, this is indeed an important clue.

After all, the child might have sneaked out of the orphanage to sell flowers!

But the problem is
"There are hundreds of children in one orphanage. There are too many orphanages in Jiangsan City to count on one hand. They are scattered all over the place."

"Besides, the child doesn't have any obvious features, and the clue Chaozi gave is that his cheeks are dark. How can we find him?"

Li Sheng felt even more helpless.

The police could not raid the orphanage, and even if they could raid one, the rest of the orphanages would probably receive clues and give the children some "surface work" to make them look white and tender, which would not match the clues.

Even if we raid all the welfare homes at the same time, there is nothing we can do.

There are simply too many clues that match the requirements!
As for letting the child admit it himself.
Although children will not lie, they will tell lies and say that they did not do anything. They will insist that they did not do it, and they will be more determined than adults!

It would be difficult for the police to find him if he didn't come out voluntarily.

“It’s difficult.”

Xu Sheng smacked his lips slightly and fell into deep thought.

The office suddenly became cold.

The forensic doctor looked around and then slowly returned to the laboratory.

The work of a forensic doctor is very busy. His job is to examine and assist in reasoning, rather than being the main reasoner and secondary detector.

Reality is not a TV show. Just watch the handsome detective forensic doctors in TV shows.

Li Sheng didn't know how to check.

As for flowers, you can try to plant them as long as you have soil and seeds, but Jiangsan City is such a large area that flowers can be planted everywhere. How can you check?
After a moment's silence, Xu Sheng suddenly spoke.

"Where is the flower and grass wholesale market near Jiangsan City?"

Xu Sheng looked at Li Sheng, thought for a moment and then asked.

"Flower and plant wholesale market?" Li Sheng paused.


Mr. Xu nodded and pointed at the tulips that had been uprooted.

"The flowers were pulled out with their roots. Normally, they should be cut off at the roots with a knife, but these flowers were not. They were still covered with dirt. I guess they were pulled out by hand."

"This doesn't make sense for selling flowers, so I guess the child pulled them out himself."

"Can a child kill people? Or can he take care of so many flowers?"

"No, especially the children in the welfare home. They can't even feed themselves, so how can they have the time to grow flowers? Since they can't, then make inferences based on this."

Life in the welfare home is very poor.

Especially in 04, not to mention the psychological factors, even the most basic thing, namely eating, was not good.

There is a joke about school bullies in Western countries, that the person being bullied will have his food snatched away from him, and this is caused by not having enough to eat.

The same is true for welfare homes.

Not enough to eat, not enough to eat at all.

Many people, after finishing classes at charity schools, would rummage through trash cans, looking for leftovers from ordinary kids, such as apples, bananas, and some biscuits.

In the welfare home, their food would be snatched away by older people.

Occasionally I have to pick up cigarette butts for these people to smoke.

Life is so miserable, where is the time to grow flowers?

Not to mention that the child described by Wang Chao does not have the ability to grow flowers.

“Since it is not available”

"Where did the other party pull the flowers from?"

"First, the variety of flowers indicates that this is not a wild field. If it is not, then someone has cultivated it."

“Who planted it?”

Xu Sheng spoke again.

The variety of flowers cannot be explained by a few potted plants, but it is very likely that there are flowers in the community or other people's gardens, such as someone planting some in the yard.

But generally speaking, the walls of places like this are not enough for a seven or eight-year-old child to enter.

Then it can only be a semi-open place.

"Flower field!"

"There are many flower fields in Jiangsan City. I don't know which flower field it is, but I know where these flower fields are finally gathered!"

That is.
"Wholesale market for flowers and plants!?"

After going through several logical detours, Wang Chao's eyes lit up and he blurted out the answer.

“Yes, any flower field will be connected to the wholesale market.”

Mr. Xu nodded.

The wholesale market may not be able to absorb all the produce from the flower fields.

Therefore, Huatian usually cooperates with individual businesses, such as cake shops that make flower cakes, or mooncake factories that make flower mooncakes.

But no matter what, if you want to sell a lot of flowers at once, and want to sell them steadily and quickly without spending too much time,
The only place they want to go is the wholesale market!

Although the price will be low, the increase in quantity will more than make up for it!

So, more or less, their lists are all there, and it would be much easier to find the child who stole the flowers by looking at the identity of the owner.

"There are two flower and grass wholesale markets in Jiangsan City,"

"One is too far away, close to Linhai City, and the other is in another district. Let's go there first!"

Li Sheng spoke quickly.

Everyone nodded without objection and hurried towards their destination.

Before leaving, Xu Sheng took a look at the forensic laboratory.

In the laboratory, the forensic doctor held a tulip in his hand.

The tulips were gorgeous in appearance and bloomed beautifully, but their rhizomes were still covered with soil and clumped together. After a little cleaning, the forensic doctor discovered the reason why the roots were clumped together.

It was an eyeball that had already rotted and mixed with mud.

Countless roots are inserted in the eyes, absorbing nutrients and making the flowers on the top bloom beautifully.

Perhaps, before this tulip was pulled out
It is planted in people's eye sockets.

Xu Sheng's heart sank.


(End of this chapter)

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