I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 266 Weird! Case ['Cursed Gold Coin'! ]

Chapter 266 Weird! Case ['Cursed Gold Coin'! ]

Mr. Xu was so angry that he laughed.

Daring to tamper with Tai Sui's head is like a turtle eating a weight or a birthday star hanging himself.

You are determined to die!

How much money will he lose if he receives a counterfeit ten-dollar bill?
It can be considered as twenty.

After all, the haunted house has its own staff, as well as a series of service facilities such as drinks.

These are all costs!
In addition, the ten dollars that should have been a profit was lost, so it can also be considered a loss.

Of course, if there is any loss, it is only the cost.

But, for Xu Sheng, not making any profit means losing money!

"Fuck, from out of town?"

Xu Sheng got into the car cursing and rushed to the haunted house.

"Who in the whole Jiangsan City, whether in the black or white world, doesn't know my name?"

"How dare this head-losing thing like counterfeit money get close to my face!?"

As he said that, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the haunted house.

Wang Chao wanted to get in the car, but was politely declined by Xu Sheng.

Cheng Min is still here, and it’s not nice to leave a girl alone in the welfare home. Although there are police and national security watching her, I still feel weird in my heart.

It's pretty good to leave Superman here.

As for counterfeit banknotes
Xu Sheng was not surprised that this thing appeared in the haunted house. He was just dissatisfied with the fact that counterfeit money appeared in the haunted house many times.

In 04, there were many kinds of money in use, such as the fourth edition money and the fifth edition money.

Even the third edition of money, which has been out of circulation, is still in use in many areas!

The three versions of the currency have different denominations, and some of them have very poor craftsmanship!

This has led to the proliferation of counterfeit currency.

How to make this thing?
It’s actually easy to do.

As someone who has made counterfeit money and participated in crimes, you will find something very novel when you go through the process of making templates and printing.

That is.
The process of making counterfeit banknotes is very similar to that of making stamps!
How are stamps made?

The first version of this thing can only be carved by hand, then rubbed, made into a template, and then printed.

And this is the process for counterfeit money, and even the process for real money is the same!
This is not the point. The point is that there are generally three ways to obtain templates for making banknotes. One is mechanical scanning and then engraving, but the accuracy is not enough.

The second is to rob banks. Some important large banks will store an official banknote printing template in their vaults for a short period of time.

As for the third
Hand carved!

Does it sound familiar? Yes, it is the first edition of stamps we just talked about.

Can draw stamps, can also draw the first edition template of banknotes!

In addition, the third or fourth editions were not very good at preventing counterfeiting, which led to the emergence of a bunch of folk talents.
As for the counterfeit money that appeared in the haunted house.
"Boss, it's a bunch of small counterfeit bills, two-dollar bills, several of them, a total of ten dollars."

The ticket seller today is Li Hao.

At this time, he was holding a pile of money in his hand, with a look of great dissatisfaction on his face, and said to Xu Sheng.

What is two dollars?
Speaking of which, most people have never seen this thing.

This is the fourth edition of money denominations. The difference from the fifth edition is that there is an additional two-yuan note and Xu Hong's two-cent note.

Well, this is also because the country was poor at the beginning and it was inconvenient to conduct large transactions.

However, after it is created, its liquidity is not high.

The two-yuan note was issued in 90, and this type of currency was discontinued in 18.

But even if you were born in 00, you probably haven't used it once by the time you were 18.

People who have usually seen it saw it at their grandparents' house when they were young.

This thing has great collection value. If you see a pile of these banknotes tied together at your grandparents' house, you might be able to sell a two-dollar bill for several times the price!

Well, if you were greedy as a kid, you would have spent this stuff.
Put away your thoughts.

"Two dollars?"

Xu Sheng held the two-yuan note that looked like bronze in his hand and raised his eyebrows.

What does two dollars look like?

You can refer to a one-cent bill. The overall feeling is that the color turns green, and there is no other difference.

The "two yuan" above is not written in Arabic numerals, but in uppercase Chinese characters, which is "贰圆".

“This is made of fake money.”

Xu Sheng frowned, stretched out his hand, spread out the paper, and then raised his hand to cover the sun.

The counterfeit banknotes are very new, as if they were newly produced from the factory.

The means of forging were not very sophisticated, but Xu Sheng felt that he would be better than them!

Well, of course, just a thought.

How could he possibly do this!?
Of course, it was precisely because of this thing that Xu Sheng noticed several problems.

"Hmm? Counterfeiting small bills?"

"And I haven't even done any old-fashioned work. What the hell is this?"

After confirming that there were several loopholes that could be found through careful inspection and that it must be counterfeit money, Xu Sheng thought thoughtfully.

If counterfeit currency is to be circulated among the people, it must be made old!

What is aging?

It's about making the new look like the old.

For example, when a bank issues new banknotes, do they feel like new, like a book?

This kind of coin will attract more attention. If given a choice among a pile of coins, most people will choose the new money and then can't let it go.

But the problem is that the purpose of the counterfeiting organization is to let the counterfeit money they make spread among the people and hide it to make it look like real money!
For them, only when it is discovered is it counterfeit money, and if it is not discovered it is real money!

How to avoid being discovered? There is no way to avoid being discovered, but as long as you don't attract attention, you can reduce the probability of being discovered!
Just like human traffickers, the people they traffick are not those very pretty and cute children. On the contrary, they prefer those with ordinary looks.

Because it is easy to hide, you won’t be easily discovered!
Therefore, if you want to lower the probability of being noticed by others, you have to lower your appearance.

Well, it's the same with people.

and also
"It's fine if it's not made old."

“Why is the denomination so small?”

Xu Sheng frowned and looked at the "two yuan" clearly written on it, his brows twisted into a knot.

“They think that small denominations are less likely to be caught?”

"Or do you think that if the denomination is small, the sentence won't be serious if you're caught?"

"Or maybe you just never thought about making too much money?"

A series of doubts popped up in Xu Sheng's mind. He really couldn't understand the other party's train of thought.

Large sums of one hundred yuan are indeed easy to detect.

Most people will subconsciously verify the authenticity of such a large amount of money after receiving it, but no one cares about a dollar.

But the problem is
The former circulation of small denominations is very wide!

Even if it's just two dollars, it's handled more often than one hundred dollars these days.

A more number of times means a more number of people, and with more people, the probability of being discovered will increase.

In other words, the probability of exposure for small and large amounts is actually similar.

But the value created is very different!

First of all, many people may think that for a thing like a printing press that makes money, the difference of fifty times between one hundred yuan and two yuan is not a problem.

After all, even with just two dollars, a small workshop can print tens or even hundreds of millions a day!
At this point, money is just a string of numbers.

But the problem is
"If they want to print tens or hundreds of millions of coins, then the customers are not for private circulation, they are not for their own use but for the black forces."

After figuring it out, Xu Sheng's face looked very strange.

"When the Black Organization sees these two-dollar bills worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, they will be so angry that their brains will be broken."

The black organization can purchase so much counterfeit money at one time, so it must have a place where they can use the counterfeit money.

Where can so much money be spent at one time?

My goodness, when you trade with other countries, they give you gold bars, gold bricks, knives, and at the very least, sticks.

What about you?

You brought out a green box with "Two Yuan" in capital letters!
Well, you moved fifty boxes of something that could be solved with one box, then waved your hand arrogantly and said:
"The box is free for you. Please count the denominations to see if there are any mistakes!"

The momentum alone was already three points lower.
Well, besides, the international banknotes are all based on 100 yuan. Have you ever seen anyone using 2 yuan on a large scale?
Good fellow, you have been doing foreign trade for thousands of dollars, and suddenly a fake two-yuan note appears, and you are the only one using it, and you are the only one doing business with it. Aren’t you treating me like an idiot! ?
Generally speaking, it is not possible to 'sell' counterfeit small-denomination bills as merchandise.

In other words, the other party has never thought about printing counterfeit money on a large scale?
"small workshop?"

"A timid little workshop? Thinking that small denominations will get away with it?"

Xu Sheng thought thoughtfully.

He thought for a moment and looked at Li Hao.

“Have people who use counterfeit money been caught on camera?”

"Yes, a man wearing a baseball cap. The surveillance camera didn't capture his face, but I remember his face."

Li Hao thought about it and shook his head, but it wasn’t all bad news.

Remember the face
"What does he look like?" Xu Sheng asked with raised eyebrows.

"He has a mole at the corner of his mouth, and his chin is long, like a shoe-horn face. His beard is not very obvious, his eyes are almond-shaped, and his nose is not high."

Li Hao described some characteristics according to his memory.

Shoe horn face?
Xu Sheng wrote down these things.

"Let's eat first. After dinner, I'll go to the police station. Counterfeit money of this denomination is easy to collect. It won't be a big problem."

Having made up his mind, Xu Sheng went to the canteen and told them to prepare dinner.

As for counterfeit money, Xu Sheng has never seen such a big stir caused by small amount of counterfeit money!

There's no rush for this stuff.

I have seen the world, the "heartless" operating ship, the "human and animal" manor, and the "mermaid" canned fish.

Or the flower fields of the "gardener of hell" or the human wall of the "chef"
If any police officer could solve any of these cases, he would have the right to say that he looked down on such small-value counterfeit bills!

There is no way. The amount is there. No matter how much he prints, it will be useless. It is like an ant trying to shake an elephant.

It sounds simple enough that the ant wins by crawling into the elephant's ear, but if you really think so, the elephant will smile brightly.

It was not until the evening that Wang Chao and Cheng Min were sent back by the National Security Bureau.

They just came back for dinner.

"Too brutal, Brother Xu, this hair is too brutal, but it seems quite gentle."

Wang Chao wanted to complain, emphasizing that he had been living a miserable life like a 'slave' that day, but when he caught a glimpse of Cheng Min's puzzled look, his face suddenly changed.

"Well, Sister Cheng is still very gentle. She doesn't hurt anyone when she hits them, and her voice is very gentle. All the children like her."

He squatted down and reluctantly whispered to Mimi.

Cheng Min pursed her lips, a faint smile appeared on her face, she thought for a moment, then took out another popsicle from her bag.

"for you."

She handed the old popsicle to Wang Chao, and Chaozi was immediately ashamed. He felt that he was a piece of shit. He actually dared to slander such a good person in his heart!

Mimi showed a very disdainful expression on her face, and while the other party was squatting down and finishing eating the popsicle, she turned around.


The dog's butt hit Wang Chao's hand directly, making him blind.

Wang Chao was silent. "Brother Xu, I'm thinking about setting up an organization to protect those who are persecuted by dogs."

In the cafeteria, Wang Chao told Xu Sheng the truth.

The little Mi has now grown up to be a middle-aged Mi. Chaozi feels very sad that he can't control her.

"Just take your time to build it up."

Xu Sheng said casually.

It’s just a mutual aid organization, just set it up.

In fact, there are countless mutual aid organizations around the world in different forms.

There are all kinds of them, but there is one thing missing, which is the 'Mutual Aid Organization for Older Unemployed Men in Retirement'.

Well, it seemed like there were some before, but not much later.

This thing could easily develop into something like a gang.

To put it nicely, it is called the Mutual Aid Association for Unemployed Middle-aged Men, but to put it bluntly, it is a gang of idlers!
Moreover, due to the influence of history and culture on Eastern men, once there are a large number of men, some ideas will come up when they get together.

For example, in Pei County, a group of thugs were roaming the streets. One day, the leader suddenly stopped, raised his hand, and said wisely, "Hey, I have an idea!"

Or maybe it was a certain uncle of the emperor. The three of them gathered together, raised their hands, and said wisely, "Hey, I have an idea!"

In modern times, it is even more difficult.

Those who can operate CNC machine tools, move bricks, control chemicals, smelt iron, and are older farmers who farm at home.
If these people have no wives, children, parents or relatives, why do they still gather together?
At least Su Qiang in Jiangsan City couldn't sleep.

Well, he won't succeed, but the thing is that he is afraid of a brain failure, no one is afraid that he can succeed or has ever thought about success.

Just like, 96, it was only less than 8 years away from Xu Sheng’s death.

During that period, there were people who claimed to be emperors, and a bunch of people started fighting with the police.
Don't apply ordinary people's logic to people who suddenly have an idea, or underestimate the stupidity of others.

If the fate of the world rests in the hands of an idiot.

Then you will never imagine how the other party can make the whole world stupid by his own strength!
The worst scenario for them is for the conspirators to perish together.

But you idiot, you really can't imagine how you are fooled to death by the other party.
Put away your thoughts.

"If you don't want to be the focus of attention again on top of the focus you've already received, then just do it."

Xu Sheng spoke slowly.

Wang Chao shrank his neck.

He's already so miserable, and he's going to get even more miserable.
Forget it.

Everyone ate slowly. Cheng Min fed Wang Chao many times, which made Chaozi alert. He thought that the other party was being too attentive for no reason and must have some ulterior motive.

However, the other party didn't say anything until the meal was over, which made him even more cautious.

Mr. Xu ignored such trivial matters.

He got in the car and was about to drive to the police station, but after thinking it over, he took Wang Chao with him.

Sometimes, bad luck can be used to your advantage.

Although the other party was not very willing, if bad luck could be avoided as long as he was not willing, could it still be considered bad luck! ?

What a joke! Maybe the other person would be caught by someone right after I left!
Xu Sheng will never forget Wang Chao’s glorious achievements in his life.

What kind of war record? The bodies of humans and animals falling from the sky?
No, it was the "Happy Circus" case, where those parasites from the old times were using their tricks of cutting people alive.

This guy in this case, right after he walked out of the police station, wanted to eat a bowl of noodles, or a very cheap one from a roadside stall.
When I looked up, I saw the human traffickers arresting people!

My goodness, Chaozi had just learned how to capture people from the police station, and in the blink of an eye, the human traffickers showed up at his doorstep. Shouldn’t he just fight back on the spot?
So, Wang Chao went up.

Wang Chao typed gg.

The human trafficker saw someone chasing him in the rearview mirror and scratched his head. He then opened the door and got out of the car, and pushed Wang Chao, who was chasing closely behind him, into the car as well.

Later, Chaozi got off the car and looked at the crime scene in confusion, which was full of human flesh fragments.

The human trafficker who abducted him was also abducted. Well, it looked like he was abducted by the traffickers, but he was actually a victim of live torture. To them, it would be worse if he was abducted by the traffickers.

"Brother Xu, do you think I can be considered a mascot?"

Wang Chao felt that it was a bit tragic to say this, so he changed his angle to defend himself.

"You are blessed"

Mr. Xu was about to start cursing, but he stopped. For a moment he couldn't find the words to refute.

Well, in some ways, this unlucky kid does look like a mascot!
Take the previous case for example, for the welfare home.
With Wang Chao here, we have a clear sky!

Wang Chao is here, and people can eat their fill!

Wang Chao is here, and fairness is here too!

His lips moved for a while, and Xu Sheng's expression became gradually strange. He looked up and down at Wang Chao, who felt very honored to have found this new angle.

"never mind."

"get off!"

The child is in such a miserable state, let him comfort himself.

Right now, it’s business that’s most important!
The car had already arrived at the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Pinliu District, Jiangsan City. The police officer on duty recognized the license plate number and saw Xu Sheng's face through the window, so he let the car pass.

He is now in Jiangsan City, and there is only Su Qiang above him. Even if the deputy director comes, he has to take the initiative to say hello to him when he sees him.

Even so, Xu Sheng still has no intention of climbing up the ladder and wants to take care of the haunted house. Otherwise, he could at least be sitting in a powerful and high-ranking position in the province now!

no way.

This is the value of a haunted house mascot!

He single-handedly pushed Xu Sheng to this position.

Sure enough, behind every successful man, there is an unknown man.

Great, needless to say!

Chaozi thought with such emotion that he even wanted to write a book based on his own experiences.

The time is now six o'clock in the evening.

The Criminal Investigation Brigade had gone off work a long time ago, but working overtime is normal for the police, especially the brigade captain!
Other brigades can handle it with one chief and one deputy chief, plus a few squadron leaders.

But the brigade in District 6 has a hands-off manager, so Li Sheng can only work more overtime.

Of course, it was also because of this hands-off boss that he was able to rise from a section chief to a department-level position in just half a year!

Wow, just when I was about to retire, my future changed from a single-plank bridge to a broad road!
It’s like a second spring.

Therefore, Li Sheng was quite happy with this overtime.

But normally, he doesn't need to work overtime every day, especially since the "Gardener of Hell" case doesn't require him to finish it and is directly handled by the National Security Bureau, so he doesn't need to work overtime.

Xu Sheng also wanted to prepare a case, but he didn't expect that.
"Hmm? Lao Li!?"

As soon as I entered the hall, I saw Li Sheng coming out from the corner and preparing to go upstairs.

"Why are you still in the team?"

Mr. Xu was amused. Looking at the man in his forties, he wondered if he was hiding from his wife.

Li Sheng heard the voice and looked back. He was not surprised when he saw that the person was Xu Sheng. But when he saw Wang Chao following behind him, his heart skipped a beat.

"What's going on? What brought Xiao Wang to this shabby little temple?"

"You won't encounter another murder case late at night, will you? "

Li Sheng was a little annoyed. Last month, Mr. Xu called him over in the early morning to see a flower.

Later, he saw a bunch of flowers.

If that place wasn't short of staff, he wouldn't dare to bring new police officers there!

My goodness, even a veteran detective with more than ten years of experience was so frightened when he saw this scene that he felt numb.

Now, it's late at night again.
He was a little stressed.

"What about you? Why don't you leave so late at night?"

Mr. Xu didn't rush to answer, he asked.


"There have been many disappearances recently in the coastal dock suburbs of Jiangsan City, and the process of their disappearance is very strange. I have been busy with this matter these days." Li Sheng explained.

Human traffickers?

There is such a thing in Jiangsan City! ?
Xu Sheng was a little surprised. Last year, he and Wang Chao led the team personally, especially Wang Chao, who broke the defense directly. It was also the only time that Wang Chao broke the defense. It was enough to show that in the area of ​​Jiangsan City, the number of human traffickers would be scarcer than giant pandas for quite a period of time!
Why are there still human traffickers nowadays?
Or was it rape?
"Is the missing person a man or a woman?" he asked curiously.

"There were both men and women, mostly young people. There was also a child who died in a very tragic way. Several squadron leaders and I classified this as a murder!"

Li Sheng shook his head, said something casually, and then looked Xu Sheng up and down.

"What about you? What are you doing here so late at night?"

"Nothing, just for record."

Mr. Xu began to explain.

Li Sheng nodded and said, it’s just for filing. There are people doing this every day.

However, just as he moved to leave and was about to go upstairs, he stopped.

"Is it related to money?" Li Sheng suddenly turned around.

He remembered that Xu Sheng had been in the haunted house for a while, and the only things that could be recorded in the haunted house were fighting and money.
"How do you know?" Xu Sheng was surprised and took out the money from his pocket.

"I have received a lot of counterfeit money these days."

The moment he saw the money, Li Sheng's pupils contracted instantly, like a mouse seeing a cat, and he subconsciously took a few steps back.


"What's broken?!" Xu Sheng suddenly felt something was wrong and frowned.

"Do you know about the missing cases, the missing victims, including the dead children, what did they come into contact with before they died?"

Li Sheng was on full alert, his expression extremely serious.

He quickly took out his cell phone and asked the forensic doctor to come.


"The money!"

"Based on interviews and surveillance investigations, the police found that the victims had more or less come into contact with these counterfeit coins before they disappeared or died!"

"People who have come into contact with counterfeit money, such as the dead child, will suffer a mental breakdown and confusion within a few minutes after taking out the money. They will become crazy and make a lot of noise, and eventually jump into the sea. We have not found the child's body yet!"

Li Sheng stared at the money, then moved his gaze to Xu Sheng.

He took a deep breath and spoke in a heavy voice. His voice resounded in the hearts of several people and made them tremble.

"In other words, anyone who touches these counterfeit coins."

"Either death or disappearance!"

Almost immediately after Li Sheng's voice fell, a voice sounded in Xu Sheng's ears.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering a new task. ]

[The name of this mission.]

Did all the people who had contact with counterfeit money disappear mysteriously?
Xu Sheng paused, then lowered his head and looked at the banknotes in his hand.

Now, these counterfeit coins are
In your own hands.

【The name of this mission is.】

['Cursed Gold Coin'! ]

【(Do you know the price of Jesus? Thirty silver coins! Maybe I know your price too.)】

[Note: This mission is one of the triggered mission series! ]



(End of this chapter)

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