I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 276 Glue! [2-in-1 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 276 Glue! [Two-in-one monthly ticket request! ]

Fun games?
Sha Yuan didn't care. He first looked Xu Sheng up and down, his eyes resting on the medal on his chest.

"Tsk, you got three first-class merits at once, you are really awesome now!"

"If we could hold an awards ceremony for this, I guess all the police in the six provinces would be stunned!"

He started to tease.

Three first-class merits at one time.
Sha Yuan had never heard of anyone who could do this in his life.

Even if it was just a first-class merit, it is not something that ordinary people can imagine. This time there are three. Not to mention ordinary policemen, even Sha Yuan, if he heard it for the first time and didn't know the inside story, he would probably think he had heard it wrong. The real thing should be a third-class merit or something like that.

But that's the reality.

"It's a pity that the 'Mermaid' case is still a little short of the mark, otherwise it should have been a first-class merit."

Sha Yuan paused, then sighed.

He took over the mermaid case. After all, there were so many people involved that it would be hard for him not to know about it.

Logically speaking, the Mermaid Case should have surpassed the Second Class Merit and should not have been awarded the Second Class Merit, but it did not reach the level of the First Class Merit, so it can only be evaluated as the Second Class Merit.

"Just a few medals."

Xu Sheng didn't care at all, "I'm tired of playing."

Sand source:.
Tired of playing.
Tired of the First Class Merit Medal?

Sha Yuan wanted to retort, but when he thought about it carefully, the other party had at least five first-class merits.
Got it within a year!
Others say he is just bragging, but he says that it is possible that he is really tired of playing.
"What is your position like? Have you been transferred?"

Looking at Xu Sheng's new epaulettes, Sha Yuan asked.

A third-level police inspector is generally around the rank of deputy director. Xu Sheng’s salary has not changed, and he is still a director. However, he is not very interested in this little money.

What is really interesting is the position hidden behind it!
Director, the gold content of some small cities is very low, such as county-level cities. The director of the county-level police station, if the county is small and poor, is likely to be a regular section chief!
That’s right, a county-level city police chief is just a section chief, which sounds quite contrasting.

But for police ranks, 1 is 1 and 2 is 2!

Mr. Xu is not worried about this issue. After all, he doesn't work and just wants to get by.

"The position remains the same, the rank is raised by one level, and the salary is..."

Xu Sheng thought for a moment and said, "On the surface, he enjoys the treatment of a director-level official, but behind the scenes, he has other things that add up to almost the level of Director Su?"

What level is Su Qiang?
Deputy Director!

Hearing this, Sha Yuan's brows trembled, and he turned his eyes to look at Xu Sheng, with a look of amazement on his face.


"25 years old, third-level police rank, at least five first-class merits, obviously a deputy director, and all the benefits he receives add up to that of a deputy director."

"You kid, have you ever thought about developing in the imperial capital?!"

Sha Yuan couldn't help but speak and tried to win over the other party again.

This is the case with Guoan. They have a lot of good talents, but the problem is that even if they have a lot of talents, they will subconsciously compete for new talents when they see them.

And those who meet the conditions just mentioned.
Where will the future stop then! ?
In the future, it will surely resound throughout the East Country!

"That's not necessary." Xu Sheng smiled. He never paid much attention to false reputation.

Then, he paused for a moment and brought the topic back to the previous point.

"Well, have you thought about it, Team Leader Sha?"

"Are you interested in playing some fun games?"

"The kind that makes you happy!"

The corner of Sha Yuan's mouth twitched. Even if he used the hemorrhoids on his butt to think about it, he could guess what it was.

"What are you going to do with your shit house?"

Sha Yuan knew about the existence of the haunted house. After all, for a department like theirs that specializes in intelligence, if they didn't even know that the haunted house in the largest amusement park in Jiangsan City was opened by Xu Sheng, then they could just pack up and leave.

"This is a serious haunted house!"

Xu Shengzheng spoke sternly.

"You don't know that after a new batch of police officers from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of District 6 came to my haunted house for a little training, their mentality and courage improved dramatically!"

"It only takes a few hours to quickly distance ourselves from the police in the other districts, and it's very likely that no one will even be able to see the back of our car!"

Mr. Xu spoke with a solemn vow.

He didn't lie about this, on the contrary, he was being very conservative.

Those rookie police officers at the beginning of the year completed an amazing transformation in just one hour!

Before the game, they were rookies, newcomers to the police station with no experience, and they trembled when they saw the corpses.

After playing it, I can remain calm even when facing a disaster, and I am not afraid at all when seeing bloody corpses. I may even feel a little relieved.

The police from the neighboring brigades are not so good. They have to go through one case after another to get used to it and build up their courage bit by bit.
In comparison, the difference is obvious!
Well, although at the beginning of the year, the newcomer collapsed and wanted to knock himself out with two punches on the spot, it should be said that Li Sheng was quite happy.

A brand new way to train your courage!
This is much more efficient and faster than wasting time before!

Unexpectedly, Sha Yuan did not say this. He looked Xu Sheng up and down and said with a smile:

"Don't you own a lingerie store?"

"What's with the haunted house?"

Mr. Xu:?
"Damn it, do you want to play or not!?"

Xu Sheng was a little upset and immediately stared at Sha Yuan.

"Also, which of the hell's grandsons told me that I own a lingerie store!?"

Sha Yuan smiled but didn't say anything. During the award ceremony, Guoan found the billing records of Xu Sheng's haunted house.

Then the entire national security knew one thing.

That is, there is a haunted house in Jiangsan City where the sales of underwear are higher than the profit from ticket sales.
I didn't come to this conclusion at first.

The people in the back office thought that the haunted house had sent the wrong number, or that they had made a mistake, so they calculated it again and again, but they were not confident in their own calculations. After confirming with the haunted house, they realized that
The other party’s underwear is really more profitable than tickets!

Over time, Guoan simply called Mr. Xu the owner of a lingerie store.

"It's not interesting. The National Security is different from the police. Some of them are mentally abnormal or emotionally closed. There is also a team leader who suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome. If they go there, there might be some trouble."

Sha Yuan shook his head and sighed, then he lit a cigarette and started smoking.

The National Security Bureau is divided into several departments, and the department where Sha Yuan is located is specifically responsible for cleaning up the dark side.

What do people in this department say?
There is a saying that goes, 'He who keeps company with vermilion becomes red, and he who keeps company with ink becomes black'!
That's right, no matter how kind you are by nature or how cute you are.

Once you stay in a place like this for a long time, it will be difficult to maintain your original personality.

Because human consciousness itself is a collection of various information mixed together.

If you live in a world where everyone is a saint, you would feel ashamed to even talk about it.

But what if you live in a slum in a black state?

Environmental pressure and information collection will modify your consciousness in places you cannot see.

Ordinary people are like this, let alone the national security.

None of the cases that this gang is involved in are simple.

Take the current drug case as an example.

Most people think about drug dealers and can imagine themselves catching drug dealers. But what about imagining yourself facing the victims?

What about the victims of drugs, those innocent people who became addicted to drugs just by touching money?
It's miserable, her life is over, just like the woman mentioned in the office before, she is in her twenties, pretty, has a good figure and a good private life.

But just because he reached out and touched it, he became addicted to drugs. In just a few days, he became a bus and even contracted syphilis in his stomach!
If you see this kind of person face to face, would you be angry? Or what do you think?
Are you angry? But drug addiction is not just an addiction, it destroys your body's balance and is a physical dependence, just like eating and drinking. The body thinks that it will die if it does not take drugs, and quitting it is like quitting breathing!
Not to mention that the other party was using LSD hallucinogenic drugs, which is even more powerful!

In other words, at first glance, there was nothing wrong with him, and he didn't even know he was addicted to drugs at first.

But it ended up like this
It is precisely when facing one victim or murderer after another that ordinary criminal policemen gradually become mentally abnormal.

Not to mention Guoan!

"There are some new people who need to be trained."

Sha Yuan suddenly changed the subject.

He looked at Xu Sheng and said with a smile:
"There are some new people coming. If you are interested, I will send them to your haunted house for a tour?"

"Of course, the difficulty has to be increased. These people are not just three-good students. They are elites in their own fields."

Increase the difficulty a bit?
Xu Sheng thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll go back and decorate the new scene first, and you can bring people here in a month."

The drug incident has left a huge aftermath, and Sha Yuan will definitely not be able to leave Jiangsan City for a month. But this is just the right amount of time for Xu Sheng to complete the superficial decoration work and look for special employees at the same time.

Although Sha Yuan took note of this incident, he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, it's just a haunted house.

In the past, Sha Yuan was too lazy to give newcomers courage training when this kind of stuff was available!

Only ordinary police officers would use haunted houses to build up their courage. Except for those who are from the civilian population, almost all the newcomers to the national security agency have seen blood. In comparison, haunted houses are much more monotonous and simple.

"Goodbye." Sha Yuan said casually, looking at the back.

Give the other person some face and have some fun.

After all, the National Security Bureau is just sitting there doing nothing, there can't be something fishy going on.

After receiving a positive answer, Xu got into the police car and drove into the amusement park.

He is a talent in investigating crimes, so the recovery of the case has nothing to do with him.

Besides, I didn't work much anyway, so I just went home casually.

When I got home, I happened to see Wang Chao and Cheng Min.

"Huh? Brother Xu, how come you have three more gold medals!?"

In the flower shed, Wang Chao stared at Xu Sheng's medal with wide eyes, and reached out to touch it.

"The drug case and the rewards from the previous two cases were settled together, but the compensation has not been adjusted much."

Xu Sheng said casually.

The rewards for drug cases are generally quite high.

But you have to be alive to get it and have the reputation to use it!

Drug dealers are so arrogant that even drug enforcement police dare not show up on the Internet and say that they are drug enforcement police!

There is no way. Once you show up, your wife and children might be kidnapped that very night, and then you will suffer endless revenge!
Generally, the grassroots personnel who can show up are martyrs who have already sacrificed their lives.

Therefore, drug enforcement is very risky and may involve gunfights, which will give you more weight in terms of merit. However, even if you have it, you cannot publicize it, and the authorities cannot hold an awards ceremony for you.

But Xu Sheng is an exception.

"Tsk, it's really pure gold!"

Wang Chao touched it lightly, then showed a little emotion, and then thought of his 100,000 yuan, and a proud expression appeared on his face.

Xu Sheng only needs to investigate the case, and he can get the credit once it is solved.

But Chaozi has a lot to consider.

He also has to consider how to spend the money to keep himself out of jail!
You also need to think about what you encountered today and whether it is related to a criminal case!

Therefore, this one hundred thousand yuan is purely a reward for hard work. Although the value is different, Chaozi believes that the meaning behind it is still very valuable!
"Take your time planting the flowers while I go to the abandoned building."

Xu Sheng smiled and then walked towards the previously vacant area in the distance.

He wasn't worried about drugs.

This stuff will become less and less as the Golden Crow system is improved in future generations. This is indeed the case in reality, and the number of drug addicts has gradually and steadily decreased.

It is different in other countries.

There is a place called the 'Zombie Kingdom', and the people in the slums there love to take a cheap 'drug'!
This drug is smelled through the nose and inhaled!

What kind of drug is this?

That’s right, it’s glue, the kind that sticks to the soles of shoes. It’s not a slang term or code name.

They inhale a kind of hallucinogenic glue, which they put in a bottle and inhale!
It is very popular and can be seen almost everywhere.

Strictly speaking, this stuff can be considered a drug.

At the same time, they have another one over there.

'Jet fuel'!
That's right, it's the thing used in airplanes. Due to the flight altitude, a substance has to be added to the fuel, and this substance can cause hallucinations.

Later, someone smartly discovered this substance and started inhaling it.

In addition to humans, there are also examples of animals becoming addicted to drugs.

Compared to humans who have logical thinking, animals are much more straightforward and they simply like to suck!

For example, a bear may become addicted to aviation fuel. In order to find fuel to breathe, it may even take the initiative to step into human territory and search through fuel tanks.

Fuel and glue are considered drugs there.

Even the most common drug in nature, animal drugs.

In Italy, some people are very keen on licking the hallucinogenic mucus on the back of toads.

Or maybe some dogs just love to lick their food.

From this perspective, toad can also be considered as a drug!

In general, the efforts that the East Country will make now and in the future against drugs are among the best in the world!
Put away your thoughts.

Xu Sheng thought of the advice Sha Yuan gave him.

"The harder the better?"


“It should be more difficult than [Food Nation].”

Mr. Xu pondered for a moment, and then he was extremely impressed by the newcomer of Guoan.

"Sure enough, a real man still has to watch Guoan!"

After saying that, Xu Sheng began to change the sixth scene.

“The newcomers are so brave”

"Then I can't fall behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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