I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 28: Throw far and bury near, catch people!!!

Chapter 28: Throw far and bury near, catch people!!!
The sewer is under Chunhua Road, while the surface of Chunhua Road is bustling with people, police and tourists everywhere!

In this situation, who would choose to dump a body here?
How dare you dump a body here? Aren't you afraid of being discovered?
Li Sheng's pupils narrowed, and he suddenly understood what Xu Sheng meant.

“Throw it far away and bury it nearby!?”

Suddenly, Li Sheng blurted out.

"You mean, the murderer is very familiar with the sewers, and he is very sure that no one will come to the sewers, so he chose to dump the body in the sewers!?"

What is far throwing and close burying?

This is a summary of the criminal case made by an old detective.

Generally, corpses that are close to the murderer are often buried, while corpses that are far from the murderer are abandoned.

This is the subconscious sense of crisis formed by the body's recording of memories!
The degree of sense of crisis is affected by familiarity.

For example, if the murderer is familiar with the surrounding terrain, he would not just dump the body on the street for people to find it. On the contrary, because he is familiar with the terrain, he would find a place where he knows no one will go to bury it, so as to eliminate his sense of crisis and feel at ease.

If you are not familiar with the terrain, then no matter how well you hide, you will still feel unpredictable.

Unless it is very far away from you!

That is to say, throw it far away and throw it away.

The former is not easy to be discovered, and it is easy to arrest the murderer once discovered. The latter is easy to be discovered, but it is difficult to find the murderer!

As for going far away to bury it.
It's not very realistic. Not many people are familiar with areas dozens or hundreds of kilometers away from themselves, and where it's easy to hide a body.

Not to mention that right now, they dare to hide a body right under the noses of the police!
"To throw is to lose, to bury is to hide."

"The murderer is hiding the body. Hiding means familiarity and great trust in the hiding place! It is obvious that the murderer is very familiar with this place and also understands the certain safety level of the sewer."

Xu Sheng spoke up.

Are sewers safe?
Those small pipes may need to be taken out and repaired from time to time.

But the large city sewer, which is the crime scene
How often will it be cleaned?
Two to three years.

It’s very safe. If the two unlucky guys hadn’t fallen into the well, the case would not have been discovered yet!
In September, in the sewers, which are a breeding ground for bacteria, everything will melt into water in two years!

Even if the bones are still there, they will be eroded and covered by mud, making it impossible to tell what they are.

As for whether it will be discovered in two or three years
Now that several murderers have died of illness, who cares about what will happen two or three years later? ?
First think about whether you can live to two or three years later!
"Who is familiar with sewers?"

Xu Sheng said, "Or, Captain Li, who do you think is familiar with your family?"

Who is familiar with Li Sheng’s home?
That was Li Sheng himself.

"It's me." Li Sheng sighed.

“Yes, sewer workers are also very familiar with sewers!”

Mr. Xu nodded seriously.

During the investigation, they checked the workers working in the sewers and found nothing wrong.

But now let’s look at it.
"For workers who work in the sewers for a long time, it is harder than climbing to heaven to avoid getting sick."

“Once you get sick, it will be difficult to continue working.”

Those who often work on construction sites often suffer some minor injuries.

This is inevitable unless you change your career.

Everyone knows that staying in a clean place can prevent you from getting sick, while staying in a dirty place can easily make you sick!

The sewers are full of various viruses, and you can often find glass or iron nails.

If this thing scratches the surface and penetrates into the flesh, what kind of virus will be infected?
Even if the external protective measures are perfect, what about breathing?

In the sewer, you can't carry an oxygen tank and avoid breathing the dirty and smelly sewer odor.

It's not very realistic, but if you breathe, you may have a mild respiratory infection or pneumonia.

If the situation is more serious, it is normal for your body to collapse!
Coincidentally, among the murderers, there happened to be one who cut open the lungs.
"So, one of the murderers is a sewer worker?"

"The other party is familiar with the layout of the sewers and knows where they will not be checked, so they joined forces with others to hide the body in the sewers?"

Li Sheng seemed to be thinking about something.

After a moment's hesitation, he took out his phone and called Han Yang.

"Xiao Han, check again for workers from the company responsible for the sewers near Chunhua Road!"

"Investigate both those who are employed and those who are not. The deadline is set to five years. Strictly investigate those who left the job due to serious illness!"

The workers were checked, but the sick and resigned workers were not checked!

"Check the hotel by the way."

Suddenly, Xu Sheng spoke up to remind him.


Li Sheng paused while dialing the phone.

"What hotel?"

"Do you remember how the victim died?" Apart from the murderer who died of illness, there are two ways for the victim to die.

One was stabbed to death.

The second is suffocation to death!

"Death by suffocation. Unless the person is physically superior, no one can suffocate the other person to death with their hands without leaving any traces. Usually, this can only be done with the help of tools!"

Xu Sheng opened his mouth and explained.

With what tools?
plastic bag?
This technique is very common in movies and TV shows, but in fact, you can tear open the plastic bag, and even if your hands are tied, you can bite a hole in it with your teeth.

Unless your mouth is taped and your hands are tied.

But the body showed no such bindings.

"Keeping this in mind, we then wondered, how did the killer check if the victim was from out of town?"

Mr. Xu raised a contradiction here.

If you see a person on the street who has no obvious appearance features, how can you tell whether he or she is a local?
It is impossible to tell just by looking, unless the other person has an accent or speaks it out on their own initiative.

But how many outsiders are there on the street?

The murderer and others are looking for people on the street one by one, asking if you are from outside the city! ?
No, but if
"If you stay at the entrance of the train station, will the proportion of people in front of you who are from other places increase significantly?!"

Li Sheng was stunned, and he suddenly remembered something.

Chunhua Road Location
It is not far from the train station and the airport!
"You mean, the murderer stayed at the entrance of the train station to search for targets!?"

Li Sheng spoke suddenly, his eyes fixed on Xu Sheng.

if it is like this.
Maybe, they can try to arrest people directly!
"more than."

Xu Sheng shook his head. "Besides outsiders, there are also locals returning from travel at the train station."

"From the fact that there were no missing persons calls and the murderer's reports to the police, the other party must have a screening process that is 100% able to search for out-of-towners and not arouse suspicion."

“So what is this screening process?”

First, the other party was at the entrance of the train station.

The second thing is that the murderer will definitely conduct a secondary screening, and the screening method will not arouse doubts from others.

Just like, if you abruptly ask someone if they are from Jiangsan City, it will definitely cause doubt.

But if you ask in a different way, for example, these days, when you get off the bus, you will be asked by a bunch of people who squeeze in.
'Handsome guy, do you want to stay in the hotel?'

In an instant, an electric current seemed to pass through Li Sheng's mind, connecting all of Xu Sheng's previous words together!

He stared at the object in his hand.

Hotels, inns, and B&Bs, these three types of residential areas, serve 90% of the people from other places!
Just like, when you are only a few dozen kilometers away from home, there is no reason to stay in a hotel.

Now that we're in the city, why don't you just take a taxi home?

Because it's too late?

It is possible, but the latest is around eleven o'clock, and there are still taxis at the entrance of the train station at this time!
Of course, locals may also live there, but once their ID cards are shown, it will be clear whether they are from outside the area.

As for death by suffocation
What is the murder weapon that most often causes death by suffocation with no obvious marks on the body?

In this way, the murderer got off the victim, checked his identity, rented a place, killed him, dissected his organs and ate them, then hid in a nearby sewer, using the victim's identity to buy a ticket, creating a confusing information cover-up.
The other party may not even need to rent a hotel!
After confirming that you are a foreigner, it is completely feasible to lure you to a place and kill you directly!

Thinking of this, Xu Sheng suddenly stopped. He took out Noah's mobile phone and checked the time.

"Captain Li, two days and one night have passed since the case was filed."

"At this time, even a dog should have noticed that Chunhua Road was blocked by police."

"Do you think that group of desperate criminals who value their lives will choose to confront the police? If not, what will they choose to do?"

"Like hiding?"

Xu Sheng kindly reminded:

"Perhaps they have already run away?"


The murderer who killed double-digit victims ran away in front of the police! ?

Are you kidding!!!

In an instant, a stream of blood rushed from the heels to the top of the head.

Li Sheng's eyes were full of ferocity, and he immediately gathered all the police officers who were checking in the hospital.

At the same time, he took out the walkie-talkie and said nothing more.

He took a deep breath, and then squeezed out two words from between his teeth.


 I've made my buddy laugh these past two days.
(End of this chapter)

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