I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 286 Sea God, Sea God! [A big chapter, please give me a monthly ticket!]

Chapter 286 Sea God, Sea God! [A big chapter, please give me a monthly ticket!]

How bad is human memory?

It’s so bad that you can’t even think of what you did or ate the day before yesterday.

How good is a person's memory?

It’s so good, so good that things that happened decades ago seem to have happened in the morning when I recall them.

In essence, only things that are important to you and have a profound impact on you will be recorded.

But, this person in front of me
"How do you remember it so clearly?"

Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes and looked up and down at the person in front of him.

The old lady was stunned for a moment, then looked to the lower right and scratched her head. "That day, I was quite impressed by that group of guests. They spent quite a bit of money."

"The six of us spent a few hundred dollars on the meal!"

Although wages are not high these days, you still have to spend money on food, and it is not that cheap.

But it is not uncommon to spend hundreds of dollars on a meal.

Xu Sheng looked at the person in front of him. He was silent for a long time, and suddenly a look of realization appeared on his face.

"I see!"

"It's not very common to spend hundreds of dollars for a meal. Thank you very much, Auntie."

The old lady smiled and said, "Hey, these are just some nonsense."

"You are a police officer, and I am a member of the public. We help each other. The police and the public are like one family. What is there to thank or not thank?"

Mr. Xu still had a smile on his face and expressed his sincere emotion.

"If there were more ladies like you in the East Country, we police officers wouldn't have to work so hard investigating cases every day."

"Okay, that's it. The police may contact you if there are any clues later. We won't disturb your business for now."

Having said that, Xu Sheng walked out.

"Take care, officer. I'll treat you to pickled fish next time you come!"

The lady followed behind him and spoke enthusiastically.


Mr. Xu had a smile on his face, looking very enthusiastic. He turned back and waved as he walked.

"Come back next time, Aunt Ha."

"Auntie will cook your delicious dish!" Auntie's face was very bright.

Xu Sheng turned and left.

The moment you walk out of the farmhouse and out of the other person's perspective.
Xu Sheng's expression changed instantly.

"There's something wrong with this person, check her out!"

Li Sheng paused, staring at Xu Shen's face in shock.

this person
Is your face changing so quickly?
My goodness, it would be a shame if you don’t inherit the national quintessence and become a master of face-changing!
"Unless she has hyperthymesia, there is no reason why she could recall everything in such detail after ten days."

Xu Sheng spoke with confidence, saying that it was useless even if the other party had a good memory, he also needed good insight!

However, insight takes time, and can you just stare at the other person while he or she is eating?

That doesn't make sense.

Even if there was only this group of guests, it would be useless because there was not enough time and it would be impossible to remember this level of details.

You know, the other party described all the facial details of the six people, even down to whether they had an oval face, a square face, or a long face!
A person's face shape is different when viewed from different angles, and different postures at different angles will lead to misjudgment.

It would be fine if they could just keep in one posture, but would a person eating not move?
There is a problem, there is definitely a problem!
“I just don’t know if this question is related to the case.”

Of course, hyperthymesia is possible, but the possibility is not high, even lower than the probability of choking to death on your own saliva while sleeping!
How many people with hyperthymesia are there in the world?

60 people.

According to data released in 2006, out of 74 billion people in the world, only about 60 people have this symptom.

What picture do the symptoms present?
Super memory means memory that exceeds that of ordinary people. In other words, people with this disease have memory far beyond that of other people!
Think about it for a moment. What did you eat for lunch ten days ago? What work did you do? What courses did you take in school?
What are you doing at 2pm? What are you doing at 6pm?
Most people cannot recall these questions. Unless there is a special time on that day that leaves a vivid impression on you, it is almost impossible to recall them.

But hyperthymesia is different.

They can recall exactly what they did every minute and every second!
If you ask a person with hyperthymesia what they were doing at 3:24:16 PM twenty-six days ago, they can tell you exactly what they were doing just by thinking about it.

If you ask him what he was doing 1,422 days ago, he can tell you.

That’s right, they can remember every minute and every second of the past accurately and store them in their brains.

It's a disease that seems to be very comfortable, especially for studying. You can remember liberal arts subjects with just one glance. The male protagonist's cheats in rebirth novels are not as good as this disease in reality!
But the problem is
In addition to simple memories, they will also remember emotions, such as the pain of losing their wife, the pain of losing their mother, separation, and the pain of their own accidental fractures. They can also recall this pain.

It is very painful, so painful that many patients with hyperthymesia would rather die than live. They cannot forget all the pain in their lives, but they can add all the pain together and recall it in extreme detail.

In addition, there is a series of things such as anger and desire, not just sadness.

"That woman doesn't seem to have hyperthymesia."

Xu Sheng sneered, "He is guiding the police to investigate those people!"

"In that case, let's investigate. Not only her, but also those six people!"

"it is good."

Li Sheng nodded without any hesitation, took out the walkie-talkie, looked behind him, walked to a deserted place and began to distribute tasks.

After distributing them, he looked back at the village.

There is a problem in the village.

"Let's go to the place where the hot air balloons are rising first."

After seeing Li Sheng coming back, Xu Sheng thought for a moment and then led his men to their real destination.

The hot air balloon took off, which could be regarded as the murder scene of the other murders. There were definitely enough things left behind!

As for the launch location
The approximate location is a forest on a sea cliff. There are many flying insects in the forest, and the warm climate here is quite suitable for animals to live in.

Mr. Xu parked his car outside and then walked there. Not long after, he knew the exact location of the hot air balloon.

It is a ancestral hall.

Or is it the land temple?

"What kind of temple is this?"

Li Sheng looked at the scene in front of him with a frown on his face.

What's here?
Said that there was a temple enshrining a statue.

The statue is very majestic. It is carved entirely from stone, colorful, and has an expression like that of an evil spirit.

The temple is not very big, about the same size as a living room in the countryside, slightly larger than the living room of a residential house, with only a main entrance and a few windows.

There is also a skylight.
Maybe it was the skylight. Xu Sheng looked up and looked at the broken hole above his head.

The cave casts slanting golden rays of sunlight onto the statue, making it even more mysterious.

“Is this the first launch site?”

Xu Sheng paused, looked at the mark on the ground, then paused, his mind moving.

【Eyes of the Falcon! 】

【Hyena's nose! 】

The second of the five senses became aware, and in an instant, Xu Sheng felt that the whole world became much clearer.

He lowered his head, his eyes scanning above like a precise machine.

In this dim, gloomy and damp temple, where only a ray of light illuminated it, Xu Sheng inhaled the heavy air into his lungs!
this moment.
There is something more in Xu Sheng’s mind.

"So many footprints!?"

“There are a lot of smells, too.”

Xu Sheng was stunned and looked around.

"Footprints?" Li Sheng paused. He looked around but did not find any footprints.

There are no floor tiles here. The ground under your feet is covered with a layer of bricks, and on top of that is a thick layer of compacted soil. It is already good enough to still find traces of the remaining wooden frame after more than ten days, not to mention any footprints.

"This is a size 36 foot, flat, wide, with heavy palm lines. It's probably a woman, or a woman who often does farm work."

Xu Sheng squatted in one of the places, lowered his head and observed carefully.

Then he moved his gaze to another place.

"This is a man with size 43 feet. Judging from the footprints, he was wearing rain boots. There is a fishy smell in the air. His job is related to water. There are fishing boats nearby. It may be related to fishing boats."


As Xu Sheng pointed out these areas bit by bit, the surrounding police were also stunned.

Several people ran out quickly and brought something from the car.

They sprinkled some stuff on the place where Xu Sheng pointed, and then footprints appeared in front of them.


Everyone seized the time to preserve the clues at the crime scene.

"Your eyes, kid"

Sha Yuan was completely stunned. It was the first time he had seen Xu Sheng's ability.

"Damn, he's born to be a policeman!" Li Sheng smacked his lips, feeling a little envious.

The five senses are extremely important to the police.

Especially the nose and eyes!

As long as any one of these two things is far beyond that of ordinary people, then you have the qualifications to become a nationally famous and outstanding criminal police!
"Don't worry about that for now."

Mr. Xu shook his head and changed the subject back to the case.

He pondered for a moment, then frowned.

"There are footprints of the victim at the scene, but get rid of the victim."

"There are at least seven more!"

Seven more! ?
Li Sheng paused, then nodded. Unexpectedly, Xu Sheng spoke again.

"I mean, get rid of the three people in clothes who fell in Jiang Sanshi and are suspected to be the murderer!"

Mr. Xu spoke seriously.

"In other words, including them, there are at least more than ten people involved in this case!"

There are more than ten people! ?
In fact, it’s the least!
Li Sheng subconsciously straightened his back and frowned.

"Are they all from the village?"

He asked in a deep voice.

What are the police afraid of?
Afraid of mob crimes!
Because I can't catch it.

If there are more than ten people, and they are not from a single village, but three, or even four or five, then five arrest plans must be arranged to carry out the arrest. And the five plans must be carried out at the same time, otherwise one of them will be too fast and make a mistake and send a signal to the others, and then the remaining people will have a high probability of escaping.

What about after running?
Three options.

Either the police catch them, or they invest more police force and resources, which is not worth it.

Either the other party will just run away, leaving the deceased unjustly accused.

Or the other party may become enraged and kill people on the street, implicate innocent people, the so-called "hostages".

No matter which of these three the police face, they will suffer a loss, and a big loss!

Even if it is the first option which is the least loss-making one, the police force invested is enough to clear another case. Using it to arrest someone who should have been arrested long ago is simply a disproportionate deal.

“The smell is strong, but I can’t be sure.”

Mr. Xu nodded.

There is not just one village around.

Not all people in a village are locals.

Just like the area around the subway station, it may have been just a small village before it was built, but after it was built it meant development, and then the village was directly demolished, countless investors rushed in, and the local land and shops were taken over by outsiders.

These outsiders come from all over the country.

Thinking of this, everyone's heart sank. Xu Sheng paused, and suddenly said:
"Have the family members of the three suspected murderers been found around?"

There are not only three victims in Jiangsan City, but also three suspected murderers!
Judging from the location where the hot air balloon took off, it was at the edge of the village at the sea cliff.

So assuming the murderer is a local, would anyone recognize their face?

If you know
You can pull out the radish and get rid of the mud in one pot!

Sha Yuan looked at Li Sheng hopefully.

I'm not good at tracking him down, but I'm a master at torturing him!
“There has been no real progress at this point.”

Li Sheng shook his head.

People who live in places with developed tourism should know this.

When you go out, you see more outsiders than locals!
The shops near my home, the stores on the beach, the yacht club, when I asked around, I found that they were all people from other places.

But these people live in the same place. Although they have the same habits as the locals, the turnover of people there is very fast. You may see a stranger, and when you go home you may find that the person is your new neighbor.

The same is true here.

The village's tourism industry is relatively developed, and the shops inside are frequently replaced. Few people can tell whether a stranger is the owner or a tourist.

"There are four villages nearby, one fishing village, and three small villages. The daily traffic, including people and tourists, is tens of thousands."

Li Sheng sighed, "We have only been in Haiyang Province for less than twelve hours."

It's still time!

time is too short!
"Increase police presence!"

Mr. Xu directly chose the powerful force. As long as enough police force was invested, there would be no clues that could not be obtained.

Everyone nodded.

Xu Sheng calmed down and began to sort out the clues in his mind.

The current clues are the smell of sea on the murderer and that he is suspected to be a village resident.

And there are a large number of people, maybe they are a small gang in private.

And two suspicious points found in the village.

The six people who had dinner ten days ago!

When the farmhouse proprietress was describing the appearance, Xu Sheng had already recorded it with a recorder, and then handed it to the portrait artist to draw. Calculating the time, it should be about time to use the portrait to find the person.

The second point is.
The suspicious points of the farm lady herself!

People will gradually forget memories that are more than three days old, but the other party can still recall them.

And it's very detailed, even down to who has moles on their face!

That's it in the end.
“Is this a statue of a deity?”

Xu Sheng frowned and looked at the majestic statue behind him, looking it up and down.

The appearance of the statues of gods is generally rough and their expressions are ferocious. For example, the Buddhas in some temples are grinning on both sides of the road, which makes children want to cry when they see them.

In fact, it is meant to scare away evil spirits, just like angels and succubi in the West. The succubus is extremely beautiful, and the image of the angel is a monster before it is beautified, so as to scare away demons.

And this statue in front of me
“Why choose to launch a hot air balloon here?”

Mr. Xu looked him up and down.

There is a lot of open space outside, where the balloon can be flown easily. Why do we have to make a hole in the house and then go through the trouble of moving the hot air balloon in and then releasing it?

Is it related to this temple? The statues in the temple?

"What kind of idol is this?"

A police officer stood up subconsciously after hearing what was said. Li Sheng paused, nodded, and then the police officer said:

"It's like a normal temple for mountain spirits or wild monsters, similar to a land temple."

"But this seems to be the god who manages the sea. Is it considered the Haiyang Temple?"

The young policeman was also a little hesitant.

"It's similar to the kind of worship people do in the southern coastal areas before going out fishing."

Mr. Xu had told Wang Chao this before.

The closer one is to a natural disaster, the more superstitious one becomes, because people are in awe of power.

People in coastal areas rely on fishing for a living, and encounter twists and turns almost every month. Over time, they become more and more afraid of the sea.

As a result, many temples were built in the south, which are suitable for fishing, have a humid climate, and are prone to natural disasters.

Every temple is different.

And this.
"Temple of Poseidon."

The young police officer thought for a moment and said, "Some call it the Siren, some call it the Water God, and some call it the Dragon King Temple. But after summarizing it, the most popular one is the Sea God Temple."


"It seems that these murderers believe in this god more."

Xu Sheng nodded, and without waiting for people around him to ask, he pointed to the reflective statue.

"Not only does the hole allow sunlight to shine through, but hot air balloons can also take off right in front of it."

"With the rise of tourism, fishing has declined, and most of the people there are from other places. Logically, there shouldn't be many people taking care of this temple anymore. And that's actually the case. There's not even a temple keeper."

“But the idol is very clean.”

Xu Sheng casually pointed at the stone statue.

The other side was wiped very clean, and no dust could be seen even if it hadn't been wiped for a few days.

"The hot air balloon was specially raised in front of the statue."

Sha Yuan frowned and looked at the hole on his head.

"Is the case based on this statue?"

"Who knows."

Xu Sheng waved his hand, walked out the door and stood under the sea cliff.

The sea cliff is very high, with reefs below. The powerful waves keep hitting the shore and rolling back.

The white waves were almost non-stop!

"Poseidon, release the hot air balloon towards the sea"

Xu Sheng murmured, looking into the distance, looking at the endless edge of the sea.

"Heaven on Earth? Heaven on Earth on the Sea?"

There are many things that Feitian wants to do.

For example, if a body is dumped in the air, the surveillance cameras on the ground cannot detect it, and if it is dumped in the sea, no one will be able to find it.

However, the seven dead people obviously did not board the hot air balloon after death.

Furthermore, surveillance facilities have proved that the hot air balloon drifted towards the sea, which would be the most suitable place to dump the body.

what is that?
There are many ways to interpret Heaven and Earth, what if it is about selling silver?
Thinking of this, Xu Sheng's expression suddenly became strange.

What if I sell silver?
Using a hot air balloon as a bed in the sky, the murderer was selling money in the air, while having sex in the air while looking at the cars and the road below?
This seems to fit the meaning of "heaven on earth", it's very much like a foot massage parlor.

After thinking for a while, he still couldn't figure out what the other party wanted to do.

Mr. Xu could only continue his investigation at the temple site for the time being.

The hot air balloon in Haiyang Province took off not long ago. The murderer had been here within 48 hours, so perhaps we can find out something.

Until the next day.

The information at the scene had not yet been integrated, but another piece of news interrupted Xu Sheng's investigation.

"Have you completed the field investigation?"

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning, Xu Sheng was eating breakfast outside the temple. He looked at the documents handed to him by Li Sheng and raised his eyebrows to ask.

"It's done. Here's a report. Take a look."

Mr. Xu nodded.

He took a quick look, but soon realized something was wrong.

"The six people were found in the four nearby villages!?"

Xu Sheng frowned, narrowed his eyes, and looked up at Li Sheng.

"And everyone's description is almost the same as the farm lady's description!?"

“They have such good memories?”

What is the magic of these six people?
Four villages, different people from four villages can all remember six people from ten days ago?
Also, these six people were ready to commit a crime, but they were running around everywhere, making sure people around them would remember them! ?

"Don't you think it's too much of a coincidence?"

Xu Sheng looked at Li Sheng, stood up, and said with a serious look, "It's too much of a coincidence, it's not a coincidence anymore."

Li Sheng paused, frowned, and said, "That is..."

“Is there something wrong with these people!?”

Xu Sheng nodded, and then suddenly spoke again in a low voice.


"What if these six people don't exist in the world?"

If it doesn't exist, then it is.
Cheating the police! ?
Li Sheng's eyes narrowed.

(End of this chapter)

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