I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 288: Arresting! [3-in-1 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 288: Arresting! [Three-in-one monthly ticket request! ]

At night, a group of people sneaked out in the dark.

A familiar woman walked out of the house, wandering through the alleys, out of the village, and walking in the fields until...
The woman came to a fishing village.

On the surface, the fishing village is no different from other villages, with rough houses and various shops, but the coastal areas are where you can play in the water and there are boats.

It was now approaching midnight, and the night had enveloped the fishing boats. It was extremely quiet, with only human figures moving, but they were not tourists.

The figure passed through one store after another, and finally.
He stopped at a large, dilapidated fishing boat.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

The figure reached out and knocked on the door. Soon, the dilapidated and decayed fishing boat was pulled open from the inside.

"Come in quickly!"

The person inside waved his hand hastily, and the old lady walked in. The other person immediately stuck his head out to look around, then closed the door.

"Da da da~"

Footsteps sounded in the dark passage, and the woman walked into the deck.

After a moment, the scene before my eyes became bright.

The old lady stopped and looked at the person in front of her with a hint of anger in her eyes.

Who is in front of you?

Five people.

Two men and three women.

"What's going on? How did the police know Wang Jian and his friends' information?!"

When someone saw the old lady coming, they spoke angrily in a low voice.

"How else would you know? Someone must have told you!"

The old lady tore off her coat, her face full of anger.

"It must have been those bastards from Sanshui Village who betrayed them. They were the most active in opposing it at the beginning!"

"How are Wang Jian and the others?" someone else asked, ignoring her anger.

Although they all have a common goal, there is no harmony among the people inside.

The contradictions between them are well known.

"I haven't been back for so long, what else can I do?"

Someone sighed, and then a look of envy appeared on his face, with longing in his eyes.

"Back then, only the three of them seized the opportunity and ascended to the Kingdom of God with the sacrifice. It has been more than ten days and they haven't returned yet. They must have succeeded!"

Hearing this, everyone present showed envy on their faces.

Thinking of this, they subconsciously looked at a smaller version of a statue placed in the center.

The statue is a smaller version of the one in the Temple of Poseidon.

They all started praying together, looking very crazy.

What are the offerings of worship?
living people.

One that was very popular thousands of years ago.

For example, when offering sacrifices to the river god, a wife would be chosen for the river god every month. A beautiful young girl dressed in red Eastern wedding dress would be thrown into the river for the river god to take away.

If a person disappears, it means that the river god is getting married. If a woman dies, the villagers will think that the woman's soul has been taken away by the river god. Either way, there will be a reason to explain it.

This kind of behavior was most prevalent in the earliest periods, including divination and shamanism.

Or even routine prayers to God, which involve the use of humans.

To them.

Humans are just animals.

Literally, a beast called human.

They are the same kind as me, but in my heart I don’t consider them to be human beings.

Below deck these
"What will it take for the Sea God to be satisfied and take us to heaven?"

Someone suddenly spoke again, asking worriedly.

They had no consensus on the name of their ideal place, but no one paid any attention and they became even crazier.

Although the efforts I have made over the years have been useless, I have not given up.

"Maybe we are not pious enough."

The old lady spoke.

At present, more and more people gathered on the deck. All of them looked at the scene in front of them with fanaticism, and nodded subconsciously after hearing these words.

The old lady's next words also rang out.

"Someone betrayed Poseidon!"

There was anger in the old lady's eyes, and her gaze paused slightly on each person.

"Someone leaked information about Poseidon to the police, and they have blocked Poseidon's temple and done something that angered Poseidon!"

"These people are too barbaric, they have no respect!"

"The Sea God will definitely punish them!"

The old lady spoke in a crazy voice with an extremely grim tone. Compared with the daytime, it was as if a different person was controlling her body.

The people around trembled and were terrified when they heard this.

"Sacrifice, we want to sacrifice!"

Someone spoke carefully.

As soon as these words came out, the people around them instantly had a target.

"That's right, we need to offer sacrifices to let the sea god calm the anger of these foolish people!"

"Wang Jian and the others have already ascended to heaven, but I haven't yet. I still want to go up!"

"We have to offer sacrifices, or we're all doomed!"

Everyone was terrified, even the old lady was very panicked at this time.

At this moment, the thoughts of more than ten people miraculously reached a unified state!

As for the way of worship
"How can we offer sacrifices? It's already risky for the village chief to call us here to find tourists. It's so risky just to leave the village. How can we openly offer sacrifices at the Temple of the Sea God?!"

Someone spoke in a low voice, then knelt down in fear and prayed.

The reason why they all came out at the same time at night was because someone notified them. The person who notified them was the "village chief". The other party found a few unfamiliar people to notify them, saying that they wanted to find the traitor, but he has not shown up until now.


Someone showed excitement and took out an iron pot from the corner.

"We can offer sacrifice now!"

After saying this, he unzipped the bag he had been carrying.

This bag is very big, much bigger than an ordinary backpack, and the things inside are
A person?

No, two!
"Xiao Cui and Xiao Yu?"

Someone was stunned. There were two very weak babies lying in the bag. They were much larger than the forearm. Their lips were slightly pale, their eyes were closed, and their breathing was weak.

"Isn't this the child your wife just gave birth to?"

Someone asked in confusion.

"It doesn't matter. Only in this way can Poseidon recognize my sincere prayers!"

"Besides, there's dirt in them!"

The man's face suddenly became ferocious.

"There is something dirty in their bodies. They can only be resurrected by accepting the power of the Sea God!"

dirty stuff?
Everyone was shocked and looked at the two weak babies, then quickly prepared a sacrificial ceremony.

I saw someone found a few basins of fresh water, poured it into the pot, and sprinkled in onions, ginger and garlic.

Someone else took out a few incense sticks and prayed devoutly.

"Guru Guru~"

The iron pot placed in front of the statue was boiling with boiling water.

The delicious aroma of onion, ginger and garlic filled the air.

Everyone looked greedy, knocking their heads against a stone statue again and again, and finally turned their heads and looked to the side.

Xu Sheng looked around and found that he could not help much, then he held up the two babies and said:

"I'll help throw it in."

After saying this, Xu Sheng picked up the two children, expressionless, and stepped back.

Everyone paused and nodded subconsciously, but then realized something.

"Who are you!?"

Someone spoke in astonishment, looking at this man who appeared out of nowhere, his face full of shock.

"To help."

Xu Sheng uttered three words, then retreated and returned the same way.

"He's a cop!"

A sharp voice suddenly rang out, and in an instant, the scene became chaotic.

"Where's the village chief?"

"catch him!"

"Don't let him get away, or the Sea God will punish you!"

More than a dozen crazy people stood up, as if they had thought of something terrifying, and then ran towards Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng looked at the people rushing towards him. He leaned against the door, holding two children in one hand, with a calm expression.

The next second.
The other hand hooked the door handle.


The door opened.

Several black gun muzzles appeared.

Everyone suddenly stopped and stood still, staring at the people in front of them.

"The Sea God will not let you go!"

"You filthy people in this world will never enter the kingdom of heaven!"

"These are all tests given to me by the Sea God. I must survive these trials."

The noisy quarrel sounded again, with all kinds of curses and bad words attacking the people in front.


Xu Sheng paused, then handed the child to the person behind him and took out his gun without any hesitation.


The next second, everyone was stunned.

The carved statue shattered, and the bullet penetrated the neck, splitting the head and body into two parts.

"It seems that your God."

“It doesn’t work.”

Xu Sheng paused, then walked out.

"take away!"

He probably understood what was going on with these people.
Spiritual cleansing!
I thought there might be a factory that trades black items here, where countless criminal gangs produce them and then trade them in the sky.


Heaven is the so-called human world to them.

But he didn't expect it to be like this.
Temple of Poseidon! ?

After the routine interrogation, Li Sheng discovered that there were more people to be arrested.
That night, all the police kept arresting people in the surrounding villages!

That night, the four villages were filled with noise.

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning.

"Damn it, this is a village full of believers!"

"They brainwash themselves, and make everyone worship a vague and illusory thing as a god, and they can have whatever they want."

"34 people, not counting the dead ones!"


Li Sheng received the information from below and was so angry that he started cursing.

Who are these people?


Xu Sheng thought it was a small group of about 10 people, and Li Sheng thought it was a small organization, but it turned out to be...
More than dozens!
Thirty-four have already been arrested.

"When did the sacrificial ceremony begin?" Xu Sheng frowned and asked him.

"No one knows. It existed decades ago, a hundred years ago."

Li Sheng's face looked rather ugly.

This is the tradition of this fishing village.
A tradition that started decades ago!

Every year they would find a living person and throw him into the sea or kill him directly.

Some were captured from other places, some were bought from human traffickers, and some even volunteered!

Their favorite way of worship
This is the scene after Xu Sheng followed in.


That’s right, putting a living person into a sticky pot and cooking it into a pot of broth.

And after that?
Is it spilled on the ground?
Or in front of the statue?

More than ten bowls were taken out and shared by the people with the highest status. They used the bowls to scoop out the broth from the pot and drink it.

As for the two babies at the crime scene, if Xu Sheng had not exposed himself, they would most likely have been eaten up.

"Fuck, what a bunch of beasts, all crazy!"

Li Sheng cursed angrily with a dark face.

It would be fine if this was a new phenomenon, as the number of people involved would only be in recent years.

It's a tradition!
A bad habit that has been around for decades, even if one is eliminated every year, will last at least several decades!

Especially after the development of tourism, the villages were forced to separate, and the remaining believers became even more crazy, resulting in at least four deaths in the past fifteen days alone!

Well, there are four people just on the surface.

There are two surviving infants.

If you don’t grasp the trend in the first time.

Maybe this number should be increased by two.

And this kind of thing.
Xu Sheng dared to bet his head that the other party had definitely done it decades ago!

Slanted J is not just a name or a belief.

Chuan and x both know that this thing is, at best, a castrated version of the oblique J.

There are two more things.
"Where's the village chief?"

Sha Yuan frowned as he looked at the various surveillance images presented by the Jinwu system in Haiyang Province, his eyes moving back and forth.

"The prisoner's dilemma, the first person who can't bear the psychological game is the village chief!"

"But, what about others?"

Who is the village chief?

Sha Yuan and others didn't know that they obtained the list of victims of the three people in Jiang Sanshi based on the arrested persons, but the other party did not reveal the so-called village chief.

The other party is very tight-lipped!

It can be called the thought stamp in the novel. Any questions directed to the so-called village chief and the sea god are all invalid.

Sha Yuan had a way to ask, but with just the few team members he brought to Haiyang Province, there was definitely no way. The earliest he could do that was to wait until the rest of the team arrived the next day by plane.

As for today
"He didn't show up." Li Sheng said solemnly.

They checked the official lists of village heads of four villages, but did not find the village head involved in the case.

So, the three of them began to suspect that this was most likely a respectful title.

"From last night till now, it has been ten hours. In a place with a large flow of people, the other party is likely to escape!"

Xu Sheng rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little troubled.

This is the difficult part about x religion.

It is extremely difficult to extract information from them!
Not to mention that the government doesn't allow it, but these people are not even afraid of death!

Mr. Xu once said that the law cannot control three types of people: the first is the elderly who are about to die, the second is the children who do not understand the meaning of death, and the third is people with terminal illnesses.

To put it bluntly, these three types are not afraid of death, and the most effective punishment that the police and officials can impose is the death penalty!
Those who were arrested were also not afraid of death.

These people have gone crazy!
If that so-called village chief and the sea god said that death can lead to the so-called kingdom of God, Xu Shengxin and the others would definitely commit suicide on the spot!

Thinking stamp can completely change a person.
Family? Love? Friendship?

They are nothing in front of the steel stamp of thought. For the sake of the illusory sacrifice, they can jump into the pot on their own initiative. Feeling the threat of death, they are not only not afraid but also excited!

A group of lunatics who go against the biological instincts of the human body!
But it would be fine if he was really a complete lunatic.

"It's not obvious on the surface. Even if I want to offer a reward, no one will take it."

Li Sheng's face looked a little ugly, and he punched the chair.

You can still recognize a madman.

How do you identify this kind of person?

If he is not involved in x-cult, he is just an ordinary person, no different from ordinary people in his daily life!

Xu Sheng fell into deep thought for a long time, and suddenly thought of something.

"Tell me, does this village chief have a thought stamp?"

Xu Sheng suddenly thought of something, and before the other party could speak, he continued, "From the perspective of time, this so-called god has existed for at least several decades. If the village chief has not changed, then over time, people will be hypnotized and mentally stamped by themselves."

"If the village chief changes, the second generation of village chief will most likely be chosen from among the believers. Even if there is no seal, they will believe it to some extent."

"If so."

"Then can we say that the goal of arresting the people also applies to the village chief?"

A rather confusing thought unfolded, and the two people around him were stunned. After they figured it out, they raised their eyebrows.

"You mean"

"Forging a so-called kingdom of God?"

The Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Heavenly Court, Paradise and the Earth, these are the names given by the captured people to their targets.

To do this, they began to sacrifice living people, stuffing them into pots and boiling them into broth.

In order to enter it, one would marry the sea god, push a young woman off a cliff, and be swept into the sea by the waves.

Start breaking the law, start arresting people, start killing people!
Assuming that the village chief and the others who have not been captured also have this goal, then if Xu Sheng gives them a so-called paradise, will they take the initiative to enter?
From a madman's perspective, it is bound to happen!

"What on earth is heaven!?"

Li Sheng turned his head and looked at the blackboard beside him.

There were two huge words written on the blackboard: "Heaven"!
"Is it the so-called heaven?"

Sha Yuan frowned as he thought about the scenes he had previously obtained from the captured personnel.

"According to them, there is no sickness, no pain, no death in heaven, only eternal happiness"

It is similar to the myths of various countries, but the question is, does such a place exist in reality?!
"Heaven? How do we present a paradise in the sky!?"

Li Sheng smacked his lips, he thought for a moment and came up with an idea.

“Artificial rainbow?”

The rainbow is also a natural phenomenon. Thousands of years ago, it was considered a mythical beast, and people believed it was a snake eating people.

But does this have anything to do with heaven?

It is possible. After all, in some myths, the rainbow is a bridge to heaven.

But what about the murderer?

"From what they said, they not only knew where the kingdom of heaven was, but also what it looked like inside, which did not include the so-called rainbow."

Sha Yuan spoke the information obtained through torture.

"The first group of people who ascended into space, that is, the people who fell from Jiangsan City, were drifting towards heaven, but somehow ended up in Jiangsan City."

“The same goes for follow-up personnel.”

"How did they know that heaven is in that place!?"

"Is this also a thought stamp?"

How vast is the ocean?

But he just flew in one direction at Haiya, and judging from his testimony, he was very sure of this direction.

This made Xu Sheng and others frown.

"How do they explain it?"

Sha Yuan paused and said, "What they saw."

"have witnessed!?"

"have witnessed"

Li Sheng now found it even more unbelievable. Did these people see it with their own eyes?

Then this so-called heaven can’t be real! ?

"Captain Li, there is new information at the crime scene!!!"

A voice suddenly sounded from Li Sheng's intercom.

The other party's voice was extremely loud, filled with shock, and the tone was very urgent.

The sound attracted the attention of several people.

"what happened!?"

Li Sheng frowned.

"There is something"

The other party replied, but was at a loss for words for a long time and didn't know how to answer, so he could only speak quickly. "Captain Li, you will know when you come!"

You will know when you come?

The three of them frowned, and without hesitation, they ran outside, got in the car, and headed for the crime scene at the sea cliff.

The car was driving very fast.

Haiya was not far from the Municipal Police Station, and it didn’t take long for the three of them to reach the crime scene.

At this time, the sea cliff had already been surrounded by water, and countless tourists or residents gathered on the beach, all looking up at a certain place.

They are looking up at the sky.

What's in the sky?
There are dozens of palaces!

The cigarette at the corner of Li Sheng's mouth fell on his feet. He looked at the magnificent palace in the sky, floating on the sea like an endless duckweed.

Dozens of palaces stood in the sky, and countless figures shuttled back and forth in the palaces. Although they were wearing ancient costumes and floating in the sky, they were drinking and singing, walking on the ground in the air, and shuttling back and forth.

One of them seemed to realize something, turned his head to look at the edge of the cliff, then raised the glass high and drank it all.

a city
Just like that, far away, floating high in the sky!
what is this?

Xu Sheng paused and looked at the time.

August time
August time!

Suddenly, an electric current ran through Xu Sheng's brain. He was a little stunned. He looked at the tourists around him who were kneeling and kowtowing, then looked at where he was, and an idea suddenly came to him.

“This thing shouldn’t work.”

"This is the so-called heaven, right?!"

After hearing this, Sha Yuan and Li Sheng paused and looked carefully again.

Floating in the air, in the sky, drinking and singing, floating in the air, like a dream
The two were stunned.

When did the concept of mirage become popular?

Maybe 10 years later.

At least before the Internet became popular, the principle of mirage was not known to most people. Those who had been to school only knew that it was a "mirage."

If, some people who have nothing in their brains suddenly see.
Xu Sheng paused and shifted his gaze to the coastline.

Several middle-aged and elderly people were kneeling on the ground, regardless of their image or the looks of the tourists around them.

They were still mumbling something.

If the mirage is the so-called kingdom of God, then

Xu Sheng reacted and spoke suddenly. He was feeling a little impatient.

"Find a boat, quickly find a boat to catch people!!!"

Sha Yuan came to his senses, quickly got in the car and started again, rushing towards the nearest scenic spot.

Not only can you see the sea in the scenic area, you can also go fishing by boat. There are many yachts.

The police directly requisitioned several boats and headed for the place without any hesitation because of the accident at the source of the sand.

The mirage didn't last long.

A shorter one of forty minutes.

The longer ones may last for several hours!
During these few hours, it is not just a simple photo, but it will flow, like a projected animation. You can clearly see the people walking and making noises on it. It is a picture from another world!

The yacht gradually shrank on the sea and finally disappeared from sight.

Four hours later
Three yellow hot air balloons rising in different locations.

(End of this chapter)

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