I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 4 Horrifying conjecture!

Chapter 4 Horrifying conjecture!
Serial murders.
In an instant, the atmosphere at the scene fell into a stalemate.

Yes, the murderer is so skilled. Did he do some trial practice before doing this?

If so, then the victim.
How many are there?

The expressions on all the policemen's faces froze.

If it is a serial murder case.
The order to solve the case within a time limit will definitely be issued!

"Okay, now let's go back to the beginning. Captain Li, you asked me if I was interested in serving as a forensic doctor."

Xu Sheng saw that the information had been released almost completely. He looked at the police and said:

"Since your purpose is to solve the current case, to put it bluntly."

"Then there's no need to hire me as a forensic doctor. Besides, does the Criminal Investigation Team have a laboratory?"

The reason why there are few forensic scientists is not only because it is difficult to train them, but also because of poverty.

In this city, not counting missing persons, there are only a few homicides in a year.

That’s it. Do we need a special laboratory, autopsy room, and cold storage room?
No money, no money at all.

If you want to have a test done, you can only go to the Municipal Bureau, but the laboratory there is very rudimentary.

"Since the goal is to solve the case, there are many ways to do it."

"Forensics is just one of the ways to solve a case."

Having said this, Xu Sheng paused, then his face became serious.

"Captain Li, I can serve as a temporary criminal investigation consultant for the Criminal Investigation Team and provide some assistance in the Criminal Police Team."

"If the case can be solved, what I want is to be able to punish those who have personally attacked my employees and elders in real life."

"Deal with it according to the law!"

Li Sheng was stunned. The shock of his previous guess took a long time to subside. Compared with the current incident, it was much smaller.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Li Sheng paused, then added, "Even if the case is not solved, I will deal with these people!"

To be honest, almost everyone breaks the law, but the police don't investigate it in detail.

For example, there is a law that says 'students should study hard'. Yes, this is a legal standard, but not many people take it seriously. It is equivalent to breaking the law, and the police are too lazy to deal with these trivial matters.

Similarly, there is robbery. This may sound minor, but if you look into it carefully, you will find that it is actually a serious crime!
Similarly, if the police take seriously those people who beat and scolded others and threw paint at the door while Mr. Xu was away, they will be in big trouble!
"Welcome to join the Criminal Investigation Team of Jiangsan City's Sixth District!"

Li Sheng frowned, his face extremely serious, and he stretched out a hand.


Xu Sheng smiled and shook it.

Some people on the police side couldn't help it.

"Advisor Xu, you just said that this case is a serial murder case."

"What are the chances!?"

How big!?

After these words were spoken, nearly ten policemen looked at Xu Sheng with burning eyes.

Xu Sheng was just about to speak.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, a voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"Captain Li, Captain Li, something unexpected has happened and a second victim has appeared. The case has turned from a homicide to a serial homicide!"

"The detachment's order has been issued, ordering the District Six Criminal Investigation Team to solve the case within eight days!"

The voice came from the intercom.

Reached everyone's ears.

In an instant, the scene fell into dead silence and all the police officers stood still.

The deadline is only eight days to solve the case!
"It looks like the probability is 100 percent."

Xu Sheng said slowly.

He paused and looked at everyone.


"Go investigate first!"

Just like what Xu Sheng said.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, when Li Sheng and others were looking for Xu Sheng.

A call to the police was made to the clerk of the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

The person who reported the case was a middle-aged woman. When she returned home from get off work, she was shocked by the awful smell coming from her neighbor's house. She couldn't stand it for several days!

She looked for the property and opened the door, only to find a.
A bloody, headless corpse lying on the ground!
The moment the door was opened, the property management and the person who reported the case were almost fainted by the stench that hit them in the face!
After discovering the body, a call was immediately made to the police.

"The victim is a male, an electrician, 30 years old, single, and the only person living at home. He died five days ago, around the th,"

At this time, at the second crime scene, Xu Sheng, Li Sheng and others, wearing masks, foot covers and other equipment, stood beside the corpse with grim expressions.

This place is a full twelve kilometers away from the first crime scene.

The victim was a male, but the head found at the first crime scene was that of a female.

This is the second victim!
His appearance verified what Xu Sheng said, and the case turned from a homicide to a serial homicide!
Xu Sheng glanced around.

The scene was rather messy, with signs of a fight.

The victim was cut from the neck up, his head missing, and a large amount of blood had flowed from his neck, which had now dried.

There were flies everywhere in front of me, flying all over the sky, and even wearing a mask couldn't block out the stench of the corpses.

Where the neck was cut, there was a pile of maggot shells on the ground, and a bunch of white larvae were constantly wriggling in the wound.

There were wounds on his body, and the wounds looked like those caused by kitchen knives.

Xu squatted near the upper body, looking at the crime scene, simulating the murder process in his mind. "This is not the first homicide."

Looking at the cut on his neck, Xu Sheng shook his head again.

“There will be more victims!?”

Li Sheng's pupils shrank, and he wanted to curse.

There are already two victims. If this is not the first victim, then it means...
At least three victims have died! ?

If there are more than three people involved, the case will be directly upgraded to the provincial department, and they will be in trouble even if the case is solved.
"Where's the head!?"

Li Sheng suppressed his irritability, looked at the victim's severed neck, and thought deeply.

"I have inspected the first crime scene. The time of death of the dog corpse is not much different from the time of death of the victim."

"This means that the murderer killed the person, took the head, and immediately went out to kill a dog, and then sewed the dog's body and the human head together."

“It’s a very short period of time.”

Mr. Xu stood up and told all the information he recalled while in the detention center.

"There is a piece of information revealed here."

Information point?
What information points?

Li Sheng was stunned. He felt that his thinking could not keep up with the other party.

"The murderer is in a hurry!"

Xu Sheng said calmly, "The other party is very anxious, as if he wants to achieve his goal and must race against time!"

"And because it was so urgent, the victim's head would not be far from the murder scene."

"Investigate the relatively hidden alleys within a five-kilometer radius to find stray dogs."

Because we are in a hurry, we have little time.

There is a formula in physics called distance = speed x time!

In criminal cases, speed is the so-called means of transportation, time is the time of murder, and distance is the murderer's range of activities.

The victim and the dog were killed at almost the same time!

This means that the opponent's moving distance cannot be far, and it is safer to limit it to within a five-kilometer radius.

"Search both points with all your strength!"

"One, search the second crime scene, the victim's head, and the first crime scene, the victim's body!"

Xu Sheng thought for a moment and gave the first order.

The body at the first crime scene is easy to search. You can search in the opposite direction by following the same method as you searched the head at the second crime scene.

"The location of the third victim in the second investigation hypothesis!"

Xu Sheng looked at the headless body and narrowed his eyes. "I need the location where the third victim was killed!"

"This is an important point!"

Li Sheng, who had just given the order, was stunned and then looked at Xu Sheng.

"What did you think of!?"

Xu Sheng nodded and looked at the headless corpse in front of him.

“This case gives me a very familiar feeling.”

The case is familiar.
The murderer killed someone and then chopped off the victim's head.

Afterwards, in a very short time, he anxiously found a dog, chopped off the dog's head, and then sewed the victim's head together with needle and thread.

This is the action the murderer took in this serial murder case.

"What does it feel like!?"

Li Sheng's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt as if he had hired an extraordinary criminal investigation consultant.

In the afternoon, it was accurately predicted that the nature of the case would turn into a serial murder case.

When they arrived at the crime scene, they had not collected any clues, and had not even had time to investigate the crime scene, but they immediately issued two orders.
I feel like I found a treasure! ?

"Captain Li, as an experienced criminal policeman, you should know that in any murder case that can be solved by logic, the murderer kills for a purpose."

Mr. Xu answered the question irrelevantly. He led Li Sheng, Han Yang and other police officers.

Li Sheng and others nodded.

Indeed, no matter what the case is, as long as it is a logical homicide, the murderer is heading for a certain target.

Killing is just a means to achieve this goal, just like paying for something!
"In this case, the murderer's intended product is obviously a 'dog with a human head'."

Xu Sheng thought for a moment and moved the dog with a human head out from the crime scene.

Li Sheng nodded again.

They had just checked the victim's home for money and found no signs of loss, so they ruled out money as the target. The second victim was a male, so the murderer was most likely not motivated by sex.

So what is his goal!?

Human-headed dog!
“And the process of making a human-headed dog.”

"Simply put, the murderer took the head from the victim, then found a dog, chopped off the dog's head and replaced it with a human head."

Xu Sheng frowned and thought.

In his mind, he recalled an experiment that once caused a sensation.

"Captain Li, do you think the process of making a human-headed dog is similar to a surgical operation?"

Xu Sheng raised his head, looked at Li Sheng, and said something seriously that shocked all the police officers.

"Organ transplant?"

(End of this chapter)

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