I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 47 3 methods, a first-class underwear wholesaler!

Chapter 47 Three methods, an underwear wholesaler with first-class merit!

"Brother, why am I so unlucky?"

"It's fine if my mom beats me, but why does my sister beat me too?"

After being detained in the room and venting their anger, the mother and daughter found the police and asked them about the situation. Only then did they feel relieved and left.

Only the sad Wang Chao was left leaning on the bed in the detention center, his face full of melancholy.

"Who knows?"

"Maybe it's because it's easier to fight with your own children."

Mr. Xu laughed aside.

The other sister asked Chaozi to take care of herself.

She was still thinking about maintaining a long-term cooperative relationship, but suddenly, she received news that her brother had brought her boss to the police station.

She subconsciously thought of her brother taking the boss to the alleys to find those poor people whose fathers gambled, their mothers were sick, and their brothers were studying.

If you think like this, it's really hard not to be angry.
"Don't worry, you've been here twice, you should know that you'll be able to get out soon."

Xu Sheng tried to comfort him, but it would have been better if he hadn’t comforted him. After he did, Wang Chao’s face suddenly showed sadness.

This is the third time.

When will this day end?

Xu Sheng didn't think much about it.

He withdrew his gaze, frowned, and the scene of the crime scene appeared in his mind.

"Linhai City is rainy. It rained two days ago. The soil from the grave we dug out has not completely dried up yet, and there are footprints of the murderer on it."

"The murderer's foot is long, estimated to be at least 40 centimeters long. In addition, there is a handprint left behind, with thick fingers, about 30 centimeters long."

Is this normal?

Maybe I have no idea.

Then let’s change to something more conceptual.

A size 27.5 foot is big, but a size foot is only centimeters long, while the murderer's is a full centimeters long!
The palm of an ordinary person is between fifteen and twenty centimeters long, but that handprint is at least thirty centimeters long!
Moreover, judging from the distribution of handprints and footprints left at the crime scene.

The murderer was not wearing shoes and did not walk on two feet, but on all fours like an orangutan!
Are you a human?

This is a gorilla!
"If this is an orangutan, then the logic will disappear. If it is not an orangutan but a human, then we have to think about the murderer's own body structure." Xu Sheng murmured.

If it was an orangutan, then the logic of the other party digging up the grave, placing the body in the coffin, and posing the murderer in a peaceful posture would disappear.

Because gorillas aren't supposed to think this way!
Or maybe just do Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

What if the other party is not a gorilla?
In this way, two problems will arise and be laid out in front of everyone without any disguise.

"First, what is the murderer's purpose?"

"What picture does he want to achieve? If it's 'Grimm's Fairy Tales', which fairy tale does the other party want? The Beast Prince?"

"Second, the murderer's own body!"

"If the murderer's feet were in normal proportion to his height, he would have to be three meters tall! This would explain why he walked on all fours."

The human waist cannot bear unlimited weight.

If you are tall enough, for example, three meters tall, your center of gravity will be unstable and your sense of balance will be poor. It will be difficult for you to stand up, and scars will appear on your body if you stand for a long time.

Therefore, people of this height sit most of the time, but of course they can walk by crawling.

The problem is
"Is this the murderer?"

Xu Sheng fell into deep thought, his brows furrowed.

A three-meter-tall person will be as clear as a lighthouse on the sea no matter where he is.

If this kind of person appears, you can find him by asking around in the town or city.

If not, then the other person's body must be deformed!

What is a deformed person looking for?
Why kill the victim?
How did the other party kill the victim?

"Wait, you still have to wait."

Xu Sheng put away his thoughts, leaned against the iron fence, and looked outside silently.

"The manner of death of the body is questionable. I didn't see any obvious external injuries. The murderer treated the body as if he was taking good care of it."

"Probably died from within, like taking poison."

"Is it Snow White? No, there was no apple or anything like that at the scene. Or maybe the other party didn't care about the little thing like eating an apple."

"If it's Snow White, what does that mean to the other person?"

Mr. Xu had only been to the scene once and stayed there for only half an hour.

Most importantly, the body has not yet been autopsied.
In other words, based on the fact that the victim was poisoned and Snow White's speculation, it is impossible to establish a question based on this, it can only be a guess at best!

“I have to go to the crime scene.”

"Oh, right. I remember in the last life, the criminal investigation elites in Linhai City were drawn away, and some were promoted. In addition, there were no resources to train new people, so when encountering a large case, they had to seek help from other urban areas. Now."

Xu Sheng paused, and he thought of Li Sheng who had been in the limelight these days.

"Well, this is a case where you get credit if you solve it, but you don't have to take the blame if you don't solve it." "No one should refuse."

Thinking of this, Xu Sheng looked at the cloudless sky.

He didn't mention his role as a consultant. If he had, he probably wouldn't have been able to intervene.

For example, staying here and waiting for Li Sheng to come to find me.

"I don't know when Captain Li will arrive."

Is Li Sheng here?
Li Sheng hasn't come yet.

But Li Sheng is coming!
Summary: Tathagata.

Just as Xu Sheng thought, after Su Qiang had a discussion with the top leaders of Linhai City last night, he sought Li Sheng’s opinion.

As for the seconded person, it also depends on the willingness of the seconded person. If the other party is not prepared to come, there is nothing we can do.

Li Sheng had not originally planned to come, after all, he was thinking about which nursing home to go to after retirement.

But there is no way, the amount given by the higher-ups is just too much.
If this case is handled well, all the resources of the Criminal Investigation Brigade will be replaced with new ones, and they will have the right to select some top talents from the next batch of police academy graduates!

Li Sheng agreed immediately.

But that's not entirely the reason.

He originally wanted to bring Xu Sheng along. After all, this thing was like cheating, and it was more fun than playing games with paid players. No one could resist this feeling.

But the staff of the horror house told him that Mr. Xu had gone out to purchase supplies and was not at home for the time being.

So Li Sheng sighed, he was ready for the case to fail.

But on second thought, he changed the way of asking.

"Did your boss go to Linhai City?"

The answer is yes.

Immediately, Li Sheng smiled widely, as if he was an expert who knew everything. He drove calmly and led the team to Linhai City.

at this time.

5:20 p.m.

Li Sheng stood in Linhai City, climbed over the cordon, and talked with Fu Bo, the captain of the Linhai City Criminal Investigation Team. After investigating the scene,
"I now have three ways to solve the case."

"First, we invested a lot of resources to conduct a carpet search of the surrounding areas based on the information from the first crime scene!"

"If Linhai City does not have enough resources, the investigation will most likely take a long time, and there may be a second murder during this period, or the murderer may take advantage of this time to escape!"

After investigating the scene, Li Sheng said to Fu Bo.

Fu Bo frowned.

If Linhai City had the resources, there would be no need to seek help from Jiangsan City.

"The second method is for us to conduct the investigation. The case may or may not be solved. This is the normal case investigation process."

Fu Bo was silent. Given the current situation, they must be asking for help in order to solve the case!

Seeing his expression, Li Sheng grinned and suggested a third solution.

"The third method has a high probability of solving the case, and it is very efficient and only requires one person!"

"Looking for someone?" Fu Bo was stunned. "Who?"

"A lingerie store wholesaler from Jiangsan City to Linhai City that buys underwear and panties!"

"I can only say that this kid is a waste of talent. If he were to become a police officer, the lowest position he would have to start from would be a provincial department."

"He solved a case before, and now the provincial department and the imperial capital are discussing how to give him a first-class merit!"

Li Sheng's smile became more and more intense.

The second case was too big, far beyond the scope of the second-class merit. No matter who the policeman was, as long as he solved the case, it would be totally unjustifiable not to give him the first-class merit!

"What's his name?" Fu Bo was stunned.

He always felt that the words "underwear wholesaler" were somewhat familiar, but the first-class merit made him a little hesitant to confirm it.

"Mr. Xu!"

Li Sheng said firmly.

"Mr. Xu."

Fu Bo fell into deep thought.
It seems that there is an underwear wholesaler named Xu in our detention center! ?
Fu Bo was stunned. Before he could say anything, Li Sheng immediately stepped forward and said:
"Is there an underwear wholesaler named Xu in the detention center now?"

The astonishment on Fu Bo's face became more obvious. He hadn't told the other party this yet. How did he know?
"Hey, I knew it, it's really him!"

Li Sheng couldn't stop smiling.

From the second time Xu Sheng Wang Chao entered, he vaguely sensed a little bit of the 'rules' of the great way!
"That's it!"

"Let's go find someone!"

Fu Bo: ???

 The first-class merit award is based on a case prototype. Don’t think it’s an exaggeration. The real case is bigger and more ridiculous than this one. It left me stunned.

  and also
  Give me a ticket QAQ
  Let's break the 100 mark on the fan list QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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