Chapter 178 Family Life
Yan Jiekuang finally shifted his focus from work to family. Only then did he realize that his wife had already bought all the New Year's goods. Yan Jiekuang praised Ji Lian highly, causing Ji Lian to roll her eyes.

Yan Jiekuang brought Ji Lian and the children back to the courtyard on the day off. Yang Ruiping and Yan Jiekuang praised Ji Lian for a while, while Yan Jiekuang looked at his mother proudly, meaning, see, my choice is definitely reliable.

Yang Ruiping rolled his eyes at Yan Jiekuang and said, "I am also optimistic about Ji Lian. It's not that you have a good eye, it's that Ji Lian is good."

Yan Jiekuang smiled foolishly. His sons were very active now. They would yell "ah ah" whenever they saw their daddy all day long. Yan Jiekuang liked to chat with these two little darlings, making noises all day long.

The weather is quite cold now, and the two little darlings hardly go out of the house. Yang Rui comes here from time to time to lighten the burden on Ji Lian. Yan Jiekuang is not so busy now and goes to get off work and gets off work on time. Ji Lian is not so busy now and has time to prepare New Year's goods, which she divides into several parts. One part is for the courtyard during the New Year, one part is for Grandpa Ji alone, and the other part is kept for her own family.

Yan Jiekuang did not say much. Everything was decided by Ji Lian. Yan Jiekuang intended to let Ji Lian do some things to cultivate Ji Lian's ability to do things in preparation for the future. Ji Lian, who was originally a bit introverted, has now changed. She has become very proactive in communicating and interacting with people, and has gradually become extroverted.

Yan Jiekuang discussed with his mother when he would go back. The child was still young, and if he went back for the New Year, he should not make a fuss every day and just stay in the courtyard for a few days. Yang Ruiping had already made preparations and told Yan Jiekuang that the north room had been cleaned up for him. Originally, Grandpa Ji wanted you to live in the backyard, but Yang Ruiping insisted that Yan Jiekuang live at home.

This year was the most relaxing Chinese New Year for Yan Jiekuang. He didn't have to worry about anything. His wife took over the burden and freed him.

As soon as he got to work that day, Director Wang called Yan Jiekuang to his office and enthusiastically made tea and poured water for him, which made Yan Jiekuang flattered.

Director Wang looked at Yan Jiekuang and said, "As expected of a college student, the data in your report is clear and logical. The superior read your report and gave it a high evaluation. He also used it as a model and required other sub-district offices and districts to submit their reports accordingly. You really made a name for yourself."

Yan Jiekuang quickly said, "You're too kind. I'm just applying what I've learned. This is what I should do."

Director Wang waved his hand and said, "Don't be modest. If you do a good job, you do a good job. I will retire next year. My superiors originally wanted to send someone else to be the deputy director. I recommended you. Do you have confidence?"

Yan Jiekuang was stunned and said, "Director Wang, I thank you for your kindness, but I am still too young and lack the qualifications. You should think about it. I also have other plans."

Director Wang frowned and asked, "Don't you want to move forward? Do you have any other plans?"

Yan Jiekuang thought for a moment and said, "Yes, Director Wang, I won't hide it from you. I was deeply moved when I went to Hong Kong Island this time. Seeing the rapid economic development of Hong Kong Island, I think that through the efforts of our generation, we can also achieve it. I firmly believe that we will also develop in the future, and I want to work hard for it."

Director Wang understood most of what he said, but he was not sure. He asked, "Do you mean you want to develop in the business field? Or do you want to leave here and develop outside?"

Yan Jiekuang quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, no, I want to develop in the business field. Now I want to learn more about management and operation, so that I can contribute to economic development in the future. I have no interest in the administrative aspect you mentioned."

Director Wang finally understood that Yan Jiekuang did not want to pursue a career in government. Director Wang shook his head and said, "I have watched you grow up. You really can't stand being constrained. You have been like this since you were a child. To put it bluntly, you don't obey discipline and always want to be free."

Yan Jiekuang listened to Director Wang's evaluation of him and said with a smile: "You are my aunt. You know me best."

Director Wang rolled his eyes at him and said, "Okay, I understand your thoughts. Originally, the educated youth would be returning to the city one after another, and I wanted to give you more responsibilities. Now that I know your thoughts, I have to ask my superiors for people. Okay, go and do your own thing."

Yan Jiekuang was very grateful to Director Wang. It was Director Wang who helped him when he was at his lowest point. This time, Director Wang was so understanding of his willfulness. Yan Jiekuang thanked her from the bottom of his heart. Before Yan Jiekuang left, he turned around and bowed deeply to Director Wang.

Director Wang was happy and waved his hand, and then Yan Jiekuang walked out of Director Wang's office.

After talking with Director Wang, Yan Jiekuang felt relieved. His goal became clear. He thought that the career path was not suitable for him. He really liked freedom and making his own decisions. Now Yan Jiekuang felt relaxed. When he got home at night, he went to see his son first. Unfortunately, his son was sleeping. Yan Jiekuang kissed his son's face. The fat boy frowned and turned his head away. Yan Jiekuang was happy. This little guy still disliked him.

Ji Lian was busy in the kitchen. Yan Jiekuang walked into the kitchen to see if he could help. Ji Lian said, "You've been tired all day. Go and take a rest. The tea in the teacup was just brewed."

Yan Jiekuang couldn't persuade his wife, so he walked out and returned to the main hall. The big cat was lying next to the small bed. No one knew where Tiantian had gone, and the five little ones must be in the warehouse in the backyard. When the weather got cold, those cats would refuse to go out of the house for any reason, making the house smell a bit strong. Ji Lian had to clean up the house every day.

Yan Jiekuang sat on the edge of the small bed, drinking tea, stroking the big cat, and thinking about what his future path would be. He was in a daze for a while until Ji Lian called him to eat.

Ji Lian brought the food to the table, and the two sat opposite each other and began to eat. Yan Jiekuang seldom spoke while eating, and Ji Lian knew Yan Jiekuang's habit so she ate quietly. After the meal, when Ji Lian had finished cleaning up, the two little guys woke up, and their loud cries scared the big cat so much that it ran out of the hall.

Ji Lian knew her son must have wet the bed, so she hurried over to clean up. Yan Jiekuang stopped her and said, "Go do your thing, I'll clean up."

Ji Lian looked at Yan Jiekuang in confusion, and Yan Jiekuang said, "Isn't it just changing the urine ring? I can do it, too, don't worry."

Ji Lian went back to the kitchen to continue cleaning up. When Yan Jiekuang finished, the two little guys stared at their father. Yan Jiekuang had just teased them for a few times when Da Pang started crying loudly. Yan Jiekuang was a little at a loss. Ji Lian came back and laughed, "They must be hungry. Why don't you come and do this too?"

Yan Jiekuang was also happy and said, "I can't come for this matter. Thank you for your hard work, my lady. I'm going to the study now."

Yan Jiekuang walked to the study room in the backyard with his hands behind his back. When he arrived at the study room, he saw the big cat lying on a chair in the study room. Yan Jiekuang said, "You really know how to find a place."

Yan Jiekuang suddenly thought that since his son was going to live with his parents, he couldn't move the crib with him, so he went out to the warehouse and moved the stroller he brought back from Hong Kong Island to the study. The stroller had not been unpacked yet, so Yan Jiekuang opened the box and started to assemble it. This was a two-seater stroller, which Yan Jiekuang had specially selected.

After a while, Ji Lian came to the study, and Yan Jiekuang asked, "How is the child?"

Ji Lian looked at the completed baby carriage with great curiosity and answered casually, "They both sleep after eating. I came to see what you are doing. This baby carriage is really beautiful. It's the first time I've seen it."

Yan Jiekuang finally finished the awning and assembled the stroller. He said, "In two days, we will push him back to his parents' house."

Ji Lian suddenly became happy and said, "This is much more convenient now."

Yan Jiekuang looked at Ji Lian and said, "My lovely Lian'er, you have been working so hard recently. Thank you."

Ji Lian replied: "What are you talking about? It's so strange. That was originally my business."

Yan Jiekuang hugged Ji Lian, kissed her gently, and said, "It's great to have you. I don't have to worry about anything. You will be my housekeeper in the future."

Ji Lian nodded shyly and said, "I will definitely take good care of this family."

(End of this chapter)

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