Chapter 187 Jie Kuang resigns
On the morning of the first day of the New Year, the courtyard was bustling with activity. The young boys, led by He Xiao, Chen Gang, Yan Yongqing, Zheng Hanbin and Zhang Yushan, took a few younger ones to visit every household to wish them a happy new year. It didn't matter if they didn't give money, candies were just as well.

At the end, only three people gave red envelopes: Yi Zhonghai, He Yuzhu and Xu Damao. Yan Bugui analyzed and said, "Yi Zhonghai likes children and really wants to give. He Yuzhu is just pretending to be rich and has to give. Xu Damao really has nothing at home and was blocked this time, so he had to give."

This statement was agreed by many people, such as Widow Wang and Liu Haizhong. Liu Haizhong also wanted to give it to Zhao Yue'e, but Zhao Yue'e said, "Your own grandchildren haven't received any New Year's money from you yet." Liu Haizhong instantly gave up the idea.

Yan Jiekuang did give red envelopes to his six children, his eldest brother's and his own family. He didn't give any to outsiders because his father didn't give any either. If he had given any, wouldn't that have embarrassed his father?

Why give them to their own children? Yan Jiekuang said to Ji Lian: "One red envelope every year. I will write a sentence on each one to pray for the children."

Ji Lian happily put it away but did not open it. She thought that she would give it to them when the children grew up and give them a surprise then.

On the first day of the new year, the Yan family deliberately did not disturb Yan Jiefang's family in order to create more time alone for the young couple. But unexpectedly, on the afternoon of the first day of the new year, Yan Jiefang took Shi Xiaoya to Shijia Village, bringing the child with him. He said goodbye to his family when he left, and went straight back to the army from there. It was only then that the Yan family realized that something might have happened to Grandpa Shi.

Yan Bugui also discussed with a few people to go to Shijia Village after the fifth day of the New Year. All that came to Yan Jiekuang's mind was the kind old man from his childhood.

Time passed quickly. After the fifth day of the New Year, the New Year was over and every household started their normal life. Yan Bugui had no way to ask for leave because the management was really strict.

Yan Jiekuang was not so strict, but he also went to work normally. The plan to go to Shijia Village was forced to stop. On the seventh day of the first lunar month, Shi Xiaoya came back with the child. When she came back, she found Yan Jiekuang and said, "My grandfather may not be able to survive, so he asked you to go over this time."

Yan Jiekuang looked at Shi Xiaoya in confusion and said, "Then why did you come back?"

"I sent the child back. Your second brother said that it is better for children not to experience too much. Your second brother returned to the army. Before he left, he also said that my family depends on you." Shi Xiaoya said dejectedly.

Yan Jiekuang knew that his second brother's family was in trouble, so he said, "Sister-in-law, it's okay. I'll take care of everything. We'll go back together tomorrow and leave the child to my mother."

Shi Xiaoya nodded heavily. In fact, she was so sad that she didn't know what to do. But Shi Xiaoya was very strong and kept holding on. Yan Jiekuang always believed that his second brother and his wife were the strongest people in the world.

That night, Yan Jiekuang told Ji Lian to take good care of the family and not to go back yet. He was going to Shijia Village, which was very important to him and an indispensable part of his second brother's life.

The next morning, Shi Xiaoya and Yan Jiekuang set out for Shijia Village. When Yan Jiekuang stepped onto the dirt road of the village, the past events came to his mind vividly. When he arrived at Grandpa Shi's house, he found that Grandpa Shi's house was exactly the same as it was when he was a child.

Yan Jiekuang was very puzzled. Old Man Shi was the one who earned the most in Shijia Village at that time, but his life had not changed at all. Did he save all his money and was every penny useless?

Walking into Mr. Shi's room, Mr. Shi was lying on the bed, motionless. Shi Xiaoya whispered in his ear, "The child you were thinking about is here."

Old Man Shi slowly opened his eyes, turned his head, saw Yan Jiekuang, and tried to raise his hand, but failed. Yan Jiekuang quickly came to the bedside and held the old man's hand.

Mr. Shi smiled and wanted to speak, but his voice was very low. Yan Jiekuang put his ear close to the old man's mouth, and the old man only said three words: "Thank you." Yan Jiekuang nodded and said, "Grandpa Shi, I have to thank you for giving me such a virtuous sister-in-law. Don't worry, I will accompany you all the way."

Grandpa Shi nodded with satisfaction. Shi Xiaoya burst into tears and said, "My grandfather said that our present situation is all due to you."

Within two days, Grandpa Shi passed away. Yan Jiekuang arranged Grandpa Shi's funeral on behalf of his second brother. Yan Jiekuang had strong organizational skills and handled every aspect in an orderly manner. In the end, Grandpa Shi was buried next to the Shi family's ancestral tomb and rested in peace.

After dealing with everything, including the ancestral home of Mr. Shi's family, which was all under Shi Xiaoya's name, Yan Jiekuang returned to Sijiu City with his second sister-in-law.

After returning home, Yan Jiekuang felt tired. Thinking about the passing of his old friends, Yan Jiekuang felt that life was very short. His mentality changed and he took a few more days off. Ji Lian just thought that her husband was tired and didn't take it seriously.

Besides spending his days with his children and wife, Yan Jiekuang also spends his days with the five little ones. Big Cat and Tiantian are too busy to pay attention to Yan Jiekuang as they are busy with their own things.

Until one day, Yan Jiekuang pulled Ji Lian and said that he wanted to resign. Ji Lian was shocked. It was difficult to find a job in a factory now, and her husband wanted to resign. Of course, although her family was not short of money, they still lacked tickets.

Yan Jiekuang told Ji Lian seriously, "This is really not the life I want. I am not young anymore. I want to do what I want to do. I won't tell you the details, but don't worry, I will make sure you and your child live a good life."

Ji Lian was a little unconvinced and a little hesitant. Yan Jiekuang was silent for a while and said, "You have to believe me. In a few years, the policies here will change. That will be the best time to make a big splash. You know that I have always been very concerned about economics and management and have been learning all the time. Believe me."

Ji Lian hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said jokingly: "You resigned, and I still don't have a job, so are we considered blind migrants?"

Yan Jiekuang smiled and said, "You won't be out of work. You can take over my shift and I'll take care of the kids."

Ji Lian was shocked. She didn't expect Yan Jiekuang to think this way. She asked, "Is it possible?"

Yan Jiekuang said, "I will apply for retirement due to illness, and you can take over my job. It's no problem. You should also get more exposure to society. I will need you in many places in the future. I will stay at home to take care of the children and study more in my free time."

Ji Lian agreed, and she looked a little excited. Yan Jiekuang made up his mind and planned to go see Doctor Ju tomorrow.

The next day, Yan Jiekuang went to Ji'antang and found Doctor Ju. Without any polite words, he told Doctor Ju his idea. Doctor Ju said that he could help, and soon wrote a diagnosis and treatment certificate and prescription, emphasizing the need for calmness and conditioning.

Then Yan Jiekuang took the list and went to Director Wang's home. The two had a frank talk at home, but unexpectedly, Yan Jiekuang got what he wanted. Yan Jiekuang retired due to illness and Ji Lian took over. But there was another unexpected thing. Director Wang took the initiative to retire. This caused a sensation in the street office and Nanluoguxiang. This incident came too suddenly.

But only Yan Jiekuang knew what Director Wang was thinking. He had never mentioned it to anyone else. As time went by, the topic would slowly disappear. Yan Jiekuang was still very confident.

(End of this chapter)

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